The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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  R and *R

Etymology: Eretiǹgrai R and HR, from the same letters in Mižinai.

The 19th letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet has two aspects, voiced and voiceless.

The voiced aspect of this consonant is pronounced like the R in Latin or English, and its name is ro (informal) and eroretai (formal).

The voiceless aspect is named *ri (informal) or e*riretai (formal).
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Etymology: Er. rapa, rotten (adjective)

rapa — To crumple or crumble something, or make it decay (transitive verb, zarapax).

Rapai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rapu (proper noun).

rapakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something crumpled, crumbly, or rotten (count noun, erapakorai).

rapakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erapakorestai).

rapakristei — A dream of rot or decay (event noun, eirapakristai).

rapakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirapakristestai).

raparnē — A person who crumbles or crumples something, or makes it decay (animate noun, ēraparnai).

rape — Something crumbled, crumpled, or decayed (count noun, erapai).

rapeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erapestai).

rapê — Decay, corruption, decomposition, putrefaction (mass noun, êrapai).

rapei — The act of crumbling or crumpling something, or causing something to decay; the act or process of decaying, corruption, decomposition, putrefaction, crumbling, or crumpling (event noun, eirapai).

rapē — A living thing among or from decay, as a maggot or a mushroom (animate noun, ērapai).

rapi — To crumble, crumple, decay, rot, putrify (intransitive verb, zarapix).

rapirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērapirnai).

rapo — Crumbly, crumply, decayed, decadent, corrupt, decomposed, putrefied, rotten (adjective, rapol).

rapy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, rapyr).


Etymology: Er. rama, purple, passionate (adjective)

rama — To make something purple, as by painting it; also, to arouse someone, to stir or inspire someone to passion (transitive verb, zaramax).

Ramai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rama (proper noun).

ramakore — A piece of jewelry that's purple, is set with amethysts or other purple stones, or shaped like something passionate, as a bird's mating display (count noun, eramakorai).

ramakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eramakorestai).

ramakristei — A dream of purple things, or passion, or both (event noun, eiramakristai).

ramakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiramakristestai).

ramarnē — A person who makes things purple, or who arouses or stirs another to passion; a firebrand, a demagogue (animate noun, ēramarnai).

rame — The color purple; something purple, as an amethyst or a violet; something one is passionate about (count noun, eramai).

rameste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eramestai).

ramê — Purpleness; passion, arousal, excitement; a purple liquid, gas, or other substance, as grape juice (mass noun, êramai).

ramei — The act of making something purple; also, arousing or exciting passion in others (event noun, eiramai).

ramē — A person or other living thing which is purple, as a bunch of grapes or a bunch of violets; or which is passionate, arousing, exciting (animate noun, ēramai).

rami — To turn purple or become purple; to become passionate or excited, to become aroused (intransitive verb, zaramix).

ramirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēramirnai).

ramo — Purple; also passionate, exciting, arousing (adjective, ramol).

ramy — As above, but an adverb; passionately, in a manner calculated to arouse or excite (adverb, ramyr).


Etymology: Er. rara, southern (adjective)

rara — To send someone to the south, to order a group south, to exile someone south (transitive verb, zararax).

Rarai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Raro (proper noun).

rarakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something from the south, as an animal or plant (count noun, erarakorai).

rarakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erarakorestai).

rarakristei — A dream of the south, of southern lands (event noun, eirarakristai).

rarakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirarakristestai).

rararnē — A person who sends, orders, or exiles another to the south (animate noun, ērararnai).

rare — A discrete thing from the south, as a token or memento of a trip there (count noun, erarai).

rareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erarestai).

rarê — southernness, southernity (mass noun, êrarai).

rarei — The act of sending, ordering, or exiling another to the south; the act of visiting there or living there (event noun, eirarai).

rarē — A person or other living thing native to the south (animate noun, ērarai).

rari — To so south, to visit the south, to live in the south (intransitive verb, zararix).

rarirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērarirnai).

raro — Like or pertaining to the south; south, southern (adjective, rarol).

rary — As above, but an adverb; southernly (adverb, raryr).


