The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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Etymology: Eretiǹgrai OI, from the same letter in Mižinai.

The 33rd letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet is a diphthong, the letters O and I pronounced so closely together that there's no audible break between them.

OI is pronounced like the OY in English words like boy or toy, or OI in noise or poise. Its name is oi (informal) and eoiretai (formal).
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Etymology: oi, informal name for the letter OI, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

oireta — To mark something with the letter OI (transitive verb, zaoiretax).

oiretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter OI (animate noun, ēoiretarnai).

oirete — The letter OI of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet (count noun, eoiretai).

oireteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eoiretestai).

oiretekore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the letter OI of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet (count noun, eoiretekorai).

oiretekoreste — A group or set or collection of the above; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eoiretekorestai).

oiretê — OI-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter OI (mass noun, êoiretai).

oiretei — The act of marking something with an OI, or making art incorporating the letter OI (event noun, eioiretai).

oireti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter OI (intransitive verb, zaoiretix).

oiretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēoiretirnai).

oireto — Like or pertaining to the letter OI (adjective, oiretol).

oirety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, oiretyr).


Etymology: Er. OI, from Mižinai OI.

The 33rd letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet represents a diphthong, the vowels O and I spoken in such close succession that it seems like one sound. This letter is pronounced like the OY in English words like boy or toy, or OI in noise or poise. The name of the letter is oi (informal) or eoiretai (formal).

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