The T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary

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  D and T

Etymology: Eretiǹgrai D and T, from the same letters in Mižinai.

The third letter of the T́uliǹgrai alphabet has two aspects, voiced and voiceless.

The voiced aspect of this consonant is pronounced like the D in English, and its name is do (informal) or edoretai (formal).

The voiceless aspect is pronounced like the T in Latin, or Tau in Greek. Its name is ta (informal) or e6aretai (formal).

T can be aspirated or not, but that's a different sound, spelled T + H in T́uliǹgrai, and transcribed T' in English writing on this site.
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Etymology: Eretiǹgrai drana, cyclic, cyclical (adjective)

drana — To make someone or something go through a cycle of events or treatments, as to reclaim good water from sewage (transitive verb, zadranax).

dranakristei — A dream of a cycle of events (event noun, eidranakristai).

dranakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidranakristestai).

dranakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an arrow pointing at its own tail, or some other symbol of cycling or recycling (count noun, edranakorai).

dranakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edranakorestai).

dranarnē — A person who someone or something go through a cycle of events or treatments, as a recycler of waste (animate noun, ēdranarnai).

drane — The product or outcome of a cycle of events or treatments, or the cycle itself (count noun, edranai).

draneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edranestai).

dranê — cyclicness; also, a mass or substance produced by cycling or recycling (mass noun, êdranai).

drani — To repeat a series of events, to pass through fixed cycle or stages or states in life (intransitive verb, zadranix).

dranirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdranirnai).

drano — Like or pertaining to a cycle; cyclic, cyclical (adjective, dranol).

drany — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dranyr).

Dranai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Drana (proper noun, Dranai).

dranei — The act of making someone or something go through a fixed cycle of events or treatments; to cycle or recycle something or someone. Also, to go through a cycle, to transform from stage to stage in life (event noun, eidranai).

dranē — A person or other living thing that changes physically at each stage in its life, as by changing sex, or by shedding an old skin and growing a new one (animate noun, ēdranai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai word, Verē root Drē (proper noun)

drēa — To send or order someone to fight the Drē, to station someone to defend against Drē attacks (transitive verb, zadrēax).

drēakristei — A dream of the Drē (event noun, eidrēakristai).

drēakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidrēakristestai).

drēakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the Drē, or a Drē spaceship (count noun, edrēakorai).

drēakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edrēakorestai).

drēarnē — A person who orders, sends, dispatches, or stations other to fight the Drē (animate noun, ēdrēarnai).

drēe — A memento, souvenir, or token of fighting the Drē (count noun, edrēai).

drēeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edrēestai).

drēê — Drēness, the culture or civilization of the Drē (mass noun, êdrēai).

drēi — To study or learn about the Drē (intransitive verb, zadrēix).

drēirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdrēirnai).

drēo — Like or pertaining to the Drē; Drēish (adjective, drēol).

drēy — As above, but an adverb; Drēishly, in a Drē manner (adverb, drēyr).

Drēai — A rare personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Drēai).

drēei — The act of sending, ordering, dispatching, or stationing others to fight the Drē; the act of studying or learning about the Drē (event noun, eidrēai).

Drē — A species, or a person of that species, who live on stars, chiefly main-sequence M stars. In the First History, they fought a series of wars with the Verē, chiefly over whether the material, planet-dwelling race could order the Drē to stay out of the stars of the Verē Empire.

A second race of Drē, in another universe visited by the Defenders in the First History, continually warred with the Koksē, another sentient energy species, from stars of higher classes. Both races of Drē, as well as the Koksē, eventually signed the Covenant. (animate noun, ēdrēai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai da, yes, indeed (particle)

da — Yes, indeed (comparative or emphatic particle, da).

dadili-dedili — An informal expression of agreement, like "okey-dokey" in English.

This particle is placed in front of a verb complex, adjective, or adverb, to denote the second degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, or adjectival or adverbial verb complexes; of agreement; or of emphasis. It's therefore called the comparative or emphatic particle.

Ancient Indo-European languages originally had singular, dual, and plural number for their nouns (one sword, two swords, three or more swords). In parallel with that, adjectives had three degrees of comparison: positive, comparative, and superlative, as in good, better, best. In degenerate modern IE languages like English, which lost the dual number hundreds or thousands of years ago, the comparative is fading in favor of the superlative, so that we often hear something being called the best, rather than the better, even when only two things are compared.

Eretiǹgrai also had positive, comparative, and superlative. T́uliǹgrai, by design, has more degrees of comparison, agreement, and emphasis. These correspond not to the noun number in Mižinai (singular, dual, and plural), or number in Eretiǹgrai (singular and plural), but to the vowels in T́uliǹgrai (A, E, I, O, U, and Y).

The first degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, and verb complexes is called the neutral, and is unmarked, for example ruhol "good", ruhyr "well", or Nazuruhon "That was good". This is also the first degree of emphasis, that is, a simple statement with no emphasis whatsoever; and the first degree of agreement, the same as a simple "yes" in English, or answering a question like "Was that good?" by repeating the question as a statement, "That was good."

The second degree of comparison is marked by da, and is only slightly more comparative than the neutral degree. It's usually translated in English by the positive degree, by the verb "do", or by various adverbs, as "indeed", and only rarely by the comparative. For example da ruhol "good indeed" or "good!", sometimes "better"; da ruhyr "well (done) indeed" or "well done!"; Da nazuruhyn "That was well done (indeed)". This is also the second degree of emphasis or agreement, the same as saying "Yes" or "Yes, it was" or "Yes indeed", in English, in answer to the question "Was that good?"

See also de, di, do, du, and dy.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dap, to come to an agreement (verb)

dapa — To agree with someone, to come to agreement with someone, to make a treaty with someone; to negotiate an agreement, settlement, treaty, or covenant with someone; to treat with another (transitive verb, zadapax).

dapakristei — A dream of coming to agreement, or making a treaty (event noun, eidapakristai).

dapakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidapakristestai).

dapakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a token or badge of a signed agreement, or depicting a treaty or agreement, or its signing (count noun, edapakorai).

dapakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edapakorestai).

daparnē — A person who reaches an agreement with another person, who negotiates or signs an agreement or treaty with another; a negotiator; a signer, a signatory (animate noun, ēdaparnai).

dape — A formal agreement, settlement, treaty, or covenant (count noun, edapai).

dapeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edapestai).

dapê — Agreement, settlement, covenance (mass noun, êdapai).

dapi — To study treaties, agreements, settlements, or contracts (intransitive verb, zadapix).

dapirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdapirnai).

dapo — Like or pertaining to agreements, settlements, treaties, or covenants (adjective, dapol).

dapy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dapyr).

Dapai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dapi (proper noun, Dapai).

dapei — The act of reaching, signing, or ratifying a formal agreement, settlement, treaty, or covenant; the act of studying or learning about the same (event noun, eidapai).

dapē — A person or other living thing bound by a treaty, or the subject of a treaty (animate noun, ēdapai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dat, finger (noun)

data — To finger something, to palpate or feel something with a finger, to manipulate something (transitive verb, zadatax).

datakristei — A dream of feeling something with one's fingers (event noun, eidatakristai).

datakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidatakristestai).

datakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a finger, or seveal fingers (count noun, edatakorai).

datakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edatakorestai).

datarnē — A person who fingers something, feels something with fingers or palpates it, or who manipulates something (animate noun, ēdatarnai).

date — A finger (count noun, edatai).

dateste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edatestai).

datê — A sensation experienced by touching something with one's fingers, as heat, cold, softness, hardness, slickness, or fuzziness (mass noun, êdatai).

dati — To have an odd sensation in one's fingers, as a tingling from loss of circulation, or pain from a burn or frostbite (intransitive verb, zadatix).

datirnē — A person who experiences an odd sensation in the fingers (animate noun, ēdatirnai).

dato — Like or pertaining to fingers; digital (adjective, datol).

daty — As above, but an adverb; digitally (adverb, datyr).

Datai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Datai).

datei — The act of fingering something, of feeling something with the fingers, of palpating or manipulating something; palpatation, manipulation; the experience of an odd or unusual sensation in the fingers, as from loss of circulation, heat, or cold (event noun, eidatai).

datē — A person or other living thing which has fingers for feeling things (animate noun, ēdatai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dag, bend (verb)

daga — To bend something, as a metal bar; to refract something, as a ray of light (transitive verb, zadagax).

dagakristei — A dream of bending or refracting (event noun, eidagakristai).

dagakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidagakristestai).

dagakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something bent or refracted, or a lens for refracting (count noun, edagakorai).

dagakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edagakorestai).

dagarnē — A person who bends or refracts something (animate noun, ēdagarnai).

dage — A discrete thing that's been bent, as an iron bar, or something that refracts, as a lens or refracting telescope (count noun, edagai).

dageste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edagestai).

dagê — A mass or substance being bent or refracted, as a stream of water or a ray of light (mass noun, êdagai).

dagi — To bend or refract (intransitive verb, zadagix).

dagirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdagirnai).

dago — Like or pertaining to bending or refracting; bent, refracted, refractive (adjective, dagol).

dagy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dagyr).

Dagai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Daga (proper noun, Dagai).

dagei — The act of bending or refracting something; the act of bending or refracting; refraction (event noun, eidagai).

dagē — A person or other living thing with a major part that bends, as a springtail or clam shell (animate noun, ēdagai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dav, betray (verb)

dava — To betray someone; to betray something, as a country, to its enemies; to break a solemn oath or vow (transitive verb, zadavax).

davakristei — A dream of betrayal or treason (event noun, eidavakristai).

davakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidavakristestai).

davakore — A piece of jewelry depicting an act of treason or a notorious traitor, or in the shape of an emblem of token of betrayal (count noun, edavakorai).

davakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edavakorestai).

davarnē — A person who betrays; a betrayer, traitor, or treacher (animate noun, ēdavarnai).

dave — A thing which has been betrayed; a sign or symbol of an act of treason or betrayal (count noun, edavai).

daveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edavestai).

davê — Falseness, perjury, betrayal, faithlessness (mass noun, êdavai).

davi — To lie about, enable, or cover up an act of treason or betrayal (intransitive verb, zadavix).

davirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdavirnai).

davo — Like or pertaining to treason or betrayal; false, treacherous, traitorous (adjective, davol).

davy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, davyr).