Etymology: Er. arrakk, snot (noun)

râka — To smear snot on someone or something; to spit out a booger without concern for who sees you, whom it may offend, or where it lands; to dig a booger out of one's nose, and flick or shake it off, or even eat it; to do any of these things with the intention of disgusting, offending, or insulting others (transitive verb, zarâkax).

Râkai — A personal name, usually male, found only in low comedy or parody, or as a personal insult, and even then more like to be used in the Er. form, Ârâk (proper noun).

râkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a booger (count noun, erâkakorai).

râkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erâkakorestai).

râkakristei — A dream of snot, mucus, or disgusting behavior (event noun, eirâkakristai).

râkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirâkakristestai).

Râkampai — The name of a fictional place used in low comedy and parodies, which may be translated as Boogerville, the Land of Snot, Mucosia, or whatever seems appropriate. Used in routines intended to insult people from "the sticks" (proper noun).

râkarnē — A deliberately rude and uncouth person who delights in "grossing people out" (animate noun, ērâkarnai).

râke — A lump of mucus, a booger (count noun, erâkai).

râkeste — A bunch of boogers, as might be found around the front door or in the corner of a room where an uncouth person lives (count noun, erâkestai).

râkê — Mucus, snot; deliberately boorishness, or boorish or uncouth behavior (mass noun, êrâkai).

râkei — In medicine or biology, the production of mucus by mucous membranes; in ordinary language, the act of playing with snot or otherwise being deliberately disgusting, to insult or offend people (event noun, eirâkai).

râkē — A living thing with mucous membranes; alternatively, an invertebrate being compared to living snot by a child or boor (animate noun, ērâkai).

râki — To produce mucus (intransitive verb, zarâkix).

râkirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērâkirnai).

râko — Like or pertaining to mucus, or the mucous membranes; also, pertaining to a deliberately gross or uncouth person; snotty, gross, uncouth, boorish (adjective, râkol).

râky — As above, but an adverb; grossly, boorishly; in a snotty, gross, uncouth, or boorish manner (adverb, râkyr).


Etymology: Er. oret, letter (of the alphabet) (noun)

On formal and informal letter names: Words are spelled with the informal letter names. For instance, to spell edanai, you'd say "E, Do, A, No, Ai." But these letter names can't be used in sentences, because they don't have the case suffixes of nouns. They don't even have the -L ending of an adjective.

A formal letter name consists of E- (the prefix of a count noun), followed by the informal letter name, ending in -RETAI, letter. Or you could think of it as the word eretai, with the informal letter name inserted between the initial E and the rest of the word. Thus the formal letter name for A is earetai; for D, edoretai.

The formal letter names are listed in this dictionary as roots, e.g., ARET-, DORET-, etc.

reta — To spell something, as a word, one letter at a time, using the informal letter names (transitive verb, zaretax).

Retai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rete (proper noun)

retakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more characters of the alphabet (count noun, eretakorai).

retakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eretakorestai).

retakristei — A dream of letters, of the alphabet, or of spelling (event noun, eiretakristai).

retakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiretakristestai).

retarnē — A person who spells something; a speller (animate noun, ēretarnai).

rete — A character of the alphabet (count noun, eretai).

Er. vs. eretai: While I have used "Er." in English to refer to the language spoken in the Krahos kingdom of Eretiǹ, it isn't a word in the T́uliǹgrai language. The only eretai in T́uliǹgrai is the count noun listed above.

reteste — A group or set or collection of the above; the alphabet; a class of characters within the alphabet, as the consonants (count noun, eretestai).

retê — Literalness (mass noun, êretai).

retei — The act of spelling (event noun, eiretai).

retē — A person who is literal-minded; or a living thing that resembles a letter, as a snake (animate noun, ēretai).

reti — To learn the alphabet; to study the alphabet, its history, and its design (intransitive verb, zaretix).

retirnē — A person who does the above; a student of the alphabet (animate noun, ēretirnai).

reto — Like or pertaining to letters; literal, letter-exact, letter-perfect (adjective, retol).

rety — As above, but an adverb; literally, letter by letter, one letter at a time (adverb, retyr).


Etymology: Er. iraiig, a gonfalon (noun)

rēga — To hang a gonfalon, bear a Verē standard, or assign the command of a brigade to a proconsul (transitive verb, zarēgax).

