The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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  W and *W

Etymology: Eretiǹgrai W and HW, from the same letters in Mižinai.

The 22nd letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet has two aspects, voiced and voiceless.

The voiced aspect of this consonant is pronounced like the W in English words like wen, witch, and ware. Its name is wo (informal) and eworetai (formal).

The voiceless aspect is pronounced like WH in English words like when, which, and where. It's named *wi (informal) or e*wiretai (formal).
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Etymology: Er. wacha, helpless, powerless (adjective)

waca — To subdue someone, to render someone helpless or powerless (transitive verb, zawacax).

Wacai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Waca (proper noun).

wacakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of restraints or means of making one helpless, as handcuffs, rope, shackles, or a wace (count noun, ewacakorai).

wacakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewacakorestai).

wacakristei — A dream of being helpless or powerless; especially, a dream of being unable to move (event noun, eiwacakristai).

wacakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwacakristestai).

wacarnē — A person who makes others helpless or powerless (animate noun, ēwacarnai).

wace — A telekinetic weapon used by the Verē Kaitempē to stop violence and subdue civilians without employing lethal force. It was primed and fired by the officer's telekinesis, which it amplified into a telekinetic blow to the psionic centers of the brain. The person hit by the blast lost all telekinesis for a while, which left him (usually him) pinned to the ground by four gravities more than he normally felt, and helpless against disease, poison, etc. The blast itself thus rarely killed (although broken bones could result if the victim fell badly), but the victim couldn't commit further violence or defend himself. A strong telekinetic, particularly if much stronger than the person employing the weapon, and particularly if expecting to be shot, could block the effects partly or completely. This was very rare in the First History, but accounts for why such weapons are no longer used in the Second. (count noun, ewacai).

waceste — A group or set or collection of the above; also, an arsenal where they are stored and maintained (count noun, ewacestai).

wacê — Loss of telekinesis due to a telekinetic blow to the relevant areas of the brain; more generally, helplessness, powerlessness, aimlessness, fecklessness, purposelessness, goallessness (mass noun, êwacai).

wacei — The act of subduing another person, or rendering that person helpless or powerless, especially with a wace (event noun, eiwacai).

wacē — A person who feels or seems to be helpless or powerless over ys, her, or his own life; an inept or feckless person (animate noun, ēwacai).

waci — To drift through life without aim, purpose, or goals (intransitive verb, zawacix).

wacirnē — A person who does the above, who lives in the manner described above (animate noun, ēwacirnai).

waco — Helpless, powerless, aimless, feckless, purposeless, goalless (adjective, wacol).

wacy — As above, but an adverb; helplessly, powerlessly, aimlessly, fecklessly, purposelessly, goallessly (adverb, wacyr).


Etymology: Er. owek, a tulip (noun)

weka — To pick tulips (transitive verb, zawekax).

Wekai — (1) The 6th month of the Verē year (see The Outside Calendars). (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Weko (proper noun).

wekakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more tulips (count noun, ewekakorai).

wekakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewekakorestai).

wekakristei — A dream of tulips (event noun, eiwekakristai).

wekakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwekakristestai).

wekarnē — A person who picks tulips (animate noun, ēwekarnai).

weke — A tulip (count noun, ewekai).

wekeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewekestai).

wekê — A tulip plant (mass noun, êwekai).

wekei — The act of picking tulips; of tending a garden of them; of wearing them in one's hair (event noun, eiwekai).

wekē — A living thing that eats tulips or lives in them, as an insect or a small bird (animate noun, ēwekai).

weki — To grow tulips, or to wear a tulip in one's hair (intransitive verb, zawekix).

wekirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēwekirnai).

weko — Like or pertaining to tulips (adjective, wekol).

weky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, wekyr).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai iwes, example, model (noun)

wesa — To make a model of something, to provide or furnish an example of something (transitive verb, zawesax).

