The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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  G and K

Etymology: Eretiǹgrai G and K, from the same letters in Mižinai.

The fourth letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet has two aspects, voiced and voiceless.

The voiced aspect of this consonant is pronounced like the G in Latin, or the G in the English word "gown", never like the G in "gentle". Its name is go (informal) or egoretai (formal).

The voiceless aspect is pronounced like the K in Latin, or Kappa in Greek. Its name is ka (informal) or ekaretai (formal).

K can be aspirated or not, but that's a different sound, spelled K + H in T́uliǹgrai, and transcribed K' in English writing on this site.
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Etymology: Onomatopoeia from gleek, a squeaking sound (noun)

gliga — To send someone, or make someone go to the gligē home world (transitive verb, zagligax).

gligakristei — A dream of the gligē (event noun, eigligakristai).

gligakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigligakristestai).

gligakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a gligē, or the head or hand of one (count noun, egligakorai).

gligakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egligakorestai).

gligarnē — A person who sends another to the gligē home world (animate noun, ēgligarnai).

glige — A relic or souvenir of the gligē (count noun, egligai).

gligeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egligestai).

gligêGligē culture (mass noun, êgligai).

gligi — To visit the gligē home world, or go there to live (intransitive verb, zagligix).

gligirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgligirnai).

gligo — Like or pertaining to the gligē, gligish (adjective, gligol).

gligy — As above, but an adverb; gligishly (adverb, gligyr).

Gligai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gligo (proper noun, Gligai).

gligei — The act of sending someone to the gligē home world, or visiting there, or going there to live (event noun, eigligai).

gligē — In the First History, a species of people subject to the Verē Empire, whose speech and hearing were at a higher pitch than human, so it just sounded like they were saying "gleek, gleek" over and over. Verē sound technology let them communicate with other species. They were loyal members of the Empire who never rebelled. One of them was a member of the Imperial Guard for as long as it existed.

Physically they resembled giant bears with black fur on their hands, feet, and the front of their chests and bellies, and green fur everywhere else. Their hands had a thumb and four fingers, plus a "dagger finger", a pointed extension of the forearm that projected between the two pairs of fingers. They had bearlike eyes, noses, mouths, and ears. They were enormously strong and very nearly impossible to kill short of dropping a mountain on one, or dropping him from the top of the planetary atmosphere.

They neither slept nor dreamed, and had no sense of personal identiry. Their language had no persons (had only the third person), and their pronouns were all relative: who, this one, that one (animate noun, ēgligai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Gron, one of the moons (proper noun)

grona — To send someone or make someone go to Gron (transitive verb, zagronax).

gronakristei — A dream of Gron (event noun, eigronakristai).

gronakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigronakristestai).

gronakore — A piece of jewelry depicting Gron (count noun, egronakorai).

gronakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egronakorestai).

gronarnē — A person who sends or makes another go to Gron (animate noun, ēgronarnai).

grone — A relic or souvenir of Gron, as a rock (count noun, egronai).

groneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egronestai).

gronê — Gronishness, the feelings that arise from gazing at Gron, or from going there and experiencing its airless silence. Also, a substance from Gron, as dust or sand from there (mass noun, êgronai).

groni — To visit or be stationed on Gron, or to go there to live (intransitive verb, zagronix).

gronirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgronirnai).

grono — Like or pertaining to Gron, Gronish (adjective, gronol).

grony — As above, but an adverb; Gronishly (adverb, gronyr).

Gronai — The second of Eoverai/Habêkai's three moons, large enough to be made a sphere by its own gravity, but airless. Transcribed in fiction on this site as Gron. Not a personal name (proper noun, Gronai).

gronei — The act of sending or dispatching another to Gron; of visiting Gron, or being stationed there; or moving there to live (event noun, eigronai).

gronē — A permanent inhabitant of Gron, especially if born there (animate noun, ēgronai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai agabi, mint (noun)

gaba — To add mint to something, to make something smell or taste of mint (transitive verb, zagabax).

gabakristei — A dream of mint (event noun, eigabakristai).

gabakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigabakristestai).

gabakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of mint (count noun, egabakorai).

gabakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egabakorestai).

gabarnē — A person who makes something smell or taste minty (animate noun, ēgabarnai).

gabe — A mint leaf, or a piece of mint-flabored candy (count noun, egabai).

gabeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egabestai).

gabê — Mintiness, the smell or taste of mint (mass noun, êgabai).

gabi — To cook with mint; also, to turn or become minty (intransitive verb, zagabix).

gabirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgabirnai).

gabo — Like or pertaining to mint; minty (adjective, gabol).

gaby — As above, but an adverb (adverb, gabyr).

Gabai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gabi (proper noun, Gabai).

gabei — The act of adding mint to something, of making something smell or taste minty. Also, to cook with mint, or to turn or become minty (event noun, eigabai).

gabē — A mint plant, or a living thing which smells or tastes like mint (animate noun, ēgabai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gama, to thank (verb)

gama — To thank someone, give thanks to someone (transitive verb, zagamax).

gamakristei — A dream of giving thanks, receiving thanks, or being thankful (event noun, eigamakristai).

gamakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigamakristestai).

gamakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a gesture of thanks, or depicting someone to whom, or something for which, the wearer is thankful (count noun, egamakorai).

gamakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egamakorestai).

gamarnē — A person who gives thanks; a thanker (animate noun, ēgamarnai).

game — A gesture or expression of thanks (count noun, egamai).

gameste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egamestai).

gamê — Thankfulness, gratefulness, gratitude (mass noun, êgamai).

gami — To become thankful or grateful; to learn thankfulness, gratefulness, or gratitude (intransitive verb, zagamix).

gamirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgamirnai).

gamo — Like or pertaining to thanks; thankful, grateful (adjective, gamol).

gamy — As above, but an adverb; thankfully, gratefully, in thanks, in gratefulness, in gratitude (adverb, gamyr).

Gamai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gama (proper noun, Gamai).

gamei — The act of thanking someone; the act or process of becoming thankful or grateful; the act or process of learning to be thankful or grateful (event noun, eigamai).

gamē — A living thing whose manner expresses or mimics gratefulness; also, a living thing which inspires thanks for its existence or presence (animate noun, ēgamai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gal, to begin (verb)

gala — To start something, to begin something (transitive verb, zagalax).

galakristei — A dream of beginnings; by extension, a dream of the first day of a month (event noun, eigalakristai).

galakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigalakristestai).

galakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the start of something, as the bud of a flower (count noun, egalakorai).

galakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egalakorestai).

galarnē — A person who makes something start or begin; a starter, an innovator (animate noun, ēgalarnai).

gale — The time or place where something started, or was started; a souvenir or relic of the start of something, as a program booklet, or residual radiation from the Big Bang (count noun, egalai).

galeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egalestai).

galê — A mass or substance or process that's just beginning; something that's just beginning, or just begun (mass noun, êgalai).

gali — To begin, to start, as a newborn living thing, or someone who's just taken up a hobby (intransitive verb, zagalix).

galirnē — A person who does the above; a newbie, tyro, youngster, beginner, novice (animate noun, ēgalirnai).

galo — Like or pertaining to beginnings; initial, beginning, starting (adjective, galol).

galy — As above, but an adverb; ab initio, initially, in the beginning, at the start (adverb, galyr).

Galai — A personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gala (proper noun, Galai).

Galestai — The name of the first day of a month in the Verē calendar (proper noun, Galestai).

galei — The act of starting or beginning something, of making something begin or start; also, the act of beginning, or starting (event noun, eigalai).

galē — A person or other living thing who's just beginning life; a baby, bud, pupa, spawn (animate noun, ēgalai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai egar, a day (noun)

gara — To spend a day with someone, to devote a day to someone (transitive verb, zagarax).

garakristei — A dream of day, a day spent with someone, a particular important day (event noun, eigarakristai).

garakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigarakristestai).

garakore — A piece of jewelry depicting day, or a souvenir of a particular significant day (count noun, egarakorai).

garakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egarakorestai).

gararnē — A person who spends a day with someone, who devotes a day to someone (animate noun, ēgararnai).

gare — A day, the period between one dawn of Vol and the next, (count noun, egarai).

gareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egarestai).

garê — The state of being awake during the day, diurnity; also, a substance of mass associated with the day, as daylight (mass noun, êgarai).

gari — To spend a day, or take a day to do something; to do something one day at a time (intransitive verb, zagarix).

garirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgarirnai).

garo — Like or pertaining to day, daily, everyday; or being active during the day, diurnal (adjective, garol).

gary — As above, but an adverb; daily, diurnally, in the day, on the day, one day at a time, during the day (adverb, garyr).

Garai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gare (proper noun, Garai).

garei — The act of spending a day with someone, devoting a day to someone; the act of spending a day, or taking a day to do something; doing something one day at a time (event noun, eigarai).

garē — A person or other living thing which is diurnal (animate noun, ēgarai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai garr, to curve, arch, or arc (verb)

gařa — To bend something into a curve, to make something arch or arc (transitive verb, zagařax).

gařakristei — A dream of curves, arches, or arcs (event noun, eigařakristai).

gařakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigařakristestai).

gařakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something curved, arched, or arced, as a leaping fish or a branch laden with fruit (count noun, egařakorai).

gařakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egařakorestai).

gařarnē — A person who bends things into curves, arches, or arcs, as an archer, or a person who makes jewelry that casts rainbows, or a barrel-maker, or a wheel-wright (animate noun, ēgařarnai).

gaře — A curve, arch, or arc (count noun, egařai).

gařeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egařestai).

gařê — Curviness, curvedness, archness, arcness; a substance or mass shaped into a bow, curve, arch, or arc, as cheese, bread, wicker woven into a basket (mass noun, êgařai).

gaři — To curve, arch, or arc, as a snake, a cat, or a leaping stag (intransitive verb, zagařix).

gařirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgařirnai).

gařo — Like or pertaining to a curve, arch, or arc; having a shape with curves, arches, or arcs, as a snake or fish; curvy (adjective, gařol).

gařy — As above, but an adverb; in or through a curve, arch, or arc (adverb, gařyr).

Gařai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gařa (proper noun, Gařai).

gařei — The act of forming something into a curve, arch, or arc; the act of curving, arching, or arcing one's own body, or moving in a curve, arch, or arc (event noun, eigařai).

gařē — A person or other living thing that moves by flexing or bending its body back and forth, as a fish or a sidewinder (animate noun, ēgařai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gera, armored (adjective)

gera — To dress someone (acc.) in a suit of armor (abl.) (transitive verb, zagerax).

gerakristei — A dream of armor, or of wearing armor (event noun, eigerakristai).

gerakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigerakristestai).

gerakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a piece or suit of armor (count noun, egerakorai).

gerakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egerakorestai).

gerarnē — A person who dresses another in a suit of armor, a squire: by extension, a valet (animate noun, ēgerarnai).

gere — A piece of armor, as a hauberk or a breastplate (count noun, egerai).

gereste — A complete suit of armor, from head to toe, including the shield if there is one; or a set or collection of suits of armor (count noun, egerestai).

gerê — Armor considered en masse and in the abstract, not a piece of armor or a suit of armor but armor as a protective force to be deployed; e.g., "They're breaking through. Send in some armor to stop them," or "Her words are still deadly, but my heart has armor now." (mass noun, êgerai).

geri — To bear armor, especially in combat (intransitive verb, zagerix).

gerirnē — A person who does the above; an armiger in the literal, rather than the heraldic sense (animate noun, ēgerirnai).

gero — Like or pertaining to armor; armored, protected, shielded (adjective, gerol).

gery — As above, but an adverb; in the manner of an officer or knight (adverb, geryr).

Gerai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Geri (proper noun, Gerai).

gerei — The act of putting armor, or armoring, someone or something; the act of wearing armor; the right to wear armor; a ceremony granting the right to wear armor, as a knighting or the making of an officer; the armoring of a civilian group or column of foot soldiers by adding armored knights or armored military vehicles to the formation (event noun, eigerai).

gerē — A person in armor, especially a person with military training given the privilege to wear armor and authority over others not privileged thus; a knight; an officer. Also, a living thing with an armored shell, as a turtle, tortoise, and many kinds of fish (animate noun, ēgerai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Gethaii, the Gêθē (proper noun)

gêθa — To send someone or make someone go to Gêθai (transitive verb, zagêθax).

gêθakristei — A dream of the Gêθē, or being Gêθē, or of Gêθai (event noun, eigêθakristai).

gêθakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigêθakristestai).

gêθakore — A piece of jewelry depicting Gêθai, or something from there (count noun, egêθakorai).

gêθakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egêθakorestai).

gêθarnē — A person who sends someone, or makes someone go to Gêθai (animate noun, ēgêθarnai).

gêθe — A token of Gêθai, a discrete thing from there (count noun, egêθai).

gêθeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egêθestai).

gêθê — Gêθiness, the culture of Gêθai or the Gêθē, a substance or mass from there (mass noun, êgêθai).

gêθi — To go to or visit Gêθai, or go there to live; to visit or go to live among the Gêθē (intransitive verb, zagêθix).

gêθirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgêθirnai).

gêθo — Like or pertaining to the Gêθē; Gêθai, Gêθol (adjective, gêθol).

gêθy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, gêθyr).

Gêθai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gêθu (proper noun, Gêθai).

gêθei — The act of sending someone, or making someone go, to Gêθai or the Gêθē; the act of visiting, or going to live, in Gêθai or among the Gêθē (event noun, eigêθai).

gêθē — (1) During the time of the Loraonai kingdoms, the inhabitants of Gêθai, the mountainous peninsula at the head of the Enclosed Sea, west of Heki in the First History, north of it in the Second. The Gêθai were traditional enemies of the Eretiǹgrē,

(2) In the Second History, an Iǹgrē of the Gêθol life cycle, who are born neuter, and stay neuter until puberty. After becoming adult, they remain neuter most of the time. Depending on the individual, y will "go into heat" anywhere from once a month to every three months, getting a sex drive, and becoming either male or female for about 21 days. If they pair in that time, the transformation proceeds to full female or male fertility, one of each gender. If the female becomes pregnant, she stays female until the offspring is born, and her mate remains male. gêθē mate in pairs, with their cycles falling into synch and their changes complementary. The dominant member of a pair determines, unconsciously, which of them is which gender, and how often they change from neuter.

(3) A person or other living thing from Gêθai, as a plant or animal (animate noun, ēgêθai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai git, track (verb)

gita — To trace or track something or someone; to follow something or someone using its tracks or footprints (transitive verb, zagitax).

gitakristei — A dream of tracking down someone or something (event noun, eigitakristai).

gitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigitakristestai).

gitakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a print or track, as a footprint or paw print (count noun, egitakorai).

gitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egitakorestai).

gitarnē — A person who follows or locates someone or something, especially by means of footprints or other traces; a tracker, a tracer (animate noun, ēgitarnai).

gite — A trace, track, or footprint (count noun, egitai).

giteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egitestai).

gitê — The art, craft, or science of tracking someone or something down (mass noun, êgitai).

giti — To leave traces, tracks, or footprints; to make a trail (intransitive verb, zagitix).

gitirnē — A person who does the above, particularly if done so deliberately, to mark the way for others; a trailblazer, a pathfinder (animate noun, ēgitirnai).

gito — Like or pertaining to traces, tracks, footprints, or a trail (adjective, gitol).

gity — As above, but an adverb (adverb, gityr).

Gitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gita (proper noun, Gitai).

gitei — The act or process of finding, following, or locating someone or something, especially by the footprints or tracks left behind; tracking, trailing; the act of leaving footprints or tracks, making or leaving a trail (event noun, eigitai).

gitē — A person or other living thing that moves along the ground and leaves marks of its passage (animate noun, ēgitai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai agis, question (noun)

gisa — To ask or question someone (accusative) about something (ablative), to inquire about something (abl.), to request information (acc.) about something (abl.) (transitive verb, zagisax).

gisakristei — A dream of questions, or asking questions, or of being questioned (event noun, eigisakristai).

gisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigisakristestai).

gisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a question mark, or an emblem or symbol of an important question (count noun, egisakorai).

gisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egisakorestai).

gisarnē — A person who asks, questions, inquires, or requests (animate noun, ēgisarnai).

gise — A question mark; also, the sign of a question needing to be asked (count noun, egisai).

giseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egisestai).

gisê — Inquisitiveness, curiosity (mass noun, êgisai).

gisi — To learn how to ask, to learn to question, to learn to ask the right question (intransitive verb, zagisix).

gisirnē — A person who does the above; a questioner, a skeptic, a skilled asker of questions (animate noun, ēgisirnai).

giso — Like or pertaining to asking or questioning; curious, inquisitive, questioning (adjective, gisol).

gisy — As above, but an adverb; curiously, inquisitively, in a questioning manner (adverb, gisyr).

Gisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gisa (proper noun, Gisai).

gisei — The act of asking, questioning, inquiring, or requesting; a question, inquiry, or request; the act or process of learning to ask the right question (event noun, eigisai).

gisē — A person or other living thing which is always curious about everything going on around it (animate noun, ēgisai).


Etymology: From the Girē name for themselves (proper noun)

gira — To send someone to Gir, post or station someone in Gir, order someone to go to Gir (transitive verb, zagirax).

girakristei — A dream of Gir (event noun, eigirakristai).

girakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigirakristestai).

girakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a cultural item of the Gir, as a saddle or horse bell (count noun, egirakorai).

girakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egirakorestai).

girarnē — A person who dispatches, exiles, etc. someone to Gir (animate noun, ēgirarnai).

gire — A cultural artifact of Gir, as a horse whip (count noun, egirai).

gireste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egirestai).

girê — The culture of Gir; also homesickness for Gir, or a feeling of being at home in Gir (mass noun, êgirai).

giri — To go to Gir, to visit there, to take up residence there (intransitive verb, zagirix).

girirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgirirnai).

giro — Like or pertaining to Gir; Girish (adjective, girol).

giry — As above, but an adverb; Girishly (adverb, giryr).

Girai — In the Second History only, the name of the region inhabited by nomads and horse breeders, later a province of the Tlâń Kingdom; transcribed in fiction on this site as Gir. Not a personal name (proper noun, Girai).

girei — The act of sending someone to Gir, or ordering someone to go there; also, the act of going to Gir, visiting there, or taking up residence there (event noun, eigirai).

girē — An inhabitant of Gir, especially a person born there, and living in the old ways; any living thing native to Gir, or only found there, as horse grass (animate noun, ēgirai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gom, remember, recall (verb)

goma — To remember or recall someone or something (transitive verb, zagomax).

gomakristei — A dream about a memory, a dream of remembering or recalling (event noun, eigomakristai).

gomakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigomakristestai).

gomakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a memory, of somethingremembered or recalled (count noun, egomakorai).

gomakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egomakorestai).

gomarnē — A person who remembers or recalls something or someone (animate noun, ēgomarnai).

gome — A memory or recollection; a discrete token of something remembered (count noun, egomai).

gomeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egomestai).

gomê — Memory or recollection; the ability to remember something (mass noun, êgomai).

gomi — To reminisce (intransitive verb, zagomix).

gomirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgomirnai).

gomo — Like or pertaining to memory; memorable, reminiscent (adjective, gomol).

gomy — As above, but an adverb; memorably, reminiscently (adverb, gomyr).

Gomai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gomo (proper noun, Gomai).

gomei — The act of remembering or recalling someone or something; the act of reminiscing (event noun, eigomai).

gomē — A person or other living thing able to remember or recall (animate noun, ēgomai).


Etymology: go, informal name for the letter G, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

goreta — To mark something with the letter G (transitive verb, zagoretax).

goretakristei — A dream of the letter G (event noun, eigoretakristai).

goretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigoretakristestai).

goretakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter G (count noun, egoretakorai).

goretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egoretakorestai).

goretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter G (animate noun, ēgoretarnai).

gorete — The letter G (count noun, egoretai).

goreteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egoretestai).

goretê — G-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter G (mass noun, êgoretai).

goreti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter G (intransitive verb, zagoretix).

goretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgoretirnai).

goreto — Like or pertaining to the letter G (adjective, goretol).

gorety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, goretyr).

Goretai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Goretai).

goretei — The act of marking something with the letter G; the act of producing a work of art incorporating the letter G (event noun, eigoretai).

goretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with the letter G, or which has markings resembling the letter G (animate noun, ēgoretai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai guita, withered, shriveled, atrophied (adjective)

guta — To cause something to wilt, wither, waste away, shrivel, or atrophy (transitive verb, zagutax).

gutakristei — A dream of wilting, withering, wasting away, shriveling, or atrophy (event noun, eigutakristai).

gutakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigutakristestai).

gutakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something wilted, withered, wasted away, shriveled, or atrophied (count noun, egutakorai).

gutakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egutakorestai).

gutarnē — A person who makes something wilt, wither, waste away, shrivel, or atrophy (animate noun, ēgutarnai).

gute — A discrete object which has wilted, withered, wasted away, shriveled, or atrophied, or which has been made to do so; an evolutionary vestige, as a human being's appendix (count noun, egutai).

guteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egutestai).

gutê — Wilt, wither, waste, shrivel, or atrophy; or a mass or substance which has wilted, withered, wasted away, shriveled, or atrophied, or which has been made to do so (mass noun, êgutai).

guti — To wilt, wither, waste away, shrivel, or atrophy (intransitive verb, zagutix).

gutirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgutirnai).

guto — Wilted, withered, wasted away, shriveled, or atrophied; vestigial (adjective, gutol).

guty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, gutyr).

Gutai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Guta (proper noun, Gutai).

gutei — The act of causing something to wilt, wither, waste away, shrivel, or atrophy; also, the act of wilting, withering, wasting away, shriveling, or atrophying (event noun, eigutai).

gutē — A person or other living thing which has visible parts, as legs, which are wilted, withered, wasted away, shriveled, or atrophied; or which has evolutionary vestiges, as the wings of a flightless bird (animate noun, ēgutai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ugun, calcium (noun)

guna — To provide or supply calcium (transitive verb, zagunax).

gunakristei — A dream of calcium (event noun, eigunakristai).

gunakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigunakristestai).

gunakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of G, the chemical symbol of calcium; or jewelry made with pieces of chalk, bone, or calcium (count noun, egunakorai).

gunakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egunakorestai).

gunarnē — A person who provides or supplies calcium (animate noun, ēgunarnai).

gune — A calcium atom or molecule (count noun, egunai).

guneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egunestai).

gunê — Platinum, a chemical element (symbol G, atomic number 24, or 20 in double-five numbers); a lump of a substance containing calcium, as calcite, bone, or chalk (mass noun, êgunai).

guni — To learn about calcium and its properties (intransitive verb, zagunix).

gunirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgunirnai).

guno — Like or pertaining to calcium; chalky (adjective, gunol).

guny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, gunyr).

Gunai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Guni (proper noun, Gunai).

gunei — The act of providing or supplying calcium; the act or learning about calcium eigunai).

gunē — A person or other living thing which has a skeleton on exoskeleton heavy with calcium (animate noun, ēgunai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gur, masturbate (noun)

gura — To cause or encourage someone to masturbate (transitive verb, zagurax).

gurakristei — A dream of masturbation (event noun, eigurakristai).

gurakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigurakristestai).

gurakore — A piece of jewelry alluding to, or suggestive of, masturbation (count noun, egurakorai).

gurakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egurakorestai).

gurarnē — A person who causes or encourages another to masturbate (animate noun, ēgurarnai).

gure — A relic or sign of masturbation, as a semen stain (count noun, egurai).

gureste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egurestai).

gurê — A substance connected with masturbation, as semen or seminal fluid (mass noun, êgurai).

guri — To masturbate (intransitive verb, zagurix).

gurirnē — A person who does the above; a masturbater (animate noun, ēgurirnai).

guro — Like or pertaining to masturbation; masturbatory (adjective, gurol).

gury — As above, but an adverb; masturbatorily (adverb, guryr).

Gurai — A personal name, never neuter, transcribed in fiction on this site as Guri (proper noun, Gurai).

gurei — The act of causing or encouraging another to masturbate; the act of masturbating; masturbation (event noun, eigurai).

gurē — A person or other living thing which masturbates (animate noun, ēgurai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gaik, to echo, repeat word for word (verb)

gaika — To echo something, to repeat something verbatim (transitive verb, zagaikax).

gaikakristei — A dream of echoes or reverberation (event noun, eigaikakristai).

gaikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigaikakristestai).

gaikakore — A piece of jewelry depicting an echo, as by repeating identical shapes in different colors (count noun, egaikakorai).

gaikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egaikakorestai).

gaikarnē — A person who echoes something, who repeats something verbatim; an echoer, a repeater (animate noun, ēgaikarnai).

gaike — An echo, exact quote, or repetition (count noun, egaikai).

gaikeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egaikestai).

gaikê — An echoing or echoic quality to the acoustics of a room or place; a substance with a repeating pattern to its structure, as a crystal (mass noun, êgaikai).

gaiki — To have a voice that tends to reverberate, or wake echoes (intransitive verb, zagaikix).

gaikirnē — A person whose voice reverberates, or makes echoes (animate noun, ēgaikirnai).

gaiko — Like or pertaining to an echo or echoes; echoey, echoic; repetitive, reverberative (adjective, gaikol).

gaiky — As above, but an adverb; in an echoey manner, echoically; verbatim, word for word repetitively, reverberatively (adverb, gaikyr).

Gaikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gaiku (proper noun, Gaikai).

gaikei — The act of echoing something, of repeating something verbatim; echoing, repetition; having a voice that reverberates or makes echoes (event noun, eigaikai).

gaikē — A living thing with a pattern that repeats itself all over its body, or which mindlessly repeats sounds that it hears (animate noun, ēgaikai).


Etymology: South Kantos gais, pampas grass (noun)

gaisa — To decorate something with a pampas-grass plume, as a hat (transitive verb, zagaisax).

gaisakristei — A dream of pampas grass (event noun, eigaisakristai).

gaisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigaisakristestai).

gaisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a pampas-grass plant, plume, or seed (count noun, egaisakorai).

gaisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egaisakorestai).

gaisarnē — A person who decorates something with a pampas-grass plume, as a hat (animate noun, ēgaisarnai).

gaise — A discrete part of a pampas-grass plant, as a plume or seed (count noun, egaisai).

gaiseste — A group or set or collection of the above, as a set of plumes in a vase (count noun, egaisestai).

gaisê — A pampas-grass leaf, stalk, root, or a portion of such (mass noun, êgaisai).

gaisi — To wear a pampas-plume in one's hair, usually but not always one of the smaller species (intransitive verb, zagaisix).

gaisirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgaisirnai).

gaiso — Like or pertaining to pampas grass (adjective, gaisol).

gaisy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, gaisyr).

Gaisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gaiso (proper noun, Gaisai).

gaisei — The act of decorating something with a pampas-grass plume, as a hat; the act of wearing a pampas-grass plume in one's hair (event noun, eigaisai).

gaisē — Pampas grass, a wild plant found in the grasslands of South Kantos in the Second History. It grows to different heights by species, from one to eight feet high, terminating in a plume which releases seeds in the wind. It can also be grown from its bulb (animate noun, ēgaisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai gaor, spire (noun)

gaora — To erect a pillar or spire somewhere, to furnish a park or building with pillars or spires; to empillar, to enspire (transitive verb, zagaorax).

gaorakristei — A dream of pillars or spires (event noun, eigaorakristai).

gaorakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eigaorakristestai).

gaorakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a pillar or spire (count noun, egaorakorai).

gaorakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, egaorakorestai).

gaorarnē — A person who erects pillars or spires, or furnishes some place with them (animate noun, ēgaorarnai).

gaore — A monumental pillar or spire (count noun, egaorai).

gaoreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, egaorestai).

gaorê — A substance piled up or formed into a pillar or spire; pillar-ness, spire-ness, erectness (mass noun, êgaorai).

gaori — To stand erect, as a pillar or spire (intransitive verb, zagaorix).

gaorirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēgaorirnai).

gaoro — Like or pertaining to pillars and spires; erect (adjective, gaorol).

gaory — As above, but an adverb; erectly (adverb, gaoryr).

Gaorai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Gaore (proper noun, Gaorai).

gaorei — The act of erecting a pillar or spire; of providing a place with them; of standing straight, like a pillar or spire (event noun, eigaorai).

gaorē — A person or other living thing with body parts that stand erect, as antlers or antennae, horns or upright spines (animate noun, ēgaorai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai -ks-, stay, remain, continue (infix)

The affix or infix -ks- occurs in a few Eretiǹgrai words, with the meaning to continue being something, or to go on doing something. In T́uliǹgrai, it can be applied to make words from any stem. Applied to a verb stem it means to continue to do something, or to keep on doing something, as vîd́aksa, to go on loving someone, or to keep loving someone (transitive verb, zavîd́aksax); or koisiksi, to go on sleeping, or to stay asleep (intransitive verb, zakoisiksix). Applied to an adjectival stem, it means to stay or remain in a condition, as dâkokso, to remain free, to stay free (adjective, dâkoksol); or, as an adverb, to continue to behave in a given manner, for example, t́ulyksy, to continue to act in a noble manner (adverb, t́ulyksyr). The infix can be applied to any stem, but this seems like enough examples for now.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ixtn, a galaxy (noun)

kseta — To decorate or ornament something with images of galaxies, as cloth (transitive verb, zaksetax).

ksetakristei — A dream of galaxies (event noun, eiksetakristai).

ksetakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiksetakristestai).

ksetakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more galaxies (count noun, eksetakorai).

ksetakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eksetakorestai).

ksetarnē — A person who decorates or ornaments something with galaxies (animate noun, ēksetarnai).

ksete — A galaxy (count noun, eksetai).

kseteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eksetestai).

ksetê — Galacticness, galaxity; galactic dust or gas; the scope, majesty, or beauty of a galaxy (mass noun, êksetai).

kseti — To observe or study galaxies, galactic structure, galactic evolution, or interactions between galaxies (intransitive verb, zaksetix).

ksetirnē — A person who does the above; a galactic astronomer or astrophysicist (animate noun, ēksetirnai).

kseto — Like or pertaining to galaxies; galactic (adjective, ksetol).

ksety — As above, but an adverb; galactically (adverb, ksetyr).

Ksetai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Ksetai).

ksetei — The act of decorating something with galaxies; the observation or study of galaxies, galactic evolution or structure, or intergalactic interactions (event noun, eiksetai).

ksetē — A person or other living thing native to a galaxy, especially the dominant or most common life form (animate noun, ēksetai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai axur, a container (noun)

ksura — To containing or enclosing someone or something (transitive verb, zaksurax).

ksurakristei — A dream of containing or enclosing something, or a dream about a container or enclosure (event noun, eiksurakristai).

ksurakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiksurakristestai).

ksurakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a container or enclosure (count noun, eksurakorai).

ksurakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eksurakorestai).

ksurarnē — A person who contains or encloses something or someone (animate noun, ēksurarnai).

ksure — A discrete thing contained or enclosed, an enclosure; also, a discrete container or enclosure, as a box, or a fence (count noun, eksurai).

ksureste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eksurestai).

ksurê — Containedness, continence, enclosedness; also, a mass or substance with a container or enclosure (mass noun, êksurai).

ksuri — To learn or study to contain or enclose, as the military forces of a hostile nation, the political influence of a rival, or the poison from a fire in a chemical plant (intransitive verb, zaksurix).

ksurirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēksurirnai).

ksuro — Like or pertaining to containing or enclosing; contained, enclosed, continent. inclusive (adjective, ksurol).

ksury — As above, but an adverb (adverb, ksuryr).

Ksurai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Ksura (proper noun, Ksurai).

ksurei — The act of containing or enclosing someone or something; the act or process of learning to do so; containment, enclosure (event noun, eiksurai).

ksurē — A person or other living thing contained or enclosed in a natural range, and not found outside it, as a chain of islands, or water of a particular temperature or salinity (animate noun, ēksurai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai khapa, peaceful (adjective)

k'apa — To impose peace upon someone; to pacify (transitive verb, zak'apax).

k'apakristei — A dream of peace (event noun, eik'apakristai).

k'apakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eik'apakristestai).

k'apakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a symbol or emblem of peace (count noun, ek'apakorai).

k'apakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ek'apakorestai).

k'aparnē — A person who forces peace on others; a pacifier, a warlord (animate noun, ēk'aparnai).

k'ape — A peace treaty; an official copy of such; a term or condition of item of such (count noun, ek'apai).

k'apeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ek'apestai).

k'apê — Peace (mass noun, êk'apai).

k'api — To propose peace to one or more other parties, to negotiate or make progress towards peace. to become peaceful (intransitive verb, zak'apix).

k'apirnē — A person who does the above; a peace negotiator, a peacemaker (animate noun, ēk'apirnai).

k'apo — Like or pertaining to peace; peaceable, peaceful, pacific (adjective, k'apol).

k'apy — As above, but an adverb; peaceably, peacefully, pacifically (adverb, k'apyr).

K'apai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as K'apa (proper noun, K'apai).

k'apâi — To make peace with each other (mutual verb, zak'apâix).

k'apâirnē — One of two or more nations, states, or groups of people who do the above; a party or signatory of a peace treaty or peace agreement (animate noun, ēk'apâirnai).

k'apei — The act of imposing peace on or pacifying another; the act of proposing peace to another; the mutual act of making peace, by two or more parties; the act or process of becoming peaceful; a ceremony at which a peace treaty or agreement of peace is signed (event noun, eik'apai).

k'apē — A person who signs a peace treaty or peace agreement on behalf of one of the parties to it a living thing which is peaceful, or a symbol of peace, as a dove (animate noun, ēk'apai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kharra, darling, beloved (noun)

k'ařa — To love someone who returns your love (transitive verb, zak'ařax).

k'ařakristei — A dream of mutual, requited love (event noun, eik'ařakristai).

k'ařakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eik'ařakristestai).

k'ařakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an emblem of requited love, or alluding to someone loved, who loves in return (count noun, ek'ařakorai).

k'ařakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ek'ařakorestai).

k'ařarnē — A person who loves someone, and is loved in return (animate noun, ēk'ařarnai).

k'aře — A token or sign of mutual, requited love, as one of a pair of duplicate rings (count noun, ek'ařai).

k'ařeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ek'ařestai).

k'ařê — Mutual, requited love (mass noun, êk'ařai).

k'aři — To return the love of another (intransitive verb, zak'ařix).

k'ařirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēk'ařirnai).

k'ařo — Like or pertaining to mutual, requited love (adjective, k'ařol).

k'ařy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, k'ařyr).

K'ařai — A form of address, used by any of two or more people who love the others, to address one of the others, as "darling". Transcribed in fiction on this site as K'ařa (proper noun, K'ařai).

k'ařâi — To love each other (mutual verb, zak'ařâix).

k'ařâirnē — Two or more people who all love each other (animate noun, ēk'ařâirnai).

k'ařei — The act of loving someone; of returning someone's love; of loving each other (event noun, eik'ařai).

k'ařē — A person or other living thing, belonging to a group, who love the others, and is loved by the others in return; a mate (animate noun, ēk'ařai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krasna, to say goodbye (verb)

krasna — To say goodbye or farewell to someone who is leaving, said by a person who isn't. Note: one who's leaving says JEV- to those being left behind (transitive verb, zakrasnax).

krasnakristei — A dream of saying goodbye or farewell to someone who's leaving (event noun, eikrasnakristai).

krasnakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikrasnakristestai).

krasnakore — A piece of jewelry depicting someone saying goodbye or farewell to someone who's leaving (count noun, ekrasnakorai).

krasnakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekrasnakorestai).

krasnarnē — A person who says goodbye or farewell to someone who's leaving (animate noun, ēkrasnarnai).

krasne — An item of remembrance of someone who's left; a token given to someone who's leaving (count noun, ekrasnai).

krasneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekrasnestai).

krasnê — Goodbye, farewell, parting with someone who's going away (mass noun, êkrasnai).

krasni — To say goodbye to someone who's left, when you realize y's not coming back; to say goodbye to something, when you realize it's gone forever (intransitive verb, zakrasnix).

krasnirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkrasnirnai).

krasno — Like or pertaining to saying goodbye or farewell to someone who's leaving (adjective, krasnol).

krasny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, krasnyr).

Krasnai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Krasnai).

krasnei — The act of saying goodbye or farewell to someone who's leaving (object in the accusative); the act of saying goodbye to someone or something upon realizing you'll never see ym or it again (object in the dative) (event noun, eikrasnai).

krasnē — A person or other living thing who's moving away (animate noun, ēkrasnai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krahai, old, olden (adjective)

kraha — To age something, to make something old (transitive verb, zakrahax).

krahakristei — A dream of age, of becoming old, or of "olden times" (event noun, eikrahakristai).

krahakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikrahakristestai).

krahakore — A piece of jewelry which looks old, or depicts something old, or something from "olden times" (count noun, ekrahakorai).

krahakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekrahakorestai).

kraharnē — A person who ages something, or makes it old (animate noun, ēkraharnai).

krahe — A discrete object which is old, or antique, or distressed to make it look old, as a piece of furniture (count noun, ekrahai).

kraheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekrahestai).

krahê — Age, elderliness, eld, oldness, antiquity; also, a mass or substance which is old, as wine (mass noun, êkrahai).

krahi — To grow old, to become old, to age (intransitive verb, zakrahix).

krahirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkrahirnai).

kraho — Like or pertaining to age; aged, old, elderly, antique (adjective, krahol).

krahy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, krahyr).

Krahai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kraho (proper noun, Krahai).

krahei — The act of making something old, of aging something; the act or process of becoming old (event noun, eikrahai).

krahē — A person or other living thing subject to aging, especially one suffering from advanced age (animate noun, ēkrahai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Krahosaii, the Old Ones, the Old Kind (proper noun)

krahosa — To enslave someone to the Krahos (transitive verb, zakrahosax).

krahosakristei — A dream of the Krahos (event noun, eikrahosakristai).

krahosakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikrahosakristestai).

krahosakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the Krahos, as a Krahos head or face (count noun, ekrahosakorai).

krahosakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekrahosakorestai).

krahosarnē — A person who makes someone a slave of the Krahos; a Krahos slaver or slave-owner (animate noun, ēkrahosarnai).

krahose — An item of Krahos culture, as a slave whip (count noun, ekrahosai).

krahoseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekrahosestai).

krahosê — Krahosness, Krahos culture; a mass or substance of the Krahos, as Krahos wine or cheese (mass noun, êkrahosai).

krahosi — To become a Krahos slave (intransitive verb, zakrahosix).

krahosirnē — A person who does the above; a captured or recaptured Krahos slave (animate noun, ēkrahosirnai).

krahoso — Like or pertaining to the Krahos (adjective, krahosol).

krahosy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, krahosyr).

Krahosai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Krahose (proper noun, Krahosai).

krahosei — The act of making someone a Krahos slave, also the act of becoming a Krahos slave (event noun, eikrahosai).

krahosē — A human being before the Star burst, one of the Old Ones who gave rise to the Verē, in either History; specifically, the humans of the period after Mižinē, who lived in feudal kingdoms in Loraon, without most of their ancestral history, science, and technology (animate noun, ēkrahosai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krana, another (adjective)

krana — To change something, to make it different, to make it unusual or unconventional (transitive verb, zakranax).

kranakristei — A dream of otherness, of doing something over and differently (event noun, eikranakristai).

kranakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikranakristestai).

kranakore — A piece of jewelry that's different or unconventional or unusual (count noun, ekranakorai).

kranakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekranakorestai).

kranarnē — A person who changes something, makes it different, unusual, or unconventional (animate noun, ēkranarnai).

krane — An other thing, another thing, another one; an alternate (count noun, ekranai).

kraneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekranestai).

kranê — Otherness; a substance considered as an alternate to something more conventional (mass noun, êkranai).

krani — To do something over again, with a different outcome this time (intransitive verb, zakranix).

kranirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkranirnai).

krano — Like or pertaining to otherness; an other, another, the other; alternate, alternative (adjective, kranol).

krany — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kranyr).

Kranai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kranu (proper noun, Kranai).

kranei — The act of changing something, of making it different, unusual, or unconventional; the act of doing something over, with a different outcome (event noun, eikranai).

kranē — A person or other living thing, considered as an alternate to some other person or living thing (animate noun, ēkranai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krev, to search (verb)

kreva — To search something, as a house or a piece of furniture (transitive verb, zakrevax).

krevakristei — A dream of searching (event noun, eikrevakristai).

krevakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikrevakristestai).

krevakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something searched for or sought after (count noun, ekrevakorai).

krevakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekrevakorestai).

krevarnē — A person who searches something; a searcher (animate noun, ēkrevarnai).

kreve — A thing searched for or sought after; also, the results of a search (count noun, ekrevai).

kreveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekrevestai).

krevê — Skill at searching; also, a mass or substance searched for or sought after (mass noun, êkrevai).

krevi — To search for something, to quest after something (dative case) (intransitive verb, zakrevix).

krevirnē — A person who does the above; a searcher, a quester (animate noun, ēkrevirnai).

krevo — Like or pertaining to a search (adjective, krevol).

krevy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, krevyr).

Krevai — (1) First of the four "seasons", or quarters, of the Outside calendar. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kreva (proper noun, Krevai).

krevei — The act of searching something; also, the act of searching for or seeking for something (event noun, eikrevai).

krevē — A person or other living thing born in Krevai (animate noun, ēkrevai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ekrehm, a whisper (noun)

kre*ma — To whisper something to or at someone (transitive verb, zakre*max).

kre*makristei — A dream of whispers (event noun, eikre*makristai).

kre*makristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikre*makristestai).

kre*makore — A piece of jewelry depicting or alluding to someone whispering (count noun, ekre*makorai).

kre*makoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekre*makorestai).

kre*marnē — A person who whispers something to or at someone else (animate noun, ēkre*marnai).

kre*me — A thing whispered about; a token, reminder, or souvenir of a whisper (count noun, ekre*mai).

kre*meste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekre*mestai).

kre*mê — Whispered speech, or a whisper of sound (mass noun, êkre*mai).

kre*mi — To whisper (intransitive verb, zakre*mix).

kre*mirnē — A person who does the above; a whisperer (animate noun, ēkre*mirnai).

kre*mo — Like or pertaining to whispering (adjective, kre*mol).

kre*my — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kre*myr).

Kre*mai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kre*ma (proper noun, Kre*mai).

kre*mei — The act of whispering something to or at someone; the act of speaking in a whisper; a whisper (event noun, eikre*mai).

kre*mē — A person or other living thing who speaks only in whispers, from habit, or because of a throat injury, or because that's how its speech organs work (animate noun, ēkre*mai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krika, encrusted (adjective)

krika — To remove the peel, crust, or shell from something; to peel or shell something; also, to add a peel, crust, or shell to something that that doesn't have one already; to encrust something (transitive verb, zakrikax).

krikakristei — A dream of removing a peel, crust, or shell from something; adding one to something; or having one (event noun, (event noun, eikrikakristai).

krikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikrikakristestai).

krikakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something with a peel, crust, or shell, as a (count noun, ekrikakorai).

krikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekrikakorestai).

krikarnē — A person who peels, shells, or removes the crust from something; or a person who adds a peel, crust, or shell to something (animate noun, ēkrikarnai).

krike — A peel, crust, rind, or shell (count noun, ekrikai).

krikeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekrikestai).

krikê — Crustiness; the substance which makes up a peel, crust, rind, or shell (mass noun, êkrikai).

kriki — To grow a peel, crust, or shell; to learn to remove the peel, crust, rind, or shell of something without waste (intransitive verb, zakrikix).

krikirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkrikirnai).

kriko — Like or pertaining to something with a peel, crust, rind, or shell; encrusted; also to the removal of such, as peeled, shelled, de-crusted (adjective, krikol).

kriky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, krikyr).

Krikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Krika (proper noun, Krikai).

krikei — The act of removing the peel, crust, rind, or shell from something; the act of adding a peel, crust, rind, or shell to something; of learning to remove the peel, etc. of something efficiently; or growing a peel, crust, rind, or shell (event noun, eikrikai).

krikē — A living thing which has a peel, crust, rind, or shell, as a crab or a melon (animate noun, ēkrikai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krista, dreamed of (adjective)

krista — To inspire someone (accusative object) to dream, to cause someone to dream (transitive verb, zakristax).

kristakristei — A dream about dreaming; especially a lucid dream, in which one knows that one is dreaming, and can appreciate the experience and to some extent steer the dream (event noun, eikristakristai).

kristakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikristakristestai).

kristakirje — Something written or composed in a dream, as a poem, song, story, or novel (count noun, ekristakirjai).

kristakirjeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekristakirjestai).

kristakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something one often dreams about, or which depicts or symbolizes a person whom one often dreams of (count noun, ekristakorai).

kristakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekristakorestai).

kristahôvê — The study and science of dreaming; of the parts of the sleep cycle in which dreams occur; of their types (e.g., recurring, serial, contingent, etc.); and of the brain-wave signs which indicate whether they're precognitive, clairvoyant, or purely internal êkristahôvai).

kristalêse — A book read in a dream (count noun, ekristalêsai).

kristalêseste — A group, set, or collection of the above (count noun, ekristalêsestai).

kristarnē — A person who inspires another to dream, especially about one's self; a dream girl, a dream boy. In Eretiǹgrai mythology, the Lady of Dreams, an important goddess (animate noun, ēkristarnai).

kriste — A memento or reminder of a dream; a discrete object dreamed about (count noun, ekristai).

kristeste — A group or set or collection of the above; also, notes about dreams, as a dream journal (count noun, ekristestai).

kristê — The dream state, the state of awareness during which one has dreams; dreaminess (mass noun, êkristai).

kristi — To dream or have a dream about someone or something (ablative) (intransitive verb, zakristix).

kristimpe — The realm of dreaming, the kingdom of dreams, the Dreamery; the dream state; in some fantasy fiction, an actual place in mind space; in Eretiǹgrai mythology, the realm of the Lady of Dreams (count noun, ekristimpai).

kristirnē — A person who dreams, a dreamer (animate noun, ēkristirnai).

kristo — Like or pertaining to dreams, dreamy (adjective, kristol).

kristy — As above, but an adverb; as if in a dream, dreamily (adverb, kristyr).

Kristai — A very common personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kristu (proper noun, Kristai).

kristei — The act of dreaming; the act of inspiring dreams in another; the act of dreaming about someone or something (event noun, eikristai).

kristē — A person or other living thing which dreams; also, a person or other living thing who appears in a dream (animate noun, ēkristai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kriss, defile, befoul (verb)

krîsa — To contaminate, infect, defile, foul or befoul someone or something (transitive verb, zakrîsax).

krîsakristei — A dream of contamination, infection, defilement, or foulness (event noun, eikrîsakristai).

krîsakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikrîsakristestai).

krîsakore — A piece of jewelry depictingf contamination, infection, defilement, or foulness (count noun, ekrîsakorai).

krîsakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekrîsakorestai).

krîsarnē — A person who contaminates, infects, defiles, fouls, or befouls someone or something (animate noun, ēkrîsarnai).

krîse — A discrete thing which has been contaminated, infected, defiled, fouled or befouled; a relic or item of evidence of such an act (count noun, ekrîsai).

krîseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekrîsestai).

krîsê — Contamination, infection, contagion, defilment, foulness; a substance of mass that's been fouled, or which can be used for that purpose (mass noun, êkrîsai).

krîsi — To learn about contamination, infection, contagion, defilment, foulness; to learn how to counter it, or clean it up. Also, to become foul, vile, defiled (intransitive verb, zakrîsix).

krîsirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkrîsirnai).

krîso — Like or pertaining to contamination, infection, contagion, defilment, foulness; contaminating, contaminated, infecting or infectious, contagious, defiled or defiling, foul, vile (adjective, krîsol).

krîsy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, krîsyr).

Krîsai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Krîso (proper noun, Krîsai).

krîsei — The act of contaminating, infecting, defiling, fouling, or befouling someone or something; the act of becoming foul or vile; the act of learning about contamination, infection, contagion, defilment, foulness, and how to counter it, or clean it up (event noun, eikrîsai).

krîsē — A living thing contaminates, infects, defiles, fouls or befouls its environment, especially an agent of contagion or infection, as a virus, bacterium, or bacillus (animate noun, ēkrîsai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kwer, to fly a kite (verb)

kwera — To launch a kite, throw a frisbee or paper airplane, launch a propellor on a stick by spinning the stick rapidly, or shooting it from a spring gun; in generally, to start playing with any kind of flying toy, but most often, to launch a kite (transitive verb, zakwerax).

kwerakristei — A dream of kites or other flying toys (event noun, eikwerakristai).

kwerakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikwerakristestai).

kwerakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a kite of other flying toy (count noun, ekwerakorai).

kwerakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekwerakorestai).

kwerarnē — A person who launches a kite, or begins playing with some other flying toy (animate noun, ēkwerarnai).

kwere — A kite, or other flying toy (count noun, ekwerai).

kwereste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekwerestai).

kwerê — The joy of flying a kite, or playing with some other flying toy; any lightweight substance, as paper or balsa wood, out of which a flying toy is made (mass noun, êkwerai).

kweri — To learn to make and fly a kite, or other flying toy; to play with it (intransitive verb, zakwerix).

kwerirnē — A person who does the above; a kite-maker, balloon-maker, or person who makes, learns to fly, and/or plays with a flying toy (animate noun, ēkwerirnai).

kwero — Like or pertaining to flying toys, especially kites (adjective, kwerol).

kwery — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kweryr).