Davai — A rare personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Davi (proper noun, Davai).

davei — The act of betraying a person or a thing, or being false to a solemn oath or vow; treason, treachery, betrayal; the act of lying about, enabling, hiding, or covering up an act of treason or betrayal (event noun, eidavai).

davē — A person who has no principles or personal code; a faithless or untrustworthy person; a constant liar and betrayer (animate noun, ēdavai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai edas, a gift (noun)

dasa — To give something (accusative) to someone (dative) (transitive verb, zadasax).

dasakristei — A dream of giving a gift to someone, or receiving a gift from someone (event noun, eidasakristai).

dasakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidasakristestai).

dasakore — Jewelry in the shape of a gift box or gift bag, often with the initials of the would-be recipient; also, jewelry valued because it was a gift from someone, whatever its form or whatever it depicts (count noun, edasakorai).

dasakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edasakorestai).

dasarnē — A person who gives; a giver (animate noun, ēdasarnai).

dase — A gift (count noun, edasai).

daseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edasestai).

dasê — The quality of giving gifts without recompense; generosity, liberality, philanthropy (mass noun, êdasai).

dasi — To wish for a gift from a special person, as a token of affection (intransitive verb, zadasix).

dasirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdasirnai).

daso — Like or pertaining to giving or gifts; generous, liberal, open-handed, philanthropic (adjective, dasol).

dasy — As above, but an adverb; generously, liberally, with a liberal or open hand, philanthropically (adverb, dasyr).

Dasai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dasa (proper noun, Dasai).

dasei — The act of giving a gift to someone; the hope of receiving a gift from a special someone (event noun, eidasai).

dasē — A generous, liberal, or philanthropic person; also, a living thing given as a gift to someone else, as a flower in a pot, birds in a cage, or domestic animals as pets (animate noun, ēdasai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dazha, decisive (adjective)

daža — To decide something (transitive verb, zadažax).

dažakristei — A dream of making a decision (event noun, eidažakristai).

dažakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidažakristestai).

dažakore — A piece of jewelry depicting an important decision in one's life (count noun, edažakorai).

dažakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edažakorestai).

dažarnē — A person who decides something, a decider (animate noun, ēdažarnai).

daže — A discrete thing decided upon, a token of a decision made (count noun, edažai).

dažeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edažestai).

dažê — decisiveness, decision; also, a mass or substance decided upon (mass noun, êdažai).

daži — To make a decision, to decide; to become decisive, to learn to make decisions (intransitive verb, zadažix).

dažirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdažirnai).

dažo — Like or pertaining to decision; decisive, decided (adjective, dažol).

dažy — As above, but an adverb; decisively, decidedly, with decision (adverb, dažyr).

Dažai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dažo (proper noun, Dažai).

dažei — The act of deciding something; the act of deciding, of becoming decisive, or of learning to decide (event noun, eidažai).

dažē — A person or other living thing whose decisions are made instantly, as if hard-wired or genetically determined (animate noun, ēdažai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai damai, the same as (adjective)

dama — To make two things the same in size, mass, or some other property; to make something identical, equal, or equivalent to something else; in math or science, to solve a problem or an equation (transitive verb, zadamax).

damakristei — A dream of equivalence; or of solving a problem; especially in math or science (event noun, eidamakristai).

damakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidamakristestai).

damakore — A piece of jewelry in the form of an equality sign (count noun, edamakorai).

damakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edamakorestai).

damarnē — A person who makes two things the same in size, mass, or some other property; who makes something identical, equal, or equivalent to something else; in math or science, one who solves a problem or an equation (animate noun, ēdamarnai).

dame — Something which is the same as or identical to something else, an identical, equivalent, or equal thing; in math, an equation; in science, one of two processes, procedures, experiments, etc. which give the same result (count noun, edamai).

dameste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edamestai).

damê — Sameness, identity, equivalency, equality (mass noun, êdamai).

dami — To become the same as someone else; to become the colleague, partner, or fellow member of one or more other people, through training, incorporation, graduation from schooling, accreditation, and so forth (intransitive verb, zadamix).

damirnē — A person who does the above; a colleague, partner, fellow, member, associate (animate noun, ēdamirnai).

damo — The same as, identical to; equivalent to; equal to (adjective, damol).

damy — As above, but an adverb; identically, equivalently, equally (adverb, damyr).

Damai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Damai).

damei — The act of making two things the same in size, mass, or some other property; of making something identical, equal, or equivalent to something else; in math, solving an equation; in science, finding something which gives the same result as something else. Also, the act of becoming the same as someone else; of becoming the colleague, partner, or fellow member of one or more other people, through training, incorporation, graduation from schooling, accreditation, and so forth (event noun, eidamai).

damē — A living thing which is equivalent to another, as a member of the same species, genus, or taxonomic group; also, a living thing which fills the same biological role or ecological niche as another (animate noun, ēdamai).


Etymology: See ODAŃ


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dan, a mountain (noun).

dana — To send someone or place or post someone on a mountain, as an observer or an exile (transitive verb, zadanax).

danakristei — A dream of mountains, especially of climbing them (event noun, eidanakristai).

danakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidanakristestai).

danakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an idealized mountain, or a particular mountain (count noun, edanakorai).

danakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edanakorestai).

danarnē — A person who sends another to a mountain, as an orbserver or exile (animate noun, ēdanarnai).

dane — A mountain (count noun, edanai).

daneste — A group or set or collection of the above; a mountain range (count noun, edanestai).

danê — An upland region or highlands area, not divided into distinct, individual mountains (mass noun, êdanai).

dani — To climb (on) a mountain (object in the locative case) (intransitive verb, zadanix).

danirnē — A person who does the above; a mountain-climber (animate noun, ēdanirnai).

dano — Like or pertaining to mountains; montane, mountainous (adjective, danol).

dany — As above, but an adverb (adverb, danyr).

Danai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dane (proper noun, Danai).

danei — The act of sending someone to, or posting someone on a mountain; the act of climbing (on) a mountain (event noun, eidanai).

danē — A person who dwells on a mountain, a mountaineer; another living thing that lives on, is native to, or found only on a mountain (animate noun, ēdanai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai idal, Arsenic (noun)

dala — To poison something or someone with Arsenic (transitive verb, zadalax).

dalakristei — A dream of Arsenic, or Arsenic poisoning (event noun, eidalakristai).

dalakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidalakristestai).

dalakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of D, the chemical symbol for Arsenic, or other references to the element (count noun, edalakorai).

dalakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edalakorestai).

dalarnē — A person who poisons someone or something with Arsenic, an Arsenic poisoner (animate noun, ēdalarnai).

dale — An atom or molecule of Arsenic; also, a molecule of an Arsenic compound, such as Arsenic trioxide (count noun, edalai).

daleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edalestai).

dalê — The element Arsenic, symbol D, atomic number 41 (33) (mass noun, êdalai).

dali — To study or learn about Arsenic, and how to handle it safely (intransitive verb, zadalix).

dalirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdalirnai).

dalo — Like or pertaining to Arsenic; arsenic as an adjective, arseniacal (adjective, dalol).

daly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dalyr).

Dalai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dalo (proper noun, Dalai).

dalei — The act of poisoning someone or something with Arsenic; or of learning about Arsenic, and how to handle it safely (event noun, eidalai).

dalē — A person or other living thing that eats Arsenic, especially one who needs to eat Arsenic to live (animate noun, ēdalai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dakka, green, free (adjective)

dâka — To make something green; to set something free, emancipate, liberate (transitive verb, zadâkax).

dâkakristei — A dream of greenness or viridity; or of freedom, liberty, emancipation, liberation (event noun, eidâkakristai).

dâkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidâkakristestai).

dâkakore — A piece of jewelry that's green, or mostly green; or depicting some emblem of freedom, liberty, liberation, or emancipation (count noun, edâkakorai).

dâkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edâkakorestai).

dâkarnē — Someone who makes things green; someone who sets things free, a liberator, an emancipator (animate noun, ēdâkarnai).

dâke — The color green; a discrete thing which is green; an emblem, token, or symbol of freedom, liberty, or emancipation (count noun, edâkai).

dâkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edâkestai).

dâkê — Greenness, viridity, the green region of color space; liberty, freedom (mass noun, êdâkai).

dâki — To turn green, to become free (intransitive verb, zadâkix).

dâkirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdâkirnai).

dâko — Green, free (adjective, dâkol).

dâky — As above, but an adverb; greenly, freely (adverb, dâkyr).

Dâkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dâka (proper noun, Dâkai).

dâkei — The act of making something green; the act of setting something free, of liberation or emancipation; the act of becoming green, of going free (event noun, eidâkai).

dâkē — A person or other living thing which is green, or free (animate noun, ēdâkai).


Etymology: None. Added by language designers.

de — Yes, indeed (comparative or emphatic particle, de).

This particle is placed in front of a verb complex, adjective, or adverb, to denote the second degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, or adjectival or adverbial verb complexes; of agreement; or of emphasis. It's therefore called the comparative or emphatic particle.

The third degree of comparison is usually translated in English by the comparative form of an adjective or adverb, or by various adverbs as "indeed" or "more". For example, de ruhol "good indeed" or "better"; de ruhyr "well (done) indeed" or "more well (done)" or "better (done); De nazuruhon "That was better" or "That was pretty good". This is also the third degree of emphasis or agreement, the same as saying "Yes, it was indeed/absolutely/positively", in English, in answer to the question "Was that good?"

In general, all English comparative forms are equal, and all forms of agreement and emphasis, made different only by piling on modifying adverbs, or elaborate expressions. In T́uliǹgrai, de and di are approximately the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs. De denotes a degree of emphasis or agreement which is greater than da, but less than di. It's the translation of these finer shades of meaning into English which is difficult, not their use in T́uliǹgrai.

See also da, di, do, du, and dy.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai desa, young (adjective)

desa — To make someone or something young again, or act young again; to reverse the aging process in something or someone (transitive verb, zadesax).

desakristei — A dream of youth (event noun, eidesakristai).

desakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidesakristestai).

desakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a young people, or something from one's own youth (count noun, edesakorai).

desakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edesakorestai).

desarnē — A person who makes someone or something young again, or act young again; a person who reverses the aging process in something or someone; a rejuvenator, a restorer (animate noun, ēdesarnai).

dese — A souvenir, token, or badge of youth; a discrete thing from one's youth (count noun, edesai).

deseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edesestai).

desê — youth, youngness, juvenility, adolescence; the state of being young (mass noun, êdesai).

desi — To become young, or young again; to regain one's youth (intransitive verb, zadesix).

desirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdesirnai).

deso — Like or pertaining to youth; young, youthful, juvenile, junior (adjective, desol).

desy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, desyr).

