The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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  B and P

Etymology: Eretiǹgrai B and P, from the same letters in Mižinai.

The first letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet has two aspects, voiced and voiceless.

The voiced aspect of this consonant is pronounced like the B in English, and its name is bo (informal) or eboretai (formal).

The voiceless aspect is pronounced like the P in Latin, or Pi in Greek. Its name is pa (informal) or eparetai (formal).

P can be aspirated or not, but that's a different sound, spelled P + H in T́uliǹgrai, and transcribed P' in English writing on this site.
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Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bles, dance (verb)

blesa — To make something move as if dancing, to teach someone to dance (transitive verb, zablesax).

blesakristei — A dream of dancing (event noun, eiblesakristai).

blesakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiblesakristestai).

blesakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a dancer, or an animal regarded as dancing when it moves (count noun, eblesakorai).

blesakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eblesakorestai).

blesarnē — A person who makes something move as if it were dancing, or who teaches dance; a dance instructor (animate noun, ēblesarnai).

blese — An item associated with dancing, as dance shoes (count noun, eblesai).

bleseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eblesestai).

blesê — A dancing movement, as a leaf on the wind; also, skill at dancing (mass noun, êblesai).

blesi — To dance (intransitive verb, zablesix).

blesirnē — A person who does the above; a dance student, a dancer (animate noun, ēblesirnai).

bleso — Like or pertaining to dance (adjective, blesol).

blesy — As above, but an adverb; dancingly (adverb, blesyr).

Blesai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Blesa (proper noun, Blesai).

blesei — The act of making something move as if dancing, or teaching someone to dance; the act of learning to dance, or dancing; a dance (event noun, eiblesai).

blesē — A living thing who moves as if dancing, as a colt or fawn (animate noun, ēblesai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai buota, gross, disgusting (adjective)

bruta — To gross someone out, disgust someone, repel someone (transitive verb, zabrutax).

brutakristei — A dream of gross and disgusting things (event noun, eibrutakristai).

brutakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibrutakristestai).

brutakore — A piece of jewelry or personal adornment depicting something gross or disgusting (count noun, ebrutakorai).

brutakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebrutakorestai).

brutarnē — A person who grosses people out; a disgusting or repellant person (animate noun, ēbrutarnai).

brute — A disgusting or repellant thing (count noun, ebrutai).

bruteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebrutestai).

brutê — Grossness, disgust, repellancy, repulsion; a gross or disgusting gas, liquid. mass or substance (mass noun, êbrutai).

bruti — To be a slob or a sloven, to be dirty and disgusting; to "slob around the house" (intransitive verb, zabrutix).

brutirnē — A person who lives in the manner described above; a slob, a sloven (animate noun, ēbrutirnai).

bruto — Gross, repellant, disgusting (adjective, brutol).

bruty — As above, but an adverb; grossly, repellantly, disgustingly; in a gross, repellant, or disgusting manner (adverb, brutyr).

Brutai — A rare personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bruto (proper noun, Brutai).

brutei — The act of grossing someone out, of being disgusting or repellant (event noun, eibrutai).

brutē — A living thing that's gross or disgusting, as a cockroach, shapeless fungus, or a big, flabby, warty toad (animate noun, ēbrutai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai abab, platinum (noun)

baba — To provide or supply platinum (transitive verb, zababax).

babakristei — A dream of platinum (event noun, eibabakristai).

babakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibabakristestai).

babakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of B, the chemical symbol of platinum; or jewelry made from platinum (count noun, ebabakorai).

babakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebabakorestai).

babarnē — A person who provides or supplies platinum (animate noun, ēbabarnai).

babe — A platinum atom or molecule; a chunk of rock containing platinum, or a lump of pure platinum (count noun, ebabai).

babeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebabestai).

babê — Platinum, a chemical element (symbol B, atomic number 116, or 78 in double-five numbers); platinum ore or metal (mass noun, êbabai).

babi — To learn about platinum, its properties, and how to handle it (intransitive verb, zababix).

babirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbabirnai).

babo — Like or pertaining to platinum; heavy as platinum, as inert as platinum; as shiny as platinum (adjective, babol).

baby — As above, but an adverb (adverb, babyr).

Babai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Babi (proper noun, Babai).

babei — The act of providing or supplying platinum; the act or learning about platinum, its properties, and how to handle it eibabai).

babē — A person or other living thing which wears platinum jewelry, or shines like the metal (animate noun, ēbabai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai base, to the left (adverb)

basa — To put something or someone on the left, to move someone or something to the left (transitive verb, zabasax).

basakristei — A dream of being on the left, or moving to the left (event noun, eibasakristai).

basakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibasakristestai).

basakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a symbol of going left, as an arrow that goes up or down and then bends to the left (count noun, ebasakorai).

basakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebasakorestai).

basarnē — A person who puts something or someone on the left, or moves someone or something to the left (animate noun, ēbasarnai).

base — A fork in a trail or road that diverges to the left, or a blaze or other sign indicating that whoever sees it should go to the left (count noun, ebasai).

baseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebasestai).

basê — Leftness, lefthandedness (mass noun, êbasai).

basi — To stand on the left side or the left flank; to move to the left (intransitive verb, zabasix).

basirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbasirnai).

baso — Like or pertaining to the left side of the body, left-handed, left-hearted (adjective, basol).

basy — As above, but an adverb; on the left, to the left, leftwards (adverb, basyr).

Basai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Baso (proper noun, Basai).

basei — The act of putting something or someone on the left, or moving someone or something to the left; the act of standing on the left, or moving to the left (event noun, eibasai).

basē — A person or other living thing whose dominant side is the left; left-handed, left-hearted (animate noun, ēbasai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai baha, grand, splendid (adjective)

baha — To make something grand or splendid. In Second-History Kantos, to promote a lesser-ranked soldier to bahē or "command guardian". (transitive verb, zabahax).

bahakristei — A dream of grandness, grandeur, or splendor; in Second-History Kantos, a dream of promotion to command guardian (event noun, eibahakristai).

bahakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibahakristestai).

bahakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something grand or splendid; or, in Second-History Kantos, the insignia of rank of a command guardian, done as jewelry (count noun, ebahakorai).

bahakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebahakorestai).

baharnē — A person who makes something grand or splendid; in Second-History Kantos, a superior who promotes a soldier to command guardian (animate noun, ēbaharnai).

bahe — A grand or splendid thing; in Second-History Kantos, the insignia of rank of a command guardian (count noun, ebahai).

baheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebahestai).

bahê — Grandeur, grandness, splendour or splendidness; in Second-History Kantos, the rank, duties, and responsibilities of a command guardian (mass noun, êbahai).

bahi — To do something grand or splendid, to perform a grand or splendid act (intransitive verb, zabahix).

bahirnē — A person who often does grand or splendid things, or who frequently performs grand or splendid acts, as a great novelist, an epic poet, a composer of great works of music, a great artist or performer of music or dance, a scientist whose vision remakes a field of science (animate noun, ēbahirnai).

baho — Grand, splendid; in Second-History Kantos, pertaining to the rank, duties, or responsibility of a command guardian (adjective, bahol).

bahy — As above, but an adverb; grandly, splendidly; in Second-History Kantos, in the manner of a command guardian (adverb, bahyr).

Bahai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bahu (proper noun, Bahai).

bahei — The act of making something grand or splendid, or more grand or splendid; in Second-History Kantos, the act or process of promoting someone to command guardian (event noun, eibahai).

bahē — A person or other living thing which is grand or splendid, as a whale or whale shark; in the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, a commoner rank, the "command guardian" in charge of an "army" of four "brigades" (animate noun, ēbahai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bal, a tower (noun)

bala — To provide with towers, as a fortress or wall; entower. Also, to tower over or loom over something (transitive verb, zabalax).

balakristei — A dream of towers, or of scary things looming over oneself (event noun, eibalakristai).

balakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibalakristestai).

balakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a tower (count noun, ebalakorai).

balakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebalakorestai).

balarnē — A person who adds towers to an existing fortification or wall (animate noun, ēbalarnai).

bale — A tower or keep (count noun, ebalai).

baleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebalestai).

balê — A fortification, especially a high one or one with towers; tallness, height, especially of a wall, fortification, or tower (mass noun, êbalai).

bali — To tower, to loom; to live in a tower or keep (intransitive verb, zabalix).

balirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbalirnai).

balo — Like or pertaining to a tower or keep in some way, as towering, looming; provided with towers, having towers, entowered, towered; tall, high; tower-dwelling (adjective, balol).

baly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, balyr).

Balai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bali (proper noun, Balai).

balei — The act of providing something with towers; the act of looming or towering over someone; looming or towering, without an object; living in a tower or keep (event noun, eibalai).

balē — A fortifications engineer, a builder of towers. Also, someone or something that lives in a tower, as some fish, insects, and birds that build towers of pebbles or sticks; a tower-dweller (animate noun, ēbalai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bar, to purr (verb), in turn from Ubar, a name given to cats

bara — To pet a cat so that it purrs; to repair or tune a piece of machinery, so that it runs smoothly and makes no more than a quiet, regular sound, like a cat purring (transitive verb, zabarax).

barakristei — A dream of cats purring, or of fixing machinery with motors so it purrs (event noun, eibarakristai).

barakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibarakristestai).

barakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a contented cat (count noun, ebarakorai).

barakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebarakorestai).

bararnē — A person who pets cats, a cat-petter; also, a mechanic, especially one who does maintenance (animate noun, ēbararnai).

bare — A machine with rotating parts which makes a noise like a cat when operating properly, as a fan (count noun, ebarai).

bareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebarestai).

barê — The peace that comes from holding a purring cat; or the satisfaction that comes from making a piece of machinery purr along perfectly (mass noun, êbarai).

bari — To purr; to make a noise like a contented cat (intransitive verb, zabarix).

barirnē — A person who does the above, or would if y, she, or he could (animate noun, ēbarirnai).

baro — Like or pertaining to a purr, or to purring (adjective, barol).

bary — As above, but an adverb (adverb, baryr).

Barai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bari (proper noun, Barai).

barei — The act of petting a cat, of making a cat purr; the act of repairing or tuning machinery with rotating parts so that it makes no more sound than that. The purring of a cat, or the quiet sound made by a machine running smoothly (event noun, eibarai).

barē — A living thing which purrs, especially a cat (animate noun, ēbarai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai beta, made of concrete (adjective)

beta — To cast or set something in concrete (transitive verb, zabetax).

betakristei — A dream of being unable to move, as if your feet were stuck in concrete (event noun, eibetakristai).

betakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibetakristestai).

betakore — A piece of jewelry or personal adornment made of concrete, or colored or textured all or partly as if made of concrete (count noun, ebetakorai).

betakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebetakorestai).

betarnē — A person who works in concrete (animate noun, ēbetarnai).

bete — Any discrete object made of concrete, as a plaza, bench, or fountain (count noun, ebetai).

beteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebetestai).

betê — Concrete; also desert concrete, undisturbed desert sand that turns solid with time (mass noun, êbetai).

beti — To harden, to turn solid; to "concretize" (intransitive verb, zabetix).

betirnē — A person who does the above; especially, a person whose manner, attitudes, and opinions turn hard and solid, unalterable by facts (animate noun, ēbetirnai).

beto — Like or pertaining to concrete; concrete, hard as concrete, solid as concrete (adjective, betol).

bety — As above, but an adverb; concretely, as solidly as concrete (adverb, betyr).

