The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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Etymology: Eretiǹgrai H, from H in Mižinai.

The 13th letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet has only one aspect, voiceless.
H is pronounced like Latin or English H. It doesn't combine with other consonants, except that aspirated P, T, and K are written as P+H, T+H, and K+H, respectively, in T́uliǹgrai (on this site they're written P', T', and K' to avoid confusion with PH, TH, KH, CH in English, Latin, etc.). H is never omitted or "silent", and it never occurs at the end of a syllable. Letter name: ha (informal) or eharetai (formal).

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Etymology: Er. abekk, a world (noun)

habêka — To transform a barren planet into a living world; to decorate something with images of worlds (transitive verb, zahabêkax).

habêkahôvê — Ecological or environmental science; the scientific study of the system of relationships between species which makes a planet a world (mass noun, êhabêkahôvai).

Habêkai — (1) A personal name, of any gender, much more common in the First History than in the Second; transcribed in fiction on this site as Habêku. (2) In the Second History, the usual name for the home planet of the Iǹgrē, which was called Eoverai in the First History by the Verē (proper noun).

habêkakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a living world, or something from a living world (count noun, ehabêkakorai).

habêkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehabêkakorestai).

habêkakristei — A dream of a living world (event noun, eihabêkakristai).

habêkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihabêkakristestai).

habêkarnē — A person who makes planets habitable; a planetary engineer (animate noun, ēhabêkarnai).

habêke — A living world, one with a healthy and diverse ecosystem (count noun, ehabêkai).

habêkeste — A group or set or collection of the above; a set of worlds which have similar traits; a collection of worlds in the same region of space, or which were made habitable by the same person or group of persons; a catalog of living worlds (count noun, ehabêkestai).

habêkê — Ecology, or the environment; the system of relationships between species which makes a planet a world (mass noun, êhabêkai).

habêkei — The act of transforming a barren planet into a living world; the study of the ecology of a living world; the act of protecting and strengthening the ecology, and making the world more healthy (event noun, eihabêkai).

habêkē — A person or other living thing who dwells on or in a particular world; an inhabitant of a world (animate noun, ēhabêkai).

habêki — To live on a world, love it, and be proud of it (intransitive verb, zahabêkix).

habêkirnē — A person who loves a world, wouldn't want to live anywhere else, and is proud of its beauty, variety, and splendor; like a patriot, but of the whole world, not just a country (animate noun, ēhabêkirnai).

habêko — Like or pertaining to a living world; planetary, but only in connection with a living planet; mundane, worldly, but not in the sense of ordinary or boring (adjective, habêkol).

habêky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, habêkyr).


Etymology: Er. ahaka, pin, needle, hook (noun)

haka — To pin two pieces of cloth together, to fasten them with needle and thread, to hook them together with a metal hook fastening, or a button and a reinforced loop; to sew something (transitive verb, zahakax).

Hakai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Haka (proper noun).

hakakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a pin, needle, or hook; or a pin, a piece of jewelry with a pin fastening on the back (count noun, ehakakorai).

hakakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehakakorestai).

hakakristei — A dream of needles, pins, or hooks; a dream of sewing (event noun, eihakakristai).

hakakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihakakristestai).

hakarnē — A person who pins two pieces of cloth together, or stitches them with needle and thread, or hooks them together with a metal hook fastening, or with a button and a reinforced loop; a sewer or seamstress who practices those skills (animate noun, ēhakarnai).

hake — A pin, a needle, a hook fastener, or a loop of thread to hold a button, as opposed to a button-hole (count noun, ehakai).

hakeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehakestai).

hakê — Skill with pins, needles, and hook fasteners; sewing skill (mass noun, êhakai).

hakei — The act of pinning two pieces of cloth together, stitching them with needle and thread, hooking them together with a metal hook fastening, or with a button and a reinforced loop. The act of sewing, within those limits. The act and process or learning those skills (event noun, eihakai).

hakē — A living thing with claws or teeth as sharp as needles, pins, or hooks, but without cutting edges; as many fish (animate noun, ēhakai).

haki — To learn how to sew, specifically the use of fasteners as pins, needle and thread, and hook fasteners (intransitive verb, zahakix).

hakirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhakirnai).

hako — Like or pertaining to sewing, particularly the use of fasteners (adjective, hakol).

haky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, hakyr).


Etymology: Er. hav, realize, grasp, see (verb)

hava — To see, realize, grasp, or "get" something; to observe, to notice; to help others to do so (transitive verb, zahavax).