Desai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Desu (proper noun, Desai).

desei — The act of making someone or something young again, or acting young again; of reversing the aging process in something or someone; rejuvenation, renovation. Also, the act of becoming young, or young again; of regaining one's youth (event noun, eidesai).

desē — A person or other living thing which is young by its species' standard; also, a member of a species, or an individual regardless of species, who reaches a state of youthful vitality and doesn't get older except in years (animate noun, ēdesai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dem, between (preposition)

dema — To put something between two other things; to place something in the middle; to find a compromise for two other people, or find a compromise between two positions or ideas (transitive verb, zademax).

demakristei — A dream of being in the middle, or being in between two things, or torn between two things (event noun, eidemakristai).

demakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidemakristestai).

demakore — A piece of jewelry depicting three things, with the one in the middle emphasized, or otherwise depicting between-ness, or a compromise between two other things (count noun, edemakorai).

demakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edemakorestai).

demarnē — A person who puts something in between two other things; a person who finds a compromise between two other persons' positions; a compromiser; a moderator (animate noun, ēdemarnai).

deme — An object which is between two others, as the middle of three mountains; or a token or souvenir of a compromise (count noun, edemai).

demeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edemestai).

demê — Middleness, betweenness; or a substance that's between two other like substances in some quality, as a juice that's more sweet than one, but less sweet than another (mass noun, êdemai).

demi — To study compromise or moderation, to learn to compromise or moderate (intransitive verb, zademix).

demirnē — A person who does the above; a compromiser, negotiator, or moderator (animate noun, ēdemirnai).

demo — Between two other things, in the middle, middle (adjective, demol).

demu — Between or in the middle of two other things (locative) (preposition, demu).

demy — As demo, but an adverb (adverb, demyr).

Demai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Demi (proper noun, Demai).

demei — The act of placing something in the middle; of finding a compromise; or studying the art of compromise, of learning to become a compromiser or negotiator (event noun, eidemai).

demē — A person or other living thing in between two others, as the second of a litter of three, or the middle of three children (animate noun, ēdemai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai eden, tree (noun)

dena — To plant a tree in or on something, to furnish or provide something with a tree (transitive verb, zadenax).

denakristei — A dream of trees, or a particular tree (event noun, eidenakristai).

denakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidenakristestai).

denakore — A piece of jewelry depicting one or more trees (count noun, edenakorai).

denakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edenakorestai).

denarnē — A person who plants, provides, or furnishes something with trees (animate noun, ēdenarnai).

dene — A tree (count noun, edenai).

deneste — A group or set or collection of trees, as a stand, grove, arbor, orchard, or forest (count noun, edenestai).

denê — Material from a tree, as wood, sap, or fruit (mass noun, êdenai).

deni — To tend or cultivate a tree, grove of trees, or forest (intransitive verb, zadenix).

denirnē — A person who does the above; a tree doctor, a forest ranger (animate noun, ēdenirnai).

deno — Like or pertaining to trees or forests; arboreal, silvan, silvestrian (adjective, denol).

deny — As above, but an adverb; arboreally (adverb, denyr).

Denai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Deni (proper noun, Denai).

denei — The act of planting, providing, or furnishing something with trees; the act of tending or cultivating a tree, grove, or forest, as by pruning dead branches, or fighting diseases and distructive insects (event noun, eidenai).

denē — A person or other living thing which lives in a tree or trees, or in a group of trees (animate noun, ēdenai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai debb, to shine (verb)

dêba — To make something shine, as by polishing it; also, to make someone shine. as with praise (transitive verb, zadêbax).

dêbakristei — A dream of shining, or making something shiny, or of finding shiny things (event noun, eidêbakristai).

dêbakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidêbakristestai).

dêbakore — A piece of jewelry that's shiny, or depicts a shiny thing (count noun, edêbakorai).

dêbakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edêbakorestai).

dêbarnē — A person who makes someone or something shine (animate noun, ēdêbarnai).

dêbe — A thing that shines, as a star or a gem or a polished metal plate (count noun, edêbai).

dêbeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edêbestai).

dêbê — Shinyness; a mass or substance that shines, as a liquid metal (mass noun, êdêbai).

dêbi — To shine (intransitive verb, zadêbix).

dêbirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdêbirnai).

dêbo — Shiny, shining (adjective, dêbol).

dêby — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dêbyr).

Dêbai — A very common personal name, usually female, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dêbi (proper noun, Dêbai).

dêbei — The act of making someone or something shine; the act of shining (event noun, eidêbai).

dêbē — A living thing that shines with its own light, as a firefly, a glow-worn, or an angler fish (animate noun, ēdêbai).


Etymology: None. Added by language designers.

di — Yes, indeed (comparative or emphatic particle, di).

This particle is placed in front of a verb complex, adjective, or adverb, to denote the second degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, or adjectival or adverbial verb complexes; of agreement; or of emphasis. It's therefore called the comparative or emphatic particle.

The fourth degree of comparison is usually translated in English by the comparative form of an adjective or adverb, or by various adverbs as "very" or "especially". For example, di ruhol "very good" or "really good"; di ruhyr "very well (done)" or "unusually well (done)"; Di nazuruhon "That was much better" or "That was really very good". This is also the fourth degree of emphasis or agreement, the same as saying "You bet!" or "Count on it!", in English, in answer to the question "Was that good?"

In general, all English comparative forms are equal, and all forms of agreement and emphasis, made different only by piling on modifying adverbs, or elaborate expressions. In T́uliǹgrai, de and di are approximately the comparative form of adjectives and adverbs. Di denotes a degree of emphasis or agreement which is greater than de, but less than do. It's the translation of these finer shades of meaning into English which is difficult, not their use in T́uliǹgrai.

See also da, de, do, du, and dy.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dizh, a diže plant or flower (noun)

diža — To plant diže, or provide its medicinal extracts (transitive verb, zadižax).

dižakristei — A dream of diže (event noun, eidižakristai).

dižakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidižakristestai).

dižakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a diže plant or flower (count noun, edižakorai).

dižakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edižakorestai).

dižarnē — A person who plants diže, or provides or furnishes its extracts (animate noun, ēdižarnai).

diže — A diže flower (count noun, edižai).

dižeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edižestai).

dižê — A diže plant, or an extract of it (mass noun, êdižai).

diži — To tend a garden of diže plants, to extract medicines from them (intransitive verb, zadižix).

dižirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdižirnai).

dižo — Like or pertaining to diže (adjective, dižol).

dižy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dižyr).

Dižai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dižu (proper noun, Dižai).

dižei — The act of planting diže plants, or furnishing or providing its medicinal extracts; the act or process of tending a garden of diže, or of extracting medicines from them (event noun, eidižai).

dižē — A medicinal plant with high levels of salicylic acid. Its serrated leaves have analgesic properties, and ingesting the tuber relaxes constricted blood vessels. The plants grow quickly from the tuber. The flowers are five-petaled, usually white with a yellow center, sometimes purple and yellow, rarely red and yellow. Usually they just drop off, but sometimes they produce fruits that look like cherries. These fruits are poisonous to animals. If planted, they will produce diže plants, but more slowly than planting the tuber (animate noun, ēdižai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dissa, persuade (verb)

diša — To persuade or convince someone (accusative) of something (ablative) (transitive verb, zadišax).

dišakristei — A dream of persuading or convincing (event noun, eidišakristai).

dišakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidišakristestai).

dišakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that one is convinced or persuaded of (count noun, edišakorai).

dišakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edišakorestai).

dišarnē — A person who persuades or convinces someone of something (animate noun, ēdišarnai).

diše — A token or emblem of something that one is convinced or persuaded of (count noun, edišai).

dišeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edišestai).

dišê — A conviction that one holds, a thing of which one is persuaded (mass noun, êdišai).

diši — To hold a conviction, to be persuaded of something (intransitive verb, zadišix).

diširnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdiširnai).

dišo — Convincing, convincable; persuasive, persuadable; open to or capable of being convinced or persuaded about something (adjective, dišol).

dišy — As above, but an adverb; convincingly, persuasively; in a manner lending itself to conviction or persuasion (adverb, dišyr).

Dišai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Diša (proper noun, Dišai).

dišei — The act of persuading or convincing someone of something; the act of holding on to something of which one has been persuaded or convinced, until a better argument or facts to the contrary change one's mind (event noun, eidišai).

dišē — A person or other living thing who is a persuasive argument or a convincing fact for some line of argument or discussion (animate noun, ēdišai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai idir, a rose (noun)

dira — To give someone a rose (transitive verb, zadirax).

diracibe — A rose thorn (count noun, ediracibai).

diracibeste — A bunch of rose thorns (count noun, ediracibestai).

dirakristei — A dream of roses (event noun, eidirakristai).

dirakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidirakristestai).

dirakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a rose, or a bunch of roses, or rose-colored (count noun, edirakorai).

dirakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edirakorestai).

dirarnē — A person who gives someone else a rose (animate noun, ēdirarnai).

dire — A rose (count noun, edirai).

direste — A bunch or bouquet or vase-full of roses; a rose bush; a rose hedge (count noun, edirestai).

dirê — Rosiness, the scent of a rose, the color of a rose (mass noun, êdirai).

diri — To tend a rose garden; to wear a rose in one's hair (intransitive verb, zadirix).

dirirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdirirnai).

diro — Like or pertaining to roses; rosy, rose-colored, rose-scented, sweet as a rose (adjective, dirol).

diry — As above, but an adverb; rosily, as sweetly as a rose (adverb, diryr).

Dirai — (1) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dire. (2) The 16th and last month of the calendar (proper noun, Dirai).

direi — The act of giving someone a rose; the act of tending a rose garden; the act of wearing a rose in one's hair (event noun, eidirai).

dirē — A living thing that lives on or feeds off roses, as an insect that sucks sap (animate noun, ēdirai).


Etymology: None. Added by language designers.

do — Yes, indeed (comparative or emphatic particle, do).

This particle is placed in front of a verb complex, adjective, or adverb, to denote the second degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, or adjectival or adverbial verb complexes; of agreement; or of emphasis. It's therefore called the comparative or emphatic particle.

The fifth degree of comparison is usually translated in English by the superlative form of an adjective or adverb. For example, do ruhol "best"; do ruhyr "best (done)"; Do nazuruhon "That was best" or "That was as good as possible" or "That couldn't have been better". This is also the fifth degree of emphasis or agreement, the same as saying, perhaps, "God, yes!" or "Oh hell yes!" or "You bet your ass!", in English, in response to the question "Was that good?"