Betai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Beta (proper noun, Betai).

betei — The act of pouring or casting something in concrete; or of turning solid like concrete (event noun, eibetai).

betē — A living thing which constructs a dwelling place of sand or pebbles glued together, as some spiders and insects (animate noun, ēbetai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bev, a word (noun)

beva — To choose just the right word for something, to select the perfect word for something, to put the right word to something (transitive verb, zabevax).

bevakristei — A dream about words (event noun, eibevakristai).

bevakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibevakristestai).

bevakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a word, either in concept or spelled in letters (count noun, ebevakorai).

bevakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebevakorestai).

bevarnē — A person who picks the right word for something (animate noun, ēbevarnai).

beve — A word (count noun, ebevai).

beveste — A group or set or collection of the above; a phrase (count noun, ebevestai).

bevê — wordiness, verbosity; a concept as expressed by a word (mass noun, êbevai).

bevi — To learn words, to master or increase one's vocabulary (intransitive verb, zabevix).

bevirnē — A person who does the above; a student of vocabulary, of words (animate noun, ēbevirnai).

bevo — Like or pertaining to words; wordy, verbose (adjective, bevol).

bevy — As above, but an adverb; wordily, verbosely (adverb, bevyr).

Bevai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bevi (proper noun, Bevai).

bevei — The act of picking the right word for something; the act of learning words, or increasing one's vocabulary (event noun, eibevai).

bevē — A person or other living thing which uses words, but doesn't understand their meanings; a mimic, a mockingbird (animate noun, ēbevai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bela, content, satisfied (adjective)

bela — To satisfy someone, to make someone happy or content (transitive verb, zabelax).

belakristei — A dream of happiness or contentment, especially of a happy life with a happy family (event noun, eibelakristai).

belakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibelakristestai).

belakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of someone who makes you happy, or a symbol of a happy life (count noun, ebelakorai).

belakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebelakorestai).

belarnē — A person who satisfies someone, or makes someone happy or content (animate noun, ēbelarnai).

bele — A discrete item that causes happiness; an emblem or symbol of happiness or contentment (count noun, ebelai).

beleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebelestai).

belê — Contentment, happiness, satisfaction, or a mass or substance that causes it (mass noun, êbelai).

beli — To find happiness or achieve contentment and satisfaction with one's life (intransitive verb, zabelix).

belirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbelirnai).

belo — Happy, satisfied, content (adjective, belol).

bely — As above, but an adverb; happily, contentedly, satisfyingly (adverb, belyr).

Belai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bela (proper noun, Belai).

belei — The act of satisfying someone, of making someone happy; the act of finding happiness or contentment in one's life (event noun, eibelai).

belē — A person or other living thing who make others happy to be around (animate noun, ēbelai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ber, hope (verb)

bera — To give someone hope, to make someone hopeful, to inspire hope in someone (transitive verb, zaberax).

berakristei — A dream of hope (event noun, eiberakristai).

berakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiberakristestai).

berakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a hope symbol (count noun, eberakorai).

berakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eberakorestai).

berarnē — A person who gives hope to others, an inspirational person (animate noun, ēberarnai).

bere — A cause of hope, a reason to feel hope (count noun, eberai).

bereste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eberestai).

berê — Hope (mass noun, êberai).

beri — To hope (intransitive verb, zaberix).

berirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēberirnai).

bero — Like or pertaining to hope; hopeful (adjective, berol).

bery — As above, but an adverb; hopefully (adverb, beryr).

Berai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Beri (proper noun, Berai).

berei — The act of giving hope to others, or inspiring hope in others; the act of hoping (event noun, eiberai).

berē — A person who's usually hopeful, an optimist (animate noun, ēberai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ebis, a student (noun)

bisa — To learn something, to study something, to take a class or enroll in a course about something (transitive verb, zabisax).

bisakristei — A dream of learning (event noun, eibisakristai).

bisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibisakristestai).

bisakore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the emblem of a university or school (count noun, ebisakorai).

bisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebisakorestai).

bisarnē — A person who studies or learns about something; a student of a subject (animate noun, ēbisarnai).

bisarnestē — A group of students learning about the same thing, or taking the same class; an organization of such students; a student union, body, or organization (animate noun, ēbisarnestai).

bise — A place of learning, a class room, a school (count noun, ebisai).

biseste — A group or set or collection of the above; a college or university; an association of schools (count noun, ebisestai).

bisê — Learning, study (mass noun, êbisai).

bisi — To learn, as from experience; to take the lesson in everything; to grow richer in knowledge from life itself (intransitive verb, zabisix).

bisirnē — A person who learns; a learner (animate noun, ēbisirnai).

biso — Like or pertaining to learning or study; learned, studious (adjective, bisol).

bisy — As above, but an adverb; learnedly, studiously (adverb, bisyr).

Bisai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bisa (proper noun, Bisai).

bisei — The act of learning; the study(ing) of a subject (event noun, eibisai).

bisē — A person or other living thing with a learned or studious manner (animate noun, ēbisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bima, implicit (adjective)

bima — To imply something (transitive verb, zabimax).

bimakristei — A dream of implication (event noun, eibimakristai).

bimakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibimakristestai).

bimakore — A piece of jewelry that implies something, by its color or shape, without depicting it explicitly (count noun, ebimakorai).

bimakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebimakorestai).

bimarnē — A person who implies something; an implier, an implicator (animate noun, ēbimarnai).

bime — Something implied, rather than said; an implication (count noun, ebimai).

bimeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebimestai).

bimê — Implicitness, implicity (mass noun, êbimai).

bimi — To study things implied but not observable, as a linguist who studies an extinct language which left no written records by comparing the living languages descended from it (intransitive verb, zabimix).

bimirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbimirnai).

bimo — Like or pertaining to implication; implicit, implied (adjective, bimol).

bimy — As above, but an adverb; implicitly, by implication (adverb, bimyr).

Bimai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bima (proper noun, Bimai).

bimei — The act of implying something; also, the act or process of studying something that can't be observed directly, by observing its effects (event noun, eibimai).

bimē — A person or other living thing whose existence is implied by evidence, but hasn't been observed directly (animate noun, ēbimai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai oboch, a lizard (noun)

boca — To creep up on someone or something (transitive verb, zabocax).

bocabukē — An individual lizard of a species, genus, or family of marine lizards with soft, unscaled back parts, who screw themselves into discarded gastropod shells and use them for armor. They don't have hind legs, but they do have gills. When menaced, they retreat into the shell and defend themselves with their teeth and claws. When the shell gets too small, they search for a larger one. Some genera have symbionts in their guts which generate gas, which these lizards excrete through their soft parts. This gives them neutral buoyancy, allowing them to swim and pursue prey; or even positive buoyancy, allowing them to float on the surface and eat surface organisms, or organisms which inhabit floating masses of sea weed. (animate noun, ēbocabukai).

bocabukestē — A group of such animals (animate noun, ēbocabukestai).

bocakristei — A dream of lizards, or of creepy or crawly things (event noun, eibocakristai).

bocakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibocakristestai).

bocakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a lizard scale, lizard head, or whole lizard (count noun, ebocakorai).

bocakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebocakorestai).

bocarnē — A person who creeps up on someone else; a creeper, a crawler; by extension, an infiltrator, commando, spy (animate noun, ēbocarnai).

boce — A lizard scale (count noun, ebocai).

boceste — A group or set or collection of the above; by extension, a suit of scale armor (count noun, ebocestai).

bocê — Creepiness, crawliness, any lizardlike quality (mass noun, êbocai).

boci — To creep or crawl; that is, to move on one's belly with one's limbs against the ground (intransitive verb, zabocix).

bocirnē — A person or animal who creeps, crawls, or moves like a lizard; a creeper, a crawler (animate noun, ēbocirnai).

boco — Like or pertaining to creeping, crawling, or moving like a lizard; creepy, crawly, lizardlike (adjective, bocol).

bocy — As above, but an adverb; in a creepy, crawly, or lizardlike fashion (adverb, bocyr).

Bocai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Boco (proper noun, Bocai).

bocei — The act of creeping or crawling along the ground; also, infiltration (event noun, eibocai).

bocē — A lizard (animate noun, ēbocai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ebogh, a desert (noun)

boĝa — To send someone to a desert; to exile or banish someone to a desert, or trap someone in a desert (transitive verb, zaboĝax).

boĝakristei — A dream of a desert (event noun, eiboĝakristai).

boĝakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiboĝakristestai).

boĝakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a plant or animal characteristic of a desert, as a cactus or tumbleweed, horned toad or roadrunner (count noun, eboĝakorai).

boĝakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eboĝakorestai).

boĝarnē — A person who makes someone else go to or remain in a desert (animate noun, ēboĝarnai).

boĝe — A desert; a place that won't support very many people, usually for lack of water (count noun, eboĝai).

boĝeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eboĝestai).

boĝê — The characteristics of a desert; desert conditions (mass noun, êboĝai).

boĝi — To visit a desert, for enjoyment or exploration (intransitive verb, zaboĝix).

boĝirnē — A person who does the above; a desert visitor, tourist, or explorer (animate noun, ēboĝirnai).

boĝo — Like or pertaining to a desert, "desert" as an adjective; or to living in one, desert-dwelling (adjective, boĝol).

boĝy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, boĝyr).

Boĝai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Boĝa (proper noun, Boĝai).

boĝei — The act of sending someone to a desert, exiling or trapping someone there; the act of visiting a desert, as for pleasure or exploration (event noun, eiboĝai).

boĝē — A person or other living thing that lives or resides in a desert, a desert-dweller, especially if a native to the desert (animate noun, ēboĝai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ebogni, beacon, signal-fire (noun)

boǹa — To beckon, warn off, or signal someone with fire (transitive verb, zaboǹax).

boǹakristei — A dream of beacons in the night (event noun, eiboǹakristai).

boǹakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiboǹakristestai).

boǹakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a beacon or signal fire (count noun, eboǹakorai).

boǹakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eboǹakorestai).

boǹarnē — A person who sends a signal with fire; a signaller, a beacon-signaller (animate noun, ēboǹarnai).

boǹe — A beacon, a signal-fire (count noun, eboǹai).

boǹeste — A group or set or array of the above (count noun, eboǹestai).

boǹê — The significance of a beacon or signal-fire; the dedication and duty required to keep it fueled and ready, to light it on command, to tend it as long as it's needed (mass noun, êboǹai).

boǹi — To light a beacon or signal fire, to tend it and keep it burning; also, to serve as a model or a warning, to be a good example or a bad one (intransitive verb, zaboǹix).

boǹirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēboǹirnai).

boǹo — Like or pertaining to a beacon or signal-fire. Also, like a good or bad example; model, exemplary, admonitory, significant (adjective, boǹol).

boǹy — As above, but an adverb; as a model, exemplarily, admonitorily, significantly (adverb, boǹyr).