Rēgai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rēgi (proper noun).

rēgakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a gonfalon, or a Verē standard brigade to a proconsul (count noun, erēgakorai).

rēgakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erēgakorestai).

rēgakristei — A dream of gonfalons or Verē standards (event noun, eirēgakristai).

rēgakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirēgakristestai).

rēgarnē — A person who hangs a gonfalon, bears a Verē standard, or assigns the command of a brigade to a proconsul (animate noun, ērēgarnai).

rēge — (1) As used by the Mižinē, a large square ceremonial flag, hung by its top edge on a wall, balcony, railing, or cross-staff. (2) To the Verē of the First History, a rigid disk at the top of a pole, rather than a cloth flag. (3) In the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, a brigade of four regiments, commanded by a noble proconsul and a commoner senior guardian (count noun, erēgai).

rēgeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erēgestai).

rēgê — The authority to command a brigade; the command authority of a proconsul (mass noun, êrēgai).

rēgei — The act of hanging a gonfalon, bearing a Verē standard, or assigning the command of a brigade to a proconsul; the act or process of commanding, administering, training, or deploying a brigade (event noun, eirēgai).

rēgē — A person with a recognized standard, a proconsul who has command of a brigade, or a living thing with large, flat parts, as a bat with its wings (animate noun, ērēgai).

rēgi — To have authority over and responsibility for a brigade; to command, administer, train, or deploy it (intransitive verb, zarēgix).

rēgirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērēgirnai).

rēgo — Like or pertaining to a gonfalon, a Verē standard, or a brigade (adjective, rēgol).

rēgy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, rēgyr).


Etymology: Er. rima, heraldic (adjective)

rima — To award a symbol, badge, device or arms, under the appropriate rules of the local system of heraldry; to make a person or group armigerous, under the same rules (transitive verb, zarimax).

Rimai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rima (proper noun).

rimakirje — A book or magazine on heraldry, its rules, the authorities governing it, its history, and so forth; a journal for students of heraldry; a manual of heraldry; proceedings of an heraldic symposium (count noun, erimakirjai).

rimakirjeste — A bunch, set, or collection of the above (count noun, erimakirjestai).

rimakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an heraldic emblem, symbol, badge, device, or arms (count noun, erimakorai).

rimakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erimakorestai).

rimakristei — A dream of heraldry (event noun, eirimakristai).

rimakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirimakristestai).

rimalêse — A book or written record of the shields, banners, personal seals, or other heraldic displays at a tournament, battle, political conference, or affixed to an important letter, treaty, or charter; a roll of arms (count noun, erimalêsai).

rimalêseste — A bunch, set, or collection of the above (count noun, erimalêsestai).

rimarnē — A member of the body which governs armory or heraldry in a given time or place, under the appropriate authority; a herald. Different systems of heraldry use different terms for heralds of different rank, as cornet, pursuivant, herald, and king of arms in the Society of the Golden Unicorn, whereas in Êstâz's Kingdom, in the Second History, heralds are organized like the Army and use the same ranks and sleeve insignia. Heraldic specialties may be given a name of their own, as Stentor for a very loud announcer, after the legendary Greek from the Iliad (animate noun, ērimarnai).

rimarnestē — A group of heralds, a college of heralds, a college of arms (animate noun, ērimarnestai).

rime — An arrangement of symbols used by a person or group, at its most fundamental level for recognition in battlefield conditions, which are assigned, registered, and regulated, under the rules for such symbols, by a group or organization acting under the supreme authority for a given domain, which insures that each such symbol is unique, conforms to the rules for such symbols, is properly used, and properly inherited; arms, badge, device (count noun, erimai).

rimeste — A group or set or collection of the above, as plates or shields emblazed with heraldic arms (count noun, erimestai).

rimê — The system of rules that govern who may bear a symbol, emblem, badge, device, or arms in a given time or place, or in the domain of a given authority, as well as how they are given, used, what content is allowed in them, how they are inherited, changed, and a host of other matters relating to them; heraldry; armory (mass noun, êrimai).

rimei — The act of awarding a symbol, emblem, badge, device or arms, under the appropriate rules of the local system of heraldry; of making a person or group armigerous, under the same rules; of studying the local system; of aspiring to and petitioning for such an award. Any ceremony attendant to the petitioning or the award (event noun, eirimai).