In general, all English superlative forms are equal, and all superlative forms of agreement and emphasis, made different only by piling on modifying adverbs, or elaborate expressions. In T́uliǹgrai, do denotes a degree of emphasis or agreement which is greater than di, but less than du. It's the translation of these finer shades of meaning into English which is difficult, not their use in T́uliǹgrai.

See also da, de, di, du, and dy.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dop, to work (verb)

dopa — To set, give, or assign someone (accusative) a task, assignment, or chore (ablative); to make or order someone to work or labor (infinitive) (transitive verb, zadopax).

dopakristei — A dream of labor, or working on a task or assignment (event noun, eidopakristai).

dopakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidopakristestai).

dopakore — A piece of jewelry depicting someone at work, or the emblem or badge of a guild or a labor union (count noun, edopakorai).

dopakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edopakorestai).

doparnē — A person who sets, gives, or assigns someone (accusative) a task, assignment, or chore (ablative); or who orders or makes someone to work or labor (infinitive) (animate noun, ēdoparnai).

dope — The result or product of work or labor; a thing produced or an object gained by labor or work; a product; a work, as of art; a task completed (count noun, edopai).

dopeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edopestai).

dopê — Work, labor, busyness; the satisfaction of a job well done, the feeling of accomplishment when a job has been completed (mass noun, êdopai).

dopi — To work or labor on some task, assignment, or chore (ablative) (intransitive verb, zadopix).

dopirnē — A person who does the above; a laborer, a worker (animate noun, ēdopirnai).

dopo — Like or pertaining to work or labor; busy, working, at work (adjective, dopol).

dopy — As above, but an adverb; at work, busily (adverb, dopyr).

Dopai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dopo (proper noun, Dopai).

dopei — The act of setting, giving, or assigning someone (accusative) a task, assignment, or chore (ablative); the act of ordering or making someone to work or labor (infinitive); the act of laboring or working on a chore, task, or assignment (ablative); work, labor (event noun, eidopai).

dopē — A person or other living thing who's always busy, as a honey ant or a spider (animate noun, ēdopai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai edov, trust (noun)

dova — To trust or trust in someone or something (transitive verb, zadovax).

dovakristei — A dream of trust (event noun, eidovakristai).

dovakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidovakristestai).

dovakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something or someone in which, or in whom, one has trust (count noun, edovakorai).

dovakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edovakorestai).

dovarnē — A person who trusts, a truster (animate noun, ēdovarnai).

dove — A discrete thing in which one trusts; or an emblem or symbol or souvenir of trust (count noun, edovai).

doveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edovestai).

dovê — Trust (mass noun, êdovai).

dovi — To learn to trust or trust in someone or something, or to come to trust (intransitive verb, zadovix).

dovirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdovirnai).

dovo — Like or pertaining to trust; trusty, trustworthy; trusting (adjective, dovol).

dovy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dovyr).

Dovai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dovi (proper noun, Dovai).

dovei — The act of trusting or trusting in someone or something; the act or process of learning to trust, or coming to trust, someone or something (event noun, eidovai).

dovē — A person or other living thing famously trustworthy, as a dog (animate noun, ēdovai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai odom, the cuff of a sleeve (noun)

doma — To put a cuff on something, generally the end of a shirt sleeve (transitive verb, zadomax).

domakristei — A dream of cuffs (event noun, eidomakristai).

domakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidomakristestai).

domakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a cuff, generally a shirt-sleeve cuff (count noun, edomakorai).

domakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edomakorestai).

domarnē — A person who puts a cuff on something, as a tailor or mechanic (animate noun, ēdomarnai).

dome — A cuff, that is, the reinforcement at the end of a sleeve; generally a shirt sleeve, but also a pipe or other cylinder (count noun, edomai).

domeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edomestai).

domê — The protection provided to the end of a cylinder by a cuff; "cuff-ness" (mass noun, êdomai).

domi — To design or choose a cuff for something (intransitive verb, zadomix).

domirnē — A person who does the above; a cuff designer (animate noun, ēdomirnai).

domo — Like or pertaining to a cuff (adjective, domol).

domy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, domyr).

Domai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Doma (proper noun, Domai).

domei — The act of attaching a cuff to something, generally a shirt sleeve; the act of designing or choosing a cuff (event noun, eidomai).

domē — A person or other living thing which appears to have cuffs, as an animal with a band of contrasting skin or fur of a different color between its limbs and its paws (animate noun, ēdomai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai idol, shepherd's-pitcher plant (noun)

dola — To pick a shepherd's-pitcher flower from the vine and give it to someone (transitive verb, zadolax).

dolakristei — A dream of a shepherd's-pitcher flower, or drinking from one (event noun, eidolakristai).

dolakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidolakristestai).

dolakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a shepherd's-pitcher flower (count noun, edolakorai).

dolakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edolakorestai).

dolarnē — A person who picks a shepherd's-pitcher flower and gives it to another (animate noun, ēdolarnai).

dole — A shepherd's-pitcher flower (count noun, edolai).

doleste — A group or set or collection of the above, as in a bowl (count noun, edolestai).

dolê — A shepherd's-pitcher vine; substance from it, as nectar from the flowers (mass noun, êdolai).

doli — To tend a shepherd's-pitcher vine; to drink nectar from a flower of it; to wear a shepherd's-pitcher flower in one's hair (intransitive verb, zadolix).

dolirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdolirnai).

dolo — Like or pertaining to or shaped like a shepherd's-pitcher flower, or tasting like the nectar in one (adjective, dolol).

doly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dolyr).

Dolai — (1) The first month of the year. (2) A personal name, usually feminine, transcribed in fiction on this site as Doli (proper noun, Dolai).

dolei — The act of picking a shepherd's-pitcher flower from the vine, and giving it to someone; the act of tending a shepherd's-pitcher vine, drinking the nectar from a flower, or wearing the flower in one's hair (event noun, eidolai).

dolē — A person or other living thing that sips the nectar from a shepherd's-pitcher flower, especially a hummingbird (animate noun, ēdolai).


Etymology: do, informal name for the letter D, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (noun)

doreta — To mark something with the letter D (transitive verb, zadoretax).

doretakristei — A dream of the letter D (event noun, eidoretakristai).

doretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidoretakristestai).

doretakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter D (count noun, edoretakorai).

doretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edoretakorestai).

doretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter D (animate noun, ēdoretarnai).

dorete — The letter D (count noun, edoretai).

doreteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edoretestai).

doretê — D-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter D (mass noun, êdoretai).

doreti — To produce a piece of art which incorporates the letter D (intransitive verb, zadoretix).

doretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdoretirnai).

doreto — Like or pertaining to the letter D (adjective, doretol).

dorety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, doretyr).

Doretai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Doretai).

doretei — The act of marking something with the letter D; the act of producing a work of art that incorporates the letter D (event noun, eidoretai).

doretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with the letter D, or which has markings resembling the letter D (animate noun, ēdoretai).


Etymology: None. Added by language designers.

du — Yes, indeed (comparative or emphatic particle, du).

This particle is placed in front of a verb complex, adjective, or adverb, to denote the second degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, or adjectival or adverbial verb complexes; of agreement; or of emphasis. It's therefore called the comparative or emphatic particle.

The sixth degree of comparison is usually translated in English by the superlative form of an adjective or adverb. For example, du ruhol "too good"; du ruhyr "too well (done)"; Du nazuruhon "That was too good" or "That was better than possible" or "That was impossibly good". This is also the sixth degree of emphasis or agreement, the same as saying, perhaps, "YES, GODDAMMIT!", in English, in response to the question "Was that good?"

In general, all English superlative forms are equal, but du represents a superlative form corresponding to the English idiom "too" or "too much". It stands for a degree of emphasis or agreement greater than do, but less than dy, which virtually requires verbal violence, and is rarely employed.

See also da, de, di, do, and dy.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai duska, metal, metallic (adjective)

duska — To turn something into metal; to line, coat, or cover something with metal (transitive verb, zaduskax).

duskakristei — A dream of metal (event noun, eiduskakristai).

duskakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiduskakristestai).

duskakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a person or a living thing turned to metal, an ingot of metal, the symbol of a metal, or anything else connected with the idea of a metal (count noun, eduskakorai).

duskakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eduskakorestai).

duskarnē — A person who turns another to metal, who lines or coats or covers something with metal (animate noun, ēduskarnai).

duske — An object made of metal, as a belt buckle or arrow head (count noun, eduskai).

duskeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eduskestai).

duskê — A metal, a mass of metal; metallicity; in astronomy, any element heavier than hydrogen and helium (mass noun, êduskai).

duski — To turn into or become metal; to work with metal; to learn how to work metal (intransitive verb, zaduskix).

duskirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēduskirnai).

dusko — Like or pertaining to metal; metal, metallic (adjective, duskol).

dusky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, duskyr).

Duskai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Dusko (proper noun, Duskai).

duskei — The act of turning someone or something into metal, of lining, coating, or covering something with metal; the act of turning into or becoming metal, working with metal, or learning to work metal (event noun, eiduskai).

duskē — A person or other living thing made of metal, or lined, coated, or covered with metal (animate noun, ēduskai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dum, without, -less (enclitic preposition)

—dum— Without, bereft, deprived; used as an enclitic on rare occasions, chiefly in poetry and place names, as Epolidendumai, The Nameless Land (preposition, —dum—).

duma — To deprive a person (accusative) of something (ablative), to make someone (accusative) go without something (ablative) (transitive verb, zadumax).

dumakristei — A dream of being bereft or deprived of something (event noun, eidumakristai).

dumakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidumakristestai).

dumakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that one is without (count noun, edumakorai).

dumakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edumakorestai).

dumarnē — A person who deprives someone of something (animate noun, ēdumarnai).

dume — A token, memento, or souvenir of something that one is without (count noun, edumai).

dumeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edumestai).

dumê — Bereftness, without-ness, the state of being deprived of something; or a substance or mass that one must do without (mass noun, êdumai).

dumi — To be without, to go without, to want for something (ablative) (intransitive verb, zadumix).

dumirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdumirnai).

dumo — Without, bereft, deprived (adjective, dumol).

dumu — Without, bereft, deprived (preposition, dumu).

dumy — As dumo, but an adverb (adverb, dumyr).