Boǹai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Boǹi (proper noun, Boǹai).

boǹei — The act of beckoning, warning off, or signalling with fire; the act of preparing, lighting, or tending a signal-fire or beacon (event noun, eiboǹai).

boǹē — A person who stands as an example to others, either for good or ill; a living thing whose coloration warns that it's dangerous, as armed with a poisonous bite, or poisonous to eat (animate noun, ēboǹai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bor, a hibiscus flower (noun)

bora — To give a hibiscus flower to someone (transitive verb, zaborax).

borakristei — A dream of hibiscus flowers (event noun, eiborakristai).

borakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiborakristestai).

borakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of one or more hibiscus flowers (count noun, eborakorai).

borakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eborakorestai).

borarnē — A person who gives someone else a hibiscus flower (animate noun, ēborarnai).

bore — A hibiscus flower (count noun, eborai).

boreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eborestai).

borê — The scent of hibiscus (mass noun, êborai).

bori — To pick a hibiscus flower or flowers, to tend a bed of hibiscus; to wear a hibiscus flower in one's hair (intransitive verb, zaborix).

borirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēborirnai).

boro — Like or pertaining to hibiscus (adjective, borol).

bory — As above, but an adverb (adverb, boryr).

Borai — (1) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Bora. (2) The 12th of the 16 months of the calendar. (3) A lesser household of the First History, later adopted as a sect within the great house Ihed́ai, finally becoming a Great Household itself, called Eborai. Eborai stood #9 in precedence among the Liberal Houses. Insignia: On a dark green background, a light blue hibiscus flower. Colors: Light blue and dark green (proper noun, Borai).

borei — The act of giving a hibiscus flower to someone; the act of tending hibiscus plants, picking the flowers, or wearing them in one's hair (event noun, eiborai).

borē — A member of the Borai/Eborai household; a person born in the month of Borai; a living thing that lives on or feeds off hibiscus, as an insect that sucks sap, or a bird that sips nectar (animate noun, ēborai).


Etymology: bo, informal name for the letter B, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

boreta — To mark something with the letter B (transitive verb, zaboretax).

boretakristei — A dream of the letter B (event noun, eiboretakristai).

boretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiboretakristestai).

boretakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter B (count noun, eboretakorai).

boretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eboretakorestai).

boretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter B (animate noun, ēboretarnai).

borete — The letter B (count noun, eboretai).

boreteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eboretestai).

boretê — B-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter B (mass noun, êboretai).

boreti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter B (intransitive verb, zaboretix).

boretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēboretirnai).

boreto — Like or pertaining to the letter B (adjective, boretol).

borety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, boretyr).

boretai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as boretu (proper noun, boretai).

boretei — The act of marking something with an B; the act of making art incorporating the letter B (event noun, eiboretai).

boretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with B, or with body parts or markings resemblind a letter B (animate noun, ēboretai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ibuok, a sea shell, or ibbuk, a clam shell (noun)

buka — To gather or collect sea shells (transitive verb, zabukax).

bukakristei — A dream of gathering sea shells on the beach, a dream of finding treasure (event noun, eibukakristai).

bukakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibukakristestai).

bukakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a sea shell, depicting sea shells, including sea shells, or made from sea shells (count noun, ebukakorai).

bukakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebukakorestai).

bukarnē — A person who gathers or collects sea shells (animate noun, ēbukarnai).

buke — A sea shell (count noun, ebukai).

bukeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebukestai).

bukê — The material of which sea shells are made, mother-of-pearl; a chunk of sea shell (mass noun, êbukai).

buki — To organize and maintain a collection of sea shells (intransitive verb, zabukix).

bukilmi — To withdraw into a shell, to hide in a shell; either literally or figuratively (intransitive verb, zabukilmix).

bukilmirnē — Someone who does the above (animate noun, ēbukilmirnai).

bukirnē — A person who organizes and maintains a collection of sea shells (animate noun, ēbukirnai).

buko — Like or pertaining to sea shells; having a shell; shelled (adjective, bukol).

buky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, bukyr).

Bukai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Buki (proper noun, Bukai).

bukei — The act of gathering or collecting sea shells; the act of organizing and maintaining a collection of sea shells (event noun, eibukai).

bukē — A marine mollusc with a shell, a sea-shell animal; by extension, any animal which lives in discarded sea shells, as certain crabs and lizards; by further extension, a person who wears plate armor, a lobsterback (animate noun, ēbukai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai byr, sea or ocean (noun)

byra — To define or give a name to a byr (transitive verb, zabyrax).

byrakristei — A dream of a byr (event noun, eibyrakristai).

byrakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibyrakristestai).

byrakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a byr, as seen on a map, or a landmark, or a living thing found there (count noun, ebyrakorai).

byrakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebyrakorestai).

byrarnē — A person who defines a byr, or gives it a name on a map (animate noun, ēbyrarnai).

byre — A sea or gulf or bay, as the Sea of Japan, Gulf of Mexico, or Bay or Biscay; a stretch of ocean loosely defined by nearby islands or continents (count noun, ebyrai).

byreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebyrestai).

byrê — The characteristics of a byr, as its characteristic climate, inhabitants, their culture, or the living things there (mass noun, êbyrai).

byri — To live in a byr, on its shores, or on an island within it (intransitive verb, zabyrix).

byrirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbyrirnai).

byro — Like or pertaining to a byr (adjective, byrol).

byry — As above, but an adverb (adverb, byryr).

Byrai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Byre (proper noun, Byrai).

byrei — The act of defining a byr, or giving it a name; the act of living in one, or on its shore, or on an island in it (event noun, eibyrai).

byrē — A person or other living thing native to a byr (animate noun, ēbyrai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bai, agree (verb)

baiqa — To agree, assent; make an agreement, bargain, deal (transitive verb, zabaiqax).

baiqakristei — A dream of agreement, assent (event noun, eibaiqakristai).

baiqakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibaiqakristestai).

baiqakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an agreement, or a token of such (count noun, ebaiqakorai).

baiqakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebaiqakorestai).

baiqarnē — A person who agrees or assents to something; an assenter (animate noun, ēbaiqarnai).

baiqe — A token of agreement to something, as a signature on a contract, or a clasp of hands (count noun, ebaiqai).

baiqeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebaiqestai).

baiqê — Agreement, assent, willingness to make a deal (mass noun, êbaiqai).

baiqi — To work towards common assent, or work to make a deal or agreement happen; to bargain or negotiate (intransitive verb, zabaiqix).

baiqirnē — A person who does the above; a bargainer or negotiator (animate noun, ēbaiqirnai).

baiqo — Like or pertaining to agreement; agreeable, assenting, willing to bargain or make a deal (adjective, baiqol).

baiqy — As above, but an adverb; agreeably, willingly (adverb, baiqyr).

Baiqai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Baiqu (proper noun, Baiqai).

baiqei — The act of agreeing, assenting, making an agreement, bargain, or deal; also, the act or process or bargaining or negotiating towards a deal or agreement (event noun, eibaiqai).

baiqē — A person or other living thing who assents or consents to a deal, or is a beneficiary of it (animate noun, ēbaiqai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai bai-i, wander, drift (verb)

baiha — To make or cause someone or something to wander or drift (transitive verb, zabaihax).

baihakristei — A dream of wandering or drifting (event noun, eibaihakristai).

baihakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibaihakristestai).

baihakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of someone or something that wanders or drifts, as a vagabond, or a boat with no one in it (count noun, ebaihakorai).

baihakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebaihakorestai).

baiharnē — A person who causes someone or something to wander or drift (animate noun, ēbaiharnai).

baihe — A discrete thing that drifts, as a piece of driftwood (count noun, ebaihai).

baiheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebaihestai).

baihê — Aimlessness, wanderlust, vagrancy (mass noun, êbaihai).

baihi — To wander, to drift (intransitive verb, zabaihix).

baihirnē — A person who does the above; a wanderer, a drifter, a vagrant (animate noun, ēbaihirnai).

baiho — Like or pertaining to wandering or drifting (adjective, baihol).

baihy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, baihyr).

Baihai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Baihi (proper noun, Baihai).

baihei — The act of making someone or something wander or drift; or the act of wandering or drifting (event noun, eibaihai).

baihē — A person or other living thing who wanders or drifts from place to place, without aim or goal (animate noun, ēbaihai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai abeit, a woodchuck (noun)

beita — In the Second History, literally, to hunt the grasslands woodchucks of Kantos, as for fur or meat; idiomatically, to dig through something, or to gnaw away at something, as a problem (transitive verb, zabeitax).

beitakristei — A dream of woodchucks; also, and probably more commonly, a dream of working on a problem, especially a frustration dream where you can't get anywhere on it (event noun, eibeitakristai).

beitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eibeitakristestai).

beitakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a woodchuck head, silhouette, and so forth (count noun, ebeitakorai).

beitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, ebeitakorestai).

beitarnē — A person who hunts woodchucks, in the Second History; less literally, someone who digs through something, or gnaws away at something, as a problem (animate noun, ēbeitarnai).

beite — A task to be done, a problem to be solved (count noun, ebeitai).

beiteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, ebeitestai).

beitê — The tedium of a task that must be solved one step at a time, with no shortcuts; drudgery (mass noun, êbeitai).

beiti — In the Second History, to raise or manage a population of the grasslands woodchucks of Kantos, or engage in the study of them (intransitive verb, zabeitix).

beitirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēbeitirnai).

beito — Like or pertaining to grassland woodchucks; or, by extension, to drudgery (adjective, beitol).

beity — As above, but an adverb (adverb, beityr).

Beitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Beiti (proper noun, Beitai).

beitei — The act of hunting woodchucks, in the Second History; as a metaphor, the act of digging through something, or gnawing away at something, as a problem. Also, the act of raising or managing a population of such animals, or engaging in the study of them (event noun, eibeitai).

beitē — In the Second History, rodent-like burrowing mammals of the grasslands of Kantos, plains woodchucks as it were, up to 80 pounds of mass (animate noun, ēbeitai).