rimē — A person entitled to bear a symbol, badge, emblem, device, or arms under the local system of armory or heraldry; an armiger (animate noun, ērimai).

rimi — To study heraldry or armory; to aspire to or petition for arms of one's own, under the local system (intransitive verb, zarimix).

rimirnē — A person who does the above; a student of heraldry, an aspirant, a petitioner (animate noun, ērimirnai).

rimirnestē — A group, class, club, or society of students of heraldry; a batch of heraldry geeks; a gang of heraldry nerds (animate noun, ērimirnestai).

rimo — Pertaining to devices, badges, arms, emblems, or symbols under the local rules governing their use; heraldic, armorial (adjective, rimol).

rimy — As above, but an adverb; heraldically, armorially (adverb, rimyr).


Etymology: Er. roka, insolent, disrespectful (adjective)

roka — To show insolence or disrepect to someone or something (transitive verb, zarokax).

Rokai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun).

rokakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something disrespectful, as a caricature or defacement of a flag or emblem (count noun, erokakorai).

rokakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erokakorestai).

rokakristei — A dream of insolence or disrespect, either given or received (event noun, eirokakristai).

rokakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirokakristestai).

rokarnē — A person who gives or shows insolence or disrespect to someone or something (animate noun, ērokarnai).

roke — A word or action of insolence or disrespect (count noun, erokai).

rokeste — A group or set or collection of the above, as tokens or a log book of such words or actions (count noun, erokestai).

rokê — Insolence, freshness, disrespect, shamelessness, shameful behavior (mass noun, êrokai).

rokei — The act of showing insolence, disrespect, freshness to someone or something; of behaving in a fresh, shameless, or shameful manner (event noun, eirokai).

rokē — A living thing which acts insolently or disrespectfully, as a cat (animate noun, ērokai).

roki — To behave as if one were better than anyone else, above the opinions of others; to be fresh, shameless, or shameful (intransitive verb, zarokix).

rokirnē — A person who behaves as above (animate noun, ērokirnai).

roko — Insolent, fresh, disrespectful, shameless, shameful (adjective, rokol).

roky — As above, but an adverb; insolently, freshly, disrespectfully, shamelessly, shamefully (adverb, rokyr).


Etymology: Er. oros, an hour (noun)

rosa — To allot an hour to someone or something (transitive verb, zarosax).

Rosai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rosi (proper noun).

rosakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that typically takes an hour to do (count noun, erosakorai).

rosakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erosakorestai).

rosakristei — A dream of passing hours, or of the need to get something done in one hour (event noun, eirosakristai).

rosakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirosakristestai).

rosarnē — A person who allots an hour to someone or something (animate noun, ērosarnai).

rose — One-sixteenth of a day; an hour, one-eighth of the day and one-eighth of the night. See The Outside Calendars. (count noun, erosai)

roseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erosestai).

rosê — Hourliness; the sense of how long an hour is (mass noun, êrosai).

rosei — The act of allotting an hour to someone or something; taking an hour to do something; of doing something every hour (event noun, eirosai).

rosē — A person or other living thing with a sense of time (animate noun, ērosai).

rosi — To spend an hour doing something, or to do something once an hour (intransitive verb, zarosix).

rosirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērosirnai).

roso — Like or pertaining to an hour; hourly (adjective, rosol).

rosy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, rosyr).


Etymology: Er. roma, long-haired (adjective)

roma — To grow someone's hair, to make someone's hair long (transitive verb, zaromax).

Romai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Roma (proper noun).

romakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a person or animal with long hair (count noun, eromakorai).

romakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eromakorestai).

romakristei — A dream of long hair (event noun, eiromakristai).

romakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiromakristestai).

romarnē — A person who makes someone's hair long (animate noun, ēromarnai).

rome — A skein of long hair, cut off and tied with ribbons as a token of love (count noun, eromai).

romeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eromestai).

romê — Long hair (mass noun, êromai).

romei — The act of growing long hair (event noun, eiromai).

romē — A person or other living thing with long hair (animate noun, ēromai).

romi — To grow long hair (intransitive verb, zaromix).

romirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēromirnai).

romo — Like or pertaining to long hair; long-haired (adjective, romol).

romy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, romyr).