Dumai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Duma (proper noun, Dumai).

dumei — The act depriving a person (accusative) of something (ablative), of depriving someone, making someone go without something; the state of lacking, being without, going without, or being in want of something (event noun, eidumai).

dumē — A person or other living thing without some quality typical of its kind, as a slow member of a species notable for its speed, or a walking-stick insect without wings (animate noun, ēdumai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Duna, the star Duna (proper noun)

duna — To send, dispatch, or order someone to go to Duna, or some other class-A star (transitive verb, zadunax).

dunakristei — A dream of Duna, or the Crown constellation less specifically, or of class-A stars (event noun, eidunakristai).

dunakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidunakristestai).

dunakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the Crown constellation, particularly if Duna is highlighted or emphasized in some way (count noun, edunakorai).

dunakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edunakorestai).

dunarnē — A person who sends, dispatches, or orders another to go to Duna in particular, or to some other class-A star (animate noun, ēdunarnai).

dune — A discrete thing from the system of Duna, or another class-A star; a token, relic, memento, or souvenir of a visit, or a tour of duty there (count noun, edunai).

duneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edunestai).

dunê — The setting of Duna in the Crown; the co-ordinates of Duna; the qualities which define a class-A star (mass noun, êdunai).

duni — To study Duna in particular, or class-A stars more generally (intransitive verb, zadunix).

dunirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdunirnai).

duno — Like or pertaining to Duna, or to class-A stars (adjective, dunol).

duny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dunyr).

Dunai — (1) A bright white star, the main gem of the Crown constellation, and the type star for class-A stars generally. (2) A personal name, of any gender. Both names are transcribed in fiction on this site as Duna (proper noun, Dunai).

dunei — The act of sending or dispatching someone to the Duna system. Also, the act of studying Duna in particular, or class-A stars in general. (event noun, eidunai).

dunē — A person or other living thing who comes from the Duna system, or the system of any class-A star; who lives there, or is native to there (animate noun, ēdunai).


Etymology: None. Added by language designers.

dy — Yes, indeed (comparative or emphatic particle, dy).

This particle is placed in front of a verb complex, adjective, or adverb, to denote the second degree of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, or adjectival or adverbial verb complexes; of agreement; or of emphasis. It's therefore called the comparative or emphatic particle.

The seventh degree of comparison is usually translated in English by an extreme, even obscene, superlative form of an adjective or adverb. For example, dy ruhol "too fucking good"; dy ruhyr "so fucking well (done) I could throw up"; Dy nazuruhon "That was too motherfucking good" or "Goddamn, that was so fucking good I can't tell you". This is also the seventh degree of emphasis or agreement, the same as saying, perhaps, "YES, GODDAMMIT! WHO DO I FUCKING HAVE TO KILL TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND?!!", in English, in response to the question "Was that good?"

Dy represents an extreme superlative form only expressed with extreme speech in English, often with physical violence as well. It stands for a degree of emphasis or agreement greater than any other in T́uliǹgrai, which is almost never used, to keep it shocking and extreme when it is.

See also da, de, di, do, and du.


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai daira, stop (verb)

daira — To stop something, halt something, make something cease to move, bring something to a halt (transitive verb, zadairax).

dairakristei — A dream of stopping, halting, or ceasing; of making something stop, halt, or cease; of ending, or death (event noun, eidairakristai).

dairakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eidairakristestai).

dairakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a sign to halt, as an upraised hand with the palm towards the viewer (count noun, edairakorai).

dairakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, edairakorestai).

dairarnē — A person who makes something stop, halt, or cease to move (animate noun, ēdairarnai).

daire — A sign or symbol or order to cease moving, as an upraised palm; a barrier to movement, a blockade (count noun, edairai).

daireste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, edairestai).

dairê — A mass or substance which blocks movement, as a river (mass noun, êdairai).

dairi — To halt, come to a halt; to cease to move; to stop (intransitive verb, zadairix).

dairirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēdairirnai).

dairo — Like or pertaining to stopping, halting, ceasing to move; stationary, at rest (adjective, dairol).

dairy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, dairyr).

Dairai — A personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Daira (proper noun, Dairai).

dairei — The act of stopping or halting something, or making it cease to move; the act of stopping, halting, coming to a stop, or ceasing to move (event noun, eidairai).

dairē — A person who rarely moves, a stay-at-home; a person who lives in one place for life; a restful person (animate noun, ēdairai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai atlatla, an atlatl or spear-thrower (noun)

tlatla — To cast or throw a spear with an atlatl or spear-thrower (transitive verb, zatlatlax).

tlatlakristei — A dream of an atlatl or spear-thrower (event noun, eitlatlakristai).

tlatlakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitlatlakristestai).

tlatlakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an atlatl or spear-thrower (count noun, etlatlakorai).

tlatlakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etlatlakorestai).

tlatlarnē — A person who uses an atlatl or spear-thrower to throw a spear (animate noun, ētlatlarnai).

tlatle — An atlatl or spear-thrower: a pole with a grip on one end and a cradle for a spear butt on the other, used to extend the arm and give greater leverage, that a spear may be thrown farther. The word atlatl, in the Nahuatl language of some Inside Earths, comes directly from this word. (count noun, etlatlai).

tlatleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etlatlestai).

tlatlê — Skill in the use of an atlatl or spear-thrower (mass noun, êtlatlai).

tlatli — To learn to use an atlatl or spear-thrower (intransitive verb, zatlatlix).

tlatlirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētlatlirnai).

tlatlo — Like or pertaining to an atlatl or spear-thrower (adjective, tlatlol).

tlatly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tlatlyr).

Tlatlai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tlatli (proper noun, Tlatlai).

tlatlei — The act of throwing a spear with an atlatl or spear-thrower; the act or process of learning to do so (event noun, eitlatlai).

tlatlē — Any small- to medium-sized living thing hunted with an atlatl or spear-thrower, as a rabbit or pig, back when human beings hunted for food (animate noun, ētlatlai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Tlannaii, the Tlâń (noun)

tlâńa — To see or encounter a Tlâń (transitive verb, zatlâńax).

tlâńakristei — A dream of the Tlâń (event noun, eitlâńakristai).

tlâńakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitlâńakristestai).

tlâńakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a Tlâń (count noun, etlâńakorai).

tlâńakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etlâńakorestai).

tlâńarnē — A person who sees or encounters the Tlâń (animate noun, ētlâńarnai).

tlâńe — An artifact of Tlâń culture (count noun, etlâńai).

tlâńeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etlâńestai).

tlâńê — Tlâń-ness, Tlâń culture (mass noun, êtlâńai).

tlâńi — To study the Tlâń and their culture (intransitive verb, zatlâńix).

tlâńirnē — A person who does the above; a student of the Tlâń (animate noun, ētlâńirnai).

tlâńo — Like or pertaining to the Tlâń; Tlâńnish (adjective, tlâńol).

tlâńy — As above, but an adverb; Tlâńnishly (adverb, tlâńyr).

Tlâńai — A very rare personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Tlâńai).

tlâńei — The act of seeing or encountering the Tlâń; the act of studying Tlâń culture (event noun, eitlâńai).

tlâńē — (1) In the Common History, the fallen Loraonai kingdoms inherited from the Mižinē a rich mythology full of supernatural creatures. These included "elves", called Tlannaii in Loraonai languages The "elves" lived under hills, and interacted with other supernatural races, such as "goblins" and "trolls". In one city, they shared their hill with the Owls.

(2) In the First History, the sentient race that evolved on Taol Vrydda between its creation, and its settlement by the Mižinē, were also called Tlâń. Kantos means "Elfland" in the original Mižinē, so it was perhaps inevitable that these aliens, who lived on that continent, and mostly underground, should be named that. These Tlâń were blue-skinned, rubbery-fleshed, boneless humanoids with whiplike arms and legs, hands with two fingers and a thumb, feet with two strong toes facing forward and one facing back. Short horns projected from the head, a fleshy masklike structure surrounded the eyes, and short sensory tentacles writhed between the nose and mouth. Clothes were a kilt, arm bands, leg bands, and for the nobility, a cloth hanging over the back of the neck with its ends dangling down the chest, their equivalent of a crown. All clothing was highly embroidered in geometic patterns.

The First-History Tlâń had evolved beyond the need to eat the flesh of other living things, absorbing energy from radiant sources, like the Verē. They developed their own high technology, completely independently of the Verē, based on power rings inhabited by "ring souls". Attacked by the Verē on four separate occasions, they defended their continent successfully the first three times. On the fourth occasion, the Verē saturated the continent with high-altitude nuclear bursts, which killed rings by EMP, forcing the Tlâń King and nobility to sue for peace.

(3) In the Second History, the Tlâń described above did not evolve, and the Mižinē lived in flying cities that followed fixed orbits over Kantos. When the Star burst, the mutant form of human being that resulted was similar, but not the same as the Verē.

After the Redemption of the World, First-History Tlâń began being released by Anûk. Some chose to become Iǹgrē; others settled worlds where they could live First-History Tlâń lives in First-History Tlâń bodies. Others did that, but in Iǹgrē bodies. Other groups developed their own colonies, under a wide variety of rules (animate noun, ētlâńai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Tlannor, Tlâńor (proper noun)

tlâńora — To send someone to, or make someone go to, Tlâńor (transitive verb, zatlâńorax).

tlâńorakristei — A dream of Tlâńor (event noun, eitlâńorakristai).

tlâńorakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitlâńorakristestai).

tlâńorakore — A piece of jewelry in the style or culture of Tlâńor (count noun, etlâńorakorai).

tlâńorakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etlâńorakorestai).

tlâńorarnē — A person who sends another to Tlâńor, or makes another go there (animate noun, ētlâńorarnai).

tlâńore — An cultural artifact of Tlâńor, as a throwing ring (count noun, etlâńorai).

tlâńoreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etlâńorestai).

tlâńorê — Tlâńorness, the ambience or culture of Tlâńor (mass noun, êtlâńorai).

tlâńori — To visit Tlâńor, or to move there to live (intransitive verb, zatlâńorix).

tlâńorirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētlâńorirnai).

tlâńoro — Like or pertaining to Tlâńor (adjective, tlâńorol).

tlâńory — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tlâńoryr).