Kwerai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kweri (proper noun, Kwerai).

kwerei — The act of launching a kite, or beginning to play with any flying toy; the act or process of learning to make or fly a flying toy; the act of flying a kite, or some other kind of flying toy (event noun, eikwerai).

kwerē — A person or other living thing who flies or glides without flapping wings, as a spider on a silk thread, or a dandelion seed (animate noun, ēkwerai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kapel, small piece of wood (noun)

kapla — To chop wood into small pieces (transitive verb, zakaplax).

kaplakristei — A dream of small pieces of wood, as sticks, pallets, billets, or chips (event noun, eikaplakristai).

kaplakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaplakristestai).

kaplakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a stick, pallet, or billet (count noun, ekaplakorai).

kaplakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaplakorestai).

kaplarnē — A person who reduces wood to small pieces, as sticks, pallets, billets, or chips (animate noun, ēkaplarnai).

kaple — A small piece of wood, as a stick, pallet, billet, or chip (count noun, ekaplai).

kapleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaplestai).

kaplê — The quality of being a small piece of an originally larger mass or whole, chippiness; a small piece of a substance, as a chip of chocolate or green onion (mass noun, êkaplai).

kapli — To add small pieces of something to a mixture, as chunks of vegetables to a stew, or stones to a cement road (intransitive verb, zakaplix).

kaplirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaplirnai).

kaplo — Like or pertaining to pallets, billets, or chips (adjective, kaplol).

kaply — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kaplyr).

Kaplai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Kaplai).

kaplei — The act of reducing wood, or some other substance, to small pieces, as sticks, pallets, billets, or chips; also, the act of adding small bits of something to a mixture (event noun, eikaplai).

kaplē — A living thing which swallows small rocks to grind up food internally, or one whose skin is studded with with hard secretions for armor (animate noun, ēkaplai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kapea, narrow, skinny, scrawny, constricted (adjective)

kapea — To make something narrow or more narrow, as by shaving its sides or binding it tightlyl to make something skinny, scrawny, restricted, or more so than it already is (transitive verb, zakapeax).

kapeakristei — A dream of making something narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted; of being or becoming narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted; of being in a narrow, restricted, or constricted place or situation (event noun, eikapeakristai).

kapeakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikapeakristestai).

kapeakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a circumflex, the marker of the narrow form of a vowel; or shaped like a narrow vowel; or made of narrow pieces of precious metal or stones (count noun, ekapeakorai).

kapeakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekapeakorestai).

kapearnē — A person who makes something narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted, or more so (animate noun, ēkapearnai).

kapee — A narrow thing, a close call, a slim chance; literally, a discrete object which is narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted (count noun, ekapeai).

kapeeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekapeestai).

kapeê — Narrowness, skinniness, scrawniness, scrawn; constrictedness, constriction; restrictedness, restriction; a mass or substance which is narrow, skinny, scrawny, constricted, or restricted (mass noun, êkapeai).

kapei — To become narrow, skinny, scrawny, constricted, or restricted (intransitive verb, zakapeix).

kapeirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkapeirnai).

kapeo — Narrow, skinny, low-fat, scrawny, constricted, or restricted (adjective, kapeol).

kapey — As above, but an adverb; narrowly, in a constructed or restricted manner (adverb, kapeyr).

Kapeai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kapeo (proper noun, Kapeai).

kapeei — The act of making something narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted, or making it more so; the act of becoming narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted, or more so (event noun, eikapeai).

kapeē — A person or other living thing which is narrow, skinny, scrawny, or constricted (animate noun, ēkapeai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akata, time (noun)

kata — To time an event, to measure how much time has elapsed in the course of an event; or to time a person, to measure how long it takes someone to do something (transitive verb, zakatax).

katakristei — A dream of time (event noun, eikatakristai).

katakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikatakristestai).

katakore — A piece of jewelry that depicts or represents time (count noun, ekatakorai).

katakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekatakorestai).

katarnē — A person who times an event, or another person; a person who measures time; a timer, a time-keeper (animate noun, ēkatarnai).

kate — An interation of an event; the start, end, or measurement of an event (count noun, ekatai).

kateste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekatestai).

katê — Time, considered as something separate from space; duration, the span of time taken up by an event (mass noun, êkatai).

kati — To spend time in doing something; to take time to do something (intransitive verb, zakatix).

katirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkatirnai).

kato — Like or pertaining to time; temporal (adjective, katol).

katy — As above, but an adverb; temporally (adverb, katyr).

Katai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kati (proper noun, Katai).

katei — The act of measuring time, to time the duration of an event, to time how long a person takes to do something; also, to spend time at something, or take time to do something (event noun, eikatai).

katē — A person or other living thing that's aware of time, that has a sense of time (animate noun, ēkatai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kuok, buy (verb)

kaka — To buy or purchase something (transitive verb, zakakax).

kakakristei — A dream of buying or purchasing something (event noun, eikakakristai).

kakakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikakakristestai).

kakakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of coins, or any kind of legal tender (count noun, ekakakorai).

kakakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekakakorestai).

kakarnē — A person who buys or purchases something; a buyer (animate noun, ēkakarnai).

kake — Something bought or purchased, a purchase; also, a piece of currency representing a fixed amount of money, as a coin or bill (count noun, ekakai).

kakeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekakestai).

kakê — The unit of legal tender or currency in a given time of place, as the oc in the First Empire, or the crown in Êstâz's Kingdom (mass noun, êkakai).

kaki — To window-shop, or browse; to look at things that are for sale, without actually buying something (intransitive verb, zakakix).

kakirnē — A person who does the above; a window-shopper, a browser (animate noun, ēkakirnai).

kako — Like or pertaining to buying or shopping; bought, purchased, bought and paid for (adjective, kakol).

kaky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kakyr).

Kakai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaku (proper noun, Kakai).

kakei — The act of buying or purchasing something; the act of browsing or window-shopping (event noun, eikakai).

kakē — A person or other living thing bought or purchased; a pet, a slave (animate noun, ēkakai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kax, own (verb)

kaksa — To own or have ownership of something, to possess or be in possession of something (transitive verb, zakaksax).

kaksakristei — A dream of ownership or possession (event noun, eikaksakristai).

kaksakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaksakristestai).

kaksakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that denotes ownership, as a brand (count noun, ekaksakorai).

kaksakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaksakorestai).

kaksarnē — A person who owns or possesses something; an owner, a possessor (animate noun, ēkaksarnai).

kakse — A mark of ownership, as a cattle or slave brand or a pet or slave collar; also, a thing that is owned, a chattel, a possession, a piece of property (count noun, ekaksai).

kakseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaksestai).

kaksê — Ownership, possession; property; clothing worn only by slaves (mass noun, êkaksai).

kaksi — To collect things for the pleasure of owning them, to gloat over things one possesses, to hoard things (things collected, gloated over, or hoarded in the genitive case) (intransitive verb, zakaksix).

kaksirnē — A person who does the above; a collector, gloater, or hoarder (animate noun, ēkaksirnai).

kakso — Like or pertaining to owneership or possession; property, proprietary, possessive (adjective, kaksol).

kaksy — As above, but an adverb; proprietarily, possessively (adverb, kaksyr).

Kaksai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kakso (proper noun, Kaksai).

kaksei — The act of owning or possessing something; also, the act of collecting gloating over, or hoarding something (event noun, eikaksai).

kaksē — A person or other living thing that is owned, as a slave or a pet; also, a being that acts servile, as a dog (animate noun, ēkaksai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaf, make (verb)

kafa — To build, make, or craft something (transitive verb, zakafax).

kafakristei — A dream of building, making, or craftsmanship (event noun, eikafakristai).

kafakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikafakristestai).

kafakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a building or piece of craftsmanship that one admires, or is proud of; or an emblem of craftsmanship, as a master's or maker's mark (count noun, ekafakorai).

kafakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekafakorestai).

kafarnē — A person who builds, makes, or crafts something; a builder, maker, or craftsman (animate noun, ēkafarnai).

kafe — Something built, made, or crafted; a building; a manufactured thing; a work of craftmanship (count noun, ekafai).

kafeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekafestai).

kafê — Skill at building, making, or crafting; craftsmanship; a material used in building, making, or crafting, as wood by a woodworker, or cloth by a seamstress or dressmaker (mass noun, êkafai).

kafi — To learn to build, make, or craft something, or to learn or master some building, making, or craftingskill (intransitive verb, zakafix).

kafirnē — A person who does the above; a student or apprentice builder, maker, or craftsman (animate noun, ēkafirnai).

kafo — Like or pertaining to building, making, crafting, or craftsmanship (adjective, kafol).

kafy — As above, but an adverb; in a craftsmanlike manner (adverb, kafyr).

Kafai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kafu (proper noun, Kafai).

kafei — The act of building, making, or crafting something; the act or process of learning to do so well, or learning a particular skill or craft (event noun, eikafai).

kafē — A person or other living thing which builds, makes, or crafts something, as a bird weaving a nest, wasps making a hive out of mud, or fish or insect larvae making nests from stones (animate noun, ēkafai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akadh, season (noun)

kaδa — To plan events or assign tasks for a season; to schedule (transitive verb, zakaδax).

kaδakristei — A dream of a season, or of the changing seasons (event noun, eikaδakristai).

kaδakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaδakristestai).

kaδakore — A piece of jewelry symbolizing a season, or depicting something peculiar to a season (count noun, ekaδakorai).

kaδakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaδakorestai).

kaδarnē — A person who plans the events and the work for a season; a season planner; a season scheduler (animate noun, ēkaδarnai).

kaδe — A season, especially an Outside season of four months, one quarter of the Outside year (count noun, ekaδai).

kaδeste — A group or set or collection of the above; also, the plan of events, agenda, or schedule for a season (count noun, ekaδestai).

kaδê — The feeling and events associated with a given season; the suitability or appropriateness of feeling or emotion to a season; seasonability. Also, a mass or substance associated with a season, as colors, materials, decor (mass noun, êkaδai).

kaδi — To run or manage the events of a season (intransitive verb, zakaδix).

kaδirnē — A person who does the above; an event manager, a master of ceremonies (animate noun, ēkaδirnai).

kaδo — Like or pertaining to a season; seasonal, seasonable, quarterly (of a year) (adjective, kaδol).

kaδy — As above, but an adverb; during a quarter or season, seasonally, seasonably (adverb, kaδyr).

Kaδai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaδo (proper noun, Kaδai).

kaδei — The act of planning, scheduling, and making preparations for a season; the act of running and managing the events of a season; the party, event, or ceremony which begins or ends the season, or both, according to custom (event noun, eikaδai).

kaδē — A person who takes part in the preparations for the events of a season; also, a person or other living thing who attends such events, as a guest or mascot (animate noun, ēkaδai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai katha, created for, made for (adjective)

kaθa — To create something, to make something original or artistic (transitive verb, zakaθax).

kaθakristei — A dream of creation (event noun, eikaθakristai).

kaθakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaθakristestai).

kaθakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of some creation that one takes pride in, or admires (count noun, ekaθakorai).

kaθakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaθakorestai).

kaθarnē — A person who creates something; a creator (animate noun, ēkaθarnai).

kaθe — A created thing, a creation, the product of an artist or creator (count noun, ekaθai).

kaθeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaθestai).

kaθê — Creativeness, creativity; also, a created thing which is a mass or substance, rather than a discrete object (mass noun, êkaθai).

kaθi — To become creative, or more creative, to learn to create, to study creativeity (intransitive verb, zakaθix).

kaθirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaθirnai).

kaθo — Like or pertaining to creation; creative (adjective, kaθol).

kaθy — As above, but an adverb; creatively (adverb, kaθyr).

Kaθai — A very common personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaθa (proper noun, Kaθai).

kaθei — The act of creating something, of making something original or artistic; creation; also, the act of becoming creative, or more creative, of learning to create, of studying creativeity (event noun, eikaθai).

kaθē — A person or other living thing designed or made by a creator; a creature (animate noun, ēkaθai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kasha, (1) red, (2) hateful (adjective)

kaša — (1) To make something red. (2) To hate someone or something; to make someone angry, fill someone with hate, inspire someone to hate (transitive verb, zakašax).

kašakristei — A dream of the color red, or of a person or thing that one hates (event noun, eikašakristai).

kašakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikašakristestai).

kašakore — A piece of jewelry which is (1) red, or (2) depicts or alludes to a hated person or thing (count noun, (count noun, ekašakorai).

kašakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekašakorestai).

kašarnē — A person who (1) colors something red, or (2) hates someone or something, or causes others to hate something or someone; a hateful person. hater, or demagogue (animate noun, ēkašarnai).

kaše — (1) A discrete thing which is red, as a red flower or fruit. (2) A hated thing, or a picture or token or memento of a hated person or thing (count noun, ekašai).

kašeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekašestai).

kašê — (1) The color red.; redness; a mass or substance which is red, as the flesh of a red fruit. (2) A mass or substance which is hated, or which inspires hatred or anger in othes; also, hatred, rage, anger, hatefulness (mass noun, êkašai).

kaši — To become red, or change color to red; to become enraged, or full of hate (intransitive verb, zakašix).

kaširnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaširnai).

kašo — Red; also, angry, enraged, hateful, hated, irate, rageful (adjective, kašol).

kašy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kašyr).

Kašai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaša (proper noun, Kašai).

kašei — The act of coloring something red, or becoming red; also, the act of hating someone, or making someone else hate, or be angry; or becoming angry or full of hate (event noun, eikašai).

kašē — A person or other living thing which is red, as a flower, a fruit, or a bird; also, a hated person, the object of one's hate; or a person or animal which is full of hate or driven by rage (animate noun, ēkašai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kama, merciless, ruthless (adjective)

kama — To treat or act towards someone or something ruthlessly, without mercy or pity; to make someone or cause someone to become merciless, ruthless, or pitiless (transitive verb, zakamax).

kamakristei — A dream of ruthlessness, mercilessness, or pitilessness (event noun, eikamakristai).

kamakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikamakristestai).

kamakore — A piece of jewelry symbolizing ruthlessness, mercilessness, or pitilessness (count noun, ekamakorai).

kamakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekamakorestai).

kamarnē — A person who someone or something with ruthlessness, mercilessness, or pitilessness, or makes or causes someone else to do so (animate noun, ēkamarnai).

kame — A discrete thing symbolizing ruthlessness, mercilessness, or pitilessness; or a symbol, emblem, relic, or souvenir of such (count noun, ekamai).

kameste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekamestai).

kamê — Ruthlessness, mercilessness, pitilessness; coldheartedness, hardheartedness (mass noun, êkamai).

kami — To turn, learn to be, or become ruthless, merciless, pitiless, cold-hearted, hard-hearted (intransitive verb, zakamix).

kamirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkamirnai).

kamo — Ruthless, merciless, pitiless, cold-hearted, hard-hearted (adjective, kamol).

kamy — As above, but an adverb; ruthlessly, mercilessly, pitilessly, cold-heartedly, or hard-heartedly (adverb, kamyr).

Kamai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kamu (proper noun, Kamai).

kamei — The act of treating or acting towards someone or something ruthlessly, without mercy or pity; of making someone or causing someone to behave that way; the act of turning, learning to be, or becoming ruthless, merciless, pitiless, cold-hearted, or hard-hearted (event noun, eikamai).

kamē — A living thing which is ruthless, merciless, pitiless, cold-hearted, or hard-hearted towards everything, even its own kind, as a shark (animate noun, ēkamai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Kantos, from Mižinai Kanitosulatelananumonesita, "Elf Land" (proper noun)

kantosa — To exile, send, or make someone go to Kantos (transitive verb, zakantosax).

kantosakristei — A dream of Kantos (event noun, eikantosakristai).

kantosakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikantosakristestai).

kantosakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something distinctly Kantosian, as the outline of the continent, in either History; or a replica of an Kantosian piece of jewelry, artifact or animal native to the continent (count noun, ekantosakorai).

kantosakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekantosakorestai).

kantosarnē — A person who exiles someone to Kantos, sends someone there, or makes someone go there (animate noun, ēkantosarnai).

kantose — A symbol, relic, artifact, or memento of Kantos (count noun, ekantosai).

kantoseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekantosestai).

kantosê — Kantos-ness, Kantosity, Kantosian culture; homesickness for Kantos, or the feeling of being at home there; any mass or substance from Kantos (mass noun, êkantosai).

kantosi — To go to, visit, return to, or dwell in Kantos (intransitive verb, zakantosix).

kantosirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkantosirnai).

kantoso — Like or pertaining to Kantos; Kantosian (adjective, kantosol).

kantosy — As above, but an adverb; Kantosianly, in a Kantosian manner (adverb, kantosyr).

Kantosai — One of the continents of the human homeworld in the Second Universe, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kantos.

In the First History, Kantos was east of Syorkai, and west of Loraon. The smallest continent, Alteřa, was in the north, east of Heki and the Sentinel Islands, west by northwest of Syorkai.

In the Second History, Loraon was a north polar continent, Kantos was south of it, Syorkai southeast of it, and a smaller Alteřa lay northeast of Syorkai. Note:  Kantosai is not a personal name in either History (proper noun, Kantosai).

kantosei — The act of sending someone to, exiling someone to, or making someone go to Kantos; the act of going to, returning to, visiting, or dwelling in Kantos (event noun, eikantosai).

kantosē — A person or other living thing from, or native to, Kantos (animate noun, ēkantosai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ikanki, watering-hole, bar, pub (noun)

kanka — To create or improve a watering-hole for wild animals, or to establish or run a bar, pub, or social gathering place (transitive verb, zakankax).

kankakristei — A dream of a watering-hole, bar, pub, or social gathering place (event noun, eikankakristai).

kankakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikankakristestai).

kankakore — A piece of jewelry depicting or alluding to a watering-hole, bar, pub, or social gathering place (count noun, ekankakorai).

kankakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekankakorestai).

kankarnē — A person who makes or improves a watering-hole for wild animals, a wildlife ranger or officer; or who establishes or runs a bar, pub, or social gathering place; the owner or manager of such an establishment (animate noun, ēkankarnai).

kanke — A watering-hole for wild animals; by extension, a bar, pub, or social gathering place, as a juice bar (count noun, ekankai).

kankeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekankestai).

kankê — Social interaction, socialness, sociableness; also, a substance consumed at a kanke, as water, alcoholic drinks, non-alcoholic drinks, or conversation (mass noun, êkankai).

kanki — To frequent a watering-hole, bar, pub, or social gathering place (intransitive verb, zakankix).

kankirnē — A person who does the above; a regular; also, a bar-fly (pejorative) (animate noun, ēkankirnai).

kanko — Like or pertaining to a watering-hole, bar, pub, social gathering place (adjective, kankol).

kanky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kankyr).

Kankai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kanki (proper noun, Kankai).

kankei — The act of making or improving a watering-hole for wild animals; of establishing or running a bar, pub, or social gathering place; the act of frequenting such a place (event noun, eikankai).

kankē — A person or other living thing that gathers at a watering-hole, bar, pub, social gathering place; by extension, a social animal, a member of a social species (animate noun, ēkankai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akala, any bony fish (noun)

kala — To fish; to hunt or trap or catch fish (transitive verb, zakalax).

kalakristei — A dream of fish (event noun, eikalakristai).

kalakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikalakristestai).

kalakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more fish, or fish heads, or fish tails (count noun, ekalakorai).

kalakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekalakorestai).

kalarnē — A person who fishes; a fisher, a fisherman, a isherwoman (animate noun, ēkalarnai).

kale — Any fishing tool, as a fish hook, skinning knife, rod and reel, net. or a fish trap (count noun, ekalai).

kaleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekalestai).

kalê — Fishiness; the smell, feel, or any other quality of fish; the flesh or meat of a fish (mass noun, êkalai).

kali — To learn to fish; to study fish, as for science; to raise fish, or provide habitat for fish (intransitive verb, zakalix).

kalirnē — A person who does the above; a beginning fisher, an ichthyologist. or a keeper and raiser of fish as a hobby (animate noun, ēkalirnai).

kalo — Like or pertaining to fish; fishy, piscine, smelly as a fish, slippery as a fish (adjective, kalol).

kaly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kalyr).

Kalai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kali (proper noun, Kalai).

kalei — The act of hunting, trapping, or catching fish; also, the act of learning to fish; studying fish, as for science; raising fish, or providing habitat for fish (event noun, eikalai).

kalē — Any species of bony fish, or any member of such a species; a fish (animate noun, ēkalai).

kalestē — A school of fish (animate noun, ēkalestai).


Etymology: Second-History MIžinai Kalamamidannaninaliu, "The Mountain That Swims Upstream" (proper noun)

kalama — To send someone or make someone go to Kalama (transitive verb, zakalamax).

kalamakristei — A dream of Kalama (event noun, eikalamakristai).

kalamakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikalamakristestai).

kalamakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of Kalama, or from Kalama (count noun, ekalamakorai).

kalamakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekalamakorestai).

kalamarnē — A person who dispatches another to Kalama, or orders another to go there (animate noun, ēkalamarnai).

kalame — A discrete thing from Kalama, a relic of souvenir from there (count noun, ekalamai).

kalameste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekalamestai).

kalamê — Kalama-ness, a quality of the place, such as the view from there; or a mass or substance, as the air or water there (mass noun, êkalamai).

kalami — To go to, visit, or dwell on Kalama (intransitive verb, zakalamix).

kalamirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkalamirnai).

kalamo — Like or pertaining to Kalama; Kalaman (adjective, kalamol).

kalamy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kalamyr).

Kalamai or Edanai Kalamai — A place name, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kalama or Mount Kalama. In the First History, on Eoverai, the mountain doesn't exist, either on Alteřa or Kantos. In the Second History, on Habêkai, Kalama is a single block of granite, extruded either from within Alteřa, or from the sea bed off Kantos, during the formation of Elarâń. It stands 6200 feet high at the bend of the Raros River, forcing the river to flow around it to the south. After Herâk went nova, but before the cities were relaunched, the Fallen city of T́ebai sat between the mountain and the river, using the mountain's sheer sides as a bulwark and the river as a moat, while the crashed city called T́ula sat on the mountain top. From above, the mountain is shaped a bit like a fish, due to erosion by the Raros. Its name occurs in the earliest records of the area, as the emergency plans of the cities before the Star burst (proper noun, Kalamai or Edanai Kalamai).

kalamei — The act of sending someone to Kalama, ordering someone to go there; also, the act of going there, visiting there, or dwelling there (event noun, eikalamai).

kalamē — A person or other living thing from, or native to Kalama (animate noun, ēkalamai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kalli, a cliff (noun)

ka*la — To throw something or someone from a cliff (transitive verb, zaka*lax).

ka*lakristei — A dream of cliffs (event noun, eika*lakristai).

ka*lakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eika*lakristestai).

ka*lakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a cliff (count noun, eka*lakorai).

ka*lakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eka*lakorestai).

ka*larnē — A person who throws someone or something from a cliff; a cliff-thrower (animate noun, ēka*larnai).

ka*le — A rock embedded in a cliff; a cliff house; a rock from a cliff, found at its base (count noun, eka*lai).

ka*leste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eka*lestai).

ka*lê — A cliff, the edge of a very steep, or vertical, section of a mountain or highland, as to a slope, or mountainside (mass noun, êka*lai).

ka*li — To leap, dive, or fall from a cliff; also, to inhabit a cliff house (intransitive verb, zaka*lix).

ka*lirnē — A person who does the above; a cliff-dweller (animate noun, ēka*lirnai).

ka*lo — Like or pertaining to a cliff (adjective, ka*lol).

ka*ly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, ka*lyr).

Ka*lai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Ka*lo (proper noun, Ka*lai).

ka*lei — The act of throwing or dropping someone or something from a cliff; the act of leaping, diving, or falling from a cliff; the act of living in a cliff dwelling (event noun, eika*lai).

ka*lē — A person or other living thing that dwells at the top of, on the side of, or in the immediate area below a cliff (animate noun, ēka*lai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kar, burn (verb)

kara — To burn something, to set something burning; not usually to destruction. to make something burn; to brand something, to mark or decorate something by burning, as patterns or art on wood (transitive verb, zakarax).

karakristei — A dream of burning (event noun, eikarakristai).

karakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikarakristestai).

karakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something burning or burned, as plaques of wood with pictures, patterns, or symbols burned in (count noun, ekarakorai).

karakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekarakorestai).

kararnē — A person who burna something, who sets something burning; not usually to destruction. who makes something burn; brands something, or marks or decorates something; a burner, a wood-burning or leather-burning artist, a brander by burning, as patterns or art on wood (animate noun, ēkararnai).

kare — A thing to be burned, as a stick of firewood, or a brick of charcoal; also, a thing to be branded, or marked or decorated by burning, as a wood block (count noun, ekarai).

kareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekarestai).

karê — A substance that fuels burning, as charcoal, peat, firewood, or flammable oil; also, dkill sy mskinh art with a hot metal implement on the surface of materials, as wood or leather (mass noun, êkarai).

kari — To burn, to be on fire; metaphorically, to be in love, or consumed by lust (intransitive verb, zakarix).

karirnē — A person who does the above; a burn victim; metaphorically, someone on fire with, or a victim of, love or lust (animate noun, ēkarirnai).

karo — Like or pertaining to burning; burned, burning, burnable, combustible, flammable, inflammable (that is, very flammable, rather than not-flammable) (adjective, karol).

kary — As above, but an adverb (adverb, karyr).