Etymology: Inside Latin Roma, Rome (proper noun)

roma — To send , compel, or order someone to go to one of the Roman cities or worlds (transitive verb, zaromax).

Romai — (1) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Roma. (2) On many Inside Earths, the name of an Etruscan city whose Latin-speaking lower classes overthrew their Etruscan king and became a free city. Often this city went on to conquer the rest of Italy and other, nearby areas as Gallia, Hispania, and Sicilia. Often the city's political structure, nominally a Republic, became an Empire that conquered all the lands around the Mediterranean, European countries farther north and east, and much of the Middle East. Sometimes it stopped there, stagnated, and was overthrown by waves of barbarians from the north and east. Sometimes it continued to expand southwards into Africa, conquering that continent. Sometimes it conquered the whole world, the solar system, and went out to the stars. (3) On the Outside, the name of many cities and worlds founded by people with Inside lives in one or another Roman Empire, e.g. Eoromai, Romai Taolol, Roma Vera, etc. (proper noun)

romakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an emblem or landmark of one of the Roman cities or worlds (count noun, eromakorai).

romakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eromakorestai).

romakristei — A dream of one of the Roman cities or worlds (event noun, eiromakristai).

romakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiromakristestai).

romarnē — A person who sends, compels, or orders another to go to one of the Roman cities or worlds (animate noun, ēromarnai).

rome — An object from, or a token or souvenie of one of the Roman cities or worlds (count noun, eromai).

romeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eromestai).

romê — The love of one of the Roman cities or worlds; Roman-ness (mass noun, êromai).

romei — The act of sending someone to one of the Roman cities or worlds; or of visiting of living there (event noun, eiromai).

romē — A person or other living thing native to one of the Roman cities or worlds; a Roman (animate noun, ēromai).

romi — To visit or live in or on one of the Roman cities or worlds (intransitive verb, zaromix).

romirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēromirnai).

romo — Like or pertaining to one of the Roman cities or worlds; Roman (adjective, romol).

romy — As above, but an adverb; in a Roman fashion, according to Roman custom (adverb, romyr).


Etymology: Er. rona, broken (adjective)

rona — To break something, break it down, break it up, wreck it (transitive verb, zaronax).

Ronai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rona (proper noun).

ronakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something wrecked or broken (count noun, eronakorai).

ronakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eronakorestai).

ronakristei — A dream of breakage or wreckage (event noun, eironakristai).

ronakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eironakristestai).

ronarnē — A person who breaks or wrecks something, breaks it down, or breaks it up; a breaker, a wrecker (animate noun, ēronarnai).

rone — A piece or part of something that's been wrecked or broken, a fragment, a shard (count noun, eronai).

roneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eronestai).

ronê — Breakage, wreckage (mass noun, êronai).

ronei — The act of breaking or wrecking something; the act of collapsing (event noun, eironai).

ronē — A person or other living thing easily broken, as a land snail with a fragile shell, or an egg, or the bones of a bird (animate noun, ēronai).

roni — To collapse, to fall to pieces (intransitive verb, zaronix).

ronirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēronirnai).

rono — Like or pertaining to breaking, wrecking, or collapsing; fragile, frangible (adjective, ronol).

rony — As above, but an adverb (adverb, ronyr).


Etymology: ro, informal name for a voiced R, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

roreta — To mark something with the letter R (transitive verb, zaroretax).

roretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter R (animate noun, ēroretarnai).

rorete — The letter R of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet, especially its voiced aspect (count noun, eroretai).

roreteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eroretestai).

roretekore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the letter R of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet, especially its voiced aspect (count noun, eroretekorai).

roretekoreste — A group or set or collection of the above; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eroretekorestai).

roretê — R-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter R (mass noun, êroretai).

roretei — The act of marking something with an R, or making art incorporating the letter R (event noun, eiroretai).

roreti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter R (intransitive verb, zaroretix).

roretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēroretirnai).

roreto — Like or pertaining to the letter R (adjective, roretol).

rorety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, roretyr).


Etymology: Er. rupa, scabby or toadlike (adjective)

rupa — To treat someone like a scab or a toad (transitive verb, zarupax).