Tlâńorai — (1) An extremely rare personal name, of any gender. (2) In mythology, the city ruled by the High King of the Tlâń, who owned the fealty of all the Tlâń kings, and their allies. (3) In the First History, the capital city of the Tlâń. (4) In the Second History, a flying city of the ancestral humans, the Mižinē, which crashed when the Star burst. When the time/space ship The Dawn at Tlâńor returned safely after that, it became simply as Tlâńor, and its inhabitants as the High Tlâń Tlâńorai).

tlâńorei — The act of sending someone or making someone go to Tlâńor; the act of visiting there, or going to live there (event noun, eitlâńorai).

tlâńorē — A person or other living thing from or native to Tlâńor (animate noun, ētlâńorai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Trannis, the orange sun (noun)

trânisa — To send someone or make someone go to the Trânis system; also, to shine a bright orange light on something (transitive verb, zatrânisax).

trânisakristei — A dream of Trânis (event noun, eitrânisakristai).

trânisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitrânisakristestai).

trânisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of an orange star or orange sun (count noun, etrânisakorai).

trânisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etrânisakorestai).

trânisarnē — A person who sends someone to the Trânis system; or who shines a bright orange light on something (animate noun, ētrânisarnai).

trânise — A token or memento of the Trânis system, or of something that happened there (count noun, etrânisai).

trâniseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etrânisestai).

trânisê — Bright orange illumination (mass noun, êtrânisai).

trânisi — To visit the Trânis system; to shine with a bright orange light (intransitive verb, zatrânisix).

trânisirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētrânisirnai).

trâniso — Like or pertaining to Trânis, or by extension, to any giant or supergiant K star; or by further extension, to any class K star (adjective, trânisol).

trânisy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, trânisyr).

trânisai — (1) The giant K-class satellite star of the Aboǹi system, opposite Luai. (2) A rare personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Trâniso (proper noun, trânisai).

trânisei — The act of sending someone to, or visiting the Trânis system; of shining a bright orange light on something; or shining with a bright orange light (event noun, eitrânisai).

trânisē — A person or other living thing that fluorishes under orange light; also, a native of a starsun system with an class K primary (animate noun, ētrânisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Tapa, Lake Tapa (proper noun)

tapa — To send someone to Lake Tapa (transitive verb, zatapax).

tapakristei — A dream of Lake Tapa (event noun, eitapakristai).

tapakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitapakristestai).

tapakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of Lake Tapa, or in some way referring to it (count noun, etapakorai).

tapakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etapakorestai).

taparnē — A person who sends another to Lake Tapa (animate noun, ētaparnai).

tape — A memento or souvenir of Lake Tapa (count noun, etapai).

tapeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etapestai).

tapê — The feeling of pleasure from being at Lake Tapa; also, water from it (mass noun, êtapai).

tapi — To go to, visit, or live on the shore of Lake Tapa (intransitive verb, zatapix).

tapirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētapirnai).

tapo — Like or pertaining to Lake Tapa (adjective, tapol).

tapy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tapyr).

Tapai — (1) Lake Tapa, Ejârvai Tapai, the center of Teřańa the city in both Histories. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tapi (proper noun, Tapai).

tapei — The act of sending another to Lake Tapa; the act of going to, visiting, or living on the shore of Lake Tapa (event noun, eitapai).

tapē — A living thing from or native to Lake Tapa, as a fish (animate noun, ētapai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai itat, star (noun)

Note: TAT– is a star as a point of light in the sky. For an astronomical word meaning a star, a sun, or a starsun, use LYR–.

tata — To measure a star's position, brightness, or some other property (name of the star in the accusative) (transitive verb, zatatax).

tatakristei — A dream of a star or stars (event noun, eitatakristai).

tatakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitatakristestai).

tatakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a star, group of stars, asterism, or constellation (count noun, etatakorai).

tatakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etatakorestai).

tatarnē — A person who observes stars and measures their properties; an astronomer (animate noun, ētatarnai).

tate — A star (count noun, etatai).

tateste — A group or set or collection of the above; an asterism, a constellation (count noun, etatestai).

tatê — Starness, the beauty and attraction of the stars; starshine (mass noun, êtatai).

tati — To learn to watch the stars and measure their properties (intransitive verb, zatatix).

tatirnē — A person who does the above; an amateur or student astronomer (animate noun, ētatirnai).

tato — Like or pertaining to stars; starry, sidereal (adjective, tatol).

taty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tatyr).

Tatai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tato (proper noun, Tatai).

tatei — The act of observing or measuring a star or group of stars; the act of learning to do so (event noun, eitatai).

tatē — A person or other living thing that watches the stars in appreciation of their beauty, or for other purposes, as adoration; a stargazer (animate noun, ētatai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tak, symbol (noun)

taka — To mark something with a sign, symbol, or character (transitive verb, zatakax).

takakristei — A dream of a sign, symbol, or character (event noun, eitakakristai).

takakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitakakristestai).

takakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a sign, symbol, or character (count noun, etakakorai).

takakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etakakorestai).

takarnē — A person who marks something with a sign, symbol, or character (animate noun, ētakarnai).

take — Any sign, symbol, or character, or mark with an established or conventional meaning, including but not limited to the characters of the alphabet. (count noun, etakai).

takeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etakestai).

takê — The balance, design, and graphic qualities of a sign, symbol, or character (mass noun, êtakai).

taki — To produce a piece of art including or incorporating a sign, symbol, or character (intransitive verb, zatakix).

takirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētakirnai).

tako — Like or pertaining to a sign, symbol, or character; symbolic (adjective, takol).

taky — As above, but an adverb; symbolically (adverb, takyr).

Takai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Taki (proper noun, Takai).

takei — The act of marking something with a sign, symbol, or character; the act of producing a piece of art incorporating or including a sign, symbol, or character (event noun, eitakai).

takē — A person or other living thing whose name reflects a concept for which there exists a sign, symbol, or character with that meaning, or which has markings resembling a particular sign, symbol, or character (animate noun, ētakai).


Etymology: T́ulańai tacha, "I come home" (interjection)

Taca! — In the Second History, the T́ulańai invented a race game, tacha, which they taught to the first Ēstâz. From him it spread to the army he created, and the nobility. It's played by 2-4 individuals or teams. The pieces move according to a pair of "dice", whose numbers can be divided among a player's pieces as he chooses; out from the center, then all around the outside circle, then back to the center. The player or team who first returns a piece to the center wins the game. The cry of "Taca!" announces victory (interjection, Taca!).

taca — To send someone home after a long journey; to compel someone to play tacha (transitive verb, zatacax).

tacakristei — A dream of playing tacha, or a dream of coming home after a long journey (event noun, eitacakristai).

tacakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitacakristestai).

tacakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a tacha piece, or a tacha board, or a tacha game in progress (count noun, etacakorai).

tacakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etacakorestai).

tacarnē — A person who sends another home after a long journey; also, someone who compels another to play tacha (animate noun, ētacarnai).

tace — A board or piece for playing tacha (count noun, etacai).

taceste — A group or set or collection of the above; a tacha set (count noun, etacestai).

tacê — The rules of tacha; skill at playing it, or mastery of it (mass noun, êtacai).

taci — To play tacha, or to come home after a long journey (intransitive verb, zatacix).

tacirnē — A person who does the above; a tacha player, or one who comes home after a long journey, what the ignorant called a "prodigal" in English ("prodigal" actually means "wasteful") (animate noun, ētacirnai).

taco — Like or pertaining to tacha, or to coming home after a long journey (adjective, tacol).

tacy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tacyr).

Tacai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Taci (proper noun, Tacai).

tacei — The act of making another play tacha; the act of sending another home after a long journey; the act of playing tacha, or coming home after a long journey (event noun, eitacai).

tacē — A person obsessed with or addicted to playing tacha; a tacha addict (animate noun, ētacai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai atav, a period of ten (twice five) days (noun)

tava — To schedule or plan something to happen once every eight days, or eight days from today; to undertake or begin a task that will need eight days to finish (transitive verb, zatavax).

tavakristei — A dream of "weeks" (event noun, eitavakristai).

tavakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitavakristestai).

tavakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something that happened a "week" or a few "weeks" in the past, that's anticipated to occur a "week" or a few "weeks" in the future, or that takes a "week" to do (count noun, etavakorai).

tavakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etavakorestai).

tavarnē — A person who plans or schedules in "weeks", or who starts something that will require a "week" to finish (animate noun, ētavarnai).

tave — A period of eight days, a "week". The days of a "week" are not named, nor do "weeks" appear on the calendar (count noun, etavai).

taveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etavestai).

tavê — Weekness, thinking or planning in "weeks" rather than days, months, or years; also, a schedule or agenda with events or duties laid out in "weeks" (mass noun, êtavai).

tavi — To do something "weekly", once every eight days (intransitive verb, zatavix).

tavirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētavirnai).

tavo — Like or pertaining to an eight-day "week"; "weekly" (adjective, tavol).

tavy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tavyr).

Tavai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tavi (proper noun, Tavai).

tavei — The act of scheduling or planning something to happen once every eight days, or eight days from today; undertaking or beginning a task that will need eight days to finish; doing something every eight days (event noun, eitavai).

tavē — A person or other living thing whose life span, or some other important cycle in its life, as its mating cycle, is measured in "weeks" (animate noun, ētavai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tasa, flat (adjective)

tasa — To make something flat, to flatten something; to rearrange four or more things so that they share the same plane (transitive verb, zatasax).

tasakristei — A dream of flatness, or of things lying in the same plane (event noun, eitasakristai).

tasakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitasakristestai).

tasakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something flat or in a common plane (count noun, etasakorai).

tasakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etasakorestai).

tasarnē — A person who makes something flat, a flattener (animate noun, ētasarnai).

tase — Something that's flat, or several things in the same plane; also, the plane itself (count noun, etasai).

taseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etasestai).

tasê — Flatness, planarity (mass noun, êtasai).

tasi — To determine or prove that something's flat, or that several things lie in the same plane (intransitive verb, zatasix).

tasirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētasirnai).

taso — Like or pertaining to flatness; flat, planar, (adjective, tasol).

tasy — As above, but an adverb; flatly, in the same plane (adverb, tasyr).

Tasai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tasi (proper noun, Tasai).

tasei — The act of making something flat, flattening; or rearranging four or more things so that they share the same plane; also, the act of determining or proving that something's flat, or that several things lie in the same plane (event noun, eitasai).

tasē — A person or other living thing is flat, as a flatworm or a flatcat (animate noun, ētasai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai etash, a gap or opening (noun)

taša — To open something, to make an opening or gap in something, to make something gape (transitive verb, zatašax).

tašakristei — A dream of an opening or gap (event noun, eitašakristai).

tašakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitašakristestai).

tašakore — A piece of jewelry depicting an opening or gap (count noun, etašakorai).

tašakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etašakorestai).

tašarnē — A person who makes an opening or gap in something; an opener (animate noun, ētašarnai).

taše — An opening or gap (count noun, etašai).

tašeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etašestai).

tašê — Open-ness, the state of being wide open, or have an opening or gap; a mass or substance with an opening or gap in it (mass noun, êtašai).

taši — To open, to gape wide open (intransitive verb, zatašix).

taširnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētaširnai).

tašo — Like or pertaining to an opening or gap; open, wide open, gaping (adjective, tašol).

tašy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tašyr).