Karai — A very common personal name, almost always female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kara (proper noun, Karai).

karei — The act of burning something, of setting something burning; not usually to destruction. the act of making something burn; the act of branding something, markomh or decorating something by burning, as patterns or art on wood. Also, the act or process of combustion, burning, being on fire; metaphorically, being on fire with love, or consumed by lust (event noun, eikarai).

karē — A person or other living thing which lives in fire, as a mythical salamander, or in high-temperature environments, as thermal vents or geysers; a living thing which needs to be burned to reproduce, as the mythical phoenix, or some seeds; a person abnormally fascinated by fire, as an arsonist or a pyromaniac (animate noun, ēkarai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kark, run away, escape (verb

karka — To force or persuade someone to run away, escape, flee (transitive verb, zakarkax).

karkakristei — A dream of running away, escaping, fleeing, or taking refuge (event noun, eikarkakristai).

karkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikarkakristestai).

karkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a person running away or fleeing, or which represents an episode in one's own escape, or is a token of one's refuge (count noun, ekarkakorai).

karkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekarkakorestai).

karkarnē — A person who forces another to run away, escape, or flee (animate noun, ēkarkarnai).

karke — A memento of one's life before running away, escaping, or fleeing; or a memento of the running away, escape, or flight itself; a token of something, someone, or some place left behind; or a picture or token or memento of a runaway, escapee, or fugitive (count noun, ekarkai).

karkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekarkestai).

karkê — The condition or status of a runaway, escapee, or fugitive; fugitivity, fugitiveness; also, a mass or substance carried by a runaway, as escape bread, fugitive cheese (mass noun, êkarkai).

karki — To run away, escape, flee, or seek refuge (intransitive verb, zakarkix).

karkirnē — A person who does the above; a runaway, escapee, or refugee (animate noun, ēkarkirnai).

karko — Like or pertaining to a running away, escaping, fleeing, or seeking refuge (adjective, karkol).

karky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, karkyr).

Karkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Karko (proper noun, Karkai).

karkei — The act of causing someone to run away, escape, flee, or seek refuge; also, the act of running away, escaping, fleeing, or seeking refuge; escape, flight, refuge (event noun, eikarkai).

karkē — A feral member of a domestic species of living things, as a wild dog or cat (animate noun, ēkarkai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ukarth, a lotus flower (noun)

karθa — To give a lotus flower to someone (transitive verb, zakarθax).

karθakristei — A dream of lotus flowers (event noun, eikarθakristai).

karθakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikarθakristestai).

karθakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more lotus flowers (count noun, ekarθakorai).

karθakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekarθakorestai).

karθarnē — A person who gives someone else a lotus flower (animate noun, ēkarθarnai).

karθe — A lotus flower (count noun, ekarθai).

karθeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekarθestai).

karθê — Lotus-ness, the beauty, grace, or symmetry of a lotus flower; a substance or mass associated with a lotus flower, as wine of the lotus (mass noun, êkarθai).

karθi — To tend a pond of lotus plants, or to wear a lotus flowerin one's hair (intransitive verb, zakarθix).

karθirnē — A person who does the above; a lotus grower, a lotus wearer (animate noun, ēkarθirnai).

karθo — Like or pertaining to a lotus flower (adjective, karθol).

karθy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, karθyr).

Karθai — (1) The third month of the Outside year. (2) A personal name (proper noun, Karθai).

karθei — The act of giving someone a lotus flower; of tending a pond of lotus plants; of wearing a lotus flower in one's hair (event noun, eikarθai).

karθē — A person or other living thing who eats lotus flowers. a lotus eater; also, any small predator which hunts among lotus plants for its prey (animate noun, ēkarθai).


Etymology: ka, informal name for the letter K, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

kareta — To mark something with the letter K (transitive verb, zakaretax).

karetakristei — A dream of the letter K (event noun, eikaretakristai).

karetakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaretakristestai).

karetakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter K (count noun, ekaretakorai).

karetakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaretakorestai).

karetarnē — A person who marks something with the letter K (animate noun, ēkaretarnai).

karete — The letter K (count noun, ekaretai).

kareteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaretestai).

karetê — K-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter K (mass noun, êkaretai).

kareti — To produce a work of art which incorporates the letter K (intransitive verb, zakaretix).

karetirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaretirnai).

kareto — Like or pertaining to the letter K (adjective, karetol).

karety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, karetyr).

Karetai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Karetai).

karetei — The act of marking something with the letter K; the act of producing art incorporating the letter K (event noun, eikaretai).

karetē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with the letter K; or a living thing with markings that resemble the letter K (animate noun, ēkaretai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kass, to comprehend (verb)

kâsa — To understand or comprehend something (transitive verb, zakâsax).

kâsakristei — A dream of comprehension (event noun, eikâsakristai).

kâsakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikâsakristestai).

kâsakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a symbol or emblem of comprehension (count noun, ekâsakorai).

kâsakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekâsakorestai).

kâsarnē — A person who understands or comprehends something (animate noun, ēkâsarnai).

kâse — A discrete thing which is understood or comprehended; also, a moment of comprehension, an instant of understanding, an "a-ha" moment (count noun, ekâsai).

kâseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekâsestai).

kâsê — The ongoing state of comprehending or understanding something; also, a non-discrete thing understood, as a process, mass, or substance (mass noun, êkâsai).

kâsi — To come to comprehend or understand; to achieve comprehension or understanding (intransitive verb, zakâsix).

kâsirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkâsirnai).

kâso — Like or pertaining to comprehension or understanding; comprehended, comprehending, comprehensible, comprehensive, understood, understanding, understandable (adjective, kâsol).

kâsy — As above, but an adverb, as understandingly, understandably, comprehendingly, comprehenibly, comprehensively (adverb, kâsyr).

Kâsai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kâsi (proper noun, Kâsai).

kâsei — The act of understanding or comprehending something; understanding, comprehension; the act or process of coming to comprehend or understand, the achievement of comprehension or understanding (event noun, eikâsai).

kâsē — A person or other living thing capable of comprehension or understanding (animate noun, ēkâsai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kask, command (verb)

kâska — To command a person, group, or unit, to give or issue a command to the same, to be in command of the same (transitive verb, zakâskax).

kâskakristei — A dream of command or authority (event noun, eikâskakristai).

kâskakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikâskakristestai).

kâskakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a symbol of authority or command, or the head of a famous commander (count noun, ekâskakorai).

kâskakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekâskakorestai).

kâskarnē — A person who commands a person, group, or unit; a commander (animate noun, ēkâskarnai).

kâske — A command, an order (count noun, ekâskai).

kâskeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekâskestai).

kâskê — The command, the right to give orders, the authority to command, command authority; any mass or substance denoting authority, as the red of a Roman general's cape, or the Tyrian purple reserved to a Roman emperor (mass noun, êkâskai).

kâski — To study the duties, privileges, and responsibilities of command, to learn to command (intransitive verb, zakâskix).

kâskirnē — A person who does the above; a cadet, a junior officer or commander (animate noun, ēkâskirnai).

kâsko — Like or pertaining to command or authority; commanding, commanded, authoritative, "command" as an adjective, as in the phrase "command decision" (adjective, kâskol).

kâsky — As above, but an adverb; commandingly, authoritatively (adverb, kâskyr).

Kâskai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kâska (proper noun, Kâskai).

kâskei — The act of commanding a person, group, or unit; the act or process of learning to command (event noun, eikâskai).

kâskē — A person or other living thing with an imperious, commanding manner, or an air of authority (animate noun, ēkâskai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kann, to turn over (verb)

kâna — To make something turn or rotate on a horizontal axis; to make someone or something turn over; to flip something over top-to-bottom, or bottom-to-top, to reveal its back (transitive verb, zakânax).

kânakristei — A dream of spinning around a horizonal axis, turning over, or turning something over, as a medal, to see its back (event noun, eikânakristai).

kânakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikânakristestai).

kânakore — A piece of jewelry depicting something that rolls over, as a log in a river; or the back of something, as the back of a medallion; or a piece of jewelry with two sides, whose back is upside-down with respect to the front (count noun, ekânakorai).

kânakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekânakorestai).

kânarnē — A person who makes something turn or rotate on a horizontal axis, who makes someone or something turn over or spin horizontally, or who flips something over top to bottom, or bottom to top, to reveal its back (animate noun, ēkânarnai).

kâne — A horizontal axis; or a thing which spins about a horizontal axis, as a log or water wheel; the back side of something, revealed by turning it over horizontally, (that is, from top to bottom or from bottom to top) or by turning it over (count noun, ekânai).

kâneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekânestai).

kânê — A sense of turning over, overturning, upheaval, revolution (mass noun, êkânai).

kâni — To turn over or rotate on a horizontal axis, as a grinding wheel; to turn over, as a sleeping person, or spin horizontally; to flip over, tumble down, overturn (intransitive verb, zakânix).

kânirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkânirnai).

kâno — Like or pertaining to rotation on a horizontal axis; revolutionary (adjective, kânol).

kâny — As above, but an adverb; revolutionarily (adverb, kânyr).

Kânai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kâno (proper noun, Kânai).

kânei — Rotation about a horizontal axis; overturning; upheaval, revolution; the act of making something turn or rotate on a horizontal axis, making someone or something turn over or spin horizontally, or flipping something over top to bottom, or bottom to top, to reveal its back. The act of turning or rotating on a horizontal axis, of turning over or spinning horizontally, of tumbling, upheaving, undergoing a revolutionary change (intransitive verb, (event noun, eikânai).

kânē — A person or other living thing who rolls over and over, on the ground or in water' or who flips forward or backwards, as a tumbler or acrobat (animate noun, ēkânai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaar, punch (verb)

kâra — To punch someone or something, to strike a hard blow with a clenched fist (transitive verb, zakârax).

kârakristei — A dream of punching, of fist-fighting (event noun, eikârakristai).

kârakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikârakristestai).

kârakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a punch, a clenched fist, or two men fighting with clenched fists (count noun, ekârakorai).

kârakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekârakorestai).

kârarnē — A person who punches someone or something; a puncher, a fist fighter (animate noun, ēkârarnai).

kâre — A punch, a hard blow with a clenched fist (count noun, ekârai).

kâreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekârestai).

kârê — Skill at punching, fighting ability with clenched fists; concussion, the effects of a punch (mass noun, êkârai).

kâri — To learn to punch effectively, to become skilled at fighting with clenched fists (intransitive verb, zakârix).

kârirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkârirnai).

kâro — Like or pertaining to punching; punchy (adjective, kârol).

kâry — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kâryr).

Kârai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kâri (proper noun, Kârai).

kârei — The act of punching someone or something; the act or process of learning to punch effectively, of learning to punch (event noun, eikârai).

kârē — A person or other living thing which fights by striking with its paws or forelegs, as some shrimp or crabs (animate noun, ēkârai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

 is the 41st letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet, which includes not only symbols for consonantal and vocalic sounds, but numerals and punctuation.

ket́a — To make two of something, or to divide something into two parts (transitive verb, zaket́ax).

ket́aperse — Base-2 (binary) arithmetic, that is, math where there are 2 single-digit numbers, 0 and 1, and the numeral 2 is represented as "10"i the natural number system for electric and electronic circuits, which have only two states, "on" and "off" (count noun, eket́apersai).

ket́aperso — Like or pertaining to base-2; "base-2" as an adjective (adjective, ket́apersol).

ket́apersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-2" (adverb, ket́apersyr).

ket́akristei — A dream of two things, wherein the fact that there are two of them feels important (event noun, eiket́akristai).

ket́akristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiket́akristestai).

ket́akore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number 2, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of two strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of two strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, eket́akorai).

ket́akoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eket́akorestai).

ket́arnē — An artist who produces a limited run of two of something; a writer who creates a series of two books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēket́arnai).

ket́e — The number 2; the letter, numeral, or symbol for the number 2; a representation of the number 2, as a playing card (count noun, eket́ai).

ket́este — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eket́estai).

ket́ê — Twoness, duality; a mass or substance which is divided in two (mass noun, êket́ai).

ket́i — To do something twice (intransitive verb, zaket́ix).

ket́ity — Two at a time, two by two (adverb, ket́ityr).

ket́irnē — A person who does something twice; a two-timer (animate noun, ēket́irnai).

ket́o — The cardinal number 2, two, e.g., two ships; having two parts, two-limbed, two-lobed, two-eyed; cut or divided into two pieces (adjective, ket́ol).

ket́olmo — The ordinal number 2, second, as the second ship (adjective, ket́olmo).

ket́olmy — As above, but an adverb; secondly, in the second place, for the second time, on the second occasion (adverb, ket́olmyr).

ket́usky — Two each or two apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., 2 stars with 2 planets each have 4 planets total; two total or two collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; two planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, ket́uskyr).

ket́y — As ket́ol, but an adverb; secondly, like two things; like a thing with two parts; like a thing cut or divided into two pieces; twice (adverb, ket́yr).

Ket́ai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their second-born offspring. Compare the common Roman name Secundus, "second son" in Latin (proper noun, Ket́ai).

ket́ei — The act of dividing something into two parts; the division of something into two parts; the act of doing something twice (event noun, eiket́ai).

ket́ē — A person or other living thing regarded as the second one in any series, as the second-born child, the second-born of a litter of animals, the second in command of an organization, the second in line of succession; or having two eyes, two body segments, or bilaterally symmetrical, having two sides or lobes (animate noun, ēket́ai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KET́YM– means "two (times) ten", or "twenty" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "sixteen".

ket́yma — To make twenty of something, or to divide something into twenty parts (transitive verb, zaket́ymax).

ket́ymaperse — Base-20 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 13 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1 ., 9, A .. G. In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with twenty possible states instead of just two (count noun, eket́ymapersai).

ket́ymaperso — Like or pertaining to base-20; "base-20" as an adjective (adjective, ket́ymapersol).

ket́ymapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-20" (adverb, ket́ymapersyr).

ket́ymakristei — A dream of twenty things, wherein the fact that there are twenty of them feels important (event noun, eiket́ymakristai).

ket́ymakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiket́ymakristestai).

ket́ymakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number twenty, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of twenty strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of twenty strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, eket́ymakorai).

ket́ymakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eket́ymakorestai).

ket́ymarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of twenty of something; a writer who creates a series of twenty books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēket́ymarnai).

ket́yme — The number twenty; a representation of the number twenty, as a playing card (count noun, eket́ymai).

ket́ymeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eket́ymestai).

ket́ymê — Twenty-ness, twenty-sidedness (mass noun, êket́ymai).

ket́ymi — To do something twenty times (intransitive verb, zaket́ymix).

ket́ymity — Twenty at a time, twenty by twenty (adverb, ket́ymityr).

ket́ymirnē — A person who does something twenty times; a twenty-timer (animate noun, ēket́ymirnai).

ket́ymo — The cardinal number twenty, as twenty ships; twenty-sided, having twenty parts, twenty-limbed, twenty-lobed, twenty-eyed; cut or divided into twenty pieces (adjective, ket́ymol).

ket́ymolmo — The ordinal number twenty, as the twentieth ship of a series (adjective, ket́ymolmo).

ket́ymolmy — As above, but an adverb; twentiethly, in the twentieth place, for the twentieth time, on the twentieth occasion (adverb, ket́ymolmyr).

ket́ymusky — Twenty each or twenty apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., twenty stars with four planets each have 116 planets total; twenty total or twenty collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; twenty planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, ket́ymuskyr).

ket́ymy — As ket́ymol, but an adverb; twentiethly, like twenty things; like a thing with twenty parts; like a thing cut or divided into twenty pieces; twenty times (adverb, ket́ymyr).

Kymkysai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Kymkysai).

ket́ymei — The act of making twenty of something, or dividing something into twenty parts; the act of doing something twenty times (event noun, eiket́ymai).

ket́ymē — A person or other living thing regarded as the twentieth one in any series; as the twentieth-born child, the twentieth-born of a litter of animals, the twentieth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having twenty eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with twenty limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēket́ymai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ekek, a hill (noun)

keka — To send someone or order someone up a hill (transitive verb, zakekax).

kekakristei — A dream of a hill or hills (event noun, eikekakristai).

kekakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikekakristestai).

kekakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a hill (count noun, ekekakorai).

kekakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekekakorestai).

kekamâke — A hillside; the side or slope of a hill (count noun, ekekamâkai).

kekamâkeste — A bunch, set, or collection of the above (count noun, ekekamâkestai).

kekarnē — A person who orders, sends, or dispatches another up a hill (animate noun, ēkekarnai).

keke — A hill (count noun, ekekai).

kekeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekekestai).

kekê — Hillness, i.e., the scenic or restful quality of a hill; also, a mass or substance of a hill, as hill pasturage (mass noun, êkekai).

keki — To clime or go up a hill; to live on a hill (intransitive verb, zakekix).

kekirnē — A person who does the above; a hill climber, a hill dweller (animate noun, ēkekirnai).

keko — Like or pertaining to a hill; hilly (adjective, kekol).

keky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kekyr).

Kekai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Keke (proper noun, Kekai).

kekei — The act of ordering or sending another up a hill; the act of climbing or going up a hill; the act of dwelling on a hill (event noun, eikekai).

kekē — A living thing native to or found on a hill, as a flower that finds the bottom of a hill too hot, and the top of a hill too windy (animate noun, ēkekai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai iko, body (noun)

keha — (1) To give someone a body, or a new body, to embody someone. (2) In the Second History, to promote someone to the "sergeant" or "cornet" in command of a "platoon" (transitive verb, zakehax).

kehakristei — A dream of being given or taking possession of a body, or a new body; also, a dream of being promoted to the "sergeant" or "cornet" in command of a "platoon", or a dream of leading a "platoon" (event noun, eikehakristai).

kehakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikehakristestai).

kehakore — A piece of jewelry depicting or alluding to a human body, or in the shape of the rank badge of a "platoon sergeant" or "cornet", or emblematic of a "platoon" (count noun, ekehakorai).

kehakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekehakorestai).

keharnē — A person who gives someone a body, or a new body, who embody someone. In the Second History, one who promotes someone to the "sergeant" or "cornet" in command of a "platoon" (animate noun, ēkeharnai).

kehe — The body of a person or living being. Also, in the Second History, a military unit, a "platoon" comprised of four "squads", led by a "cornet" and "sergeant". (count noun, ekehai).

keheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekehestai).

kehê — Embodiment, corporation, incorporation; any mass or substance of the body, as blood; authority over a "platoon", responsibility for it, or its morale; any mass or substance associated with it, and its sweat and blood (mass noun, êkehai).

kehi — To keep one's body fit, as with regular exercise; also, to be in authority over a "platoon", or have the responsibility for its training and readiness (intransitive verb, zakehix).

kehirnē — A person who does the above, especially the "cornet" or "sergeant" of a "platoon" (animate noun, ēkehirnai).

keho — Like or pertaining to the body; bodily, "body" as an adjective, corporate, incorporate; like or pertaining to a "platoon" (adjective, kehol).

kehy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kehyr).

Kehai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kehu (proper noun, Kehai).

kehei — The act of giving someone a body, or a new body, or embodying someone; or the act or process of keeping one's body fit, as with regular exercise. In the Second History, the act of promoting someone to the "sergeant" or "cornet" in command of a "platoon"; also, to be in authority over a "platoon", and have the responsibility for its training and readiness (event noun, eikehai).

kehē — A person or other living thing with a body, distinct from its head and limbs; or a person or living being who belongs to a "platoon", as its personnel or mounts; or a living thing belonging to a troop or pack of a similar size (animate noun, ēkehai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kemut, feast (verb)

kemta — To hold or provide a feast (transitive verb, zakemtax).

kemtakristei — A dream of feasting (event noun, eikemtakristai).

kemtakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikemtakristestai).

kemtakore — A piece of jewelry depicting or representing a feast (count noun, ekemtakorai).

kemtakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekemtakorestai).

kemtarnē — A person who holds or provides a feast (animate noun, ēkemtarnai).

kemte — Feast gear, as plates, eating utensils, napkins; or a relic or souvenir of a feast, as a place card or menu (count noun, ekemtai).

kemteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekemtestai).

kemtê — Festiveness, festivity, festive feeling; also, a mass or substance from or at a feast, as cheese, bread, or drinks (mass noun, êkemtai).

kemti — To partake or participate in a feast; to be a guest at a feast (intransitive verb, zakemtix).

kemtirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkemtirnai).

kemto — Like or pertaining to a feast, festival, or festivity; festive (adjective, kemtol).

kemty — As above, but an adverb; festively (adverb, kemtyr).

Kemtai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kemto (proper noun, Kemtai).

kemtei — The act of feasting; of holding or providing a feast; or participating, taking part in, or being a guest at a feast (event noun, eikemtai).

kemtē — A person or other living thing that eats to excess; a glutton; especially an orkē, that under certain circumstances may keep eating until it bursts its stomach and dies (animate noun, ēkemtai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kenka, to put a shoe on someone (verb)

kenka — To provide a pair of shoes to someone, to make one or a pair of shoes for someone, to place a shoe on someone's foot; to shoe someone (transitive verb, zakenkax).

kenkakristei — A dream of shoes, or a pair of shoes (event noun, eikenkakristai).

kenkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikenkakristestai).

kenkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a shoe, or a pair of shoes (count noun, ekenkakorai).

kenkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekenkakorestai).

kenkarnē — A person who makes or provides shoes; a shoemaker (animate noun, ēkenkarnai).

kenke — A shoe (count noun, ekenkai).

kenkeste — A group or set or collection of the above, especially, a pair of shoes (count noun, ekenkestai).

kenkê — Shoe-ness, the comfort of a pair of shoes that fit right; also, the material of which shoes are made, as shoe-leather, wood for clogs, silk for house slippers (mass noun, êkenkai).

kenki — To don a pair of shoes (intransitive verb, zakenkix).

kenkirnē — A person who does the above; a person who always wears shoes, even indoors, or rather than going barefoot (animate noun, ēkenkirnai).

kenko — Like or pertaining to a pair of shoes (adjective, kenkol).

kenky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kenkyr).

Kenkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kenka (proper noun, Kenkai).

kenkei — The act of making a pair of shoes for someone, or providing shoes for someone; the act of donning shoes, or wearing them all the time (event noun, eikenkai).

kenkē — A living thing, as a pet horse, provided with shoes; or a living thing whose feet have a shoe-like part that protects the rest of the foot from touching the ground (animate noun, ēkenkai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kel, the sky (noun)

kela — To order, appoint, or assign someone to study, predict, or control the weather (transitive verb, zakelax).

kelakristei — A dream of the sky, or weather (event noun, eikelakristai).

kelakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikelakristestai).

kelakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the sky, or a weather phenomenon (count noun, ekelakorai).

kelakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekelakorestai).

kelarnē — A person who appoints, assigns, or orders another to study, predict, or control the weather (animate noun, ēkelarnai).

kele — The sky of a world with an atmosphere; hence, the weather, atmospheric phenomena; what happens "on this side of the sky", rather than "in outer space" (count noun, ekelai).

keleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekelestai).

kelê — Being "up in the air", having "one's head in the clouds", as opposed to being practical, or "down to earth"; also, atmospheric phenomena, or weather, as thunder, lightning, or rain (mass noun, êkelai).

keli — To study the sky; to study, learn to predict, or learn to control the weather (intransitive verb, zakelix).

kelirnē — A person who does the above; a meteorologist (animate noun, ēkelirnai).

kelo — Like or pertaining to the sky; atmospheric, meteorological (adjective, kelol).

kely — As above, but an adverb; atmospherically, meteorologically (adverb, kelyr).

Kelai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Kelai).

kelei — The act of appointing someone to study, predict, or control the weather; also, the act or process of doing so, or learning to do so (event noun, eikelai).

kelē — Literally, a living thing that lives in the sky, and never comes down, as in the ecological systems of some planets; mythologically, some supernatural beings; figuratively, a reference to birds, especially birds that live in trees and never descend to ground level (animate noun, ēkelai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kerre, over and over, repeatedly (adverb)

keřa — To make something happen again, or over and over; to make someone repeat an action or a process, do it again, or do it over and over (transitive verb, zakeřax).

keřakristei — A dream of repeating something, doing something again, or doing something over and over (event noun, eikeřakristai).

keřakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikeřakristestai).

keřakore — A piece of jewelry with a shape or pattern of colors repeated over and over (count noun, ekeřakorai).

keřakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekeřakorestai).

keřarnē — A person who makes something happen again, or over and over; or who makes someone repeat an action or a process, do it again, or do it over and over (animate noun, ēkeřarnai).

keře — An object which, when joined in a regular fashion, forms a useful whole, as a link in a chain, or pickets or slats in a fence (count noun, ekeřai).

keřeste — A group or set or collection of the above, either separate, as a pile of mail links or armor plates, or assembled, as a chain, suit of armor plate, or suit of mail (count noun, ekeřestai).

keřê — Repetitiveness, repetitivity, repetition; also, a mass or substance which occurs over and over, as muscle cells in muscle tissue (mass noun, êkeřai).

keři — To repeat an action or a process, to do ir again, or over and over (intransitive verb, zakeřix).

keřirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkeřirnai).

keřo — Like or pertaining to repetition or recurrence; repeated, repetitive, recurrent, recursive (adjective, keřol).

keřy — As above, but an adverb; again, over and over, repeatedly, repetitively, recurrently, recursively (adverb, keřyr).