Rupai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rupo (proper noun).

rupakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a toad (count noun, erupakorai).

rupakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erupakorestai).

rupakristei — A dream of toads (event noun, eirupakristai).

rupakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirupakristestai).

ruparnē — A person who treats another like a scab or toad (animate noun, ēruparnai).

rupe — A scab (count noun, erupai).

rupeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erupestai).

rupê — scabbiness, toadiness (mass noun, êrupai).

rupei — The treating of a person as if that person were a toad; the removal or healing of a scab; the act of removing or driving away a told (event noun, eirupai).

rupē — A toad (animate noun, ērupai).

rupi — To remove or heal a scab; to remove or drive away a toad (intransitive verb, zarupix).

rupirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērupirnai).

rupo — Like or pertaining to a scab or a toad; scabby, scabrous, toadlike (adjective, rupol).

rupy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, rupyr).


Etymology: Er. ruk, speak, dictate, decree (verb)

ruka — To decree or dictate something (transitive verb, zarukax).

Rukai — A personal name, usually neuter, transcribed in fiction on this site as Ruka (proper noun).

rukakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something significant of the authority of a Speaker, as the Verē Crown, Axe, or Throne; a tiny jewelled replica of one of these, or some other symbol of the authority of some other Speaker (count noun, erukakorai).

rukakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erukakorestai).

rukakristei — A dream of speech, talk, communication; also, a dream of being a Speaker (event noun, eirukakristai).

rukakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirukakristestai).

rukampe — In the most general terms, the realm of a Speaker, a state in which the people defer to a Speaker (count noun, erukampai).

rukarnē — Someone who decrees or dictates; someone who speaks for all the people, not just some of them; a Speaker. In the First History, the leader of all the Verē was called the Speaker. In the Second History, the leader of the Summer People and the leader of the Winter People are both Speakers. Many colony worlds have Speakers as well. (animate noun, ērukarnai).

rukaste — A collection of things said, dictated, pronounced, or decreed by the Speaker; a book of precedents, decisions, or quotations (count noun, erukastai).

ruke — A pronouncement, decree, or dictate (count noun, erukai).

rukeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erukestai).

rukê — Speech (mass noun, êrukai).

rukei — The act of pronouncing, speaking, dictating, or decreeing, especially by a Speaker doing so on behalf of all the people; the event at which such speech occurs (event noun, eirukai).

rukē — A living thing who can speak; a person, a sentient being (animate noun, ērukai).

ruki — To speak, in an ordinary sense (intransitive verb, zarukix).

rukirnē — A person who does the above; a speaker, not a Speaker (animate noun, ērukirnai).

rukiste — A collection of things said, as a book of quotations (count noun, erukistai).

ruko — Like or pertaining to speech, especially things said by a Speaker; Speakerly (adjective, rukol).

ruky — As above, but an adverb; in a Speaker-like manner (adverb, rukyr).


Etymology: Er. rufa, lucky (adjective)

rufa — To paint something with a luck sign, or invoke any other superstition to bring good luck or avert bad luck (transitive verb, zarufax).

Rufai — (1) A lesser household of the First History. Insignia: a white luck sign. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Rufa (proper noun).

rufakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a luck sign, or any symbol of good luck (count noun, erufakorai).

rufakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, erufakorestai).

rufakristei — A dream of luck, usually a dream of good luck (event noun, eirufakristai).

rufakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eirufakristestai).

rufarnē — A person who paints a luck sign on something, or invokes some other superstition concerning luck (animate noun, ērufarnai).

rufe — A luck sign; a piece or bit of good luck (count noun, erufai).

rufeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, erufestai).

rufê — Luck, fortune (mass noun, êrufai).

rufei — The act of bringing about good luck, averting bad luck, or becoming lucky (event noun, eirufai).

rufē — A person who is consistently lucky, or another living thing considered lucky (animate noun, ērufai).

rufi — To get or become lucky or more lucky (intransitive verb, zarufix).

rufirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ērufirnai).

rufo — Like or pertaining to luck; lucky, fortunate, in luck (adjective, rufol).

rufy — As above, but an adverb; luckily, fortunately, with luck (adverb, rufyr).