Tašai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Taša (proper noun, Tašai).

tašei — The act of making an opening or gap in something, or causing something to open or gape; the act of opening or gaping (event noun, eitašai).

tašē — A person or other living thing with an opening or gap in it, as a shelled being with one or more openings to withdraw into the shell (animate noun, ētašai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ita, the east, eastern (adjective)

taha — To send someone to the east (transitive verb, zatahax).

tahakristei — A dream of the east (event noun, eitahakristai).

tahakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitahakristestai).

tahakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something from the east (count noun, etahakorai).

tahakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etahakorestai).

taharnē — A person who sends someone to the east (animate noun, ētaharnai).

tahe — A point on a compass rose; the east (bottom of a conventional map) (count noun, etahai).

taheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etahestai).

tahê — Eastness, orientalness, orientality (mass noun, êtahai).

tahi — To go to the east, visit the east, live in the east (intransitive verb, zatahix).

tahirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētahirnai).

taho — Like or pertaining to the east; east, eastern, easterly (adjective, tahol).

tahy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tahyr).

Tahai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tahi (proper noun, Tahai).

tahei — The act of sending someone east; the act of going east, visiting eastern places, living in the east (event noun, eitahai).

tahē — A person or other living thing from or native to the east; an easterner (animate noun, ētahai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai etanna, slug, snail (noun)

tańa — To give someone a terrarium stocked with slugs or snails (transitive verb, zatańax).

tańakristei — A dream of slugs or snails (event noun, eitańakristai).

tańakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitańakristestai).

tańakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of slugs or snails (count noun, etańakorai).

tańakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etańakorestai).

tańarnē — A person who gives another a terrarium stocked with slugs or snails (animate noun, ētańarnai).

tańe — A discrete thing connected with slugs or snails, as a terrarium to keep them in, or a snail shell (count noun, etańai).

tańeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etańestai).

tańê — The grace, beauty, and serenity of slugs or snails (mass noun, êtańai).

tańi — To study slugs or snails, as for a hobby, or for science (intransitive verb, zatańix).

tańirnē — A person who does the above; a slug or snail watcher, a studier of slugs or snails (animate noun, ētańirnai).

tańo — Delicate, glistening, or in any other way like a slug or snail; but with an approving connotation (adjective, tańol).

tańy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tańyr).

Tańai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tańa (proper noun, Tańai).

tańei — The act of giving someone a terrarium stocked with slugs or snails; the act or studying slugs or snails, as a hobby or for science (event noun, eitańai).

tańē — A slug or snail (animate noun, ētańai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai otan, warrior, spear-carrier (noun)

tana — To strike or kill someone with a spear, especially as part of a formation (transitive verb, zatanax).

tanakristei — A dream of spears, or of being in the military (event noun, eitanakristai).

tanakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitanakristestai).

tanakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a spear, or the emblem of a military branch or unit (count noun, etanakorai).

tanakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etanakorestai).

tanarnē — A person who kills or strikes with a spear, who carries a spear as part of a military unit; a spearman, a soldier (animate noun, ētanarnai).

tane — A standard military spear for a given society (count noun, etanai).

taneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etanestai).

tanê — Training in carrying and using a spear as part of a military unit; skill as a spearman or soldier (mass noun, êtanai).

tani — To learn to carry and use a spear as part of a military unit (intransitive verb, zatanix).

tanirnē — A person who does the above; a trainee (animate noun, ētanirnai).

tano — Like or pertaining to a spear or spearman; military; soldierly (adjective, tanol).

tany — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tanyr).

Tanai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tano (proper noun, Tanai).

tanei — The act of striking or killing with a spear, or carrying a spear as part of a military unit; the act or process or training to be a spearman or soldier in a military unit (event noun, eitanai).

tanē — (1) A common soldier; in the armies of the Krahos kingdoms, a spear-carrier. (2) In the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, the lowest rank of common-born soldier, a "trooper" (animate noun, ētanai).

tanestē — (1) A group or unit of soldiers. (2) In the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, an "army" commanded by a "consul", his "command guardian", and staff, reporting directly to the King and responsible for all military operations in a large region (animate noun, ētanestai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai atal, a chrysanthemum plant (noun)

tal — After all. A verb in the Expectational mood, when preceded by tal, denotes events not expected to happen, that occur anyway; Tal tluzêjodix, So he's coming after all (we thought he wouldn't) (particle, tal).

tala — To give someone a chrysanthemum bloom (transitive verb, zatalax).

talakristei — A dream of chrysanthemums (event noun, eitalakristai).

talakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitalakristestai).

talakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a chrysanthemum bloom (count noun, etalakorai).

talakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etalakorestai).

talarnē — A person who gives someone a chrysanthemum bloom (animate noun, ētalarnai).

tale — A chrysanthemum bloom (count noun, etalai).

taleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etalestai).

talê — Skill at growing chrysanthemum plants with elaborate blooms (mass noun, êtalai).

tali — To grow chrysanthemum plants; to wear a small chrysanthemum bloom in one's hair (intransitive verb, zatalix).

talirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētalirnai).

talo — Like or pertaining to a chrysanthemum bloom (adjective, talol).

taly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, talyr).

Talai — (1) The 13th month of the year. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tala (proper noun, Talai).

talei — The act of giving someone a chrysanthemum bloom; the act of growing chrysanthemum plants; the act of wearing a small chrysanthemum bloom in one's hair (event noun, eitalai).

talē — A person or other living thing that eats chrysanthemum, as a leaf-miner insect (animate noun, ētalai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tar, to turn around (verb)

tara — To make something turn or rotate on a vertical axis; to make someone or something turn around or spin; to flip something over right-to-left, or left-to-right, to reveal its back (transitive verb, zatarax).

tarakristei — A dream of spinning around, turning around, or turning something over, as a card, to see its back (event noun, eitarakristai).

tarakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitarakristestai).

tarakore — A piece of jewelry depicting something that spins, as a top; or the back of something, as the back of a card; or which has parts that spin (count noun, etarakorai).

tarakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etarakorestai).

tararnē — A person who makes something turn or rotate on a vertical axis, who makes someone or something turn around or spin, or who flips something over right-to-left, or left-to-right, to reveal its back (animate noun, ētararnai).

tare — A vertical axis; or a thing which spins about a vertical axis, as a top or carousel; the back side of something, revealed by turning it over vertically, (that is, from left to right or from right to left) or by turning it around (count noun, etarai).

tareste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etarestai).

tarê — A sense of spinning, dizziness, vertigo (mass noun, êtarai).

tari — To turn or rotate on a vertical axis, as a potter's wheel; to turn around, as a person, or spin, as a top; to flip around, to show one's back (intransitive verb, zatarix).

tarirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētarirnai).

taro — Like or pertaining to rotation on a vertical axis; rotational; dizzy, vertiginous (adjective, tarol).

tary — As above, but an adverb; rotationally; dizzily, vertiginously (adverb, taryr).

Tarai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tara (proper noun, Tarai).

tarei — Rotation about a vertical axis; the act of making something turn or rotate on a vertical axis, making someone or something turn around or spin, or flipping something over right-to-left, or left-to-right, to reveal its back. The act of turning or rotating on a vertical axis, of turning around or spinning, of turning or showing one's back (intransitive verb, (event noun, eitarai).

tarē — A person who spins around, as for fun or for an art, as dance; another living thing that spins, as a whirligig beetle or a maple seed (animate noun, ētarai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tarkai, intended, meant (adjective)

tarka — To intend, mean, or denote something; to aim to express something (transitive verb, zatarkax).

tarkakristei — A dream of intention, meaning, or denotation, of trying to express something so it can't be misunderstood (event noun, eitarkakristai).

tarkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitarkakristestai).

tarkakore — A piece of jewelry depicting one's intentions or meaning (count noun, etarkakorai).

tarkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etarkakorestai).

tarkarnē — A person who intends, means, or denotes something; or who aims to express something by speech or writing (animate noun, ētarkarnai).

tarke — The Intention, meaning, denotation, aim of speech or writing (count noun, etarkai).

tarkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etarkestai).

tarkê — A non-discrete concept or idea intended, meant, or aimed to be expressed in speech or writing (mass noun, êtarkai).

tarki — To learn or gain skill at expressing one's intention, meaning, or aim to in speech or writing (intransitive verb, zatarkix).

tarkirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētarkirnai).

tarko — Like or pertaining to the intended meaning or aim of a piece spoken or written; intended, meant; intent (adjective, tarkol).

tarky — As above, but an adverb; as intended, as meant; intently (adverb, tarkyr).

Tarkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tarke (proper noun, Tarkai).

tarkei — The act of expressing one's intention, meaning, or aim in speech or writing; to intend, mean, or denote something, to aim to express something; to learn or gain skill at that (event noun, eitarkai).

tarkē — A person or other living thing capable of forming an intention, meaning, or aim, and of wishing to express it in speech or writing (animate noun, ētarkai).


Etymology: ta, informal name for the letter T, + ret, a letter of the alphabet (noun)

tareta — To mark something with the letter T (transitive verb, zataretax).

taretakristei — A dream of the letter T (event noun, eitaretakristai).

taretakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitaretakristestai).

taretakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter T (count noun, etaretakorai).

taretakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etaretakorestai).

taretarnē — A person who marks something with the letter T (animate noun, ētaretarnai).

tarete — The letter T (count noun, etaretai).

tareteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etaretestai).

taretê — T-ness, the balance, shape, design, or composition of the letter T (mass noun, êtaretai).

tareti — To produce a piece of art which incorporates the letter T (intransitive verb, zataretix).

taretirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētaretirnai).

tareto — Like or pertaining to the letter T (adjective, taretol).

tarety — As above, but an adverb (adverb, taretyr).