Etymology: Onamatopoeia, from the sound of spitting

Pfu! — A verbal expression of disgust, disdain, or dismissal from consideration, rather than an actual act of spitting (interjection, Pfu!).

pfuha — To spit on something disgusting (transitive verb, zapfuhax).

pfuhakristei — A dream of spitting in disgust (event noun, eipfuhakristai).

pfuhakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipfuhakristestai).

pfuhakore — A piece of jewelry depicting someone spitting in disgust, or a facial expression of disgust (count noun, epfuhakorai).

pfuhakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epfuhakorestai).

pfuharnē — A person who spits on something disgusting (animate noun, ēpfuharnai).

pfuhe — An object of disgust, something fit to be spit upon (count noun, epfuhai).

pfuheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epfuhestai).

pfuhê — Disgust; also, a gob of spit (mass noun, êpfuhai).

pfuhi — To spit in disgust at the subject of conversation; to spit in disgust on no actual thing, except the floor (intransitive verb, zapfuhix).

pfuhirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpfuhirnai).

pfuho — Like or pertaining to spitting in disgust; suitable to be spit upon (adjective, pfuhol).

pfuhy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pfuhyr).

Pfuhai — A vanishingly rare personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Pfuhai).

pfuhei — The act of spitting on something disgusting; the act of spitting to express disgust at the object of conversation, usually at or onto the floor (event noun, eipfuhai).

pfuhē — A person or other living thing which evokes disgust, worthy of being spit upon (animate noun, ēpfuhai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai prema, eternal (adjective)

prema — To make someone or something immortal or eternal, either literally, or by immortalizing in song, poetry, or prose (transitive verb, zapremax).

premakristei — A dream of eternity or immortality (event noun, eipremakristai).

premakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipremakristestai).

premakore — A piece of jewelry depicting eternity, or something eternal or immortal (count noun, epremakorai).

premakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epremakorestai).

premarnē — A person who makes someone or something immortal or eternal (animate noun, ēpremarnai).

preme — A discrete object believed to be eternal, or an object which is a token or symbol of eternity (count noun, epremai).

premeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epremestai).

premê — Eternalness, eternity; immortalness, immortality (mass noun, êpremai).

premi — To become eternal or immortal (intransitive verb, zapremix).

premirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpremirnai).

premo — Like or pertaining to eternity; eternal, undying, unending (adjective, premol).

premy — As above, but an adverb; eternally, forever (adverb, premyr).

Premai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Premo (proper noun, Premai).

premei — The act of making someone or something eternal or immortal; the act or process of becoming immortal or eternal (event noun, eipremai).

premē — A person or other living thing that doesn't age and die of old age; an immortal (animate noun, ēpremai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pash, crush with a boulder (verb)

paša — To drop a boulder on someone or something, push a boulder over on someone or something, crush someone or something with a boulder (transitive verb, zapašax).

pašakristei — A dream of boulders, or a field of boulders (event noun, eipašakristai).

pašakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipašakristestai).

pašakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a boulder or pile of boulders (count noun, epašakorai).

pašakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epašakorestai).

pašarnē — A person who drops a boulder on, pushes a boulder over onto, or crushes someone or something with one (animate noun, ēpašarnai).

paše — A boulder: a rock that's as big as a person, or outweighs a person (count noun, epašai).

pašeste — A group or set or field of boulders (count noun, epašestai).

pašê — The quality of size or weight that distinguishes a boulder from a mere rock, "boulder-ness" (mass noun, êpašai).

paši — To live in a house made from boulders, as a cave closed off in front with boulders, or a boulder that's been hollowed out (intransitive verb, zapašix).

paširnē — A person who does the above; a boulder-dweller (animate noun, ēpaširnai).

pašo — Like or pertaining to a boulder; as heavy as a boulder, as big as a boulder (adjective, pašol).

pašy — As above, but an adverb; as heavily as a boulder, as greatly as a boulder (adverb, pašyr).

Pašai — A personal name, usually male, sometimes neuter, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pašo (proper noun, Pašai).

pašei — The act of killing someone with a boulder; the act of making a house from boulders, the act of living in such a house (event noun, eipašai).

pašē — A person or other living thing native to boulder country (animate noun, ēpašai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pama, deliberate (adjective)

pama — To set something as a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target; to choose or decide upon a goal (transitive verb, zapamax).

pamakristei — A dream of setting, and working towards, a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (event noun, eipamakristai).

pamakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipamakristestai).

pamakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target which has been chosen, adopted, or set, but not yet achieved (count noun, epamakorai).

pamakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epamakorestai).

pamarnē — A person who sets, chooses, or adopts a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (animate noun, ēpamarnai).

pame — A goal, purpose, aim, object, or target, as a thing chosen or set but not yet achieved; a work in progress (count noun, epamai).

pameste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epamestai).

pamê — The skill or ability to set goals, and to work towards achieving them as set and on deadline (mass noun, êpamai).

pami — To learn to set goals, to learn to work towards an object or to a deadline (intransitive verb, zapamix).

pamirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpamirnai).

pamo — Like or pertaining to a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target; deliberate, purposeful, on-purpose, aimed, targeted (adjective, pamol).

pamy — As above, but an adverb; deliberately, purposefully, on purpose, towards an aim, goal, or target (adverb, pamyr).

Pamai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pama (proper noun, Pamai).

pamei — The act of choosing, deciding upon, or setting a goal, aim, or purpose; the act of planning or learning how to accomplish that (event noun, eipamai).

pamē — A person who works towards a planned end, rather than haphazardly; a game player who plays towards a conscious goal, or with conscious tactics or strategy; a living thing which moves in a deliberate manner, as if it were sentient and had an aim (animate noun, ēpamai).


Etymology: pa, informal name for the letter P, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (count noun)

pareta — To mark something with the letter P (transitive verb, zaparetax).

paretakristei — A dream of the letter P (event noun, eiparetakristai).

paretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiparetakristestai).

paretakore — A piece of jewelry in the form of the letter P (count noun, eparetakorai).

paretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eparetakorestai).

paretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter P (animate noun, ēparetarnai).

parete — The letter P (count noun, eparetai).

pareteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eparetestai).

paretê — P-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter P (mass noun, êparetai).

pareti — To make a piece of art that incorporates the letter P (intransitive verb, zaparetix).

paretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēparetirnai).

pareto — Like or pertaining to the letter P (adjective, paretol).

parety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, paretyr).

Paretai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Paretai).

paretei — The act of marking something with an P, or making art incorporating the letter P (event noun, eiparetai).

paretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with P, or with markings resembling the letter P (animate noun, ēparetai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai patt, lock, seal away (verb)

pâta — To close, seal, or lock something; to make something secure; to install locks, etc. (transitive verb, zapâtax).

pâtakristei — A dream of locks, locked doors, things locked or sealed away (event noun, eipâtakristai).

pâtakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipâtakristestai).

pâtakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that locks with a built-in lock; a locket, a tiny casket (count noun, epâtakorai).

pâtakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epâtakorestai).

pâtarnē — A person who installs locks; a locksmith (animate noun, ēpâtarnai).

pâte — An object which is secured by a built-in closure, seal, or lock; a lockbox, a safe; also, the closure, seal, or lock itself (count noun, epâtai).

pâteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epâtestai).

pâtê — Security; specifically, protection against unauthorized access by a built-in closure, seal, or lock (mass noun, êpâtai).

pâti — To become secure, as by moving into a very strong place; also, to become close-minded, prejudiced, not persuadable by facts, usually by a pathological sheltering within one's fears (intransitive verb, zapâtix).

pâtirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpâtirnai).

pâto — Like or pertaining to actual safety; safe, secure; or to imaginary security against irrational fears; close-minded (adjective, pâtol).

pâty — As above, but an adverb; safely, securely, close-mindedly (adverb, pâtyr).

Pâtai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pâta (proper noun, Pâtai).

pâtei — The act of closing, sealing, or locking something; of making something secure; of installing integral locks; also, the act of becoming secure, or becoming close-minded (event noun, eipâtai).

pâtē — A person or other living thing which is secure, as a person living in a very strong place, or an animal with a very strong shell; also, a person who is close-minded, prejudiced, not persuadable by facts (animate noun, ēpâtai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pakku, clod (noun)

pâka — To throw a clod of dirt at someone or something (transitive verb, zapâkax).

pâkakristei — A dream of clods (event noun, eipâkakristai).

pâkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipâkakristestai).

pâkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a clod (count noun, epâkakorai).

pâkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epâkakorestai).

pâkarnē — A person who throws a clod of dirt at someone or something (animate noun, ēpâkarnai).

pâke — A clod of dirt, a dirt clod (count noun, epâkai).

pâkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epâkestai).

pâkê — Any quality of a clod of dirt; dirtiness, compression, dryness, fragility (mass noun, êpâkai).

pâki — To break up or crumble a clod (intransitive verb, zapâkix).

pâkirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpâkirnai).

pâko — Like or pertaining to a clod (adjective, pâkol).

pâky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pâkyr).

Pâkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pâku (proper noun, Pâkai).

pâkei — The act of throwing a clod of dirt at something or someone; the act of breaking up or crumbling a clod back into dirt (event noun, eipâkai).

pâkē — A living thing which lives among clods of dirt, as a roundworm (animate noun, ēpâkai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai epa, head (noun)

pâha — To head someone off, to turn someone aside from ys, her, or his course; to make someone the leader, or "head", of a body of people; in the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, to appoint or promote someone to the non-commissioned office in charge of a platoon (transitive verb, zapâhax).

pâhakristei — A dream of heads, of being the "head" of a group or body of people, or a dream of being a platoon sergeant (event noun, eipâhakristai).

pâhakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipâhakristestai).

pâhakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a head, or the rank insignia of a platoon sergeant (count noun, epâhakorai).

pâhakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epâhakorestai).

pâharnē — A person who heads someone off, who turns someone aside; or a person who appoints someone else the head of a group of people, especially a platoon sergeant (animate noun, ēpâharnai).

pâhe — The head of a living being; the token of the rank of platoon sergeant, especially the badge of that rank (count noun, epâhai).

pâheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epâhestai).

pâhê — The duties, responsibilities, and privileges of a platoon sergeant (mass noun, êpâhai).

pâhi — To learn, train, and gain experience towards the rank of platoon sergeant; to acquire the intellectual basis towards a field of learning, to "get a head" for it (intransitive verb, zapâhix).

pâhirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpâhirnai).

pâho — Like or pertaining to the head, cerebral, capital; pertaining to a platoon sergeant, "platoon sergeant" as an adjective (adjective, pâhol).

pâhy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pâhyr).