Havai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hava (proper noun).

havakore — A piece of jewelry signifying understanding, awareness, or "getting" something, as an exclamation mark (count noun, ehavakorai).

havakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehavakorestai).

havakristei — A dream of sudden understanding or realization (event noun, eihavakristai).

havakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihavakristestai).

havarnē — A person who sees, realizes, grasps, or "gets" something; who observes or notices; one who helps others to do so; a good explainer, an explicator (animate noun, ēhavarnai).

have — A token, memento, or souvenir of an insight, realization, observation, or epiphany (count noun, ehavai).

haveste — A group or set or collection of the above; also, the set of observations that render something certain (count noun, ehavestai).

havê — The ability to quickly grasp things, insight, understanding (mass noun, êhavai).

havei — The act of seeing something, insight; of realizing something, realization; of grasping or "getting" something. The act of observing or noticing something. The act of helping others to do any or all of the preceding; The process of working on one's understanding, of beginning to realize, or extending one's grasp. A sudden realization or noticing; an observation that's been waiting to be made; a "sudden rush of brains to the head"; an "a-ha moment", an epiphany (event noun, eihavai).

havē — A person who's having or just had an epiphany, and feels like an idiot for not getting it before (animate noun, ēhavai).

havi — To work on one's understanding, to begin to realize, to extend one's grasp (intransitive verb, zahavix).

havirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhavirnai).

havo — Awake to, in realization of, grasping, getting, understanding of, aware of (adjective, havol).

havy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, havyr).


Etymology: Er. hadh, a storm cloud (noun)

haδa — To rage at someone; to "chew him out"; to "cloud up and storm all over him" (transitive verb, zahaδax).

Haδai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Haδi. (proper noun).

haδakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a storm cloud (count noun, ehaδakorai).

haδakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehaδakorestai).

haδakristei — A dream of storm clouds, of storm weather ahead (event noun, eihaδakristai).

haδakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihaδakristestai).

haδarnē — A person who rages or rants at another (animate noun, ēhaδarnai).

haδe — A storm cloud (count noun, ehaδai).

haδeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehaδestai).

haδê — A mass or quantity of storm cloud; irascibility; gloominess, pessimism (mass noun, êhaδai).

haδei — The act of rating or raging at someone; the act of expecting the worst to happen at all times (event noun, eihaδai).

haδē — A person or other living thing who acts like a storm cloud, a bad-tempered or irascible being (animate noun, ēhaδai).

haδi — To be perpetually gloomy, as if a storm cloud hung over one's head (intransitive verb, zahaδix).

haδirnē — A person who acts in the above manner; a pessimist (animate noun, ēhaδirnai).

haδo — Like or pertaining to storm clouds; cloudy, and looking like a storm is coming; full of storm clouds; easily provoked into a rage, irascible; overhung with storm clouds, gloomy, pessimistic (adjective, haδol).

haδy — As above, but an adverb; irascibly; as if a storm cloud were hanging over him, gloomily, pessimistically (adverb, haδyr).


Etymology: Er. Hath, a city in mythology (noun)

haθa — To send, order, or make someone go to Ha&thea; (transitive verb, zahaθax).

Haθa — In the Second History, the family name of the Baron of Haθ, the genitive case of Haθai (proper noun).

Haθai — (1) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Haθi. (2) In the Second History, a city in northeast Kantos, rendered in fiction on this site as Haθ. Originally, it orbited over the Highlands of Menai and the ocean beyond. When the Star burst, it landed where the Upper Serońa is deflected southeastwards by the Highlands. Before the Restoration, fallen Haθ was noted for the fine light-green color of its towers, which could be seen from a distance by merchants sailing up the river to the city (proper noun).

haθakore — A piece of jewelry depicting Haθ, or something from or about Haθ (count noun, ehaθakorai).

haθakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehaθakorestai).

haθakristei — A dream of Haθ (event noun, eihaθakristai).

haθakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihaθakristestai).

haθarnē — A person who sends another to Haθ (animate noun, ēhaθarnai).

haθe — A token, souvenir, or artifact of Haθ (count noun, ehaθai).

haθeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehaθestai).

haθê — The culture of Haθ; homesickness for Haθ; a feeling of being at home when there (mass noun, êhaθai).

haθei — The act of sending someone to Haθ; the act of going there, or living there (event noun, eihaθai).

haθē — A person or other living thing native to Haθ (animate noun, ēhaθai).

haθi — To go to, visit, or live in Haθ (intransitive verb, zahaθix).

haθirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhaθirnai).

haθo — Like or pertaining to Haθ (adjective, haθol).

haθy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, haθyr).


Etymology: Er. hasita, bearing a weapon, armed (adjective)

hasta — To use a weapon against or on someone, to attack someone with a weapon; to weaponize something, to use something as a weapon, to turn or convert something into a weapon (transitive verb, zahastax).