Keřai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Keři (proper noun, Keřai).

keřei — The act of making something happen again, or over and over; or making someone repeat an action or a process, do it again, or do it over and over. Also, the act of repeating something, doing it again, or over and over (event noun, eikeřai).

keřē — A person or other living thing whose body consists of many segments or nodes, as a worm or insect (animate noun, ēkeřai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ekip, pain (noun)

kipa — To inflict pain on someone, to make someone hurt, ache, or suffer (transitive verb, zakipax).

kipakristei — A dream of pain (event noun, eikipakristai).

kipakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikipakristestai).

kipakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a pain or hurt (count noun, ekipakorai).

kipakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekipakorestai).

kiparnē — A person who inflicts pain on another, a hurter (animate noun, ēkiparnai).

kipe — A pain or ache (count noun, ekipai).

kipeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekipestai).

kipê — Pain, hurt, misery; also a mass or substance that causes pain, as a strong acid or caustic liquid (mass noun, êkipai).

kipi — To feel pain, to hurt or ache (intransitive verb, zakipix).

kipirnē — A person who does the above, a person in pain (animate noun, ēkipirnai).

kipo — Like or pertaining to pain; painful, hurty, achy (adjective, kipol).

kipy — As above, but an adverb; painfully, hurtfully, achily (adverb, kipyr).

Kipai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kipo (proper noun, Kipai).

kipei — The act of inflicting pain on others, or hurting others; also, the act of feeling pain, being in pain, hurting, or aching (event noun, eikipai).

kipē — A person or other living thing capable of feeling pain (animate noun, ēkipai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kit, speed, zoom (verb)

kita — To make someone or something speed, zoom, sweep, or go fast (transitive verb, zakitax).

kitakristei — A dream of speed (event noun, eikitakristai).

kitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikitakristestai).

kitakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a fast animal, a running person, or a symbol of speed (count noun, ekitakorai).

kitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekitakorestai).

kitarnē — A person who makes someone or something speed, zoom, sweep, or go fast (animate noun, ēkitarnai).

kite — An emblem, symbol, or relic of speed (count noun, ekitai).

kiteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekitestai).

kitê — Speed, speediness; or any mass or substance related to speed (mass noun, êkitai).

kiti — To dpeed, zoom, sweep, or go fast (intransitive verb, zakitix).

kitirnē — A person who does the above; a speeder, a speedster (animate noun, ēkitirnai).

kito — Like or pertaining to speed; speedy, fast, quick (adjective, kitol).

kity — As above, but an adverb; quickly, fast(ly), speedily (adverb, kityr).

Kitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kiti (proper noun, Kitai).

kitei — The act of making someone or something speed, zoom, sweep, or go fast; also, the act of speeding, zooming, sweeping, or going fast (event noun, eikitai).

kitē — A person or other living thing which lives "at a run"; a speedy thing or person (animate noun, ēkitai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akish, a domestic cat (noun)

kiša — To bless someone with a cat, to give a cat to someone (transitive verb, zakišax).

kišakristei — A dream of cats (event noun, eikišakristai).

kišakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikišakristestai).

kišakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a cat, or the head or face of a cat; also, a piece of jewelry to be worn by a cat, as a jewelled collar (count noun, ekišakorai).

kišakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekišakorestai).

kišarnē — A person who gives a cat to someone else (animate noun, ēkišarnai).

kiše — Any discrete item depicting a cat, as a cat statue, a picture of a cat, or a memento of a deceased cat (count noun, ekišai).

kišeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekišestai).

kišê — Cattiness, felinity; also cat hair, cat dander (mass noun, êkišai).

kiši — To pet a cat, to own or keep a cat, to attend a cat show (intransitive verb, zakišix).

kiširnē — A person who does the above; a cat owner, a cat lover (animate noun, ēkiširnai).

kišo — Like or pertaining to a cat; feline, catlike, catty (adjective, kišol).

kišy — As above, but an adverb; in a feline or catlike manner, cattily (adverb, kišyr).

Kišai — A personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kiša (proper noun, Kišai).

kišei — The act of giving someone a cat; getting a cat, or an additional cat for oneself; petting a cat, owning or keeping a cat; attending a cat show; collecting cat jewelry or tokens (event noun, eikišai).

kišē — A housecat, a domestic cat (animate noun, ēkišai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kim, to gleam (verb)

kima — To cause or make something gleam, as by polishing (transitive verb, zakimax).

kimakristei — A dream of something gleaming (event noun, eikimakristai).

kimakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikimakristestai).

kimakore — A piece of jewelry that gleams (count noun, ekimakorai).

kimakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekimakorestai).

kimarnē — A person who makes something gleam, as by buffing (animate noun, ēkimarnai).

kime — A gleam on a smooth surface, a highlight; something that gleams (count noun, ekimai).

kimeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekimestai).

kimê — Gleamingness, the quality of gleaming; also, a mass or substance that gleams, as a smooth flow of water (mass noun, êkimai).

kimi — To gleam (intransitive verb, zakimix).

kimirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkimirnai).

kimo — Like or pertaining to a gleam; gleaming (adjective, kimol).

kimy — As above, but an adverb; gleamingly (adverb, kimyr).

Kimai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kimi (proper noun, Kimai).

kimei — The act of making or causing something to gleam, as by polishing or buffing; also, the act of gleaming (event noun, eikimai).

kimē — A person or other living thing who gleams (animate noun, ēkimai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ekil, a spur (noun)

kila — To spur a mount, to put the spurs on one's boots to one's riding animal; by extension, to goad someone to greater speed or activity (transitive verb, zakilax).

kilakristei — A dream of spurs (event noun, eikilakristai).

kilakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikilakristestai).

kilakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a spur or a pair of spurs, especially a prick spur (count noun, ekilakorai).

kilakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekilakorestai).

kilarnē — A person who spurs or goads (animate noun, ēkilarnai).

kile — The spur a mounted rider wears on a boot and uses to goad his mount; specifically, a prick spur, rather than one with a rowel (count noun, ekilai).

kileste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekilestai).

kilê — Spurredness, the feeling of being under pressure to work faster or harder; also, any mass or substance connected with being spurred, as pain, sweat, or blood (mass noun, êkilai).

kili — To feel pressure to work faster or harder, to "not spare the horses" or "not spare the elbow grease" (intransitive verb, zakilix).

kilirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkilirnai).

kilo — Like or pertaining to spurs; spurring, spurred, goading, goaded (adjective, kilol).

kily — As above, but an adverb; as if being spurred or goaded (adverb, kilyr).

Kilai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kili (proper noun, Kilai).

kilei — The act of spurring or goadng another to work faster or harder; the act of riding fast and hard; feeling pressure to work faster or harder (event noun, eikilai).

kilē — A person or other living thing with spurs on his feet, as a mounted rider, or a bird or animal with spurred feet (animate noun, ēkilai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kirv, execute with an axe (verb)

Ekirvai — A Great Household of the First History, fifth in precedence among the Orthodox Houses. Insignia: On a dark red background, a golden double-bladed axe. Colors: Gold and dark red (proper noun, Ekirvai).

kirva — To strike, chop, hack up, or kill someone or something with an axe (transitive verb, zakirvax).

kirvakristei — A dream of axes (event noun, eikirvakristai).

kirvakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikirvakristestai).

kirvakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an axe (count noun, ekirvakorai).

kirvakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekirvakorestai).

kirvarnē — A person who does battle or executes someone with an axe; an axe-wielder (animate noun, ēkirvarnai).

kirve — An axe (count noun, ekirvai).

kirveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekirvestai).

kirvê — Skill with an axe, especially skill with an axe in battle; also, material for axes, as axe wood, or axe steel (mass noun, êkirvai).

kirvi — To train in the use of the battle-axe, either in battle or in employment as an executioner (intransitive verb, zakirvix).

kirvirnē — A person who does the above; an axe-fighter, axe wielder, or executioner (animate noun, ēkirvirnai).

kirvo — Like or pertaining to an axe (adjective, kirvol).

kirvy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kirvyr).

kirvai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kirvo (proper noun, kirvai).

kirvei — The act of fighting or killing or executing someone with an axe; the act of learning to do so, or of gaining skill at doing so; a formal ceremony of execution with an axe (event noun, eikirvai).

kirvē — A person who belongs to House Ekirvai, or a living thing with markings or features that are axe-shaped, as fins, spinal blades, or scales (animate noun, ēkirvai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kirzh, to write (verb)

kirja — To write something (transitive verb, zakirjax).

kirjakristei — A dream of writing (event noun, eikirjakristai).

kirjakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikirjakristestai).

kirjakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something written, as a book or scroll, or a writing instrument, as a pen or stylus (count noun, ekirjakorai).

kirjakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekirjakorestai).

kirjarnē — A person who writes; a writer, an author, or one of the authors of, or contributors to a piece of writing (animate noun, ēkirjarnai).

kirjarnestē — A group of writers, a set of writers who contributed to the same collection or who write in the same field; a writers' group or writers' society (animate noun, ēkirjarnestai).

kirje — Something in writing, whether fiction or non-fiction, prose or poetry, or schedule of classes. Also, a printing press (count noun, ekirjai).

kirjeste — A group or set or collection of things in writing; a bunch of written scraps and notes; a collection of writing by the same author or group of authors; a compilation of papers on the same topic; a magazine. Also, a set of printing presses; a publishing house (count noun, ekirjestai).

kirjê — The art, craft, and techniques of writing, printing, or publishing; skill at writing, printing, or publishing; a mass or substance associated with writing, printing, or publishing, as paper or ink (mass noun, êkirjai).

kirji — To study, learn, and work to become a writer (intransitive verb, zakirjix).

kirjirnē — A person who does the above; a student writer, a beginning writer (animate noun, ēkirjirnai).

kirjo — Like or pertaining to writing; written, authorial (adjective, kirjol).

kirjy — As above, but an adverb; in writing, authorially (adverb, kirjyr).

Kirjai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Kirjai).

kirjei — The act of writing something; of composing, compiling, revising, editing, printing, or publishing something; the act or process of learning, studying, and working to become a writer (event noun, eikirjai).

kirjē — A person who attends writers' conventions, lectures about writing, interviews of writers, meetings of writers' groups; a fan of writers and writing (animate noun, ēkirjai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akilp, a shield (noun)

kîlpa — To shield someone or something from harm. Also to give someone a shield, or teach someone to make or use a shield (transitive verb, zakîlpax).

kîlpakristei — A dream of a shield (event noun, eikîlpakristai).

kîlpakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikîlpakristestai).

kîlpakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a shield (count noun, ekîlpakorai).

kîlpakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekîlpakorestai).

kîlparnē — A person who shields someone or something, who gives someone a shield, or who teaches someone to use a shield (animate noun, ēkîlparnai).

kîlpe — A shield, especially a "heater" shield with a flat top, and two convex sides that meet in a point below (count noun, ekîlpai).

kîlpeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekîlpestai).

kîlpê — The essential quality of a shield, protection against harm; any material suitable for a shield, as laminated wood (mass noun, êkîlpai).

kîlpi — To learn to make or use a shield; to carry, bear, or use a shield in battle (intransitive verb, zakîlpix).

kîlpirnē — A person who does the above; a shield bearer (animate noun, ēkîlpirnai).

kîlpo — Like or pertaining to a shield, especially shield-shaped, shaped like a heater shield (adjective, kîlpol).

kîlpy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kîlpyr).

Kîlpai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kîlpu (proper noun, Kîlpai).

kîlpei — The act of protecting something or someone with a shield, giving someone a shield, or teaching someone to use a shield; the act of learning how to make or use a shield, or carrying one and using it in battle (event noun, eikîlpai).

kîlpē — A living thing shaped like a heater shield, as some beetles; or covered with plates or scales so shaped (animate noun, ēkîlpai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ikodr, a moon (noun)

kodra — To send or order or make someone go to a moon; to place a body in orbit around a planet, to provide or furnish with moons; to decorate something with an image or symbol or emblem of a moon (transitive verb, zakodrax).

kodrakristei — A dream of a moon, or moons (event noun, eikodrakristai).

kodrakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikodrakristestai).

kodrakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a moon or moons (count noun, ekodrakorai).

kodrakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekodrakorestai).

kodrarnē — A person who sends or orders or makes someone go to a moon; who places a body in orbit around a planet, or provides or furnishes with moons; or decorates something with an image or symbol or emblem of a moon (animate noun, ēkodrarnai).

kodre — A body that orbits a planet; a moon (count noun, ekodrai).

kodreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekodrestai).

kodrê — Stuff from a moon, or decorated with a moon motif, as cloth; the ambience or culture of a moon (mass noun, êkodrai).

kodri — To go to, visit, explore, or go to live on a moon; to produce a piece of art with a motif or theme of moons (intransitive verb, zakodrix).

kodrirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkodrirnai).

kodro — Like or pertaining to a moon or moons (adjective, kodrol).

kodry — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kodryr).

Kodrai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kodru (proper noun, Kodrai).

kodrei — The act of sending or ordering or making someone go to a moon; of placing a body in orbit around a planet, providing or furnishing with moons; of decorating something with an image or symbol or emblem of a moon. Also, the act of goomg to, visitomg, exploring, or going to live on a moon; or producing a piece of art with a motif or theme of moons (event noun, eikodrai).

kodrē — A person or other living thing from, or native to, a moon (animate noun, ēkodrai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kote, at home (adverb)

kota — To send someone or something home, to make someone go home, to put someone under house arrest (transitive verb, zakotax).

kotakristei — A dream of home (event noun, eikotakristai).

kotakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikotakristestai).

kotakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that means home to the person wearing it (count noun, ekotakorai).

kotakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekotakorestai).

kotarnē — A person who sends something or someone home, who makes someone go home, or who places someone under house arrest (animate noun, ēkotarnai).

kote — A home (count noun, ekotai).

koteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekotestai).

kotê — The feeling of being at home; also, the longing for home, homesickness. A mass or substance found at hom3 (mass noun, êkotai).

koti — To go home, return home, or make oneself at home (intransitive verb, zakotix).

kotirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkotirnai).

koto — Like or pertaining to one's home; "home" as in home help, home tutor, home work; home town, country, planet; "house" as in housework, houseplant, house arrest, house search; or "domestic" as in domestic help, domestic animal (adjective, kotol).

koty — As above, but an adverb; at home (adverb, kotyr).

Kotai — A personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Koti (proper noun, Kotai).

kotei — The act of sending something or someone home, makeing someone go home, or placing someone under house arrest. Also, the act of going home, returning home, or making oneself at home (event noun, eikotai).

kotē — A person who stays at home, and rarely goes out; a stay-at-home. Also, a living thing kept at home, as a domestic animal or a house plant (animate noun, ēkotai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ikotok, an eagle (noun)

Ikotkai — A Great Household of the First History, third in precedence among the Orthodox Houses. Insignia: On a gold background, a puno (infra-red) eagle. Colors: Puno and gold (proper noun, Ikotkai).

kotka — To loose a trained eagle against some prey, to hunt something with an eagle (transitive verb, zakotkax).

kotkakristei — A dream of eagles (event noun, eikotkakristai).

kotkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikotkakristestai).

kotkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an eagle, its head, or its talons; also, jewelry to be worn by an eagle, as bells (count noun, ekotkakorai).

kotkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekotkakorestai).

kotkarnē — A person who hunts with eagles (animate noun, ēkotkarnai).

kotke — An eagle emblem or depiction, as a flag; picture, or statue (count noun, ekotkai).

kotkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekotkestai).

kotkempe — A nest or nesting-place of eagles in the wild; an aerie. Also, a room or house for keeping eagles; a roost or falconry (count noun, ekotkempai).

kotkê — Eagle-ness, aquilinity; also, the art and sport of falconry (mass noun, êkotkai).

kotki — To raise, train, or keep eagles (intransitive verb, zakotkix).

kotkirnē — A person who does the above; a falconer (animate noun, ēkotkirnai).

kotko — Like or pertaining to eagles; aquiline (adjective, kotkol).

kotky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kotkyr).

Kotkai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kotka (proper noun, Kotkai).

kotkei — The act of hunting with eagles; the act of raising, training, and keeping eagles (event noun, eikotkai).

kotkē — An eagle (animate noun, ēkotkai).

kotkestē — In the wild, a flock of eagles. Also, the collection or set of eagles raised, trained, and kept by a falconer (animate noun, ēkotkestai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kokak, meet, encounter (verb)

koka — To meet, encounter, come across someone or something; hold a formal meeting with someone (transitive verb, zakokax).

kokakristei — A dream of meeting or encountering someone, or of attending or making a presentation at a meeting (event noun, eikokakristai).

kokakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikokakristestai).

kokakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something used to arrange or schedule a meeting, or meeting furniture; or a token or memento of when someone first met another (count noun, ekokakorai).

kokakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekokakorestai).

kokarnē — A person who meets, encounters, or comex across someone or something; one who holds a formal meeting with others; someone who plans, schedules, or arranges a meeting; someone who arranges a seemingly random encounter, without informing any of the people involved (animate noun, ēkokarnai).

koke — The schedule for a meeting; the agenda, or list of things to be discussed; furniture for a meeting, as a table and chairs (count noun, ekokai).

kokeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekokestai).

kokê — The circumstances requiring a meeting, the reasons for a meeting; the tedium of a meeting held for form's sake (mass noun, êkokai).

koki — To hope, yearn, wish to meet or encounter someone; to plan to meet someone, or arrange for it to happen; to learn to schedule and arrange meetings and manage an agenda (intransitive verb, zakokix).

kokirnē — A person who does the above; a student of event management (animate noun, ēkokirnai).

koko — Like or pertaining to meetings or encounters (adjective, kokol).

koky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kokyr).

Kokai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Koki (proper noun) Kokai).

kokei — A meeting or an encounter, whether a formal one arranged in advance, or a chance encounter (event noun, eikokai).

kokē — A person or other living thing who attends or participates in a meeting; someone present at an encounter (animate noun, ēkokai).


Etymology: Verē name coined for the Kox (name)

koksa — To fight the Kox (transitive verb, zakoksax).

koksakristei — A dream of the Kox (event noun, eikoksakristai).

koksakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikoksakristestai).

koksakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the Kox (count noun, ekoksakorai).

koksakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekoksakorestai).

koksarnē — A person who fights the Kox (animate noun, ēkoksarnai).

kokse — A weapon for fighting the Kox, or a relic of them, as something material damaged by them (count noun, ekoksai).

kokseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekoksestai).

koksê — Kox-ness, knowledge of the Kox, the culture of the Kox (mass noun, êkoksai).

koksi — To study the Kox, learn about them or their culture (intransitive verb, zakoksix).

koksirnē — A person who does the above; a student of the Kox or their culture (animate noun, ēkoksirnai).

kokso — Like or pertaining to the Kox (adjective, koksol).

koksy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, koksyr).

Koksai — A rare personal name, of any gender, usually taken in admiration of the Kox (proper noun, Koksai).

koksei — The act of fighting the Kox; also, the act of studying them or their culture (event noun, eikoksai).

koksē — A sentient species made of energy, who live in another universe. When contacted during the First History, they were in continual warfare with the Drē of their own universe, over possession and use of stars. The Kox were signers of the Second Covenant. (animate noun, ēkoksai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kosta, damp, moist (adjective)

kosta — To make something damp or moist, to dampen or moisten something (transitive verb, zakostax).

kostakristei — A dream of dampness or moisture (event noun, eikostakristai).

kostakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikostakristestai).

kostakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something damp or moist (count noun, ekostakorai).

kostakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekostakorestai).

kostarnē — A person who dampens or moistens something (animate noun, ēkostarnai).

koste — A damp or moist thing, or a tool or means of making something damp or moist, as a spray bottle (count noun, ekostai).

kosteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekostestai).

kostê — Dampness, moisture; or a mass or substance which is damp or moist, as moss in a terrarium (mass noun, êkostai).

kosti — To become damp or moist (intransitive verb, zakostix).

kostirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkostirnai).

kosto — Like or pertaining to dampness or moisture; damp, moist (adjective, kostol).

kosty — As above, but an adverb; damply, moistly (adverb, kostyr).

Kostai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kosta (proper noun, Kostai).

kostei — The act of making something damp or moist; also, the act or process of becoming damp or moist (event noun, eikostai).

kostē — A person or other living thing which lives in a damp or moist environment, as in a rain forest, or along the water line of a lake or other body of water (animate noun, ēkostai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ikonn, a criminal, scoundrel, or villain (noun)

końa — To commit a crime against someone; to waste something (transitive verb, zakońax).

końakristei — A dream of ??? (event noun, eikońakristai).

końakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikońakristestai).

końakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a criminal, evil, infamous or villainous act (count noun, ekońakorai).

końakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekońakorestai).

końarnē — A person who wastes something precious or irreplaceable,as a life, or commits a crime or offense against someone, or society as a whole' a wastrel, criminal, evil-doer, offender (animate noun, ēkońarnai).

końe — A piece of trash, something wasted rather than used up, re-used, or recycled (count noun, ekońai).

końeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekońestai).

końê —; Crime, criminality, villainy, offensiveness; trash, waste (mass noun, êkońai).

końi — To become a criminal; to waste one's life; to throw away one's future or potential (intransitive verb, zakońix).

końirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkońirnai).

końo — Like or pertaining to crimes against the law, against the moral standards of society, or acts wasteful of one's life or potential; criminal, evil, villainous, legally or morally offensive; trashy, wasteful (adjective, końol).

końy — As above, but an adverb; criminally, evilly, villainously, offensively, wastefully, in a trashy manner (adverb, końyr).

Końai — A very rare personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Końa (proper noun, Końai).

końei — In a society with a formally defined set of written laws, an act against those laws; in one with less formally defined laws, an act deemed to be illegal; in one where the standards of behavior are judged against the consensus of the free people, an offense against that moral standard; generally, the commitment of a crime, a morally offensive, evil, or villainous act. Also, to throw away or waste one's own life and future potential, as by committing suicide or doing nothing with one's life (event noun, eikońai).

końē — A person who devotes ys life to acts of crime, evil, or villainy; or a living thing that preys upon its own kind (animate noun, ēkońai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ukor, a gem (noun)

kora — To ornament something, especially by adorning with gemstones, or covering with jewels. Also, to give someone a piece of jewelry (transitive verb, zakorax).

korakristei — A dream of gemstones (event noun, eikorakristai).

korakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikorakristestai).

korakore — A piece of jewelry, specifically one or more gemstones set in a ring, earring, pendant, or chain, where the gem or jewel exists solely to display the gemstone or gemstones (count noun, ekorakorai).

korakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekorakorestai).

korarnē — A person who ornaments or adorns something with gem stones; a jeweller, a gemcutter. Also, a person who gives a piece of jewelry to another (animate noun, ēkorarnai).

kore — In the narrowest sense, a gemstone, as a diamond or emerald, aspecially cut or faceted. More generally, a gem or jewel, that is, a construction of gemstones and precious metals. Most generally, any piece of jewelry or personal adornment (count noun, ekorai).

koreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekorestai).

korê — Jewelry, ornamenta; also a mass of uncut or unfaceted gem stone; abstractly, the glitter and glamour of gems and jewelry (mass noun, êkorai).

kori — To wear a gem in one's hair or on one's person; to learn to cut, polish, or facet gemstones, or to make jewelry; to study gemstones (intransitive verb, zakorix).

korirnē — A person who does the above; a gemologist; a beginning gemcutter or jeweller (animate noun, ēkorirnai).

koro — Like or pertaining to gemstones, gems, jewels or jewlery, or ornament; gemlike, "gem" as an adjective, jewellike, "jewel" as an adjective; ornamental (adjective, korol).

kory — As above, but an adverb; in a gemlike or jewellike manner; ornamentally (adverb, koryr).

Korai — A personal name, usually feminine, transcribed in fiction on this site as Koriu (proper noun, Korai).

korei — The act of ornamenting something, especially by adorning it with gemstones, or covering it with jewels. Also, the act of giving someone a piece of jewelry. The act of wearing a gem in one's hair or on one's person; or learning to cut, polish, or facet gemstones, or to make jewelry; the study of gemstones (event noun, eikorai).

korē — A person who collects gemstones; a gem collector. Also, a living thing that collects bright, shiny things, as some birds and mammals (animate noun, ēkorai).