Etymology: Er. ruska, brown (adjective)

ruska — To brown something, to make it brown, as by painting it (transitive verb, zaruskax).

Ruskai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Ruska (proper noun).

ruskakore — A piece of jewelry colored brown, or in the shape of something brown (count noun, eruskakorai).

ruskakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eruskakorestai).

ruskakristei — A dream of of the color brown, or of something colored brown (event noun, eiruskakristai).

ruskakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiruskakristestai).

ruskarnē — A person who makes things brown, as by coloring them (animate noun, ēruskarnai).

ruske — A color brown (count noun, eruskai).

ruskeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eruskestai).

ruskê — Brownness; also, any mass, as a liquid, gas, or amorphous solid, which is brown (mass noun, êruskai).

ruskei — The act of making something brown, or of becoming brown (event noun, eiruskai).

ruskē — A person or other living thing which is brown (animate noun, ēruskai).

ruski — To turn brown, to become brown (intransitive verb, zaruskix).

ruskirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēruskirnai).

rusko — Brown (adjective, ruskol).

rusky — As above, but an adverb; brownly, in a brown study (adverb, ruskyr).


Etymology: Er. aru, good (adjective)

ruha — To something good, make up for something, make amends for something (transitive verb, zaruhax).

Ruhai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Ruho (proper noun).

ruhakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something good (count noun, eruhakorai).

ruhakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eruhakorestai).

ruhakristei — A dream of something good, of doing something good, or someone doing something good for the dreamer, (event noun, eiruhakristai).

ruhakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiruhakristestai).

ruharnē — A person who makes things right, a righter of wrongs; a redeemer (animate noun, ēruharnai).

ruhe — A good thing, a right thing, the right thing (count noun, eruhai).

ruheste — A group or set or collection of good deeds, as a diary, journal, or record (count noun, eruhestai).

ruhê — Goodness, rightness (mass noun, êruhai).

ruhei — The act of making something good, making up or making amends for something; of doing what's right, doing the right thing, doing good (event noun, eiruhai).

ruhē — A person does what's right, not out of any expectation of reward, but simply because it's the right thing to do; a do-gooder. Also, a living creature that practices altruism or kindness towards a member of another species, as a dolphin who saves a swimmer from a shark, or a mongoose who kills a snake threatening a child (animate noun, ēruhai).

ruhi — To to do good, to do what's right (intransitive verb, zaruhix).

ruhirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēruhirnai).

ruho — Good, all right, OK (adjective, ruhol).

ruhy — As above, but an adverb; well; in a good way; (in) the right way (adverb, ruhyr).


Etymology: Er. raita, sober (adjective)

raita — To compel another to cease to drink or to use drugs; to help someone overcome the habit of an addiction (transitive verb, zaraitax).

Raitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Raite (proper noun).

raitakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a beer stein, or some other token of a bad habit overcome (count noun, eraitakorai).

raitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eraitakorestai).

raitakristei — A dream of drunkenness, or of being intoxicated or addicted to some other poison (event noun, eiraitakristai).

raitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiraitakristestai).

raitarnē — A person who compels another to give up an addiction, or helps another kick the habit (animate noun, ēraitarnai).

raite — A piece of drinking or drug paraphenalia (count noun, eraitai).

raiteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eraitestai).

raitê — Soberness, sobriety (mass noun, êraitai).

raitei — The act or process of overcoming a drinking or drug problem; or the act of compelling or helping another to do so (event noun, eiraitai).

raitē — A person or other living thing who overcomes a self-destructive habit; an ex-drinker, ex-smoker, ex-drug user (animate noun, ēraitai).

raiti — To work on or struggle to overcome a destructive habit (intransitive verb, zaraitix).

raitirnē — A person who is doing the above (animate noun, ēraitirnai).

raito — Fresh, ready, "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed", chipper; also sober, drug-free, not under the influence (obsolete meaning) (adjective, raitol).

raity — As above, but an adverb; freshly, readily in a chipper manner; soberly, cleanly (adverb, raityr).


Etymology: Er. araot, iron (noun)

raota — To make something hard or strong like iron; to reinforce something with iron; also, to kill or torture someone by crushing under an iron grill, either heating it or loading it with more and more rocks; to beat someone to death with an iron rod (transitive verb, zaraotax).