Pâhai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pâhu (proper noun, Pâhai).

pâhei — The act of heading someone off, of turning someone aside; the act of making someone the leader, or "head", of a body of people. especially a platoon sergeant; the act or process of learning, training, and gaining experience towards the rank of platoon sergeant; acquiring the intellectual basis towards a field of learning, "getting a head" for it (event noun, eipâhai).

pâhē — In the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, the non-commissioned office in charge of a platoon; more generally, a living thing with a distinct head, as opposed to livings things that don't (animate noun, ēpâhai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai peta, serene (adjective)

peta — To inspire, aid, or guide others in achieving serenity (transitive verb, zapetax).

petakristei — A dream of serenity (event noun, eipetakristai).

petakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipetakristestai).

petakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something serene (count noun, epetakorai).

petakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epetakorestai).

petarnē — A person who helps others to achieve serenity; a counselor or mentor (animate noun, ēpetarnai).

pete — An object or thing which inspires serenity, as a bowl, painting, or landscape (count noun, epetai).

peteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epetestai).

petê — Serenity (mass noun, êpetai).

peti — To seek serenity, to become serene, to achieve serenity (intransitive verb, zapetix).

petirnē — A person who does the above; a seeker or finder of serenity (animate noun, ēpetirnai).

peto — Serene (adjective, petol).

pety — Serenely (adverb, petyr).

Petai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Peta (proper noun, Petai).

petei — The act of helping others to find serenity, to guide others to that state; the act or process of becoming serene (event noun, eipetai).

petē — A person or other living thing which is serene, or acts or appears to be (animate noun, ēpetai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pe-u, beyond, across (preposition)

peha — To send or put something (accusative) on the other side or beyond something (ablative) (transitive verb, zapehax).

pehakristei — A dream of going across something, or being on the other side of something (event noun, eipehakristai).

pehakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipehakristestai).

pehakore — A piece of jewelry depicting going across or beyond something, or the other side of something (count noun, epehakorai).

pehakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epehakorestai).

peharnē — A person who sends or puts something (accusative) on the other side or beyond something (ablative) (animate noun, ēpeharnai).

pehe — An object, relic, memento, or trophy from the other side of something, as a shell from the other shore of a lake (count noun, epehai).

peheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epehestai).

pehê — Foreign-ness, alien-ness, other-ness; the quality of things on the other side of a river, ocean, continent (mass noun, êpehai).

pehi — To travel beyond something or to the other side of something, as to study conditions there (intransitive verb, zapehix).

pehirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpehirnai).

peho — Like or pertaining to things beyond or across something; ultra-, trans- (adjective, pehol).

pehu — Beyond, on the other side of (object in ablative case); across (motion or direction across, object in accusative) (preposition, pehu).

pehy — As peho, but an adverb (adverb, pehyr).

Pehai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pehu (proper noun, Pehai).

pehei — The act of traveling across or beyond something (event noun, eipehai).

pehē — A person or other living thing native to the other side of something, who comes from beyond or across something (animate noun, ēpehai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pen, until, before (preposition)

pen — Until, before (an event in the temporal case). Used extensively in dates; see "The Outside Calendars". NOTE: should be "penu", but because of its use in the calendar, it was left as "pen" (prepositional particle, pen).

pena — To await, anticipate, or count down to something (transitive verb, zapenax).

penakristei — A dream of anticipation (event noun, eipenakristai).

penakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipenakristestai).

penakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something anticipated or awaited (count noun, epenakorai).

penakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epenakorestai).

penarnē — A person who awaits, anticipates, or counts down to something (animate noun, ēpenarnai).

penařobē — In the Second History, the wild "horses" of the plains of Kantos, the ancestors of the domestic breed (animate noun, ēpenařobai).

pene — A token, a promise, a sign of an awaited or anticipated event (count noun, epenai).

peneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epenestai).

penê — Awaitedness, anticipation (mass noun, êpenai).

peni — To learn to wait or await, to school oneself in patience of the future (intransitive verb, zapenix).

penirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpenirnai).

peno — Like or pertaining to anticipation; anticipatory (adjective, penol).

peny — As above, but an adverb; anticipatorily (adverb, penyr).

Penai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Peni (proper noun, Penai).

penei — The act of awaiting, anticipating, or counting down to something; the act of learning to wait or await, to school oneself in patience of the future (event noun, eipenai).

penē — A person or other living thing who exists in anticipation, who lives for the future (animate noun, ēpenai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai perai, traditional (adjective)

pera — To make something traditional (transitive verb, zaperax).

perakristei — A dream of tradition, of traditional things (event noun, eiperakristai).

perakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiperakristestai).

perakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of traditional things (count noun, eperakorai).

perakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eperakorestai).

perarnē — A person who makes something traditional (animate noun, ēperarnai).

pere — A traditional thing; a tradition (count noun, eperai).

pereste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eperestai).

perê — Traditionality, tradition (mass noun, êperai).

peri — To live in a traditional manner, especially in sexual customs and dress (intransitive verb, zaperix).

perirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēperirnai).

pero — Traditional (adjective, perol).

pery — As above, but an adverb; traditionally (adverb, peryr).

Perai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Peri (proper noun, Perai).

perei — The act of making something traditional, or of deciding to live in a traditional manner (event noun, eiperai).

perē — A neuter, female, or male Verē or Iǹgrē with Traditional gender and life cycle (animate noun, ēperai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pers, lay the foundation for a wall (verb)

persa — To lay the the foundations of a building or a wall, or dig the bed of a road, or to make it happen, or to make it possible; to develop the core theory of a scientific field, as evolution in biology; to set forth the axioms of a philosophy, or a mathematical field as geometry; to create a theoretical framework for a mathematical field as number theory, or sets; to develop a rigorous theology from the axioms of a religion; to discover a new place for a city, colony, or nation, and/or lead a group of people there to found a city, colony, or nation (transitive verb, zapersax).

persakristei — A dream of laying the foundation for something, or of founding something (event noun, eipersakristai).

persakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipersakristestai).

persakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a wall or foundation (count noun, epersakorai).

persakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epersakorestai).

persarnē — A basic innovator; one who performs the actions described under persa above; a founder, discoverer, colonizer, or scientific, mathematical, or philosophical revolutionary (animate noun, ēpersarnai).

perse — The foundation of a building, wall, or road; the fundament of a person, especially a sedentary person; the core theory of a scientific field, as evolution in biology; the axioms of a philosophy, of a mathematical field as geometry, or a rigorous theology; the tuber of a plant as a potato, or the bulb of a flower as an iris; the root of a tree; the root of a word; the reason for a decision; a cardinal number (count noun, epersai).

perseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epersestai).

persê — Foundationism, that is, the study of the core theory of a scientific field, or the axioms of a mathematical field or a theology; the study of the real integers; the study of prime numbers (mass noun, êpersai).

persi — To think about primary or fundamental things, to study the root causes of things (intransitive verb, zapersix).

persirnē — A person who does the above; a fundamentalist, a radical (animate noun, ēpersirnai).

perso — Basic, fundamental, foundational; root, radical; in numbers, cardinal or prime (adjective, persol).

persy — As above, but an adverb: basically, fundamentally, foundationally, at the root, at the base, radically, cardinally, primarily, primally (adverb, persyr).

Persai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Persu (proper noun, Persai).

persei — The act of laying the cornerstone of a building, or digging the bed of a road or wall; the founding of a city, nation, state, or organization; the establishment of a theory or axiom as fundamental to a field, philosophy, or religion; the planting or transplanting of a tuber or bulb; the repotting or transplanting of a plant or tree, especially to give its roots more room; the finding of a prime number; the proving of a theorem (event noun, eipersai).

persē — A person who builds foundations, walls, or roads, a construction worker; a person who founds cities or nations, a pioneer or colonist; an intellectual worker who works on fundamental theories, a theoretical scientist or mathematician; a critical thinker in moral or ethical fields; someone who works on primary religious axioms, a "father of the church" (animate noun, ēpersai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Perilei, a bright nearby star (noun)

perila — To send someone or order someone to go to Perilei, to station someone at Perilei (transitive verb, zaperilax).

perilakristei — A dream of Perilei (event noun, eiperilakristai).

perilakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiperilakristestai).

perilakore — A piece of jewelry representing the star Perilei, or depicting something from that system (count noun, eperilakorai).

perilakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eperilakorestai).

perilarnē — A person who sends another to Perilei, orders another to go there, or stations someone there (animate noun, ēperilarnai).

perile — A discrete object or thing from the Perilei system (count noun, eperilai).

perileste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eperilestai).

perilê — In the First History, the culture of the Perilei system (mass noun, êperilai).

perili — To visit the Perilei system, for pleasure or for study; to go to live there (intransitive verb, zaperilix).

perilirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēperilirnai).

perilo — Like or pertaining to Perilei (adjective, perilol).

perily — As above, but an adverb (adverb, perilyr).

Perilai — (1) In the First History, the name of a nearby star, bright because it's so close, inhabited by a vaguely lapinoform sophont species loyal to the Verē Empire. Represented in fiction on this site as Perilei. (2) In the Second History, a personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Perilo (proper noun, Perilai).

perilei — The act of sending, ordering, or making someone go to Perilei; the act of stationing someone at Perilei. Also, the act of visiting Perilei, or going to live there (event noun, eiperilai).

perilē — A person or other living thing native to Perilei (animate noun, ēperilai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai peshta, orthodox (adjective)

pêšta — To make someone conform to orthodox beliefs, to enforce conformity (transitive verb, zapêštax).

pêštakristei — A dream of oppression, suppression, orthodoxy, or conformity (event noun, eipêštakristai).

pêštakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipêštakristestai).

pêštakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an emblem or symbol of an orthodox belief (count noun, epêštakorai).

pêštakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epêštakorestai).

pêštarnē — A person who makes someone conform to orthodox beliefs, who enforces conformity; a political or religious commissar, a censor (animate noun, ēpêštarnai).

pêšte — A symbol, emblem, flag, etc. of orthodoxy; an orthodox or conformist tenet (count noun, epêštai).

pêšteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epêštestai).

pêštê — Orthodoxy, conformity, illiberalism (mass noun, êpêštai).

pêšti — To learn to conform to orthodoxy (intransitive verb, zapêštix).

pêštirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpêštirnai).

pêšto — Orthodox, conforming, conformist (adjective, pêštol).

pêšty — As above, but an adverb; in an orthodox or conformist manner; according to orthodox or conformist rules or precepts; in a standard way, according to a standard (adverb, pêštyr).

Pêštai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pêštu (proper noun, Pêštai).

pêštei — The act of forcing orthodox or conformist beliefs on someone; also, the act or process of learning to conform to orthodoxy (event noun, eipêštai).

pêštē — An orthodox person; a conformist; also, a living thing which lives in a hive or a herd which controls the actions of all its members (animate noun, ēpêštai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pemmea, soft, gentle, smooth (adjective)

pêma — To make something soft, gentle, or smooth; to soften or smoothe something (transitive verb, zapêmax).

pêmakristei — A dream of something soft, gentle, or smooth (event noun, eipêmakristai).

pêmakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipêmakristestai).

pêmakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of, or depicting, something soft, gentle, or smooth (count noun, epêmakorai).

pêmakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epêmakorestai).

pêmarnē — A person who makes something soft, gentle, or smooth (animate noun, ēpêmarnai).

pême — A discrete object which is soft, gentle, or smooth (count noun, epêmai).

pêmeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epêmestai).

pêmê — Softness, gentleness, smoothness; a substance, as cloth, which is soft, gentle, or smooth (mass noun, êpêmai).

pêmi — To become soft, gentle, or smooth (intransitive verb, zapêmix).

pêmirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpêmirnai).

pêmo — Soft, gentle, or smooth (adjective, pêmol).

pêmy — As above, but an adverb; softly, gently, smoothly; in a soft, gentle, or smooth manner (adverb, pêmyr).