Ukorai — A Great Household of the First History, third in precedence among the Liberal Houses. Insignia: On a light purple background, a dark purple pentagon, point facing down. Colors: Dark purple and light purple (proper noun, Ukorai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akorva, an ear (noun)

korva — To give an ear or both ears to someone or something, to listen intently or pay close attention to someone, or something being said (transitive verb, zakorvax).

korvapire — A ring for wearing in an ear; an ear ring or earring (count noun, ekorvapirai).

korvapireste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekorvapirestai).

korvakristei — A dream of ears, or of listening, as not being able to understand what is said, no matter how hard you listen; of hearing something important being said; of feeling that everyone is listening to your every workd; or that everyone is ignoring everything you say (event noun, eikorvakristai).

korvakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikorvakristestai).

korvakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an ear, or for wearing in an ear (count noun, ekorvakorai).

korvakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekorvakorestai).

korvafokei — A blow to the ear delivered with a clenched fist; a clout in or on or to the ear (event noun, eikorvafokai).

korvafokestei — A group or bunch of such events (event noun, eikorvafokestai).

korvasilmei — Among the Iǹgrē of the Second History, who have muscles in their ears to close them, a quick closing and opening of an ear; a wink of an ear, an ear wink (event noun, eikorvasilmai).

korvahôvê — The science and medicine of the ear, otology; also, the study of hearing and listening, and how the ears and brain interpret sound, speech, and music (mass noun, êkorvahôvai).

korvarnē — A person who gives an ear or both ears to someone or something, who listens intently or pays close attention to someone, or something being said; a hearer, a listener, an auditor (animate noun, ēkorvarnai).

korve — An ear (count noun, ekorvai).

korveste — A group or set or collection of ears, as Cundai priests, in the Second History, used to keep count of their sacrifices, Cundai warriors to keep track of their kills in combat, and Cundai rulers to commemorate their victories; hung respectively around their altars, their chests, or their battle standards (count noun, ekorvestai).

korvê — The ability to hear, the sense of hearing; skill at listening, hearing, or interpreting speech, sound, or music. Also, any mass or substance connected with ears, as ear wax or ear hair (mass noun, êkorvai).

korvi — To learn to listen, to hear what's said as the speaker intended; to learn how to interpret sound; to learn how to interpret music; to habitually wear a ring, piece of jewelry, or ornament in one or both ears (intransitive verb, zakorvix).

korvirnē — A person who does the above; an interpreter of speech, sound, or music (animate noun, ēkorvirnai).

korvo — Like or pertaining to hearing or listening; auditory (adjective, korvol).

korvy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, korvyr).

Korvai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Korva (proper noun, Korvai).

korvei — The act of giving an ear or both ears to someone or something, of listening intently or paying close attention to someone, or something being said. Also, the act of learning to listen, of hearing what's said as the speaker intended; learning how to interpret sound; learning to interpret music; the act or custom of wearing jewelry or ornaments in one or both ears (event noun, eikorvai).

korvē — A person or other living thing with a sense of hearing, especially with visible external ears (animate noun, ēkorvai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kulta, golden (adjective)

kôta — To cover, plate, or coat something with gold (transitive verb, zakôtax).

kôtakristei — A dream of gold (event noun, eikôtakristai).

kôtakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikôtakristestai).

kôtakore — A piece of jewelry made of gold, gold-colored, or shaped like the letter K, the chemical symbol for gold (count noun, ekôtakorai).

kôtakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekôtakorestai).

kôtarnē — A person who makes something from gold, covers something with gold, or casts something in gold (animate noun, ēkôtarnai).

kôte — A thing made of gold, as an ingot or ring; a lump or nugget of gold ore; a gold atom (count noun, ekôtai).

kôteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekôtestai).

kôtê — The chemical element Gold, symbol K, atomic number 117 (79 in base double five). Goldness, goldenness, a quality of gold, as its color, sheen, or weight; a mass or substance with one or more of the same properties, and cloth of gold (mass noun, êkôtai).

kôti — To study gold, to learn how to work it (intransitive verb, zakôtix).

kôtirnē — A person who does the above, as an apprentic jeweler or goldsmith (animate noun, ēkôtirnai).

kôto — Like or pertaining to gold; golden (adjective, kôtol).

kôty — As above, but an adverb; goldenly (adverb, kôtyr).

Kôtai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kôti (proper noun, Kôtai).

kôtei — The act of making something from gold, coating it with gold, or casting it in gold; the act of learning the element's properties; of learning to work it (event noun, eikôtai).

kôtē — A person or other living thing gold in color, as a goldfish, a goldfinch, or a gold beetle (animate noun, ēkôtai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kupa, historical (adjective)

kupa — To do something historic, to make history; also, to teach history to someone (dative) (transitive verb, zakupax).

kupakristei — A dream of history (event noun, eikupakristai).

kupakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikupakristestai).

kupakore — A piece of jewelry in depicting, commemorating, or alluding to an historic event (count noun, ekupakorai).

kupakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekupakorestai).

kuparnē — A person who makes history, who does something historic, as a contemporary; also, someone who teaches history to others (dative), a history teacher (animate noun, ēkuparnai).

kupe — An object from history, as a token or souvenir of an historic event (count noun, ekupai).

kupeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekupestai).

kupê — History; historicalness, the sense that something is history-making, historic; a mass or substance from history, such as soil or water from an historic site (mass noun, êkupai).

kupi — To learn, study, or write about history (intransitive verb, zakupix).

kupirnē — A person who does the above; a history student, a history writer (animate noun, ēkupirnai).

kupo — Pertaining to history; historic, historical (adjective, kupol).

kupy — As above, but an adverb; historically (adverb, kupyr).

Kupai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kupi (proper noun, Kupai).

kupei — An historic event; also, The act of making history, of doing something historic; of teaching history to others (dative; the act of learning, studying, or writing about history (event noun, eikupai).

kupē — A person or other living thing from history; an historical figure (animate noun, ēkupai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kutsua, called, summoned, invoked, or inducted (adjective)

kutsa — To call, call for, summon, invoke, or induct someone or something (transitive verb, zakutsax).

kutsakristei — A dream of calling, calling for, summoning, invoking, or inducting (event noun, eikutsakristai).

kutsakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikutsakristestai).

kutsakore — A piece of jewelry depicting or alluding to a call, calling for, summoning, invocation, or induction (count noun, ekutsakorai).

kutsakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekutsakorestai).

kutsarnē — A person who calls, calls for, summons, invokes, or inducts something or someone; a caller, summoner, invoker, or inducter (animate noun, ēkutsarnai).

kutse — A notice, relic, or souvenir of a call, call for, summons, invocation, or induction (count noun, ekutsai).

kutseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekutsestai).

kutsê — The apprehension or anticipation of a call, call for, summons, invocation, or induction; also, a mass or substance connected with it, as bread or wine given in token of its acceptance (mass noun, êkutsai).

kutsi — To learn or train to call, call for, summon, invoke, or induct; to study such events in the past, and plan for them in the future (intransitive verb, zakutsix).

kutsirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkutsirnai).

kutso — Like or pertaining to a call, call for, summoning, invoking, or inducting; calling, called, calling for, called for, summoning, summoned,, invoking, invoked, inducting, inducted; callable, summonable, invocable, inductible (adjective, kutsol).

kutsy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kutsyr).

Kutsai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kutsa (proper noun, Kutsai).

kutsei — The act of calling, calling for, summoning, invoking, or inducting someone or something; an event or ceremony at which this occurs; the act of learning or trainingto call, call for, summon, invoke, or induct; of studying such events in the past, and planning for them in the future (event noun, eikutsai).

kutsē — A living thing that calls, calls for, summons, invokes, or inducts others of its kind; or which can be called, summoned, invoked, etc. by a ritual or signal (animate noun, ēkutsai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ukuk, a flower (noun)

kuka — To make flower, bloom, or blossom; to cause to or bring to flower, bloom, or blossom; to induce a flowering, blooming, or blossoming (transitive verb, zakukax).

kukakristei — A dream of flowers, blooms, or blossoms (event noun, eikukakristai).

kukakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikukakristestai).

kukakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a flower, bloom, or blossom, or a bunch of them, or a bowl or vase of them (count noun, ekukakorai).

kukakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekukakorestai).

kukarnē — A person who causes someone or something to flower, bloom, or blossom (animate noun, ēkukarnai).

kuke — A flower, bloom, or blossom (count noun, ekukai).

kukeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekukestai).

kukê — Floweriness; also, a mass or substance of a flower, as pollen, or the material of a petal (mass noun, êkukai).

kuki — To flower, bloom, or blossom (intransitive verb, zakukix).

kukirnē — A person who does the above; a flowerer, bloomer, or blossomer (animate noun, ēkukirnai).

kuko — Like or pertaining to flowers, blooms, or blossoms; flowery, floral (adjective, kukol).

kuky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kukyr).

Kukai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kuku (proper noun, Kukai).

kukei — The act of causing something or someone to flower, bloom, or blossom; the act of flowering, blooming, or blossoming (event noun, eikukai).

kukē — A person who cultivates flowers, blooms, or blossoms, as a florist or gardener; a living thing that has a relationship with flowers, as an insect that eats or pollinates them; a plant that grows them, a flowering plant (animate noun, ēkukai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai akuva, a picture (noun)

kuva — To depict, picture, paint, or draw something or someone; to make a depiction, picture, painting, or drawing of something or someone (transitive verb, zakuvax).

kuvakristei — A dream of painting, drawing, or otherwise making a picture (event noun, eikuvakristai).

kuvakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikuvakristestai).

kuvakirje — A journal, scrapbook, or notebook of sketches or ideas for pictures, paintings, or drawings; an artist's notebook (count noun, ekuvakirjai).

kuvakirjeste — A collection of journals, scrapbooks, notebooks, or sketches by artists; especially, all the sketchbooks of a particular artist (count noun, ekuvakirjestai).

kuvakore — A piece of jewelry which depicts someone or something, or which includes a portrait of something or someone (count noun, ekuvakorai).

kuvakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekuvakorestai).

kuvafokei — The sudden, discouraging realization that your picture, painting, or drawing is crap (event noun, eikuvafokai).

kuvampe — The field of representational pictorial or graphic art (count noun, ekuvampai).

kuvalêse — A book told in pictures and writing; a comic book of graphic novel (count noun, ekuvalêsai).

kuvalêseste — A bunch, set, or collection of comic books or graphic novels; especially, all the issues or volumes of a particular series or title (count noun, ekuvalêsestai).

kuvarnē — A person who pictures, paints, or draws something or someone; a picture-maker, painter, drawer, graphic artist (animate noun, ēkuvarnai).

kuve — A depiction, picture, drawing, or piece of graphic or pictorial art (count noun, ekuvai).

kuveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekuvestai).

kuvê — The ability to make a picture, painting, or drawing, skill or talent in the graphic arts; the state of mind while doing sol a mass or substance used to do so, as paint, ink, digital colors (mass noun, êkuvai).

kuvi — To make a non-representational or abstract picture, painting, or drawing; to paint or draw on something or someone (locative case); to learn to make pictures, to learn to paint or draw; to study art (intransitive verb, zakuvix).

kuvimpe — The field of abstract or non-representational pictorial or graphic art (count noun, ekuvimpai).

kuvirnē — A non-representational or abstract painter, drawer, or pictorial or graphic artist; also, an art studen (animate noun, ēkuvirnai).

kuvo — Like or pertaining to painting, depiction, or drawing; pictorial, graphic (adjective, kuvol).

kuvy — As above, but an adverb; pictorially, graphically (adverb, kuvyr).

Kuvai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kuva (proper noun, Kuvai).

kuvei — The act of picturing, painting, or drawing something or someone; of making a non-representational or abstract picture, painting, or drawing; of painting or drawing on something or someone (locative case); of learning to make pictures, or learning to paint or draw; the study of graphic or pictorial art (event noun, eikuvai).

kuvē — A person or other living thing capable of practicing art (animate noun, ēkuvai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kuse, hardly, scarcely, barely (adverb)

kusa — To make something scarce, sparse, hard to obtain, or barely available (transitive verb, zakusax).

kusakristei — A dream of scarcity, sparseness, hardship, bareness (event noun, eikusakristai).

kusakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikusakristestai).

kusakore — A piece of jewelry depicting or alluding to scareness, sparseness or hardship (count noun, ekusakorai).

kusakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekusakorestai).

kusarnē — A person who makes something scarce, sparse, hard to obtain, or barely available (animate noun, ēkusarnai).

kuse — A little bit of something, a small amount of something (count noun, ekusai).

kuseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekusestai).

kusê — Scarcity, scarceness, sparseness, hardness or difficulty to obtain, bareness of availability; also, a mass or substance which is scarce, sparse, hard to get, barely available, or available only a little at a time (mass noun, êkusai).

kusi — To become scarce, sparse, hard to obtain, or barely available (intransitive verb, zakusix).

kusirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkusirnai).

kuso — Scarce, sparse, hard to get, available in small quantities (adjective, kusol).

kusy — Hardly, scarcely, barely, vix; a little bit at a time, bit by bit, paulatim (adverb, kusyr).

Kusai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kuse (proper noun, Kusai).

kusei — The act of making something scarce, sparse, hard to obtain, or barely available; the act of becoming scarce, sparse, hard to obtain, or barely available (event noun, eikusai).

kusē — A person or other living thing adapted to live in a time or environment of scarcity, sparseness, or lack, difficulty, or bareness of resources (animate noun, ēkusai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kun, honor, revere (verb)

kuna — To honor or revere someone or something believed to have authority over oneself, as a supernatural thing, religious figure, or parent (transitive verb, zakunax).

kunakristei — A dream of honor or reverence (event noun, eikunakristai).

kunakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikunakristestai).

kunakore — A piece of jewelry denoting reverence or honor (count noun, ekunakorai).

kunakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekunakorestai).

kunarnē — A person who honors or reveres (animate noun, ēkunarnai).

kune — A discrete thing denoting honor or reverence, as an emblem, relic, or token (count noun, ekunai).

kuneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekunestai).

kunê — Honor, reverence (mass noun, êkunai).

kuni — To become reverent, to learn honor or reverence (intransitive verb, zakunix).

kunirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkunirnai).

kuno — Like or pertaining to honor or reverence; reverent; honorable, reverend (adjective, kunol).

kuny — As above, but an adverb; reverently, honorably (adverb, kunyr).

Kunai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kuno (proper noun, Kunai).

kunei — The act of honoring or revering a supernatural thing, religious figure, or parent; the act of becoming reverent, the act of learning to honor or revere (event noun, eikunai).

kunē — A person or other living thing, as a pet or slave, that treats its master or owner with honor and reverence (animate noun, ēkunai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ikuri, a beetle (noun)

kura — To give someone a beetle, as in a cage as a pet, or on a string as a flying toy; to give someone a piece of beetle jewelry; to provide or furnish the proper mix of beetles to keep a garden or forest healthy (transitive verb, zakurax).

kurakristei — A dream of beetles (event noun, eikurakristai).

kurakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikurakristestai).

kurakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more beetles, as crafted in gold and precious stones, or an actual beet;e. preserved and mounted (count noun, ekurakorai).

kurakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekurakorestai).

kurarnē — A person who gives another a beetle, or a piece of beetle jewelry, or who privedes the proper mix and numbers of them to keep an environment healthy (animate noun, ēkurarnai).

kure — A beetle wingcase, preserved in a collection; or a token, relic, or souvenir of something to do with beetles, as a diploma from a course on beetles (count noun, ekurai).

kureste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekurestai).

kurê — Beetle-ness, the qualities that make an insect a beetle; skill at capturing beetles, providing them to environments as and when needed, in identifying them, or making them into jewelry; a mass or substance connected with beetles, as their smell or excretions (mass noun, êkurai).

kuri — To study or learn about beetles, identifying them, capturing them, providing them to an environment for its health, turning them into ornaments (intransitive verb, zakurix).

kurirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkurirnai).

kuro — Like or pertaining to beetles (adjective, kurol).

kury — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kuryr).

Kurai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kuri (proper noun, Kurai).

kurei — The act of givubg someone a beetle, as for a pet or a toy; giving someone a piece of beetle jewelry; providing or furnishing them to make or keep an environment healthy; studying beetles, learning to manage them, learning to make beetle jewelry (event noun, eikurai).

kurē — A beetle (animate noun, ēkurai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai okkyp, a helmet (noun)

kypa — To give someone a helmet. to make or commission a helmet for someone (transitive verb, zakypax).

kypakristei — A dream of a helmet (event noun, eikypakristai).

kypakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikypakristestai).

kypakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a helmet (count noun, ekypakorai).

kypakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekypakorestai).

kyparnē — A person who gives another a helmet, or who makes or commissions a helmet for someone (animate noun, ēkyparnai).

kype — A helmet, armor for the head in battle or sports (count noun, ekypai).

kypeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekypestai).

kypê — Head protection; also, a mass or substance of the helmet, as helmet lining, helmet material (mass noun, êkypai).

kypi — To a helmet wear a helmet any time one's head might be injured (intransitive verb, zakypix).

kypirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkypirnai).

kypo — Like or pertaining to a helmet (adjective, kypol).

kypy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kypyr).

Kypai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kypu (proper noun, Kypai).

kypei — The act of giving someone a helmet, or making or commissioning a helmet for someone; the act of wearing a helmet, whenever one's head might be injured (event noun, eikypai).

kypē — A person who normally wears a helmet, as a member of the military on active duty; or another living thing whose head is armored against danger, like a helmet, as many armored fish (animate noun, ēkypai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ykyk, a month (noun)

kyka — To put someone on a monthly schedule, to give someone monthly orders, to send someone somewhere for a month, to give someone a task that will require a month to complete (transitive verb, zakykax).

kykakristei — A dream of a month, as a month when something significant happened, or one's birth month (event noun, eikykakristai).

kykakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikykakristestai).

kykakore — A piece of jewelry representing a month, as a cherry or cherry blossom for Husai (count noun, ekykakorai).

kykakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekykakorestai).

kykarnē — A person who puts someone on a monthly schedule, gives someone monthly orders, sends someone somewhere for a month, or gives someone a task that will require a month to complete (animate noun, ēkykarnai).

kyke — A month, especially one of the named months of the Outside calendar. which has 16 months (20 by octal numerals) of 32 days each (40 octal). More generally, any period of 40 days (32 in "decimal") (count noun, ekykai).

kykeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekykestai).

kykê — Month-ness, the counting of the duration of something in months (mass noun, êkykai).

kyki — To make a new schedule every month, to operate a month at a time (intransitive verb, zakykix).

kykirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkykirnai).

kyko — Like or pertaining to a month; monthly (adjective, kykol).

kyky — As above, but an adverb; monthly, once a month, every month, in a month, for a month, during a month (adverb, kykyr).

Kykai A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kyki (proper noun, kykai).

kykei — The act of putting someone on a monthly schedule, giving someone monthly orders, sending someone somewhere for a month, or giving someone a task that will require a month to complete. Also, the act of making a new schedule every month, or operating a month at a time (event noun, eikykai).

kykē — A person or other living thing associated with a particular month, as a person born in a particular month, a flower that blooms in a given month or has a month named after it, or an animal that breeds or migrates in a particular month (animate noun, ēkykai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

 is the 45th letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet, which includes not only symbols for consonantal and vocalic sounds, but numerals and punctuation.

kysa — To make six of something, or to divide something into six parts (transitive verb, zakysax).

kysaperse — Base-6 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 6 single-digit numbers, 0 through 5, and the numeral 6 is represented as "10". In superbinary multitronics, circuits and components which have 6 possible states, instead of just two. (count noun, ekysapersai).

kysaperso — Like or pertaining to base-6; "base-6" as an adjective (adjective, kysapersol).

kysapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-6" (adverb, kysapersyr).

kysakristei — A dream of six things, wherein the fact that there are six of them feels important (event noun, eikysakristai).

kysakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikysakristestai).

kysakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number 6, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of six strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of six strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekysakorai).

kysakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekysakorestai).

kysarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of six of something; a writer who creates a series of six books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkysarnai).

kyse — The number 6; the letter, numeral, or symbol for the number 6; a representation of the number 6, as a playing card (count noun, ekysai).

kyseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekysestai).

kysê — Sixness; a mass or substance which is divided in six (mass noun, êkysai).

kysi — To do something six times (intransitive verb, zakysix).

kysity — Six at a time, six by six (adverb, kysityr).

kysirnē — A person who does something six times; a six-timer (animate noun, ēkysirnai).

kyso — The cardinal number 6, six, e.g., six ships; having six parts, six-limbed, six-lobed, six-eyed; cut or divided into six pieces (adjective, kysol).

kysolmo — The ordinal number 6, sixth, as the sixth ship (adjective, kysolmo).

kysolmy — As above, but an adverb; sixthly, in the sixth place, for the sixth time, on the sixth occasion (adverb, kysolmyr).

kysusky — Six each or six apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., 3 stars with 6 planets each have 22 planets total; six total or six collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; six planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kysuskyr).

kysy — As kysol, but an adverb; sixthly, like six things; like a thing with six parts; like a thing cut or divided into six pieces; six times (adverb, kysyr).

Kysai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their sixth-born offspring. Compare the common Roman name Sextus, "sixth son" in Latin (proper noun, Kysai).

kysei — The act of dividing something into six parts; the division of something into six parts; the act of doing something six times (event noun, eikysai).

kysē — A person or other living thing regarded as the sixth one in any series, as the sixth-born child, the sixth-born of a litter of animals, the sixth in command of an organization, the sixth in line of succession; or having six eyes, six body segments, or symmetrical around six radii, having six sides or lobes (animate noun, ēkysai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYSYM– means "six (times) ten", or "sixty" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "forty-eight".

kysyma — To make sixty of something, or to divide something into sixty parts (transitive verb, zakysymax).

kysymaperse — Base-60 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 48 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1 ., 9, A .. Z, and a .. e. In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with sixty possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekysymapersai).

kysymaperso — Like or pertaining to base-60; "base-60" as an adjective (adjective, kysymapersol).

kysymapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-60" (adverb, kysymapersyr).

kysymakristei — A dream of sixty things, wherein the fact that there are sixty of them feels important (event noun, eikysymakristai).

kysymakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikysymakristestai).

kysymakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number sixty, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of sixty strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of sixty strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekysymakorai).

kysymakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekysymakorestai).

kysymarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of sixty of something; a writer who creates a series of sixty books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkysymarnai).

kysyme — The number sixty; a representation of the number sixty, as a playing card (count noun, ekysymai).

kysymeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekysymestai).

kysymê — Sixty-ness, sixty-sidedness (mass noun, êkysymai).

kysymi — To do something sixty times (intransitive verb, zakysymix).

kysymity — Sixty at a time, sixty by sixty (adverb, kysymityr).

kysymirnē — A person who does something sixty times; a sixty-timer (animate noun, ēkysymirnai).

kysymo — The cardinal number sixty, as sixty ships; sixty-sided, having sixty parts, sixty-limbed, sixty-lobed, sixty-eyed; cut or divided into sixty pieces (adjective, kysymol).

kysymolmo — The ordinal number sixty, as the sixtieth ship of a series (adjective, kysymolmo).

kysymolmy — As above, but an adverb; sixtiethly, in the sixtieth place, for the sixtieth time, on the sixtieth occasion (adverb, kysymolmyr).

kysymusky — Sixty each or sixty apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., sixty stars with two planets each have 140 planets total; sixty total or sixty collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; sixty planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kysymuskyr).

kysymy — As kysymol, but an adverb; sixtiethly, like sixty things; like a thing with sixty parts; like a thing cut or divided into sixty pieces; sixty times (adverb, kysymyr).