Wesai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Wesi (proper noun).

wesakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a model, example, or type that one admires (count noun, ewesakorai).

wesakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewesakorestai).

wesakristei — A dream of an example, a model, or a type (event noun, eiwesakristai).

wesakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwesakristestai).

wesarnē — A person who makes a model of something, who provides or furnishes an example of something, or describes the type or typical specimen (animate noun, ēwesarnai).

wese — A model, an example, a type (count noun, ewesai).

weseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewesestai).

wesê — Exampleness, modelness, typicality; or a substance which is an example, model, or type (mass noun, êwesai).

wesei — The act of making a model of something, of providing or furnishing an example of something; the description of the type of typical specimen; the act of setting an example for others, of serving as a model for others (event noun, eiwesai).

wesē — A person or other living thing who is the type specimen, or, less formally, is typical of its kind (animate noun, ēwesai).

wesi — To set an example or serve as a model for others (intransitive verb, zawesix).

wesirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēwesirnai).

weso — Like or pertaining to an example or model; exemplary, model, typical (adjective, wesol).

wesy — As above, but an adverb; exemplarily, typically (adverb, wesyr).


Etymology: Er. weha, nude, naked, bare

weha — To strip someone or something nude, naked, or bare (transitive verb, zawehax).

Wehai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Wehi (proper noun).

wehakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a nude person (count noun, ewehakorai).

wehakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewehakorestai).

wehakristei — A dream of being naked, nude, bare, especially in public (event noun, eiwehakristai).

wehakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwehakristestai).

weharnē — A person who strips someone or something bare (animate noun, ēweharnai).

wehe — Anything bare, that normally has an outer covering of some kind, as a peeled pearapple, an unsheathed sword, or a book without its binding (count noun, ewehai).

weheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewehestai).

wehê — Nudeness, nudity, nakedness, bareness, openness (mass noun, êwehai).

wehei — The act of baring or stripping the covering from someone or someone; the act of discarding one's own cover or accessories in favor of new ones (event noun, eiwehai).

wehē — A person or other living thing without its usual outer covering, as a naked person, or a living thing which has shed its skin or discarded its shell (animate noun, ēwehai).

wehi — To discard one's clothes for a whole new wardrobe; to abandon one's home and possessions, for a whole new life; to give up one's citizenship and residence, to live as a native in a new country or a new world (intransitive verb, zawehix).

wehirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēwehirnai).

weho — Nude, naked, bare, open, patent (adjective, wehol).

wehy — As above, but an adverb; nudely, nakedly, barely, openly, patently (adverb, wehyr).


Etymology: Er. ewes, a pennant (noun)

wisa — To award a knight a pennant for his lance; to assign the command of a banner to a legate (transitive verb, zawisax).

Wisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Wise (proper noun).

wisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a pennant, or a lance and pennant (count noun, ewisakorai).

wisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewisakorestai).

wisakristei — A dream of pennants (event noun, eiwisakristai).

wisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwisakristestai).

wisarnē — A person who awards a pennant to a knight, or gives the command of a banner to a legate (animate noun, ēwisarnai).

wise — (1) A pennant; a narrow pointed banner pendant from a lance. (2) In the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, a unit (called a "banner" in fiction on this site), comprised of four "platoons", commanded by an officer ("legate"), a staff of up to four subordinate officers ("cornets"), and a non-commissioned officer ("banneret"). See Army Ranks and Structure (count noun, ewisai).

wiseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewisestai).

wisê — The authority to command a banner; the command authority of a legate (mass noun, êwisai).

wisei — The act of awarding a pennant, assigning a banner, commanding or administering a banner (event noun, eiwisai).

wisē — A knight who has a pennant; a legate who has command of a banner; a living thing with a large, prominent tail, as a horse or a squirrel (animate noun, ēwisai).

wisi — To have authority over a banner; to command, administer, train, or deploy it (intransitive verb, zawisix).

wisirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēwisirnai).

wiso — Like or pertaining to a pennant or banner (adjective, wisol).

wisy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, wisyr).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai wim, to stun (verb)

wima — To stun someone, usually literally, as with a sharp blow or an electric shock (transitive verb, zawimax).

Wimai — A personal name, usually masculine, transcribed in fiction on this site as Wima (proper noun).

wimakore — A piece of jewelry depicting someone stunned, as fish floating upside down, or a face with a stunned expression (count noun, ewimakorai).

wimakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewimakorestai).

wimakristei — A dream of being stunned, or shocked in a metaphorical sense (event noun, eiwimakristai).

wimakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwimakristestai).

wimarnē — A person who stuns someone (animate noun, ēwimarnai).

wime — A stunning blow, a shock (count noun, ewimai).

wimeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewimestai).

wimê — Shock, the condition of being stunned (mass noun, êwimai).

wimei — The act of stunning or shocking someone; to act without regard for social conventions (event noun, eiwimai).

wimē — A person or other living thing who behavior is unpredictable (animate noun, ēwimai).

wimi — To live without regard for the expectations of those around you (intransitive verb, zawimix).

wimirnē — A person who does the above; a free spirit (animate noun, ēwimirnai).

wimo — Shocking, stunning, confounding all expectations (adjective, wimol).

wimy — As above, but an adverb; stunningly, shockingly, confoundingly (adverb, wimyr).