Hastai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hasta (proper noun).

hastakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more weapons (count noun, ehastakorai).

hastakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehastakorestai).

hastakristei — A dream of weapons (event noun, eihastakristai).

hastakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihastakristestai).

hastarnē — A person who uses a weapon against another, who attacks another with a weapon; one who uses something as a weapon, or converts something into a weapon (animate noun, ēhastarnai).

haste — A weapon, of any kind (count noun, ehastai).

hasteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehastestai).

hastê — A substance used as a weapon, as a poison (mass noun, êhastai).

hastei — The act of using a weapon against or on someone, or attacking someone with a weapon; the act or process of weaponizing something, using something as a weapon, turning or converting something into a weapon; the act of bearing or carrying a weapon, or being armed (event noun, eihastai).

hastē — A person or other living thing that uses weapons that aren't part of its body, as a rock or stick (animate noun, ēhastai).

hasti — To bear or carry a weapon, to be armed (intransitive verb, zahastix).

hastirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhastirnai).

hasto — Like or pertaining to weapons (adjective, hastol).

hasty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, hastyr).


Etymology: Er. ilhan, the mind (noun)

hana — To have something on one's mind, to bear something in mind, to be mindful of something (transitive verb, zahanax).

Hanai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hane (proper noun).

hanakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the mind, or something mental, or colored robin's egg blue, like a tele (count noun, ehanakorai).

hanakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehanakorestai).

hanakristei — A dream of the mind, or of mindspace (event noun, eihanakristai).

hanakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihanakristestai).

hanarnē — A person who has something or someone on ys/her/his mind, who bears something in mind (animate noun, ēhanarnai).

hane — The mind of a person, a person's mind (count noun, ehanai).

hanempe — The realm or domain of the mind, mindspace (count noun, ehanempai).

haneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehanestai).

hanê — Mindfulness, mentality (mass noun, êhanai).

hanei — The act of having something or someone on one's mind, or bearing something in mind; learning about or studying the mind, and how it works (event noun, eihanai).

hanē — A person or other living thing with a mind, not just a brain (animate noun, ēhanai).

hani — To learn about the mind, or study the mind and how it works (intransitive verb, zahanix).

hanirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhanirnai).

hano — Like or pertaining to the mind; mental, mindful (adjective, hanol).

hany — As above, but an adverb; mentally, mindfully (adverb, hanyr).


Etymology: Er. hala, bold, daring (adjective)

hala — To accomplish something through boldness, to win something by daring; also, to teach, train, or inspire another to be bold (transitive verb, zahalax).

Halai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hala (proper noun).

halakore — A piece of jewelry depicting something bold, or an act of daring (count noun, ehalakorai).

halakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehalakorestai).

halakristei — A dream of boldness, daring, being brazen; a dream of adventure (event noun, eihalakristai).

halakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihalakristestai).

halarnē — A person who accomplishes something through boldness, or wins something by daring; a daredevil, an adventurer. Also, one who teaches, trains, or inspires another to be bold; a troublemaker, a bad example (animate noun, ēhalarnai).

hale — A token, relic, or memento of an act of daring, or an adventure (count noun, ehalai).

haleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehalestai).

halê — Boldness, daring, brazenness (mass noun, êhalai).

halei — The act of accomplishing something through boldness, or winning something by daring; also, teaching, training, or inspiring another to be bold. The act of daring, of undertaking an adventure (event noun, eihalai).

halē — A person or other living thing with a bold, daring manner (animate noun, ēhalai).

hali — To dare, to undertake an adventure (intransitive verb, zahalix).

halirnē — A person who does the above; one who dares; an adventurer (animate noun, ēhalirnai).

halo — Bold, daring, adventurous, brazen (adjective, halol).

haly — As above, but an adverb; boldly, daringly, adventurously, brazenly (adverb, halyr).


Etymology: No Er. antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

 is the 42nd letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet, which includes not only symbols for consonantal and vocalic sounds, but numerals and punctuation.

hara — To make three of something, or to divide something into three parts (transitive verb, zaharax).