Kysymai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Kysymai).

kysymei — The act of making sixty of something, or dividing something into sixty parts; the act of doing something sixty times (event noun, eikysymai).

kysymē — A person or other living thing regarded as the sixtieth one in any series; as the sixtieth-born child, the sixtieth-born of a litter of animals, the sixtieth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having sixty eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with sixty limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkysymai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYM– means "ten" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "eight".

kyma — To make ten of something, or to divide something into ten parts (transitive verb, zakymax).

kymaperse — Base-10 arithmetic, that is, math where there are ten single-digit numbers, 0 through 7, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with ten possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymapersai).

kymaperso — Like or pertaining to base-10; "base-10" as an adjective (adjective, kymapersol).

kymapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-10" (adverb, kymapersyr).

kymakristei — A dream of ten things, wherein the fact that there are ten of them feels important (event noun, eikymakristai).

kymakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymakristestai).

kymakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number ten, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of ten strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of ten strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymakorai).

kymakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymakorestai).

kymarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of ten of something; a writer who creates a series of ten books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymarnai).

kyme — The number ten; a representation of the number ten, as a playing card (count noun, ekymai).

kymeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymestai).

kymê — Ten-ness, ten-sidedness (mass noun, êkymai).

kymi — To do something ten times (intransitive verb, zakymix).

kymity — Ten at a time, ten by ten (adverb, kymityr).

kymirnē — A person who does something ten times; a ten-timer (animate noun, ēkymirnai).

kymo — The cardinal number ten, as ten ships; having ten parts, ten-limbed, ten-lobed, ten-eyed; cut or divided into ten pieces (adjective, kymol).

kymolmo — The ordinal number ten, as the tenth ship of a series (adjective, kymolmo).

kymolmy — As above, but an adverb; tenthly, in the tenth place, for the tenth time, on the tenth occasion (adverb, kymolmyr).

kymusky — Ten each or ten apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., ten stars with four planets each have 40 planets total; ten total or ten collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; ten planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymuskyr).

kymy — As kymol, but an adverb; tenthly, like ten things; like a thing with ten parts; like a thing cut or divided into ten pieces; ten times (adverb, kymyr).

Kymai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their tenth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymai).

kymei — The act of making ten of something, or dividing something into ten parts; the act of doing something ten times (event noun, eikymai).

kymē — A person or other living thing regarded as the tenth one in any series; as the tenth-born child, the tenth-born of a litter of animals, the tenth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having ten eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with ten limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymai).


Etymology: kym, ten (twice four) + gar, day; a "ten-day" or week. See also TAV- (noun)

kymgara — To schedule or plan something to happen once every eight days, or eight days from today; to undertake or begin a task that will need eight days to finish. Same as TAVA, which see (transitive verb, zakymgarax).

kymgarakristei — A dream of "weeks". Same as TAVAKRISTEI, which see (event noun, eikymgarakristai).

kymgarakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams. Same as TAVAKRISTESTEI, which see (event noun, eikymgarakristestai).

kymgarakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that happened a "week" or a few "weeks" in the past, that's anticipated to occur a "week" or a few "weeks" in the future, or that takes a "week" to do. Same as TAVAKORE, which see (count noun, ekymgarakorai).

kymgarakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in. Same as TAVAKORESTE, which see (count noun, ekymgarakorestai).

kymgararnē — A person who plans or schedules in "weeks", or who starts something that will require a "week" to finish. Same as TAVARNĒ, which see (animate noun, ēkymgararnai).

kymgare — A period of eight days, a "week". The days of a "week" are not named, nor do "weeks" appear on the calendar. Same as TAVE, which see (count noun, ekymgarai).

kymgareste — A group or set or collection of the above. Same as TAVESTE, which see (count noun, ekymgarestai).

kymgarê — Weekness, thinking or planning in "weeks" rather than days, months, or years; also, a schedule or agenda with events or duties laid out in "weeks". Same as TAVÊ, which see (mass noun, êkymgarai).

kymgari — To do something "weekly", once every eight days. Same as TAVI, which see (intransitive verb, zakymgarix).

kymgarirnē — A person who does the above. Same as TAVIRNĒ, which see (animate noun, ēkymgarirnai).

kymgaro — Like or pertaining to an eight-day "week"; "weekly". Same as TAVO, which see (adjective, kymgarol).

kymgary — As above, but an adverb. Same as TAVY, which see (adverb, kymgaryr).

Kymgarai — A personal name, of any gender. Same as TAVAI, which see (proper noun, Kymgarai).

kymgarei — The act of scheduling or planning something to happen once every eight days, or eight days from today; undertaking or beginning a task that will need eight days to finish; doing something every eight days. Same as TAVEI, which see (event noun, eikymgarai).

kymgarē — A person or other living thing whose life span, or some other important cycle in its life, as its mating cycle, is measured in "weeks". Same as TAVĒ, which see (animate noun, ēkymgarai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMKET́– means "ten (plus) two", or "twelve" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "ten".

kymket́a — To make twelve of something, or to divide something into twelve parts (transitive verb, zakymket́ax).

kymket́aperse — Base-12 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 11 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, A, and B, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with twelve possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymket́apersai).

kymket́aperso — Like or pertaining to base-12; "base-12" as an adjective (adjective, kymket́apersol).

kymket́apersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-12" (adverb, kymket́apersyr).

kymket́akristei — A dream of twelve things, wherein the fact that there are twelve of them feels important (event noun, eikymket́akristai).

kymket́akristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymket́akristestai).

kymket́akore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number twelve, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of twelve strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of twelve strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymket́akorai).

kymket́akoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymket́akorestai).

kymket́arnē — An artist who produces a limited run of twelve of something; a writer who creates a series of twelve books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymket́arnai).

kymket́e — The number twelve; a representation of the number twelve, as a playing card (count noun, ekymket́ai).

kymket́este — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymket́estai).

kymket́ê — Twelve-ness, twelve-sidedness (mass noun, êkymket́ai).

kymket́i — To do something twelve times (intransitive verb, zakymket́ix).

kymket́ity — Twelve at a time, twelve by twelve (adverb, kymket́ityr).

kymket́irnē — A person who does something twelve times; a twelve-timer (animate noun, ēkymket́irnai).

kymket́o — The cardinal number twelve, as twelve ships; having twelve parts, twelve-limbed, twelve-lobed, twelve-eyed; cut or divided into twelve pieces (adjective, kymket́ol).

kymket́olmo — The ordinal number twelve, as the twelfth ship of a series (adjective, kymket́olmo).

kymket́olmy — As above, but an adverb; twelfthly, in the twelfth place, for the twelfth time, on the twelfth occasion (adverb, kymket́olmyr).

kymket́usky — Twelve each or twelve apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., twelve stars with four planets each have 50 planets total; twelve total or twelve collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; twelve planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymket́uskyr).

kymket́y — As kymket́ol, but an adverb; twelfthly, like twelve things; like a thing with twelve parts; like a thing cut or divided into twelve pieces; twelve times (adverb, kymket́yr).

Kymket́ai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their twelfth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymket́ai).

kymket́ei — The act of making twelve of something, or dividing something into twelve parts; the act of doing something twelve times (event noun, eikymket́ai).

kymket́ē — A person or other living thing regarded as the twelfth one in any series; as the twelfth-born child, the twelfth-born of a litter of animals, the twelfth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having twelve eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with twelve limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymket́ai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMKYS– means "ten (plus) six", or "sixteen" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "fourteen".

kymkysa — To make sixteen of something, or to divide something into sixteen parts (transitive verb, zakymkysax).

kymkysaperse — Base-16 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 13 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, A, B, C, and D, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with sixteen possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymkysapersai).

kymkysaperso — Like or pertaining to base-16; "base-16" as an adjective (adjective, kymkysapersol).

kymkysapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-16" (adverb, kymkysapersyr).

kymkysakristei — A dream of sixteen things, wherein the fact that there are sixteen of them feels important (event noun, eikymkysakristai).

kymkysakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymkysakristestai).

kymkysakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number sixteen, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of sixteen strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of sixteen strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymkysakorai).

kymkysakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymkysakorestai).

kymkysarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of sixteen of something; a writer who creates a series of sixteen books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymkysarnai).

kymkyse — The number sixteen; a representation of the number sixteen, as a playing card (count noun, ekymkysai).

kymkyseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymkysestai).

kymkysê — Sixteen-ness, sixteen-sidedness (mass noun, êkymkysai).

kymkysi — To do something sixteen times (intransitive verb, zakymkysix).

kymkysity — Sixteen at a time, sixteen by sixteen (adverb, kymkysityr).

kymkysirnē — A person who does something sixteen times; a sixteen-timer (animate noun, ēkymkysirnai).

kymkyso — The cardinal number sixteen, as sixteen ships; sixteenth sixteenth having sixteen parts, sixteen-limbed, sixteen-lobed, sixteen-eyed; cut or divided into sixteen pieces (adjective, kymkysol).

kymkysolmo — The ordinal number sixteen, as the sixteenth ship of a series (adjective, kymkysolmo).

kymkysolmy — As above, but an adverb; sixteenthly, in the sixteenth place, for the sixteenth time, on the sixteenth occasion (adverb, kymkysolmyr).

kymkysusky — Sixteen each or sixteen apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., sixteen stars with four planets each have 70 planets total; sixteen total or sixteen collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; sixteen planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymkysuskyr).

kymkysy — As kymkysol, but an adverb; sixteenthly, like sixteen things; like a thing with sixteen parts; like a thing cut or divided into sixteen pieces; sixteen times (adverb, kymkysyr).

Kymkysai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their sixteenth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymkysai).

kymkysei — The act of making sixteen of something, or dividing something into sixteen parts; the act of doing something sixteen times (event noun, eikymkysai).

kymkysē — A person or other living thing regarded as the sixteenth one in any series; as the sixteenth-born child, the sixteenth-born of a litter of animals, the sixteenth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having sixteen eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with sixteen limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymkysai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMCUŠ– means "ten (plus) seven", or "seventeen" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "fifteen".

kymcuša — To make seventeen of something, or to divide something into seventeen parts (transitive verb, zakymcušax).

kymcušaperse — Base-17 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 16 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with seventeen possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymcušapersai).

kymcušaperso — Like or pertaining to base-17; "base-17" as an adjective (adjective, kymcušapersol).

kymcušapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-17" (adverb, kymcušapersyr).

kymcušakristei — A dream of seventeen things, wherein the fact that there are seventeen of them feels important (event noun, eikymcušakristai).

kymcušakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymcušakristestai).

kymcušakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number seventeen, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of seventeen strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of seventeen strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymcušakorai).

kymcušakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymcušakorestai).

kymcušarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of seventeen of something; a writer who creates a series of seventeen books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymcušarnai).

kymcuše — The number seventeen; a representation of the number seventeen, as a playing card (count noun, ekymcušai).

kymcušeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymcušestai).

kymcušê — Seventeen-ness, seventeen-sidedness (mass noun, êkymcušai).

kymcuši — To do something seventeen times (intransitive verb, zakymcušix).

kymcušity — Seventeen at a time, seventeen by seventeen (adverb, kymcušityr).

kymcuširnē — A person who does something seventeen times; a seventeen-timer (animate noun, ēkymcuširnai).

kymcušo — The cardinal number seventeen, as seventeen ships; having seventeen parts, seventeen-limbed, seventeen-lobed, seventeen-eyed; cut or divided into seventeen pieces (adjective, kymcušol).

kymcušolmo — The ordinal number seventeen, as the seventeenth ship of a series (adjective, kymcušolmo).

kymcušolmy — As above, but an adverb; seventeenthly, in the seventeenth place, for the seventeenth time, on the seventeenth occasion (adverb, kymcušolmyr).

kymcušusky — Seventeen each or seventeen apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., seventeen stars with four planets each have 74 planets total; seventeen total or seventeen collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; seventeen planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymcušuskyr).

kymcušy — As kymcušol, but an adverb; seventeenthly, like seventeen things; like a thing with seventeen parts; like a thing cut or divided into seventeen pieces; seventeen times (adverb, kymcušyr).

Kymcušai A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their seventeenth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymcušai).

kymcušei — The act of making seventeen of something, or dividing something into seventeen parts; the act of doing something seventeen times (event noun, eikymcušai).

kymcušē — A person or other living thing regarded as the seventeenth one in any series; as the seventeenth-born child, the seventeenth-born of a litter of animals, the seventeenth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having seventeen eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with seventeen limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymcušai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMVÎS– means "ten (plus) five", or "fifteen" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "thirteen".

kymvîsa — To make fifteen of something, or to divide something into fifteen parts (transitive verb, zakymvîsax).

kymvîsaperse — Base-15 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 14 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, A, B, and C, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with fifteen possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymvîsapersai).

kymvîsaperso — Like or pertaining to base-15; "base-15" as an adjective (adjective, kymvîsapersol).

kymvîsapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-15" (adverb, kymvîsapersyr).

kymvîsakristei — A dream of fifteen things, wherein the fact that there are fifteen of them feels important (event noun, eikymvîsakristai).

kymvîsakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymvîsakristestai).

kymvîsakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number fifteen, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of fifteen strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of fifteen strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymvîsakorai).

kymvîsakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymvîsakorestai).

kymvîsarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of fifteen of something; a writer who creates a series of fifteen books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymvîsarnai).

kymvîse — The number fifteen; a representation of the number fifteen, as a playing card (count noun, ekymvîsai).

kymvîseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymvîsestai).

kymvîsê — Fifteen-ness, fifteen-sidedness (mass noun, êkymvîsai).

kymvîsi — To do something fifteen times (intransitive verb, zakymvîsix).

kymvîsity — Fifteen at a time, fifteen by fifteen (adverb, kymvîsityr).

kymvîsirnē — A person who does something fifteen times; a fifteen-timer (animate noun, ēkymvîsirnai).

kymvîso — The cardinal number fifteen, as fifteen ships; having fifteen parts, fifteen-limbed, fifteen-lobed, fifteen-eyed; cut or divided into fifteen pieces (adjective, kymvîsol).

kymvîsolmo — The ordinal number fifteen, as the fifteenth ship of a series (adjective, kymvîsolmo).

kymvîsolmy — As above, but an adverb; fifteenthly, in the fifteenth place, for the fifteenth time, on the fifteenth occasion (adverb, kymvîsolmyr).

kymvîsusky — Fifteen each or fifteen apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., fifteen stars with four planets each have 64 planets total; fifteen total or fifteen collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; fifteen planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymvîsuskyr).

kymvîsy — As kymvîsol, but an adverb; fifteenthly, like fifteen things; like a thing with fifteen parts; like a thing cut or divided into fifteen pieces; fifteen times (adverb, kymvîsyr).

Kymvîsai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their fifteenth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymvîsai).

kymvîsei — The act of making fifteen of something, or dividing something into fifteen parts; the act of doing something fifteen times (event noun, eikymvîsai).

kymvîsē — A person or other living thing regarded as the fifteenth one in any series; as the fifteenth-born child, the fifteenth-born of a litter of animals, the fifteenth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having fifteen eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with fifteen limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymvîsai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMHAR– means "ten (plus) three", or "thirteen" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "eleven".

kymhara — To make thirteen of something, or to divide something into thirteen parts (transitive verb, zakymharax).

kymharaperse — Base-13 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 12 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, A, B, and C, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with thirteen possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymharapersai).

kymharaperso — Like or pertaining to base-13; "base-13" as an adjective (adjective, kymharapersol).

kymharapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-13" (adverb, kymharapersyr).

kymharakristei — A dream of thirteen things, wherein the fact that there are thirteen of them feels important (event noun, eikymharakristai).

kymharakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymharakristestai).

kymharakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number thirteen, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of thirteen strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of thirteen strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymharakorai).

kymharakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymharakorestai).

kymhararnē — An artist who produces a limited run of thirteen of something; a writer who creates a series of thirteen books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymhararnai).

kymhare — The number thirteen; a representation of the number thirteen, as a playing card (count noun, ekymharai).

kymhareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymharestai).

kymharê — Thirteen-ness, thirteen-sidedness (mass noun, êkymharai).

kymhari — To do something thirteen times (intransitive verb, zakymharix).

kymharity — Thirteen at a time, thirteen by thirteen (adverb, kymharityr).

kymharirnē — A person who does something thirteen times; a thirteen-timer (animate noun, ēkymharirnai).

kymharo — The cardinal number thirteen, as thirteen ships; having thirteen parts, thirteen-limbed, thirteen-lobed, thirteen-eyed; cut or divided into thirteen pieces (adjective, kymharol).

kymharolmo — The ordinal number thirteen, as the thirteenth ship of a series (adjective, kymharolmo).

kymharolmy — As above, but an adverb; thirteenthly, in the thirteenth place, for the thirteenth time, on the thirteenth occasion (adverb, kymharolmyr).

kymharusky — Thirteen each or thirteen apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., thirteen stars with four planets each have 54 planets total; thirteen total or thirteen collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; thirteen planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymharuskyr).

kymhary — As kymharol, but an adverb; thirteenthly, like thirteen things; like a thing with thirteen parts; like a thing cut or divided into thirteen pieces; thirteen times (adverb, kymharyr).

Kymharai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their thirteenth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymharai).

kymharei — The act of making thirteen of something, or dividing something into thirteen parts; the act of doing something thirteen times (event noun, eikymharai).

kymharē — A person or other living thing regarded as the thirteenth one in any series; as the thirteenth-born child, the thirteenth-born of a litter of animals, the thirteenth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having thirteen eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with thirteen limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymharai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMNEG– means "ten (plus) four", or "fourteen" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "twelve".

kymnega — To make fourteen of something, or to divide something into fourteen parts (transitive verb, zakymnegax).

kymnegaperse — Base-14 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 13 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, A, B, C, and D, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with fourteen possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymnegapersai).

kymnegaperso — Like or pertaining to base-14; "base-14" as an adjective (adjective, kymnegapersol).

kymnegapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-14" (adverb, kymnegapersyr).

kymnegakristei — A dream of fourteen things, wherein the fact that there are fourteen of them feels important (event noun, eikymnegakristai).

kymnegakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymnegakristestai).

kymnegakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number fourteen, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of fourteen strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of fourteen strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymnegakorai).

kymnegakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymnegakorestai).

kymnegarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of fourteen of something; a writer who creates a series of fourteen books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymnegarnai).

kymnege — The number fourteen; a representation of the number fourteen, as a playing card (count noun, ekymnegai).

kymnegeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymnegestai).

kymnegê — Fourteen-ness, fourteen-sidedness (mass noun, êkymnegai).

kymnegi — To do something fourteen times (intransitive verb, zakymnegix).

kymnegity — Fourteen at a time, fourteen by fourteen (adverb, kymnegityr).

kymnegirnē — A person who does something fourteen times; a fourteen-timer (animate noun, ēkymnegirnai).

kymnego — The cardinal number fourteen, as fourteen ships; having fourteen parts, fourteen-limbed, fourteen-lobed, fourteen-eyed; cut or divided into fourteen pieces (adjective, kymnegol).

kymnegolmo — The ordinal number fourteen, as the fourteenth ship of a series (adjective, kymnegolmo).

kymnegolmy — As above, but an adverb; fourteenthly, in the fourteenth place, for the fourteenth time, on the fourteenth occasion (adverb, kymnegolmyr).

kymnegusky — Fourteen each or fourteen apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., fourteen stars with four planets each have 60 planets total; fourteen total or fourteen collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; fourteen planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymneguskyr).

kymnegy — As kymnegol, but an adverb; fourteenthly, like fourteen things; like a thing with fourteen parts; like a thing cut or divided into fourteen pieces; fourteen times (adverb, kymnegyr).

Kymnegai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their fourteenth-born offspring (proper noun, Kymnegai).

kymnegei — The act of making fourteen of something, or dividing something into fourteen parts; the act of doing something fourteen times (event noun, eikymnegai).

kymnegē — A person or other living thing regarded as the fourteenth one in any series; as the fourteenth-born child, the fourteenth-born of a litter of animals, the fourteenth in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having fourteen eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with fourteen limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymnegai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai antecedents; the octal numbers, and the symbols for them, were coined by the Verē in a complete break with their ancestors' decimal number system and numerals.

Note:  KYMJED– means "ten (plus) one", or "eleven" in the octal, or double-four numeric system. In decimal, or double-five, it's "nine".

kymjeda — To make eleven of something, or to divide something into eleven parts (transitive verb, zakymjedax).

kymjedaperse — Base-11 arithmetic, that is, math where there are 10 single-digit numbers, 0 through (Base - 1), in Terrestrial mathematics 0, 1, 2, 3, … 9, and A, In superbinary multitronics, logic and circuit elements with eleven possible states instead of just two (count noun, ekymjedapersai).

kymjedaperso — Like or pertaining to base-11; "base-11" as an adjective (adjective, kymjedapersol).

kymjedapersy — As above, but an adverb; "as in base-11" (adverb, kymjedapersyr).

kymjedakristei — A dream of eleven things, wherein the fact that there are eleven of them feels important (event noun, eikymjedakristai).

kymjedakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikymjedakristestai).

kymjedakore — A piece of jewelry invoking the number eleven, as a pin or pendant or earring in the shape of the number, or a necklace consisting of eleven strings of pearls or other jewels gathered at the clasp, or an earring or other jewelry consisting of eleven strings of beads or jewels pendant from a common point (count noun, ekymjedakorai).

kymjedakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekymjedakorestai).

kymjedarnē — An artist who produces a limited run of eleven of something; a writer who creates a series of eleven books, poems, or stories (animate noun, ēkymjedarnai).

kymjede — The number eleven; a representation of the number eleven, as a playing card (count noun, ekymjedai).

kymjedeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekymjedestai).

kymjedê — Eleven-ness, eleven-sidedness (mass noun, êkymjedai).

kymjedi — To do something eleven times (intransitive verb, zakymjedix).

kymjedity — Eleven at a time, eleven by eleven (adverb, kymjedityr).

kymjedirnē — A person who does something eleven times; an eleven-timer (animate noun, ēkymjedirnai).

kymjedo — The cardinal number eleven, as eleven ships; having eleven parts, eleven-limbed, eleven-lobed, eleven-eyed; cut or divided into eleven pieces (adjective, kymjedol).

kymjedolmo — The ordinal number eleven, as the eleventh ship of a series (adjective, kymjedolmo).

kymjedolmy — As above, but an adverb; eleventhly, in the eleventh place, for the eleventh time, on the eleventh occasion (adverb, kymjedolmyr).

kymjedusky — Eleven each or eleven apiece, when used with a plural subject or object, e.g., eleven stars with four planets each have 44 planets total; eleven total or eleven collectively, when used with a collective subject or object; eleven planets altogether, no matter how many stars are in the group (adverb, kymjeduskyr).

kymjedy — As kymjedol, but an adverb; eleventhly, like eleven things; like a thing with eleven parts; like a thing cut or divided into eleven pieces; eleven times (adverb, kymjedyr).

Kymjedai — A personal name, of any gender, sometimes given by parents to their eleventh-born offspring (proper noun, Kymjedai).

kymjedei — The act of making eleven of something, or dividing something into eleven parts; the act of doing something eleven times (event noun, eikymjedai).

kymjedē — A person or other living thing regarded as the eleventh one in any series; as the eleventh-born child, the eleventh-born of a litter of animals, the eleventh in command of an organization, or in line of succession; or having eleven eyes, body segments, or radially symmetrical with eleven limbs or lobes (animate noun, ēkymjedai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kyla, village or hamlet (noun)

kyla — To found or establish a village or hamlet; to send someone to a village or hamlet (transitive verb, zakylax).

kylakristei — A dream of a village or hamlet (event noun, eikylakristai).

kylakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikylakristestai).

kylakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a village or hamlet, or something from one (count noun, ekylakorai).

kylakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekylakorestai).

kylarnē — A person who founds or establishes a village or hamlet, or who makes another go to one (animate noun, ēkylarnai).

kyle — A village or hamlet (count noun, ekylai).

kyleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekylestai).

kylê — Village or hamlet life, customs, or insularity; or a mass or substance peculiar to one (mass noun, êkylai).

kyli — To visit a village or hamlet, or go to live there (intransitive verb, zakylix).

kylirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkylirnai).

kylo — Like or pertaining to village or hamlet (adjective, kylol).

kyly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kylyr).

Kylai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kyli (proper noun, Kylai).

kylei — The act of founding a village or hamlet; of sending someone there; of going there, visiting there, or coming to live there (event noun, eikylai).

kylē — A person or other living thing from or native to a village or hamlet (animate noun, ēkylai).


Etymology: Verē root for a Verē malady, no Eretiǹgrai root.

kyĺa — To cause another to absorb too much energy (transitive verb, zakyĺax).

kyĺakristei — A dream of absorbing too much energy, and becoming ill therefrom (event noun, eikyĺakristai).

kyĺakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikyĺakristestai).

kyĺakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a person glowing with too much energy (count noun, ekyĺakorai).

kyĺakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekyĺakorestai).

kyĺarnē — A person who causes another to absorb too much energy (animate noun, ēkyĺarnai).

kyĺe — A sign or symptom that one has absorbed too much energy (count noun, ekyĺai).

kyĺeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekyĺestai).

kyĺê — Kyĺ-ness, energy sickness, energy gluttony; the illness caused by absorbing more energy than your body can handle. Symptoms range from a feeling of discomfort, to discomfort and an elevated body temperature, to pain and a highly elevated body temperature, to coma, from which the patient may recover, or may die (mass noun, êkyĺai).

kyĺi — To absorb more energy than one's system can use or manage (intransitive verb, zakyĺix).

kyĺirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkyĺirnai).

kyĺo — Like or pertaining to absorbing too much energy (adjective, kyĺol).

kyĺy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kyĺyr).