Pêmai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pêma (proper noun, Pêmai).

pêmei — The act of making something soft, gentle, or smooth; also, the act or process of becoming soft, gentle, or smooth (event noun, eipêmai).

pêmē — A person or other living thing which is soft, gentle, or smooth, or has a soft, gentle, or smooth manner (animate noun, ēpêmai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pitka, long (adjective)

pitka — To make something long or longer, to lengthen something (transitive verb, zapitkax).

pitkakristei — A dream of length (event noun, eipitkakristai).

pitkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipitkakristestai).

pitkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something long (count noun, epitkakorai).

pitkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epitkakorestai).

pitkarnē — A person who increases an object's length in space, or duration in time; a lengthener, an extender (animate noun, ēpitkarnai).

pitke — A long thing, or a thing that lasts a long time; a length, a long time (count noun, epitkai).

pitkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epitkestai).

pitkê — Length in space, duration in time, extension through any dimension (mass noun, êpitkai).

pitki — To become long, or longer, either in space or time. Also, to become long-armed or long-legged; to become aroused, as a male, so that one's penis becomes longer; to take up a lot of time, as by talking more than necessary, or by insisting on unnecessary explanations or too much attention to details (intransitive verb, zapitkix).

pitkirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpitkirnai).

pitko — Like or pertaining to length; long, lengthy, or taking a long time (adjective, pitkol).

pitky — As above, but an adverb; largely, lengthily, at great length in space or time; for a long time (adverb, pitkyr).

Pitkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pitka (proper noun, Pitkai).

pitkei — The act of making something long or longer in space or time, or becoming so; a lengthening, an extension (event noun, eipitkai).

pitkē — A person with very long arms and legs; a man with an abnormally long penis; an animal with long arms, as a sloth, or a long body, as a big snake; a person who makes things take a long time, as a dawdler in a line, or a speaker who just talks on and on without regard for his audience; an animal that makes a noise over and over for a long time (animate noun, ēpitkai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pika, thorny (adjective)

pika — To protect something with a thorny hedge, to furnish or provide something with a fence of thorns (transitive verb, zapikax).

pikakristei — A dream of thorns or thorny hedges (event noun, eipikakristai).

pikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipikakristestai).

pikakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a thorn, or a plant with thorns (count noun, epikakorai).

pikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epikakorestai).

pikarnē — A person who protects something with a thorny hedge, who furnishes or provides something with a fence of thorns (animate noun, ēpikarnai).

pike — A thorn (count noun, epikai).

pikeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epikestai).

pikê — Thorniness (mass noun, êpikai).

piki — To grow thorns, to become thorny; to become prickly or easily irritated (intransitive verb, zapikix).

pikirnē — A person or other living thing who does the above (animate noun, ēpikirnai).

piko — Like or pertaining to thorns; thorn-like, thorny, armed with thorns, covered with thorns (adjective, pikol).

piky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pikyr).

Pikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Piku (proper noun, Pikai).

pikei — The act of protecting something with thorns or a hedge of thorns; of supplying or furnishing something with thorns; also, of becoming thorny, growing thorns, becoming thorny and easily annoyed (event noun, eipikai).

pikē — A person or animal with a thorny disposition; a living thing with thorns, or thorn-like spikes on its body (animate noun, ēpikai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai iopiv, meadow (noun)

piva — To plant or create a meadow (transitive verb, zapivax).

pivakristei — A dream of a meadow (event noun, eipivakristai).

pivakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipivakristestai).

pivakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a meadow scene, or a living thing found in a meadow (count noun, epivakorai).

pivakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epivakorestai).

pivarnē — A person who plants or creates a meadow (animate noun, ēpivarnai).

pive — A meadow (count noun, epivai).

piveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epivestai).

pivê — The feeling of a meadow, the ecology of a meadow; a meadow substance, as water or earth (mass noun, êpivai).

pivi — To visit a meadow, to live near or on the edge of it, or tp study it, as for scientific purposes (intransitive verb, zapivix).

pivirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpivirnai).

pivo — Like or pertaining to a meadow (adjective, pivol).

pivy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pivyr).

Pivai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Piva (proper noun, Pivai).

pivei — The act of planting or creating a meadow; the act or process of visiting a meadow, living near or on the edge of one, or studying it, as for scientific purposes (event noun, eipivai).

pivē — A living thing found in, or dwelling in a meadow, as a plant or animal typical of a meadow (animate noun, ēpivai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ipi, silicon (noun)

piha — To provide or supply silicon (transitive verb, zapihax).

pihakristei — A dream of silicon (event noun, eipihakristai).

pihakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipihakristestai).

pihakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of P, the chemical symbol of silicon (count noun, epihakorai).

pihakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epihakorestai).

piharnē — A person who provides or supplies silicon (animate noun, ēpiharnai).

pihe — A silicon atom or molecule (count noun, epihai).

piheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epihestai).

pihê — Silicon, a chemical element (symbol P, atomic number 116, or 78 in double-five numbers); a mass of pure silicon (mass noun, êpihai).

pihi — To learn about silicon, its properties, and how to handle it (intransitive verb, zapihix).

pihirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpihirnai).

piho — Like or pertaining to silicon (adjective, pihol).

pihy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pihyr).

Pihai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Piha (proper noun, Pihai).

pihei — The act of providing or supplying silicon; the act or learning about silicon, its properties, and how to handle it eipihai).

pihē — A person or other living thing which incorporates a lot of silicon oxides in its body, as for armor or external plates (animate noun, ēpihai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pil, spearhead, spearpoint (noun)

pila — To sharpen a spear, to shape a spear point or spear head, to organize the units at the point of an attack (transitive verb, zapilax).

pilakristei — A dream of spearheads (event noun, eipilakristai).

pilakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipilakristestai).

pilakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a spear head or spear point (count noun, epilakorai).

pilakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epilakorestai).

pilarnē — A person who sharpens a spear, shapes a spear head or spear point, or organizes the units at the point of an attack (animate noun, ēpilarnai).

pile — A spear head, a spear point, the units at the point of contact with the enemy, the point of an argument (count noun, epilai).

pileste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epilestai).

pilê — The object or crucial point of a discussion, debate, or argument; relevance (mass noun, êpilai).

pili — To fit a spear with a spear head or spear point; to find the best time and place for an attack to go in; to find the crucial point in an argument; to argue to the point, without irrelevancies (intransitive verb, zapilix).

pilirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpilirnai).

pilo — Like or pertaining to a spear head or spear point; to the point of an attack; or to the point of an argument or debate; on point, to the point, relevant, crucial (adjective, pilol).

pily — As above, but an adverb; to the point, relevantly, crucially (adverb, pilyr).

Pilai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pila (proper noun, Pilai).

pilei — The act of sharpening a spear, shapening a spear head or spear point, or organizing the units at the point of an attack; also, the act of fitting a spear with a spear head or spear point; finding the best time and place for an attack to go in; finding the crucial point in an argument; arguing to the point, without irrelevancies (event noun, eipilai).

pilē — A person or other living thing with a mind or purpose like a spear head or spear point, i.e., focused and difficult to distract; also, a living thing with a head or body shaped like a spear head (animate noun, ēpilai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pilvi, cloud (noun)

pilva — To "cloud" something, to obscure someone's view, to obfuscate an issue (transitive verb, zapilvax).

pilvakristei — A dream of clouds, or cloudy weather, or confusion (event noun, eipilvakristai).

pilvakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipilvakristestai).

pilvakore — A piece of jewelry depicting clouds, cloudy weather, or confusion (count noun, epilvakorai).

pilvakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epilvakorestai).

pilvarnē — A person who clouds, obscures, or obfuscates something; a bull-shitter, a con man (animate noun, ēpilvarnai).

pilve — A cloud (count noun, epilvai).

pilveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epilvestai).

pilvê — A mass of clouds, a cloudy sky; cloudiness (mass noun, êpilvai).

pilvi — To become cloudy, as the sky; to become confused; to study clouds (intransitive verb, zapilvix).

pilvirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpilvirnai).

pilvo — Like or pertaining to clouds; cloudy (adjective, pilvol).

pilvy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pilvyr).

Pilvai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pilvi (proper noun, Pilvai).

pilvei — The act of clouding, obscuring, or obfuscating something; the act or process of becoming cloudy; becoming confused; studying clouds (event noun, eipilvai).

pilvē — A person or other living thing that lives in cloudy places; on some planets, people of other living things that literally dwell in clouds, or resemble clouds in their forms and physical makeup (animate noun, ēpilvai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pir, encircle, surround (verb)

pira — To encircle, surround, draw a circle around, or orbit something or someone (transitive verb, zapirax).

pirakristei — A dream of rings, circles, surrounding, or orbiting (event noun, eipirakristai).

pirakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipirakristestai).

pirakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a ring or circle (count noun, epirakorai).

pirakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epirakorestai).

pirarnē — A person who encircles, surrounds, draws a circle around, or orbits something or someone (animate noun, ēpirarnai).

pire — A ring, circle, or orbit (count noun, epirai).

pireste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epirestai).

pirê — Annularity, circularity, orbitalness; a mass of material formed into a ring, as dough for a ring-shaped cake or loaf of bread (mass noun, êpirai).

piri — To form a circle or ring (said of plural or collective subjects), to move in circles, to enter orbit around something (intransitive verb, zapirix).

pirirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpirirnai).

piro — Like or pertaining to rings, circles, or orbits; ring-shaped, circular, orbital (adjective, pirol).

piru — Around; in a circle, ring, or orbit around (preposition, piru).

piry — As piro, but an adverb; in a ring, in or with a circular motion, circularly, orbitally (adverb, piryr).

Pirai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Piri (proper noun, Pirai).

pirei — The act of encircling, surrounding, drawing a circle around, or orbiting something or someone; the act of forming a circle or ring (said of plural or collective subjects), of moving in circles, of entering orbit around something (event noun, eipirai).

pirē — A person or other living thing who lives in a ring, as a suburbanite or a mushroom; or who lives in an orbital habitat, or in or on a moon (animate noun, ēpirai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai epona, goal, purpose, object (noun)

pona — To achieve a goal, fulfill a purpose or object, hit an aim or target (transitive verb, zaponax).

ponakristei — A dream of a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (event noun, eiponakristai).

ponakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiponakristestai).

ponakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of some goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (count noun, eponakorai).

ponakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eponakorestai).

ponarnē — A person who achieves a goal, fulfills a purpose or object, hits an aim or target (transitive verb, (animate noun, ēponarnai).

pone — A goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (count noun, eponai).

poneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eponestai).

ponê — Progress towards a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (mass noun, êponai).

poni — To take steps or make progress toward, to attempt or try at a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (intransitive verb, zaponix).

ponirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēponirnai).

pono — Like or pertaining to a goal, purpose, object, aim, or target (adjective, ponol).

pony — As above, but an adverb (adverb, ponyr).