Harai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their third-born offspring. Compare the common Roman name Tertius, "third son" in Latin (proper noun).

harakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number 3, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of three strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of three strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, eharakorai).

harakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eharakorestai).

harakristei — A dream of three things, wherein the fact that there are three of them feels important (event noun, eiharakristai).

harakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiharakristestai).

haraperse — Base-3 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 3 single-digit numbers, 0 through 2, and the numeral 3 is represented as "10"; in superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with 3 possible states instead of just two (count noun, eharapersai).

haraperso — Like or pertaining to base-3; "base-3" as an adjective (adjective, harapersol).

harapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-3" (adverb, harapersyr).

hararnē — An artist who produces a limited run of three of something; a writer who creates a series of three books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēhararnai).

hare — The number 3; the letter, numeral, or symbol for the number 3; a representation of the number 3, as a playing card (count noun, eharai).

hareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eharestai).

harê — Threeness, tertiality (mass noun, êharai).

harei — The act of dividing something into three parts; the division of something into three parts; the act of doing something three times (event noun, eiharai).

harē — A person or other living thing regarded as the third one in any series; as the third-born child, the third-born of a litter of animals, the third in command of an organization, the third in line of succession; or having three eyes, three body segments, or radially symmetrical with three limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēharai).

hari — To do something three times (intransitive verb, zaharix).

harirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēharirnai).

harity — Three at a time, three by three (adverb, harityr).

haro — The cardinal number 3, three, e.g., three ships; having three parts, three-limbed, three-lobed, three-eyed; cut or divided into three pieces (adjective, harol).

harolmo — The ordinal number 3, third, as the third ship (adjective, harolmol).

harolmy — As above, but an adverb; thirdly, in the third place, for the third time, on the third occasion (adverb, harolmyr).

harusky — Three each or three apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., 5 stars with 3 planets each have 15 planets total; three total or three collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; three planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, haruskyr).

hary — As harol, but an adverb; threely, like three things; like a thing with three parts; like a thing cut or divided into three pieces; three times (adverb, haryr).


Etymology: Er. harma, grey (adjective)

harma — To color something grey, as by painting it (transitive verb, zaharmax).

Harmai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Harmo (proper noun).

harmakore — A piece of jewelry colored grey (count noun, eharmakorai).

harmakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eharmakorestai).

harmakristei — A dream of greyness, or of something grey (event noun, eiharmakristai).

harmakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiharmakristestai).

harmarnē — A person who colors something grey (animate noun, ēharmarnai).

harme — The color grey, a shade of grey (count noun, eharmai).

harmeste — The shades of grey, the greyscale (count noun, eharmestai).

harmê — Greyness, or a substance colored grey (mass noun, êharmai).

harmei — The act of coloring something grey, or of turning or becoming grey; greying (event noun, eiharmai).

harmē — A person or other living thing which is grey, as a lizard or nocturnal walking-stick insect (animate noun, ēharmai).

harmi — To turn grey, to become grey in color, to fade to grey from a brighter color (intransitive verb, zaharmix).

harmirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēharmirnai).

harmo — Grey (adjective, harmol).

harmy — As above, but an adverb; greyly (adverb, harmyr).


Etymology: ha, informal name for the letter H, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

hareta — To mark something with the letter H (transitive verb, zaharetax).

haretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter H (animate noun, ēharetarnai).

harete — The letter H of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet (count noun, eharetai).

hareteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eharetestai).

haretekore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the letter H of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet (count noun, eharetekorai).

haretekoreste — A group or set or collection of the above; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eharetekorestai).

haretê — H-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter H (mass noun, êharetai).

haretei — The act of marking something with an H, or making art incorporating the letter H (event noun, eiharetai).

hareti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter H (intransitive verb, zaharetix).

haretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēharetirnai).

hareto — Like or pertaining to the letter H (adjective, haretol).

harety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, haretyr).


Etymology: Er. hedd, a bindweed flower (noun)

hed́a — To give a bindweed flower to someone, or to decorate something with bindweed flowers (transitive verb, zahed́ax).

Hed́ai — (1) The 11th month of the Verē calendar. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hed́e (proper noun).

hed́akore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a bindweed flower, or several of them, as in a bowl (count noun, ehed́akorai).

hed́akoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehed́akorestai).

hed́akristei — A dream of bindweed flowers (event noun, eihed́akristai).

hed́akristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihed́akristestai).

hed́arnē — A person who gives bindweed flowers to another, or decorates with them (animate noun, ēhed́arnai).

hed́e — A five-petaled white or yellow flower whose petals curve to the right from the center, with a delicate fragrance in the smaller varieties; bindweed. A bindweed flower symbolizes persistence (count noun, ehed́ai).

hed́este — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehed́estai).

hed́ê — The scent of bindweed flowers (mass noun, êhed́ai).

hed́ei — The act of giving bindweed flowers to another; of decorating something with bindweed flowers; of tending a bed of them, picking them, or wearing one or more in one's hair (event noun, eihed́ai).

hed́ē — A person or other living thing that lives off bindweed flowers, as some insects (animate noun, ēhed́ai).

hed́i — To tend a bed of bindweed flowers, to wear one of more in one's hair (intransitive verb, zahed́ix).

hed́irnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhed́irnai).

hed́o — Like or pertaining to bindweed flowers; bindweed-scented (adjective, hed́ol).

hed́y — As above, but an adverb (adverb, hed́yr).