Kyĺai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kyĺu (proper noun, Kyĺai).

kyĺei — The act of causing another to absorb too much energy; the act of absorbing too much energy (event noun, eikyĺai).



Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaip, sell (verb)

kaipa — To sell or peddle something (transitive verb, zakaipax).

kaipakristei — A dream of selling or peddling (event noun, eikaipakristai).

kaipakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaipakristestai).

kaipakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something sold or peddled, or a place where things are sold or peddled, as a market stall (count noun, ekaipakorai).

kaipakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaipakorestai).

kaiparnē — A person who sells or peddles something; a seller, vendor, peddler, or marketer (animate noun, ēkaiparnai).

kaipe — A thing sold or peddled; or a place where things are sold or peddled, as a store, or a stall in a market (count noun, ekaipai).

kaipeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaipestai).

kaipê — The mindset of those who sell things for a living; commercialness, commerce; skill at judging what the public will buy, and what they will pay for it, marketing skill; a mass or substance sold, aswine, cloth, or paper (mass noun, êkaipai).

kaipi — To learn or study or train to sell or peddle (intransitive verb, zakaipix).

kaipirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaipirnai).

kaipo — Like or pertaining to selling or peddling; commercial, marketing, marketable (adjective, kaipol).

kaipy — As above, but an adverb; from a marketing point of view, commercially (adverb, kaipyr).

Kaipai — An unpopular personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaipu (proper noun, Kaipai).

kaipei — The act of selling or peddling something; the act or process of learning, studying, or training to sell or peddle (event noun, eikaipai).

kaipē — A living thing which appears to have a commercial relationship, as an insect that transports pollen from one flower to another, and is "paid" in nectar (animate noun, ēkaipai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaita, public (adjective)

kaita — To make something public (transitive verb, zakaitax).

kaitakristei — A dream of public affairs, of the public domain, or of being public (event noun, eikaitakristai).

kaitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaitakristestai).

kaitakore — A piece of jewelry depicting or emblematic of something public (count noun, ekaitakorai).

kaitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaitakorestai).

kaitarnē — A person who makes something public (animate noun, ēkaitarnai).

kaite — A thing which is public, or in the public domain, as a fountain or building (count noun, ekaitai).

kaiteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaitestai).

kaitê — Public knowledge, affairs, or matters; art in the public domain (mass noun, êkaitai).

kaiti — To become public or go public; to reveal one's secrets to the public, or place one's art in the public domain (intransitive verb, zakaitix).

kaitirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaitirnai).

kaito — Like or pertaining to public matters; public, outside the private matters of an individual or household (adjective, kaitol).

kaity — As above, but an adverb; publicly, in public (adverb, kaityr).

Kaitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaito (proper noun, Kaitai).

kaitei — The act of making something public; also, the act of becoming or going public; as by revealing one's secrets to the public, or placing one's art in the public domain (event noun, eikaitai).

kaitē — A person who lives entirely in public, with no secrets or privacy; a public person (animate noun, ēkaitai).


Etymology: kait, public, + mp, realm, domain

kaitempa — To appoint someone to the Kaitempē, or promote someone to a higher rank within it (transitive verb, zakaitempax).

kaitempakristei — A dream of the Kaitempē (event noun, eikaitempakristai).

kaitempakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaitempakristestai).

kaitempakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a member of the Kaitempē in uniform, or an insignia of rank of that organization (count noun, ekaitempakorai).

kaitempakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaitempakorestai).

kaitemparnē — A person who appoints someone to the Kaitempē, or promotes a member to a higher rank; either the Speaker, or a Kaitempē officer to whom the authority has been delegated (animate noun, ēkaitemparnai).

kaitempe — A thing associated with the Kaitempē, as a piece of standard equipment, item of standard uniform, or rank insignia (count noun, ekaitempai).

kaitempeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaitempestai).

kaitempê — Public affairs, public matters; the morale and discipline of the Kaitempē (mass noun, êkaitempai).

kaitempi — To study, train, and learn to be a Kaitempē officer, or to become a better one (intransitive verb, zakaitempix).

kaitempirnē — A person who does the above; a Kaitempē recruit, trainee, or cadet (animate noun, ēkaitempirnai).

kaitempo — Like or pertaining to the Kaitempē (adjective, kaitempol).

kaitempy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kaitempyr).

kaitempai — The most general reference to an officer of the Kaitempē as "officer"' never a personal name (proper noun, kaitempai).

kaitempei — The act of appointing someone to the Kaitempē, or promoting someone to a higher rank; the act of learning, studying, or training to become an effective member of the Kaitempē, or a better one, or to stay up to date (event noun, eikaitempai).

Kaitempē — A person responsible for some aspect of public affairs. In the First History, the police and military of the Verē, transcribed in fiction on this site as the Kaitempē. As the role of males in Verē society was agression and defense ot the other sexes, the Kaitempē were all male. The Kaitempē came from any and all households, but while on duty, were sworn to answer only to the Speaker, who was the head of the organization. Only the Kaitempē, while on active duty, were permitted the use of weapons other than the traditional feud weapons of sword, axe, knife, spear, atlatl, bow and arrow, or sling (animate noun, ēkaitempai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaikai, superhuman (adjective)

kaika — To make someone superhuman, to give someone super powers, to elevate someone beyond any natural peak of abilities (transitive verb, zakaikax).

kaikakristei — A dream of super-powers, of being a super-hero (event noun, eikaikakristai).

kaikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaikakristestai).

kaikakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a super-hero, or the emblem of one (count noun, ekaikakorai).

kaikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaikakorestai).

kaikarnē — A person who makes another a super-hero, or gives someone super-powers (animate noun, ēkaikarnai).

kaike — An emblem, souvenir, or relic of a super-hero (count noun, ekaikai).

kaikeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaikestai).

kaikê — Superhumanity, the state of being a super-hero; also, any mass or substance connected with that state, as a potion that confers powers, or a super-tough cloth for costumes (mass noun, êkaikai).

kaiki — To become a super-hero, or to train or study to become a better one (intransitive verb, zakaikix).

kaikirnē — A person who does the above; an aspirant, trainee, or cadet super-hero (animate noun, ēkaikirnai).

kaiko — Like or pertaining to a higher state of existence; super-, hyper-, ultra- (adjective, kaikol).

kaiky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kaikyr).

Kaikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaiko (proper noun, Kaikai).

kaikei — The act of giving someone supeer-powers, or otherwise raising someone far above natural limits for its kind; also, the act of becoming a super-hero, or training or studying to become a better one (event noun, eikaikai).

kaikē — A person or other living thing far exceeding the natural limits of its kind; a super-hero, a super-being (animate noun, ēkaikai).


Etymology: From the Kaik'lir name for themselves (noun)

kaik'lira — To ornament or decorate with images of the Kaik'lir, or with images from their culture and art (transitive verb, zakaik'lirax).

kaik'lirakristei — A dream of the Kaik'lir (event noun, eikaik'lirakristai).

kaik'lirakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaik'lirakristestai).

kaik'lirakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a Kaik'lir, the head of a Kaik'lir, or something from Kaik'lir culture or art (count noun, ekaik'lirakorai).

kaik'lirakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaik'lirakorestai).

kaik'lirarnē — A person who decorates or ornaments something with Kaik'lir art or motifs (animate noun, ēkaik'lirarnai).

kaik'lire — A discrete item of Kaik'lir art or culture (count noun, ekaik'lirai).

kaik'lireste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaik'lirestai).

kaik'lirê — Kaik'lirness, Kaik'lir art or culture. Also, a mass or substance connected to them, as Kaik'lir blood (mass noun, êkaik'lirai).

kaik'liri — To learn about, study, or become immersed in Kaik'lir culture (intransitive verb, zakaik'lirix).

kaik'lirirnē — A person who does the above; a student of the Kaik'lir (animate noun, ēkaik'lirirnai).

kaik'liro — Like or pertaining to the Kaik'lir (adjective, kaik'lirol).

kaik'liry — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kaik'liryr).

Kaik'lirai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site aik'liru (proper noun, Kaik'lirai).

kaik'lirei — The act of decorating or ornamenting something with items or images of Kaik'lir culture; or the act or process of learning all about the Kaik'lir and their civilization (event noun, eikaik'lirai).

kaik'lirē — A Kaik'lir. The Kaik'lir lived in the third great galaxy of the local cluster of galaxies, sometimes called the Third Galaxy or just the Kaik'lir Galaxy. For many thousands of years they opposed the Eli*rai, and protected the other races of their galaxy from them. That war was won by the time the Verē gained access to their galaxy, and the Kaik'lir signed the Second Covenant to keep the Orthodox from meddling, much as the Ukkl did in the Whirlpool or Ukkl Galaxy; only they didn't have to fight a war to win the right to do so, because the Ukkl had already set the example.

Physically, the Kaik'lir were the oddest of the material Covenant races: resembling the Tlâń and Ukkl in having a softer and more flexible skeleton than one made of bone; resembling the Murē (of another universe) in their general body plan, intellect, and culture; and smallest, being barely three feet high in the males of the species, four feet in the females.

The Kaik'lir body was a cylinder, with two ribbony legs at the bottom and two ribbony arms at the top. The joining of these wide, flat appendages to the body was protected by plates of calcareous material, not quite bone; rounded and shell-shaped for the arms, flat and shield-shaped for the legs. The legs could roll up inside the "shields", and the body could rest on them, with the "shields" nearly touching the ground; this was how they "sat". Likewise the arms could roll inward and hang just below the "shells", in a position of repose not unlike a Ver folding ys arms.

The head of a Kaik'lir sat directly on top of the body, with no exposed neck. It could tilt about 45 degrees down from level and about 45 degrees up, but did not turn. It was shaped like two wide, shallow bowls, the top one upside down and joined rim to rim with the bottom one; eight eyes were spaced evenly around the rim, and ear openings (but without external ears) in the left front, right front, left rear, and right rear. Olfactory openings were scattered randomly over the head, which was about twice the diameter of the body, and about six inches high. The lateral lines down both sides of the body, for sensing electrical fields, are the source for those organs and that ability in the Ińgrē, whom Kaik'lir scientists helped to design (animate noun, ēkaik'lirai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaise, formerly (adverb)

kaisa — To send someone into the past (transitive verb, zakaisax).

kaisakristei — A dream of the past (event noun, eikaisakristai).

kaisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaisakristestai).

kaisakore — A piece of jewelry depicting someone or something in or from the past (count noun, ekaisakorai).

kaisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaisakorestai).

kaisarnē — A person who sends another into the past (animate noun, ēkaisarnai).

kaise — A discrete item in the past, or something from the past, as brought forward in time without existing in the intervening time (count noun, ekaisai).

kaiseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaisestai).

kaisê — A mass or substance in the past; or removed from the past, and brought forward in time without existing in the intervening time, as water or cloth (mass noun, êkaisai).

kaisi — To go to the past, visit the past, or emmigrate to the past to live there; to study the past, as in preparation for such a trip (intransitive verb, zakaisix).

kaisirnē — A person who does the above; a time visitor, time expatriate, or student of past time (animate noun, ēkaisirnai).

kaiso — Like or pertaining to former times, or the past; former, previous, past, of the past (adjective, kaisol).

kaisy — As above, but an adverb; formerly, previously, in the past (adverb, kaisyr).

Kaisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaisu (proper noun, Kaisai).

kaisei — The act of sending someone into the past; also, the act of visiting the past, going to the past, or going to the past to live. An event in the past (event noun, eikaisai).

kaisē — A person or other living thing in or from the past (animate noun, ēkaisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaupi, city, town, borough, or burgh (noun)

kaopa — To send someone, or make someone go to a city, town, borough, or burgh (transitive verb, zakaopax).

kaopakristei — A dream of a city, town, borough, or burgh (event noun, eikaopakristai).

kaopakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaopakristestai).

kaopakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a city, town, borough, or burgh, or some landmark within one (count noun, ekaopakorai).

kaopakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaopakorestai).

kaoparnē — A person who orders another to go to a city, town, borough, or burgh, or stations someone there (animate noun, ēkaoparnai).

kaope — A city, town, borough, or burgh (count noun, ekaopai).

kaopeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaopestai).

kaopê — Cityness, civicness, civilization; citizenship, the state of being an inhabitant of and taking pride in one's city; civic-mindedness. Also, a mass or substance which is the product of a city, as the wine or cloth (mass noun, êkaopai).

kaopi — To go to, visit, or go to live in a city, town, borough, or burgh (intransitive verb, zakaopix).

kaopirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaopirnai).

kaopo — Like or pertaining to a city, town, borough, or burgh; civic, civic-minded, civilized (adjective, kaopol).

kaopy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kaopyr).

Kaopai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaopi (proper noun, Kaopai).

kaopei — The act of sending someone to a city, town, borough, or burgh, making ym go there, ordering ym to go there, dispatching or stationing ym there; the act of going there, visiting there, or going there to live (event noun, eikaopai).

kaopē — A person or other living thing from, or native to, a city, town, borough, or burgh (animate noun, ēkaopai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kaoneai, beautiful (adjective)

kaona — To make someone or something beautiful, or more beautiful (transitive verb, zakaonax).

kaonakristei — A dream of beauty (event noun, eikaonakristai).

kaonakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikaonakristestai).

kaonakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something or someone beautiful, or an ideal of beauty (count noun, ekaonakorai).

kaonakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekaonakorestai).

kaonarnē — A person who makes something or someone beautiful, or more beautiful (animate noun, ēkaonarnai).

kaone — A beautiful thing, a thing of beauty (count noun, ekaonai).

kaoneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekaonestai).

kaonê — beautifulness, beauty; also, a beautiful mass or substance, as sparkling water (mass noun, êkaonai).

kaoni — To turn or become beautiful, or more beautiful (intransitive verb, zakaonix).

kaonirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkaonirnai).

kaono — Like or pertaining to beauty; beautiful (adjective, kaonol).

kaony — As above, but an adverb; beautifully (adverb, kaonyr).

Kaonai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kaone (proper noun, Kaonai).

kaonei — The act of making someone or something beautiful, or more beautiful, of beautifying something or someone; also, the act of turning or becoming beautiful, or more beautiful (event noun, eikaonai).

kaonē — A person or other living thing which is beautiful; a beauty (animate noun, ēkaonai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ekli, forehead (noun)

kiula — To kiss someone on the brow or forehead; to place a figurehead on the prow, bow, or fore of a boat or ship (transitive verb, zakiulax).

kiulakristei — A dream of foreheads, kissing someone on the forehead, of ship's prows, of figureheads (event noun, eikiulakristai).

kiulakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikiulakristestai).

kiulakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a ship's prow or figurehead (count noun, ekiulakorai).

kiulakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekiulakorestai).

kiularnē — A person who kisses someone on the forehead, or someone who attaches or mounts a figurehead (animate noun, ēkiularnai).

kiule — The brow or forehead of a person; the prow, bow, or fore of a boat or ship (count noun, ekiulai).

kiuleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekiulestai).

kiulê — The empty show of authority, as "all forehead, no power"; figureheadedness; also, the material of which a figurehead is made, as painted or brass-covered wood (mass noun, êkiulai).

kiuli — To front for or serve as the public face of an organization, especially while having no real authority; to be a figurehead (intransitive verb, zakiulix).

kiulirnē — A person who does the above; a front man, a figurehead (animate noun, ēkiulirnai).

kiulo — Like or pertaining to the brow or forehead of a person; or to the prow, bow, or fore of a boat or ship (adjective, kiulol).

kiuly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, kiulyr).

Kiulai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Kiuli (proper noun, Kiulai).

kiulei — The act of kissing someone on the brow or forehead; of placing a figurehead on the prow, bow, or fore of a boat or ship, Also, the act of fronting for or serving as the public face of an organization, especially while having no real authority; being a figurehead (event noun, eikiulai).

kiulē — A person or other living thing with a large forehead or prominent brow (animate noun, ēkiulai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai kois, sleep (verb)

koisa — To cause or make someone sleep, as a parent a child, or a boring speaker the audience (transitive verb, zakoisax).

koisakristei — A dream of sleeping (event noun, eikoisakristai).

koisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikoisakristestai).

koisakore — A piece of jewelry depicting sleep (count noun, ekoisakorai).

koisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekoisakorestai).

koisarnē — A person who makes another go to sleep (animate noun, ēkoisarnai).

koise — A period of sleep, as "a night's sleep"; a phase of sleep, as "R.E.M. sleep"; a brief sleep, as a nap or a siesta (count noun, ekoisai).

koiseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekoisestai).

koisê — Sleepyness (mass noun, êkoisai).

koisi — To sleep (intransitive verb, zakoisix).

koisirnē — A person who does the above; a sleeper (animate noun, ēkoisirnai).

koiso — Like or pertaining to sleep; sleepy (adjective, koisol).

koisy — As above, but an adverb; sleepily (adverb, koisyr).

Koisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Koisa (proper noun, Koisai).

koisei — The act of making someone go to sleep, as a child; the act of sleeping (event noun, eikoisai).

koisē — A person or other living thing which sleeps (animate noun, ēkoisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai keik, topple (verb)

keika — To topple something, tip something over, swing something back and forth, or rock something (transitive verb, zakeikax).

keikakristei — A dream of toppling, tipping over; swinging, or rocking (event noun, eikeikakristai).

keikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikeikakristestai).

keikakore — A piece of jewelry with parts that topple, tip over; swing, or rock; or which depict things that topple, tip over; swing, or rock, as a swing or a rocking-horse (count noun, ekeikakorai).

keikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekeikakorestai).

keikarnē — A person who topples something, a toppler; who tips something over, a tipper; who swings something back and forth, a swinger; or rocks something, a rocker (animate noun, ēkeikarnai).

keike — A discrete object made to topple, tip over, swing, or rock, as a toy that springs back up when you tip it over, a swing, a teeter-totter, or a rocking chair or rocking horse (count noun, ekeikai).

keikeste — A group or set or collection of the above, as a swing set (count noun, ekeikestai).

keikê — Skill at toppling, tipping over, swinging, or rocking onsself, as in tumbling or gymnastics (mass noun, êkeikai).

keiki — To topple, tip over; swing, or rock (intransitive verb, zakeikix).

keikirnē — A person who does the above; a toppler, tipper-over; swinger, or rocker (animate noun, ēkeikirnai).

keiko — Like or pertaining to toppling, tipping over; swinging, or rocking; prone or likely to the above, as something leaned in a corner, suspended from overhead, or with legs of unequal length; tippy, tipsy (adjective, keikol).

keiky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, keikyr).

Keikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Keiki (proper noun, Keikai).

keikei — The act of toppling something, tipping something over, swinging something back and forth, or rocking something; the act of toppling, tipping over; swinging, or rocking (event noun, eikeikai).

keikē — A living thing that moves or catches prey by toppling, tipping over, swinging on something, or from one thing to another, or by rocking (animate noun, ēkeikai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai keis, fish spear or trident (noun)

keisa — To stab or impale something on or with a fish spear or trident (transitive verb, zakeisax).

keisakristei — A dream of a fish spear or trident (event noun, eikeisakristai).

keisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikeisakristestai).

keisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a fish spear or trident (count noun, ekeisakorai).

keisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekeisakorestai).

keisarnē — A person who stabs or impales something on or with a fish spear or trident; a fish hunter, a trident ielder (animate noun, ēkeisarnai).

keise — A fish spear or trident; especially the kind with the side barbs to catch in the gills when shoved down the fish's throat (count noun, ekeisai).

keiseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekeisestai).

keisê — Skill with a fish spear or trident (mass noun, êkeisai).

keisi — To learn to hunt with a fish spear or trident, to gain skill with a fish spear or trident (intransitive verb, zakeisix).

keisirnē — A person who does the above; a novice fish hunter (animate noun, ēkeisirnai).

keiso — Like or pertaining to a fish spear or trident (adjective, keisol).

keisy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, keisyr).

Keisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Keiso (proper noun, Keisai).

keisei — The act of stabbing or impaling something on or with a fish spear or trident; also, the act of learning to do so, or gaining skill at doing so (event noun, eikeisai).

keisē — A living thing with a body part like a fish spear or trident, especially if it uses it to stab or impale fish, as a heron or a spearfish (animate noun, ēkeisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ekein, a swing (noun)

keina — To rock or swing something back and forth (transitive verb, zakeinax).

keinakristei — A dream of swinging, rocking, teetering, or playing on a keine (event noun, eikeinakristai).

keinakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikeinakristestai).

keinakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a keine, or which has a part that swings back and forth (count noun, ekeinakorai).

keinakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekeinakorestai).

keinarnē — A person who swings or rocks something back and forth (animate noun, ēkeinarnai).

keine — Something that swings back and forth, as a swing, pendulum, see-saw, teeter-totter, or rocking chair (count noun, ekeinai).

keineste — A group or set or collection of the above; a playground (count noun, ekeinestai).

keinê — Swinginess, rockingness, teeteriness, unsteadyness; also, a mass or substance likely to shift or teeter, as a pile of loose rock (mass noun, êkeinai).

keini — To rock or swing back and forth (intransitive verb, zakeinix).

keinirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkeinirnai).

keino — Like or pertaining to swinging or rocking back and forth (adjective, keinol).

keiny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, keinyr).

Keinai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Keinu (proper noun, Keinai).

keinei — The act of rocking or swinging something back and forth; also, the act of swinging or rocking (event noun, eikeinai).

keinē — A person or other living thing that moves with a swinging or rocking motion, as a ground sloth (animate noun, ēkeinai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai keija, orange-colored (adjective)

keija — To make something the color orange, as by painting it (transitive verb, zakeijax).

keijakristei — A dream of the color orange, orange things, orangeness (event noun, eikeijakristai).

keijakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikeijakristestai).

keijakore — A piece of jewelry which is the color orange, or mostly so (count noun, ekeijakorai).

keijakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekeijakorestai).

keijarnē — A person who colors something orange (animate noun, ēkeijarnai).

keije — A discrete item which is colored orange (count noun, ekeijai).

keijeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekeijestai).

keijê — Orangeness; the color orange; a mass or substance which is orange in color, as a liquid or gas (mass noun, êkeijai).

keiji — To turn orange in color, to change color to orange (intransitive verb, zakeijix).

keijirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēkeijirnai).

keijo — Like or pertaining to the color orange; orange-colored (adjective, keijol).

keijy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, keijyr).

Keijai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Keiju (proper noun, Keijai).

keijei — The act of making something the color orange; the act of turning or becoming orange in color (event noun, eikeijai).

keijē — A person or other living thing which is orange in color, as a bird or beetle (animate noun, ēkeijai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai krsaii, standard bearer (noun)

køsa — To appoint or promote someone to standard bearer or banneret (transitive verb, zakøsax).

køsakristei — A dream of being a standard bearer or banneret, or being appointed or promoted to either position (event noun, eikøsakristai).

køsakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eikøsakristestai).

køsakore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the apparel of a standard bearer, or the rank badge of a banneret (count noun, ekøsakorai).

køsakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ekøsakorestai).

køsarnē — A person who appoints someone a standard bearer, or promotes someone to the rank of banneret (animate noun, ēkøsarnai).

køse — The apparel or distinctive uniform of a standard bearer, as the hide of a dangerous wild beast, or the rank badge of a banneret. Also, any relic or souvenir of holding such a position, as awards given for service, or battle scars (count noun, ekøsai).

køseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ekøsestai).

køsê — The duties and responsibilities of being a standard bearer or banneret; also, any mass or substance associated with the position, as the cloth of the standard or unit banner (mass noun, êkøsai).

køsi — To learn or train to be a standard bearer or banneret; to assume and perform the duties and responsibilities of either position (intransitive verb, zakøsix).

køsirnē — A person who does the above, especially a standard bearer or banneret in training (animate noun, ēkøsirnai).

køso — Like or pertaining to a standard bearer or banneret; "standard-bearer" or "banneret" as an adjective (adjective, køsol).

køsy — As above, but an adverb; in the manner of a standard bearer or banneret, as fierce as a standard bearer, as professional as a banneret (adverb, køsyr).

Køsai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Køse (proper noun, Køsai).

køsei — The act of appointing someone to the position of standard bearer or the rank of banneret; to learn or train for either; to assume and perform the duties of either (event noun, eikøsai).

køsē — A standard bearer, the soldier responsible for carrying the banner and protecting it from capture. In the Second History, in the army of the Kingdom, a non-commissioned rank, the "banneret" in charge of a "banner" of four "platoons". answering to the "legate" commanding the "banner", and up to four "cornets" on the staff (animate noun, ēkøsai).

Pages, in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order:

Home  B  P   D́  T́   D  T   G  K    Q    Ĵ  C   V́  F́   V F   Ď Ť   Z S   Ž Š   Ĝ X    H    M *M   Ń *Ń   N *N   Ǹ *Ǹ   L *L   R *R   Ĺ *Ĺ   Ř *Ř   W *W   J *J   A Â   E Ê   I Î   O Ô   U Û   Y Ŷ    AI     AO     IU     OI     ÂI     EI     Ē     Ø  

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