Ponai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Poni (proper noun, Ponai).

ponei — The act of achieving a goal, fulfilling a purpose or object, hitting an aim or target; the act or process of taking steps, trying for, making progress towards a goal, purpose, aim, object, or target (event noun, eiponai).

ponē — A person or other living thing with a purpose or goal (animate noun, ēponai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai epol, a land, a country (noun)

Epolidendumai — "The Nameless Land," a fantasy realm in Verē mythology, transcribed in fiction on this site as Epolidendum (proper noun, Epolidendumai).

pola — To bind someone to a land or plot of earth, as with a deed, crown, or title (transitive verb, zapolax).

polakristei — A dream of one's native land, or of a piece of land or estate one owns or inhabits (event noun, eipolakristai).

polakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipolakristestai).

polakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a land or country, or a token or emblem of it, or something native to it (count noun, epolakorai).

polakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epolakorestai).

polarnē — A person who binds someone to a land or plot of earth, as with a deed, crown, or title (animate noun, ēpolarnai).

pole — A land, country, tract of land, estate (count noun, epolai).

poleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epolestai).

polê — Land, earth, dirt; the feeling of a person for one's native land or soil (mass noun, êpolai).

poli — To settle in a land or country, become accustomed to it or adapt to it; to settle on a plot of land (intransitive verb, zapolix).

polirnē — A person who does the above; a settler, an immigrant (animate noun, ēpolirnai).

polo — Like or pertaining to land, earth, or dirt; landed, earthy, earthly, terrestrial, terrene, dirty (adjective, polol).

poly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, polyr).

Polai — A personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Poli (proper noun, Polai).

polei — The act of binding someone to a parcel of land; the deeding of the land; the investiture of its owner and/or ruler. Also, the act or process of coming to live in a land or country (event noun, eipolai).

polē — A person or other living thing who inhabits a land, especially if native to it or unique to it; an inhabitant, a native, a countryman (animate noun, ēpolai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai poja, northern (adjective)

poja — To send someone, order someone, or exile someone to the north (transitive verb, zapojax).

pojakristei — A dream of the north (event noun, eipojakristai).

pojakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipojakristestai).

pojakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something from the north (count noun, epojakorai).

pojakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epojakorestai).

pojarnē — A person who sends, orders, or exiles another to the north (animate noun, ēpojarnai).

poje — A discrete object from the north, as a token or memento of a trip there (count noun, epojai).

pojeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epojestai).

pojê — Northerness; also, a mass or substance from the north, as northern air or water (mass noun, êpojai).

poji — To visit the north, or go to live there (intransitive verb, zapojix).

pojirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpojirnai).

pojo — Like or pertaining to the north; north, northern, northerly (adjective, pojol).

pojy — As above, but an adverb, as in a north, northern, or northerly direction or manner (adverb, pojyr).

Pojai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Poju (proper noun, Pojai).

pojei — The act of sending, ordering, or exiling someone to the north; the act of visiting there, or living there (event noun, eipojai).

pojē — A person or other living thing native to the north (animate noun, ēpojai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ipuok, a knife (noun)

puka — To knife someone or something, to cut or stab someone or something with a knife (transitive verb, zapukax).

pukakristei — A dream of knives (event noun, eipukakristai).

pukakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipukakristestai).

pukakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a knife (count noun, epukakorai).

pukakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epukakorestai).

pukarnē — A person who stabs or cuts someone or something with a knife, a knife fighter (animate noun, ēpukarnai).

pukarnestē — A group, band, or gang of knife fighters (animate noun, ēpukarnestai).

puke — A knife, especially a sheath knife without a guard (count noun, epukai).

pukeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epukestai).

pukê — Skill with a knife, especially at fighting with one; also, the art of making knives (mass noun, êpukai).

puki — To carve, whittle, or work wood or soft stone with a knife; to make a knife; to learn either craft, or both (intransitive verb, zapukix).

pukirnē — A person who uses a knife as a tool; a wood carver, a whittler, a wood or stone worker; a knife maker (animate noun, ēpukirnai).

pukirnestē — A team or guild of carvers, whittlers, of wood or stone workers; a knife makers' guild; especially when working together on a joint project (animate noun, ēpukirnestai).

puko — Like or pertaining to a knife or knives (adjective, pukol).

puky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pukyr).

Pukai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Puko (proper noun, Pukai).

pukei — The act of stabbing or cutting someone or something with a knife, as in a fight; the act or carving or whittling wood or soft stone with a knife, the act of making a knife; the act or process of learning how to carve, whittle, or make knives (event noun, eipukai).

pukē — A small, fast bony fish with a sharp projection on its upper jaw; a knife fish (animate noun, ēpukai).

pukestē — A school of knife fish (animate noun, ēpukestai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pouhi, to blow a horn (verb)

puha — To blow some kind of horn, to signal by playing a horn (transitive verb, zapuhax).

puhakristei — A dream of a horn instrument, as dreaming of learning to play it, or signalling with it, or hearing horns in the distance (event noun, eipuhakristai).

puhakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipuhakristestai).

puhakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of any kind of horn instrument (count noun, epuhakorai).

puhakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epuhakorestai).

puharnē — A person who plays a horn, as for signalling, or getting attention for an announcement; a signaller (animate noun, ēpuharnai).

puhe — Any kind of musical horn; a note from a horn (count noun, epuhai).

puheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epuhestai).

puhê — The sound of a horn (mass noun, êpuhai).

puhi — To play some kind of horn, as for music; to learn to play a horn (intransitive verb, zapuhix).

puhirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpuhirnai).

puho — Like or pertaining to any kind of musical horn (adjective, puhol).

puhy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, puhyr).

Puhai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Puho (proper noun, Puhai).

puhei — The act of blowing a horn, as for a signal; the act of playing a horn, as for music; the act or process or learning to play a horn (event noun, eipuhai).

puhē — A person or other living thing that makes sounds like a horn (animate noun, ēpuhai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai root, Verē coinage

puna — To make something infra-red in color (transitive verb, zapunax).

punakristei — A dream of infra-red light, or things colored infra-red (event noun, eipunakristai).

punakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipunakristestai).

punakore — A piece of jewelry which is all, or mostly, colored infra-red; or which has a bright background, with infra-red stripes, dots, or other patterns on it (count noun, epunakorai).

punakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epunakorestai).

punarnē — A person who makes or colors something infra-red in color (animate noun, ēpunarnai).

pune — The infra-red color; also, a discrete thing colored infra-red (count noun, epunai).

puneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epunestai).

punê — Infra-red color, light, or a mass or substance colored infra-red (mass noun, êpunai).

puni — To turn infra-red, or become infra-red (intransitive verb, zapunix).

punirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpunirnai).

puno — Like or pertaining to infra-red (adjective, punol).

puny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, punyr).

Punai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Puno (proper noun, Punai).

punei — The act of making something infra-red in color; the act or process of turning or becoming infra-red in color (event noun, eipunai).

punē — A person or other living thing which is infra-red in color, has infra-red markings on a contrasting background body, or which can see by infra-red light (animate noun, ēpunai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai epugn, court manners (noun)

puńa — To teach formal manners, in the setting and among the people for whom they're appropriate; less benignly, to enforce such manners, by whatever means, upon the untaught, or upon people for whom they aren't appropriate. (transitive verb, zapuńax).

puńakristei — A dream of formal manners or social graces (event noun, eipuńakristai).

puńakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipuńakristestai).

puńakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something pertaining to formal manners, as an item of apparel worn by those subscribing to such manners (count noun, epuńakorai).

puńakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epuńakorestai).

puńarnē — A person who teaches formal manners; also one who enforces them (animate noun, ēpuńarnai).

puńe — A token, souvenir, or item of dress appropriate to a formal class (count noun, epuńai).

puńeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epuńestai).

puńê — Originally, the manners proper to a royal court. Now, formal manners, amenities, social graces (mass noun, êpuńai).

puńi — To learn, or study to acquire, formal manners before one's debut (intransitive verb, zapuńix).

puńirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpuńirnai).

puńo — Like or pertaining to formal manners; mannered, mannerly (adjective, puńol).

puńy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, puńyr).

Puńai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Puńo (proper noun, Puńai).

puńei — The act of teaching or learning formal manners; or, the act of studying and learning them before one's debut (event noun, eipuńai).

puńē — A person or other living thing which acts according to the social dictates of its own kind, as a troop of monkeys, or a flock of birds (animate noun, ēpuńai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai pul, defend (verb)

pula — To defend someone or something (transitive verb, zapulax).

pulakristei — A dream of defense, of defending someone (event noun, eipulakristai).

pulakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipulakristestai).

pulakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a means or implement of defense, as a shield or helmet (count noun, epulakorai).

pulakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epulakorestai).

pularnē — A person who defends, a defender. In the First History, the Defenders followed the Imperial Guard as the primary super-powered heroes of the Verē (animate noun, ēpularnai).

pule — A means or implement of defense, as a shield or piece of armor (count noun, epulai).

puleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epulestai).

pulê — Defense, defensiveness; an argument in defense, defensive reasoning; a mass or substance used for defense (mass noun, êpulai).

puli — To defend oneself, to act wholly in defense, to assume a defensive posture or a defensive formation in battle (intransitive verb, zapulix).

pulirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpulirnai).

pulo — Like or pertaining to defense; defensive (adjective, pulol).

puly — As above, but an adverb; defensively, in defense, for purposes of defensive, in a defensive manner (adverb, pulyr).

Pulai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pulo (proper noun, Pulai).

pulei — The act of defending someone or something; of defending oneself; acting wholly in defense; assuming a defensive posture or a defensive formation in battle (event noun, eipulai).

pulē — A person on the defense, as one being attacked, or the defendant in a trial; a living thing without offensive means, only defensive means as shell or armor (animate noun, ēpulai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai apur, a brook or stream (noun)

pura — To dig a brook or stream; to furnish a landscape with a brook or stream; also, to cause someone to chuckle (transitive verb, zapurax).

purakristei — A dream of a brook or stream, or of an incident which makes one chuckle; a dream during which one chuckles out loud in the non-dreaming world (event noun, eipurakristai).

purakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipurakristestai).

purakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a brook or stream, or something found in one, or something that makes one chuckle (count noun, epurakorai).

purakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epurakorestai).

purarnē — A person who creates a brook or stream, or makes others chuckle (animate noun, ēpurarnai).

pure — A brook or stream (count noun, epurai).

pureste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epurestai).

purê — Water from a brook or stream; also, the sound made by a brook or stream, running over rocks; by extension, the sound of a person chuckling (mass noun, êpurai).

puri — To learn to chuckle over small things; also, to chuckle (intransitive verb, zapurix).

purirnē — A person who does the above; a person who takes small things lightly; a chuckler (animate noun, ēpurirnai).

puro — Like or pertaining to a brook or stream; to the sound of a brook or stream; or to a person chuckling (adjective, purol).

pury — As above, but an adverb (adverb, puryr).