Raotai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Raota (proper noun).

raotakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an iron rod, a bunch of iron rods, or an iron grill (count noun, eraotakorai).

raotakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eraotakorestai).

raotakristei — A dream of iron bars or rods, or of iron fences or cages (event noun, eiraotakristai).

raotakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiraotakristestai).

raotarnē — A person who makes things as hard or strong as iron; also, a torturer or executioner who uses an iron grill; a murderer who kills people with iron rods (animate noun, ēraotarnai).

raote — Something made of iron, as a reinforcing bar, an iron grill to make a door or window secure, a game piece, a figurine, or an iron ingot (count noun, eraotai).

raoteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eraotestai).

raotê — Iron (mass noun, êraotai).

raotei — The act of reinforcing something, especially with iron bars; also, the killing or torturing of someone with an iron grill, or by beating with iron rods; the act or process of turning as strong or as hard as iron (event noun, eiraotai).

raotē — A person who collects things made of iron, as figurines or game pieces (animate noun, ēraotai).

raoti — To become as hard or as strong as iron, usually figuratively, as in body-building (intransitive verb, zaraotix).

raotirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēraotirnai).

raoto — Like or pertaining to iron, especially made of iron, hard as iron, strong as iron (adjective, raotol).

raoty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, raotyr).


Etymology: Er. hrisa, proper (adjective)

*risa — To enforce the rules, to make others do things by the book, toe the line, behave properly (transitive verb, za*risax).

*Risai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as *Risu (proper noun).

*risakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something standard, ideal, or proper (count noun, e*risakorai).

*risakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, e*risakorestai).

*risakristei — A dream of propriety, standards of work of behavior, proper craftsmanship (event noun, ei*risakristai).

*risakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, ei*risakristestai).

*risarnē — A person who enforces rules of behavior, standards of work, or quality of craftmanship; an enforcer (animate noun, ē*risarnai).

*rise — A rule, a standard, a code to live by; also, in grammar, a proper noun (count noun, e*risai).

*riseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, e*risestai).

*risê — Properness, propriety (mass noun, ê*risai).

*risei — The act of doing things by the rules, or by the book; or enforcing the rules, and ensuring others abide by them (event noun, ei*risai).

*risē — A person or other living thing that lives according to the conventions of its kind; a proper man, a proper horse (animate noun, ē*risai).

*risi — To do things by the rules, to do things by the book, to toe the line (intransitive verb, za*risix).

*risirnē — A person who does the above; a square (animate noun, ē*risirnai).

*riso — According to accepted rules, as proper behavior; conforming to the ideal, as a proper chair (adjective, *risol).

*risy — As above, but an adverb; properly (adverb, *risyr).


Etymology: *ri, informal name for a voiced R, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

*rireta — To mark something with the voiceless aspect of the letter R (transitive verb, za*riretax).

*riretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter R's voiceless aspect (animate noun, ē*riretarnai).

*rirete — The voiceless aspect of the letter R of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet (count noun, e*riretai).

*rireteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, e*riretestai).

*riretekore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the voiceless R of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet, especially its voiced aspect (count noun, e*riretekorai).

*riretekoreste — A group or set or collection of the above; or a box to keep them in (count noun, e*riretekorestai).

*riretê — Voiceless R-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the voiceless letter R (mass noun, ê*riretai).

*riretei — The act of marking something with a voiceless R, or making art incorporating the voiceless letter R (event noun, ei*riretai).

*rireti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the voiceless letter R (intransitive verb, za*riretix).

*riretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ē*riretirnai).

*rireto — Like or pertaining to the voiceless letter R (adjective, *riretol).

*rirety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, *riretyr).

Pages, in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order:

Home  B  P   D́  T́   D  T   G  K    Q    Ĵ  C   V́  F́   V F   Ď Ť   Z S   Ž Š   Ĝ X    H    M *M   Ń *Ń   N *N   Ǹ *Ǹ   L *L   R *R   Ĺ *Ĺ   Ř *Ř   W *W   J *J   A Â   E Ê   I Î   O Ô   U Û   Y Ŷ    AI     AO     IU     OI     ÂI     EI     Ē     Ø  

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