Ihed́ai — The foremost Great Household of the First History, the Speaker's Household. Insignia: On a brown background, a yellow bindweed flower. Colors: Yellow and brown. Affiliation: Liberal (proper noun).


Etymology: Er. iheki, an island (noun)

heka — To make something an island, as by piling rocks and soil in a body of water, or by cutting through a peninsula so that its tip becomes an island. Also, to isolate, insulate, or cut someone off from others (transitive verb, zahekax).

Hekai — (1) One of the largest islands in the World, transcribed in fiction on this site as Heki. Heki fills a third of the Enclosed Sea of Loraon with its width, and half of the sea with its length. Its greatest cities are ancient Lores-Tara, and Teŕańa of the Verē. The Mountain of the Moons (also called Moon-Tree Mountain), in eastern Heki, is the highest point above sea level in Loraon. (2) A personal name, usually neuter, also transcribed in fiction on this site as Heki (proper noun).

hekakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an island, as its outline seen from above, or as viewed from the sea (count noun, ehekakorai).

hekakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehekakorestai).

hekakristei — A dream of Heki, or some other island (event noun, eihekakristai).

hekakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihekakristestai).

hekarnē — A person who makes an island, or a person who isolates or insulates someone (animate noun, ēhekarnai).

heke — An island (count noun, ehekai).

hekeste — A group or set or collection of islands; an archipelago (count noun, ehekestai).

hekê — Isolation; insulation (mass noun, êhekai).

hekei — The act of making an island, or isolating or insulating someone; the act of becoming a recluse, of withdrawing from the world (event noun, eihekai).

hekē — A person or other living thing born on or native to an island (animate noun, ēhekai).

heki — To withdraw or retreat from the world (intransitive verb, zahekix).

hekirnē — A person who does the above; an isolate, a recluse (animate noun, ēhekirnai).

heko — Like or pertaining to an island; insular (adjective, hekol).

heky — As above, but an adverb; insularly, in an insular fashion (adverb, hekyr).


Etymology: Er. ihelm, a pearl (noun)

helma — To give pearls to someone, to decorate something with pearls (someone or something in accusative) (transitive verb, zahelmax).

Helmai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Helmi (proper noun).

helmakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of made of pearls, as a pearl necklace; or including pearls, as a gold bracelet inset with pearls (count noun, ehelmakorai).

helmakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehelmakorestai).

helmakristei — A dream of pearls (event noun, eihelmakristai).

helmakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihelmakristestai).

helmarnē — A person who gives pearls to someone, or decorates something with pearls (animate noun, ēhelmarnai).

helme — A pearl (count noun, ehelmai).

helmeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehelmestai).

helmê — Mother-of-pearl, the material that forms the inside of sea shells and the outside of pearls; a mass of the same, with no regular shape (mass noun, êhelmai).

helmei — The act of giving pearls to someone, of covering something with pearls, or of collecting pearls (event noun, eihelmai).

helmē — A living thing that makes pearls, as an oyster or clam (animate noun, ēhelmai).

helmi — To gather pearls, as by diving; to collect pearls, as for a piece of jewelry or for a collection (intransitive verb, zahelmix).

helmirnē — A person who gathers or collects pearls (animate noun, ēhelmirnai).

helmo — Like or pertaining to the appearance of pearls, or made of pearls; pearly, pearlescent (adjective, helmol).

helmy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, helmyr).


Etymology: Aatuan Heru, god of the horizons and everything within them (noun)

hera — To rule some land or people with absolute authority by divine right; to reign over some land or people (transitive verb, zaherax).

Herai — (1) The title of a ruler who has absolute authority and rules by fiat. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Heri (proper noun).

herakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of crown, sceptre, orb, or other symbol of royal authority (count noun, eherakorai).

herakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eherakorestai).

herakristei — A dream of kingship or royalty (event noun, eiherakristai).

herakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiherakristestai).

herampe — The domain of a king, queen, or sovereign; a kingdom, a royal realm (count noun, eherampai).

herarnē — Someone ruling or reigning in place of a sovereign; a regent (animate noun, ēherarnai).

here — The insignia of a king, as a crown (count noun, eherai).

hereste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eherestai).

herê — Kingship, royalty, royalness, sovereign authority or power (mass noun, êherai).