Etymology: Er. wuok, force or compel (verb)

wokta — To force, compel, or make someone do something (infinitive) (transitive verb, zawoktax).

Woktai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Wokti (proper noun).

woktakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape or image of something which the wearer feels compelled by (count noun, ewoktakorai).

woktakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewoktakorestai).

woktakristei — A dream of force or compulsion (event noun, eiwoktakristai).

woktakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwoktakristestai).

woktarnē — A person who forces or compels someone else to do something (animate noun, ēwoktarnai).

wokte — A discrete object by which someone is compelled to do something (count noun, ewoktai).

wokteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewoktestai).

woktê — Force, compulsion (mass noun, êwoktai).

woktei — The act of compelling someone to do something (event noun, eiwoktai).

woktē — A person or other living thing acting or living under compulsion (animate noun, ēwoktai).

wokti — To feel a compulsion to act or live in a particular way, as by religious or political indoctrination (intransitive verb, zawoktix).

woktirnē — A person who acts or lives under the compulsion of beliefs or indoctrination (animate noun, ēwoktirnai).

wokto — Like or pertaining to compulsion; compelling, compulsive, compulsory (adjective, woktol).

wokty — As above, but an adverb; compellingly, compulsively, compulsorily (adverb, woktyr).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai wom, cobalt (noun)

woma — To color something blue with cobalt, as jewelry or glass (transitive verb, zawomax).

Womai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Womi (proper noun).

womakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of W, the chemical symbol of cobalt, or cobalt blue in color (count noun, ewomakorai).

womakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewomakorestai).

womakristei — A dream of cobalt, especially the blue color derived from it (event noun, eiwomakristai).

womakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwomakristestai).

womarnē — A person who colors something blue with cobalt, as jewelry or glass (animate noun, ēwomarnai).

wome — A chunk of cobalt, or a cobalt ore, as cobaltite (count noun, ewomai).

womeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewomestai).

womê — Cobalt, a chemical element (symbol W, atomic number 33, or "27" in "decimal") (mass noun, êwomai).

womei — The act of coloring something blue with cobalt, as jewelry or glass; the act or learning about cobalt, its properties, and its uses (event noun, eiwomai).

womē — A person or other living thing which is cobalt blue in color ēwomai).

womi — To learn about cobalt, its properties, and its uses (intransitive verb, zawomix).

womirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēwomirnai).

womo — Like or pertaining to cobalt, especially cobalt blue in color (adjective, womol).

womy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, womyr).


Etymology: wo, informal name for the letter W, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

woreta — To mark something with the letter W (transitive verb, zaworetax).

Woretai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun).

woretakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter W (count noun, eworetakorai).

woretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eworetakorestai).

woretakristei — A dream of the letter W (event noun, eiworetakristai).

woretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiworetakristestai).

woretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter W (animate noun, ēworetarnai).

worete — The letter W (count noun, eworetai).

woreteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eworetestai).

woretê — W-ness; the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter W (mass noun, êworetai).

woretei — The act of marking something with a W, or making art incorporating the letter W (event noun, eiworetai).

woretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with the letter W (animate noun, ēworetai).

woreti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter W (intransitive verb, zaworetix).

woretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēworetirnai).

woreto — Like or pertaining to the letter W (adjective, woretol).

worety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, woretyr).


Etymology: Er. wiulu, a violin (noun)

wula — To give someone a violin/viola/vielle; to furnish with one (transitive verb, zawulax).