Purai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pura (proper noun, Purai).

purei — The act of providing or building a brook or stream; or making someone chuckle; learning to chuckle at little things; chuckling (event noun, eipurai).

purē — A person or other living thing that lives on the shore of a brook or stream, or that lives in a brook or stream, as small fish and invertebrates; or that makes a sound like a brook or stream, as some birds (animate noun, ēpurai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai paita, a shirt (noun)

paita — To give someone a shirt, to put a shirt on someone (transitive verb, zapaitax).

paitakristei — A dream of a shirt (event noun, eipaitakristai).

paitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipaitakristestai).

paitakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a shirt (count noun, epaitakorai).

paitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epaitakorestai).

paitarnē — A person who gives someone a shirt, or puts a shirt on someone (animate noun, ēpaitarnai).

paite — A shirt, especially a long-sleeved shirt with a collar and cuffs (count noun, epaitai).

paiteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epaitestai).

paitê — The material of a shirt (mass noun, êpaitai).

paiti — To don or put on a shirt (intransitive verb, zapaitix).

paitirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpaitirnai).

paito — Like or pertaining to a shirt; shirted, wearing a shirt (adjective, paitol).

paity — As above, but an adverb (adverb, paityr).

Paitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Paita (proper noun, Paitai).

paitei — The act of giving someone a shirt, or dressing someone in a shirt; also, donning a shirt or putting on a shirt (event noun, eipaitai).

paitē — A person who normally wears a shirt, or another living thing whose torso or upper body is colored or textured differently, as if it were wearing a shirt (animate noun, ēpaitai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai paik, put, place (verb)

paika — To put, position, place, set something in place; by extension, find the location or position of something (transitive verb, zapaikax).

paikakristei — A dream of putting something in its rightful place, or of finding something's place (event noun, eipaikakristai).

paikakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipaikakristestai).

paikakore — A piece of jewelry representing the proper place for something, or the location for something, or which is notable as being the setting for something, as diamonds (count noun, epaikakorai).

paikakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epaikakorestai).

paikarnē — A person who puts something in place, a placer; or who finds of discovers the location of something, a finder or locator (animate noun, ēpaikarnai).

paike — The location, position, or place of something (count noun, epaikai).

paikeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epaikestai).

paikê — The co-ordinates of something (mass noun, êpaikai).

paiki — To learn to set something in place, or learn to locate or find something (intransitive verb, zapaikix).

paikirnē — A person who does the above, as an apprentice builder, jeweler, or navigator (animate noun, ēpaikirnai).

paiko — Like or pertaining to putting, placing, finding, or locating; local (adjective, paikol).

paiky — As above, but an adverb; locally (adverb, paikyr).

Paikai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Paike (proper noun, Paikai).

paikei — The act of putting, positioning, placing, or setting something in place; the act of finding the location or position of something; the act or process of learning to do the same (event noun, eipaikai).

paikē — A person or other living thing found only in a particular place, as a species with a very limited range; or good at finding things, as a species that travels great distances to breed. or survive cold weather, in a very specific location, as grey whales or monarch butterflies (animate noun, ēpaikai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai paisk, throw (verb)

paiska — To throw, fling, or hurl something (transitive verb, zapaiskax).

paiskakristei — A dream of throwing things (event noun, eipaiskakristai).

paiskakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipaiskakristestai).

paiskakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something meant to be thrown, as a throwing stick, or often thrown, as a ball (count noun, epaiskakorai).

paiskakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epaiskakorestai).

paiskarnē — A person who throws things; especially, a person who hunts or fights with throwing sticks (animate noun, ēpaiskarnai).

paiske — A throwing stick (count noun, epaiskai).

paiskeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epaiskestai).

paiskê — Skill at throwing, flinging, or hurling things; accuracy or skill with a throwing stick (mass noun, êpaiskai).

paiski — To learn how to throw things accurately; to skip rocks on water (intransitive verb, zapaiskix).

paiskirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpaiskirnai).

paisko — Like, pertaining to, or suitable for throwing, flinging, or hurling (adjective, paiskol).

paisky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, paiskyr).

Paiskai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Paisku (proper noun, Paiskai).

paiskei — The act of throwing, flinging, or hurling something; of hunting or fighting with flung implements, especially a throwing stick; the act or process of learning to throw things accurately; of skipping rocks on water (event noun, eipaiskai).

paiskē — A person or other living thing which throws, flings, or hurls things (animate noun, ēpaiskai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai poist, delete or erase (verb)

poista — To delete or erase something from a letter, book, or other piece of writing (transitive verb, zapoistax).

poistakristei — A dream of deletion or erasure (event noun, eipoistakristai).

poistakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipoistakristestai).

poistakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a deleted or erased spot, or an old-style erasing knife for scraping away dried ink (count noun, epoistakorai).

poistakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epoistakorestai).

poistarnē — A person who deletes or erases something from something written (animate noun, ēpoistarnai).

poiste — Something deleted or erased; a deletion, an erasure (count noun, epoistai).

poisteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epoistestai).

poistê — A mass of text that's been deleted or erased (mass noun, êpoistai).

poisti — To study deletion or erasure, either to do it undetectably, or to recognize when it's been done (intransitive verb, zapoistix).

poistirnē — A person who does the above; a student of the history, policies, and techniques of deletion, erasure, or censorship (animate noun, ēpoistirnai).

poisto — Like or pertaining to deletion or erasure (adjective, poistol).

poisty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, poistyr).

Poistai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Poisti (proper noun, Poistai).

poistei — The act or process of erasing or deleting something; deletion, erasure; the study of deletion or erasure, either to do it undetectably, or to recognize when it's been done (event noun, eipoistai).

poistē — A person in charge of deciding what should be deleted or erased from the public record; a highly-placed or high-ranking censor (animate noun, ēpoistai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Paiiv, the Sun, the Daystar (proper noun)

pâiva — To light or illuminate something as if by bright sunlight; to shed daylight on something (transitive verb, zapâivax).

pâivakristei — A dream of daylight, a dream of a day (event noun, eipâivakristai).

pâivakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipâivakristestai).

pâivakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something in the daylight, as a flower that only opens when the sun is up (count noun, epâivakorai).

pâivakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epâivakorestai).

pâivarnē — A person who lights or illuminates something as brightly as if by sunlight (animate noun, ēpâivarnai).

pâive — The part of the day when Vol is up, and only that part; in another system, the portion of the day when the local sun, or the principal local sun, is above the horizon. (count noun, epâivai).

pâiveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epâivestai).

pâivê — Daylight, the light of day (mass noun, êpâivai).

pâivi — To spend the daylight on something, to do something while the sun is up, to use the day for something (intransitive verb, zapâivix).

pâivirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpâivirnai).

pâivo — Like or pertaining to the portion of the day when the sun is up, or to daylight; daylit, diurnal (adjective, pâivol).

pâivy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pâivyr).

Pâivai — (1) Another name for Vol, used chiefly in poetry or fancy rhetoric: the Day, the Daystar. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pâiva (proper noun, Pâivai).

pâivei — The act of illuminating or lighting something as if by daylight; the act of spending or devoting the day to something (event noun, eipâivai).

pâivē — A person or other living thing which is active by daylight, but sleeps at night; a diurnal creature (animate noun, ēpâivai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai peis, attack with a throwing spear (verb)

peisa — To attack, strike, or pierce someone or something with a throwing spear (transitive verb, zapeisax).

peisakristei — A dream of spears, especially of throwing them (event noun, eipeisakristai).

peisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipeisakristestai).

peisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a spear (count noun, epeisakorai).

peisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epeisakorestai).

peisarnē — A spearman armed with a throwing spear, not a thrusting one (animate noun, ēpeisarnai).

peise — A throwing spear, either a light one like a javelin, or a heavy one like a pilum (count noun, epeisai).

peiseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epeisestai).

peisê — The necessary qualities of a throwing spear, as a sharp blade and a straight shaft; also, the art of using a throwing spear effectively, spearmanship (mass noun, êpeisai).

peisi — To learn to make or use throwing spears (intransitive verb, zapeisix).

peisirnē — A person who does the above; a cadet spearman (animate noun, ēpeisirnai).

peiso — Like or pertaining to throwing spears (adjective, peisol).

peisy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, peisyr).

Peisai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Peisi (proper noun, Peisai).

peisei — The act of attacking, striking, or piercing someone or something with a throwing spear; the act or process of learning to make one, or to handle and throw one effectovely and accurately (event noun, eipeisai).

peisē — A person or other living thing who makes and uses throwing spears, or similar weapons (animate noun, ēpeisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai prmaii, a small arboreal predator (noun)

pøma — To kill pømē, chiefly to eliminate their predation on birds (transitive verb, zapømax).

pømakristei — A dream of pømē (event noun, eipømakristai).

pømakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eipømakristestai).

pømakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a pømē (count noun, epømakorai).

pømakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, epømakorestai).

pømarnē — A person who kills pømē (animate noun, ēpømarnai).

pøme — A memento of pømē-killing, usually a tail (count noun, epømai).

pømeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, epømestai).

pømê — A quality of pømē, chiefly ferocity, smallness, and the smell (mass noun, êpømai).

pømi — To study pømē, as for science (intransitive verb, zapømix).

pømirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēpømirnai).

pømo — Like or pertaining to pømē; as small as a pømē, as fierce and untameable as a pømē (adjective, pømol).

pømy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, pømyr).

Pømai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Pømu (proper noun, Pømai).

pømei — The act of killing pømē, done chiefly to eliminate their predation on birds that spread fruit seeds; the study of pømē, as for science (event noun, eipømai).

pømē — The smallest member of the weasel family, adapted for life in the highest treetops, feeding on birds, birds' eggs, large insects, small mammals, and lizards. Found everywhere except in Kantos in the First History. It looks a lot like a squirrel. Its alarm cry has been rendered hi? hi?? hi??!, each "syllable" louder and more incredulous-sounding that the one before (animate noun, ēpømai).

Pages, in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order:

Home  B  P   D́  T́   D  T   G  K    Q    Ĵ  C   V́  F́   V F   Ď Ť   Z S   Ž Š   Ĝ X    H    M *M   Ń *Ń   N *N   Ǹ *Ǹ   L *L   R *R   Ĺ *Ĺ   Ř *Ř   W *W   J *J   A Â   E Ê   I Î   O Ô   U Û   Y Ŷ    AI     AO     IU     OI     ÂI     EI     Ē     Ø  

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