herei — The act of ruling or reigning over a land or people; a reign. The act of becoming a king, queen, or sovereign; especially, the formal event at which this occurs, as an investiture or coronation. The choosing of a king, or the appointment of his successor or regent. The act or process of entering or moving up the line of succession to sovereign power (event noun, eiherai).

herē — A sovereign ruler; a king, queen, or sovereign (animate noun, ēherai).

heri — To become king; to become eligible for royal power, as to enter the line of succession; to ascend towards the throne, as to move up the chain of succession (intransitive verb, zaherix).

herirnē — A person who does the above; a prince, princess (animate noun, ēherirnai).

hero — Like or pertaining to a king, queen, or sovereign; kingly, queenly, sovereign, royal (adjective, herol).

hery — As above, but an adverb; in a kingly, queenly, sovereign, or royal manner; royally (adverb, heryr).


Etymology: Er. hett, glow (verb)

hêta — To make something glow (transitive verb, zahêtax).

Hêtai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hêti (proper noun).

hêtakore — A piece of jewelry that glows, or which depicts something glowing (count noun, ehêtakorai).

hêtakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehêtakorestai).

hêtakristei — A dream of something glowing (event noun, eihêtakristai).

hêtakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihêtakristestai).

hêtarnē — A person who makes something glow (animate noun, ēhêtarnai).

hête — A discrete thing that glows, as a hot coal (count noun, ehêtai).

hêteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehêtestai).

hêtê — A substance that glows; the light around something hot enough to give off light (mass noun, êhêtai).

hêtei — The act of glowing, or causing something to glow; a glowing, a glow (event noun, eihêtai).

hêtē — A living thing that sheds light or heat (animate noun, ēhêtai).

hêti — To glow, to radiate heat and light (intransitive verb, zahêtix).

hêtirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhêtirnai).

hêto — Like or pertaining to glowing; "glowing" as an adjective (adjective, hêtol).

hêty — As above, but an adverb; glowingly (adverb, hêtyr).


Etymology: Er. hiok, sweat (verb)

hika — To cause or make someone sweat (transitive verb, zahikax).

Hikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hiki (proper noun).

hikakore — A piece of jewelry depicting someone sweating or sweaty (count noun, ehikakorai).

hikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehikakorestai).

hikakristei — A dream of hard work or heavy exercise, a dream of sweat (event noun, eihikakristai).

hikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihikakristestai).

hikarnē — A person who makes others sweat; a taskmaster, a slave driver (animate noun, ēhikarnai).

hike — A drop or bead of sweat (count noun, ehikai).

hikeste — A group or set or collection of the above, as the beads of sweat all over a hard-working person's body; a pool or puddle of sweat (count noun, ehikestai).

hikê — Sweat, sweatiness (mass noun, êhikai).

hikei — The act of making someone sweat, as by forcing another to work hard; also, the act of sweating (event noun, eihikai).

hikē — A living thing which has sweat glands, and relieves overheating by sweating (animate noun, ēhikai).

hiki — To sweat (intransitive verb, zahikix).

hikirnē — A person who does the above; a person who sweats (animate noun, ēhikirnai).

hiko — Sweaty, covered with sweat, soaked with sweat (adjective, hikol).

hiky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, hikyr).


Etymology: Er. ehod, a stone (noun)

hoda — To kill someone or destroy something, as a wall or fortress, by throwing stones; to stone someone or something (transitive verb, zahodax).

Hodai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hode (proper noun).

hodakore — A piece of jewelry with a stonelike finish, or incorporating actual stones (count noun, ehodakorai).

hodakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehodakorestai).

hodakristei — A dream of stones (event noun, eihodakristai).

hodakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihodakristestai).

hodarnē — A person who kills or destroys by throwing stones (animate noun, ēhodarnai).

hode — A stone (count noun, ehodai).

hodeste — A group or set or collection of stones; a pile of stones, a heap of stones (count noun, ehodestai).

hodê — Stone as a mass noun; stoniness as an abstraction (mass noun, êhodai).

hodei — The act of killing or destroying someone or something by throwing stones; the process of learning to do so accurately and effectively; the act of becoming hard as stone, heavy as stone, or turning to stone (event noun, eihodai).

hodē — A person or other living thing that lives in a stone dwelling (animate noun, ēhodai).

hodi — To learn to throw stones accurately and effectively; also, to become like a stone in some way, as to become as hard as stone, or as heavy as stone, or turn to stone (intransitive verb, zahodix).

hodirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhodirnai).

hodo — Like or pertaining to stones; stony, stonelike, hard as stone, heavy as stone (adjective, hodol).

hody — As above, but an adverb; stonily in a stonelike manner, in the manner of something as hard or heavy as stone (adverb, hodyr).