Wulai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Wula (proper noun).

wulakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a violin/viola/vielle (count noun, ewulakorai).

wulakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewulakorestai).

wulakristei — A dream of violins/violas/vielles, especially of playing one (event noun, eiwulakristai).

wulakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwulakristestai).

wularnē — A person who gives, provides, furnishes another with a violin/viola/vielle (animate noun, ēwularnai).

wule — Any stringed musical instrument usually played with a bow, especially one with four strings or four pairs of strings; a violin, viola, vielle, cello (count noun, ewulai).

wuleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewulestai).

wulê — The mastery of the violin/viola/vielle, the art of playing it, the quality of its sound (mass noun, êwulai).

wulei — The act of giving someone a violin/viola/vielle; also, the act of playing one (event noun, eiwulai).

wulē — A person who loves the music of a violin/viola/vielle; a living thing which sounds like one, as some birds (animate noun, ēwulai).

wuli — To study, learn, play, make a profession of the violin/viola/vielle (intransitive verb, zawulix).

wulirnē — A person who devotes his life to the violin/viola/vielle; a violinist, violist, viellist, cellist (animate noun, ēwulirnai).

wulo — Like or pertaining to a violin/viola/vielle (adjective, wulol).

wuly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, wulyr).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai waima, sorrowful (adjective)

waima — To sadden someone, to make someone sad or cause someone sorrow (transitive verb, zawaimax).

Waimai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Waimo (proper noun).

waimakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something sad or someone mourning (count noun, ewaimakorai).

waimakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ewaimakorestai).

waimakristei — A dream of sorrow (event noun, eiwaimakristai).

waimakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiwaimakristestai).

waimarnē — A person who saddens another (animate noun, ēwaimarnai).

waime — A sorrow, a cause of sadness (count noun, ewaimai).

waimeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ewaimestai).

waimê — Sorrow, sadness, mournfulness (mass noun, êwaimai).

waimei — The act of saddening someone; the act of sorrowing or mourning (event noun, eiwaimai).

waimē — A person or other living thing with a mournful mien, a sorrowful manner, an air of sadness (animate noun, ēwaimai).

waimi — To sorrow, to mourn (intransitive verb, zawaimix).

waimirnē — A person who does the above; a sorrower, a mourner (animate noun, ēwaimirnai).

waimo — Sad, sorrowful, mournful (adjective, waimol).

waimy — As above, but an adverb; sadly, sorrowfully, mournfully (adverb, waimyr).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai hwan, helium (noun)

*wana — To fill something with helium, as a balloon or a case for preserving things; to provide or supply helium (transitive verb, za*wanax).

*Wanai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as *Wana (proper noun).

*wanakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of *W, the chemical symbol of helium, or a helium balloon (count noun, e*wanakorai).

*wanakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, e*wanakorestai).

*wanakristei — A dream of helium, especially floating in a balloon (event noun, ei*wanakristai).

*wanakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, ei*wanakristestai).

*wanarnē — A person who fills something with helium, or provides or supplies it (animate noun, ē*wanarnai).

*wane — An atom of helium (count noun, e*wanai).

*waneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, e*wanestai).

*wanê — Helium, a chemical element (symbol *W, atomic number 2) (mass noun, ê*wanai).

*wanei — The act of filling something with helium, or providing or supplying helium; the act or learning about helium, its properties, and its uses, or to ride in a helium balloon (event noun, ei*wanai).

*wanē — A person or other living thing which lives on a world whose air is mostly helium, as a gas-giant world ē*wanai).

*wani — To learn about helium, its properties, and its uses; to ride in a helium balloon (intransitive verb, za*wanix).

*wanirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ē*wanirnai).

*wano — Like or pertaining to helium, especially light as helium (adjective, *wanol).

*wany — As above, but an adverb (adverb, *wanyr).


Etymology: *wi, informal name for the letter *W, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

*wireta — To mark something with the letter *W (transitive verb, za*wiretax).

*Wiretai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun).

*wiretakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter *W (count noun, e*wiretakorai).

*wiretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, e*wiretakorestai).

*wiretakristei — A dream of the letter *W (event noun, ei*wiretakristai).

*wiretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, ei*wiretakristestai).

*wiretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter *W (animate noun, ē*wiretarnai).

*wirete — The letter *W (count noun, e*wiretai).

*wireteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, e*wiretestai).

*wiretê — *W-ness; the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter *W (mass noun, ê*wiretai).

*wiretei — The act of marking something with a *W, or making art incorporating the letter *W (event noun, ei*wiretai).

*wiretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with the letter *W (animate noun, ē*wiretai).

*wireti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter *W (intransitive verb, za*wiretix).

*wiretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ē*wiretirnai).

*wireto — Like or pertaining to the letter *W (adjective, *wiretol).

*wirety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, *wiretyr).

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