Etymology: Er. hon, plant (verb)

hona — To plant something, as a bed of flowers or a crop (transitive verb, zahonax).

honai — (1) The second of four unofficial "seasons" of the Verē calendar. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Honi (proper noun).

honakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a plant, a bed of flowers, or a planted field (count noun, ehonakorai).

honakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehonakorestai).

honakristei — A dream of planting, or plants (event noun, eihonakristai).

honakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihonakristestai).

honarnē — A person who plants, a planter (animate noun, ēhonarnai).

hone — A plant (count noun, ehonai).

honempe — The Plant Kingdom, Plantae (count noun, ehonempai).

honeste — A group or set or collection of plants; a flower bed, a field of crops (count noun, ehonestai).

honê — Skill at planting, or planting experience (mass noun, êhonai).

honei — The act of planting something; of learning to do so; of studying plants (event noun, eihonai).

honē — A person or other living thing that lives on plants; a herbivore (animate noun, ēhonai).

honi — To learn how to plant things; to study plants (intransitive verb, zahonix).

honirnē — A person who does the above; a student planter, a horticulturist (animate noun, ēhonirnai).

hono — Like or pertaining to plants; horticultural, herbal (adjective, honol).

hony — As above, but an adverb (adverb, honyr).


Etymology: Er. Horiel, Horiel (noun)

horiela — To decorate something with Horiel, or to write in Horiel on something (transitive verb, zahorielax).

Horielai — The later, alphabetic writing system of the Mižinē, the basis for the Krahos alphabets, and the T́uliǹgrai alphabet as well; transcribed in fiction on this site as Horiel (proper noun).

horielakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more Horiel letters (count noun, ehorielakorai).

horielakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehorielakorestai).

horielakristei — A dream of Horiel (event noun, eihorielakristai).

horielakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihorielakristestai).

horielarnē — A person who writes on or decorates something in Horiel (animate noun, ēhorielarnai).

horiele — A Horiel letter (count noun, ehorielai).

horieleste — A group or set or collection of the above; the Horiel alphabet (count noun, ehorielestai).

horielê — Horielness, Horielity; the look and feel of Horiel; a substance, as paper or cloth, with Horiel on it (mass noun, êhorielai).

horielei — The act of writing on or decorating something with Horiel; the act of writing in Horiel; the act of studying or learning Horiel (event noun, eihorielai).

horielē — A person or other living thing with markings that resemble a Horiel letter, as some beetles, sometimes called alphabet beetles (animate noun, ēhorielai).

horieli — To study, learn, or write in Horiel (intransitive verb, zahorielix).

horielirnē — A person who does the above; a student of Horiel (animate noun, ēhorielirnai).

horielo — Like or pertaining to Horiel (adjective, horielol).

horiely — As above, but an adverb; in Horiel (adverb, horielyr).


Etymology: Er. hulva, study, -ology, -ography (noun)

hôva — To study something, especially as a scientific discipline (transitive verb, zahôvax).

Hôvai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Hôva (proper noun).

hôvakore — A piece of jewelry representing a field or discipline, or depicting someone studying (count noun, ehôvakorai).

hôvakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehôvakorestai).

hôvakristei — A dream of studying (event noun, eihôvakristai).

hôvakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihôvakristestai).

hôvarnē — A person who studies; a student of a field or discipline (animate noun, ēhôvarnai).

hôve — A field of study, a discipline (count noun, ehôvai).

hôveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehôvestai).

hôvê — Focus and discipline in study; studiousness (mass noun, êhôvai).

hôvei — The act of studying something, especially a scientific discipline; the act or process of learning to study (event noun, eihôvai).

hôvē — A person or other living thing with a studious manner, as an owl or a cat (animate noun, ēhôvai).

hôvi — To learn to study, to improve one's study habits (intransitive verb, zahôvix).

hôvirnē — A person who does the above; a serious student, an organized and focused studyer (animate noun, ēhôvirnai).

hôvo — Studious, methodical (adjective, hôvol).

hôvy — As above, but an adverb; studiously, methodically (adverb, hôvyr).


Etymology: Er. ihus, cherry tree (noun)

husa — To give cherries or cherry blossoms to someone; to plant cherry trees, to furnish a place with cherry trees (transitive verb, zahusax).

Husai — (1) The 4th month of the Verē year (see The Outside Calendars). (2) A personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Husi (proper noun).

husakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a cherry blossom, a cherry or bunch of cherries, a cherry tree, or cherry-colored (count noun, ehusakorai).

husakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehusakorestai).

husakristei — A dream of cherry blossoms, cherries, or cherry trees (event noun, eihusakristai).

husakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihusakristestai).

husarnē — A person who give cherries or cherry blossoms to someone, a cherry giver; who plants cherry trees, or furnish a place with cherry trees, a cherry planter (animate noun, ēhusarnai).

huse — A cherry blossom, cherry, or cherry tree (count noun, ehusai).

huseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehusestai).

husê — Any substance made from, flavored with, or scented with cherries, as cherry preserves, cherry wine, cherry juice (mass noun, êhusai).

husei — The act of giving cherries or cherry blossoms to someone; planting cherry trees, furnishing a place with cherry trees; picking cherries or cherry blossoms; wearing a cherry blossom in one's hair (event noun, eihusai).

husē — A person who lives in or tends a cherry grove or orchard; also, a living thing that lives in cherry trees, or eats cherries (animate noun, ēhusai).

husi — To pick cherries or cherry blossoms; to wear a cherry blossom in one's hair; to attend a viewing of cherry blossoms (intransitive verb, zahusix).

husirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhusirnai).

huso — Like or pertaining to cherries, as cherry-colored, cherry-flavored, or cherry-scented; as beautiful as a cherry blossom (adjective, husol).

husy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, husyr).


Etymology: No Er. root, Verē coinage

huova — To make something UV-A in color (transitive verb, zahuovax).

Huovai — (1) A personal name, of any gender. (2) A lesser household of the Second History. Arms: a white star with eight equally long, straight rays on a black background (proper noun).

huovakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of UV-A (count noun, ehuovakorai).

huovakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehuovakorestai).

huovakristei — A dream of UV-A (event noun, eihuovakristai).

huovakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihuovakristestai).

huovarnē — A person who colors something UV-A (animate noun, ēhuovarnai).

huove — A photon of light in the UV-A band of the electromagnetic spectrum, the lower of the two ultraviolet bands that the Verē, the Iǹgrē, and some other species can see. Also, a color point in the UV-A portion of color space (count noun, ehuovai).

huoveste — A bunch or set of collection of the above; UV-A light, UV-A color (count noun, ehuovestai).

huovê — The quality or properties of UV-A light or color; UV-Aness (mass noun, êhuovai).

huovei — The act of making something UV-A in color; the act of becoming or turning UV-A in color (event noun, eihuovai).

huovē — A person or other living thing which is UV-A in color, or which can see by UV-A light (animate noun, ēhuovai).

huovi — To turn or become UV-A in color (intransitive verb, zahuovix).

huovirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhuovirnai).

huovo — Like or pertaining to UV-A light, as UV-A colored (adjective, huovol).

huovy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, huovyr).


Etymology: Er. huva, fun, pleasant, enjoyable (adjective)

huva — To make things fun, to give pleasure, to give enjoyment (transitive verb, zahuvax).

Huvai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Huvi (proper noun).

huvakore — A piece of jewelry depicting something that's fun (count noun, ehuvakorai).

huvakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ehuvakorestai).

huvakristei — A dream of fun, pleasure, enjoyment (event noun, eihuvakristai).

huvakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eihuvakristestai).

huvarnē — A person who gives fun, pleasure, enjoyment to others (animate noun, ēhuvarnai).

huve — A source of fun, enjoyment, or pleasure, as a toy or a game; a discrete thing which is fun, enjoyable, or pleasurable; a souvenir or token of times spent having fun, or enjoying oneself (count noun, ehuvai).

huveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ehuvestai).

huvê — Fun, pleasure, enjoyment (mass noun, êhuvai).

huvei — The act of make things fun for others, to give pleasure, to give enjoyment; the act of having run, feeling pleasure or having a pleasant time, or enjoying oneself; an event which is fun, pleasant, or enjoyable, as a fair or festival (event noun, eihuvai).

huvē — A person who sees the fun in things, who enjoys life, who finds pleasure everywhere; a living thing which is fun or pleasant to be around, as a bed of flowers, a tree, a pet, a wild animal which isn't dangerous (animate noun, ēhuvai).

huvi — To have fun, feel pleasure, have a good time, enjoy oneself (intransitive verb, zahuvix).

huvirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēhuvirnai).

huvo — Fun, pleasant, enjoyable (adjective, huvol).

huvy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, huvyr).

Pages, in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order:

Home  B  P   D́  T́   D  T   G  K    Q    Ĵ  C   V́  F́   V F   Ď Ť   Z S   Ž Š   Ĝ X    H    M *M   Ń *Ń   N *N   Ǹ *Ǹ   L *L   R *R   Ĺ *Ĺ   Ř *Ř   W *W   J *J   A Â   E Ê   I Î   O Ô   U Û   Y Ŷ    AI     AO     IU     OI     ÂI     EI     Ē     Ø  

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