Taretai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Taretai).

taretei — The act of marking something with the letter T; the act of producing a work of art that incorporates the letter T (event noun, eitaretai).

taretē — A person or other living thing whose name begins with the letter T, or which has markings resembling the letter T (animate noun, ētaretai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tappei, event (noun)

tâpa — To make something happen, that wouldn't otherwise occur (transitive verb, zatâpax).

tâpakristei — A dream of something happening, of an event or occurrence (event noun, eitâpakristai).

tâpakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitâpakristestai).

tâpakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a significant event in one's life (count noun, etâpakorai).

tâpakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etâpakorestai).

tâparnē — A person who makes something happen, that wouldn't otherwise occur (animate noun, ētâparnai).

tâpe — A token, memento, or souvenir of an event, as background radiation that signifies the Big Bang (count noun, etâpai).

tâpeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etâpestai).

tâpê — A sense that a significant event is happening, an awareness that the present moment is an unusual occurrence (mass noun, êtâpai).

tâpi — To happen, to occur, to come about, to come to pass; Zutâpin aiǹ, "It happened that" (intransitive verb, zatâpix).

tâpirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētâpirnai).

tâpo — Like or pertaining to an event, occurrence, or happening; eventful (adjective, tâpol).

tâpy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tâpyr).

Tâpai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tâpu (proper noun, Tâpai).

tâpei — The act of making something happen, that wouldn't otherwise occur; the act of occurring or happening. An event, an occurrence, a happening (event noun, eitâpai).

tâpē — A person or other living thing whose appearance in a given time or place is an event, as finding a bird where it was thought to be extinct (animate noun, ētâpai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai itass, dawn (noun)

Atâsai — A Great Household of the First History, second in precedence among the Liberal Houses. Insignia: On a very dark green background, a very light green horizontal line surmounted by a rising sun of the same color. Colors: Very light green and very dark green (proper noun, Atâsai).

tâsa — To raise something above the horizon, or the sky line (transitive verb, zatâsax).

tâsakristei — A dream of dawn (event noun, eitâsakristai).

tâsakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitâsakristestai).

tâsakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of dawn, or something coming up over the horizon (count noun, etâsakorai).

tâsakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etâsakorestai).

tâsarnē — A person who raises something over the horizon, or the sky line; a sky-liner (animate noun, ētâsarnai).

tâse — A token, memento, or souvenir of a dawn, or a sky-lining (count noun, etâsai).

tâseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etâsestai).

tâsê — The feeling of dawn (mass noun, êtâsai).

tâsi — To rise up over the horizon or the sky line; especially dawn, when Vol comes up; to rise, arise, ascend (intransitive verb, zatâsix).

tâsirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētâsirnai).

tâso — Like or pertaining to dawn; risen, arisen, ascendant (adjective, tâsol).

tâsy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tâsyr).

Tâsai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tâsi (proper noun, Tâsai).

tâsei — The act of raising something above the horizon, or above the sky line; the act of rising above the horizon, especially dawn, when Vol does so (event noun, eitâsai).

tâsē — A person or other living thing which awakens or rises from its bed at dawn (animate noun, ētâsai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai talo, "household", or people who live in the same house (noun)

tâla — To accept someone into one's Household (transitive verb, zatâlax).

tâlakristei — A dream of Households (event noun, eitâlakristai).

tâlakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitâlakristestai).

tâlakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the arms of one's Household, or colored in the colors of the Household (count noun, etâlakorai).

tâlakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etâlakorestai).

tâlarnē — A person who accepts someone into the Household; a head of Household (animate noun, ētâlarnai).

tâle — A Household, as evolved by the Verē under slavery in the First History. The basic social unit of the Verē in the First History, and of the Summer People, Winter People, and many colony worlds in the Second History. (count noun, etâlai).

tâleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etâlestai).

tâlê — Household spirit; the feeling of family that comes from being in a Household (mass noun, êtâlai).

tâli — To join a Household (intransitive verb, zatâlix).

tâlirnē — A person who does the above; a member of a Household (animate noun, ētâlirnai).

tâlo — Like or pertaining to a Household (adjective, tâlol).

tâly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tâlyr).

Tâlai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tâlo (proper noun, Tâlai).

tâlei — The act of accepting someone into one's Household; the act of joining a Household (event noun, eitâlai).

tâlē — A person who's a member of a Household (animate noun, ētâlai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tekaii, a hand-sloth (noun)

teka — To give someone a tekē (transitive verb, zatekax).

tekakristei — A dream of tekē (event noun, eitekakristai).

tekakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitekakristestai).

tekakore — A piece of jewelry depicting a tekē (count noun, etekakorai).

tekakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etekakorestai).

tekarnē — A person who gives a tekē to someone else (animate noun, ētekarnai).

teke — A tekē claw, sharp and hooked; also, a building with rocks and trees for keeping wild ones (count noun, etekai).

tekeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etekestai).

tekê — Any quality of a tekē, as slowness, or long periods of inactivity, "slothfulness". Also, tekē hair (mass noun, êtekai).

teki — To keep a tekē as a pet; to provide an environment for wild tekē; to study tekē, as a hobby or for science (intransitive verb, zatekix).

tekirnē — A person who does the above; a tekē owner, watcher, or biologist (animate noun, ētekirnai).

teko — Like or pertaining to tekē. Also, in a person who does little, slothful (adjective, tekol).

teky — As above, but an adverb; slothfully (adverb, tekyr).

Tekai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Teki (proper noun, Tekai).

tekei — The act of giving someone a tekē as a pet; keeping one as a pet; providing an environment for wild ones; watching or studying them (event noun, eitekai).

tekē — A family of sloths found in southern Loraon, Alteřa, and the islands of the Empty Ocean. Barely larger than a hand, their head and short stubby tails are hidden under their thick fur. Like their relatives, the ground sloths, they spend most of their lives on the ground, eating leaves and berries. Unlike their three-toed arboreal cousins, they don't have algae growing in their hairs.

Tekē are common, but, because of their small size and slow movement, not often seen. If attacked, they will defend themselves with their sharp hooked claws, but they aren't vicious and make good pets, preferring to be carried, sit on their owner's shoulder, or cling to abdomen or side, as they can't keep up with a human walking pace. If abandoned after domestication, they'll try to chase their former owner, with cries of "ai" or "wip" depending on species. When they can't catch up, they'll sit in one place for a while, continuing to make these sounds. After that, they go back to being feral, and never trust people again (animate noun, ētekai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tenoch, a city (noun)

tenoca — To send someone to a city; to introduce city-dwelling to a culture that doesn't have them, to civilize them; to teach someone how to live in a city, to citify them (transitive verb, zatenocax).

tenocakristei — A dream of a city (event noun, eitenocakristai).

tenocakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitenocakristestai).

tenocakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the skyline of a city, or an item of city living (count noun, etenocakorai).

tenocakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etenocakorestai).

tenocarnē — A person who sends someone to a city; who civilizes a culture; or who citifies a person (animate noun, ētenocarnai).

tenoce — An item of city living (count noun, etenocai).

tenoceste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etenocestai).

tenocê — City living (mass noun, êtenocai).

tenoci — To visit a city, or go there to live; to become civilized; to ape or assume city manners, to become citified (intransitive verb, zatenocix).

tenocirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētenocirnai).

tenoco — Like or pertaining to a city; civic, civilized, citified (adjective, tenocol).

tenocy — As above, but an adverb; in a civic, civilized, or citified manner (adverb, tenocyr).

Tenocai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tenocu (proper noun, Tenocai).

tenocei — The act of sending someone to a city; of introducing city-dwelling to a culture that doesn't have them, or civilizing them; or teaching someone how to live in a city, citifying someone. Also, the act of visiting a city, or going there to live; of becoming civilized; or aping or assuming city manners, becoming citified (event noun, eitenocai).

tenocē — A person or other living thing from, or native to a city; a city person (animate noun, ētenocai).


Etymology: No Eretiǹgrai root. Verē coinage.

tela — To put something into, pull something out of, or send something through a tele in order to change it, or transport it to another location in the physical world (transitive verb, zatelax).

telakristei — A dream of teles (event noun, eitelakristai).

telakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitelakristestai).

telakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a conventional tele; that is, consisting of one or more rectangles colored robin's-egg blue (count noun, etelakorai).

telakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etelakorestai).

telarnē — A person who uses a tele to store something, retrieve it, alter it, or take it somewhere else in the physical universe (animate noun, ētelarnai).

tele — An interface between the physical world, called the Outside, and a race mind such as Anûk, called the "Inside" or "mindspace". In the First History, the race mind involved was Verûk, though Verûk was not conscious, and the Verē didn't know y existed,

In the Second History, Anûk generally forms ys teles flat and rectangular, and alters light at the interface to make them appear robin's-egg blue; these are conventions from the First History, rather than necessary properties. Similarly, a tele may be maintained for a long time on a wall or on the surface f a monument for the convenience of having fixed teles at known locations, but Anûk can create one and move it at will.

Objects "entering" the tele are actually being scanned at the atomic level by the mind of Anûk, and being broken down for raw materials as the information about them is stored. Sentient beings find themselves in the mind of Anûk, where they can experience any environment they wish.

Objects "leaving" the tele are being created at the interface, with continuity between the parts Inside it, in mind space, and the parts Outside, in the physical universe. Note that both Inside and Outside are real; the distinction is not between real and unreal, but between mental and physical (count noun, etelai).

teleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etelestai).

telê — The conventional color of a tele, robin's-egg blue (mass noun, êtelai).

teli — To enter a tele, leave one, or pass through one to alter oneself or for transportation in the physical universe (intransitive verb, zatelix).

telirnē — A person who does the above; a tele user (animate noun, ētelirnai).

telo — Like or pertaining to a tele (adjective, telol).

tely — As above, but an adverb (adverb, telyr).

Telai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tela (proper noun, Telai).

telei — The act of putting something into a tele, retrieving it from one, or altering or moving it by use of one; also, the act of entering one, leaving one, or using one to alter or transport oneself (event noun, eitelai).

telē — A person or other living thing which is part of a race mind, and capable of using a tele, without the help of another (animate noun, ētelai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai telka, precise, accurate (adjective)

telka — To make something precise or more precise, as by measuring it carefully, or more carefully, or with a better instrument (transitive verb, zatelkax).

telkakristei — A dream of measurement or precision (event noun, eitelkakristai).

telkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitelkakristestai).

telkakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a measuring instrument, as a ruler or a pair of calipers (count noun, etelkakorai).

telkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etelkakorestai).

telkarnē — A person who measures something, a measurer (animate noun, ētelkarnai).

telke — A precision instrument; a precise measurement (count noun, etelkai).

telkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etelkestai).

telkê — Precision, accuracy (mass noun, êtelkai).

telki — To gauge or assess the precision or accuracy of something, as by comparing it with a standard (intransitive verb, zatelkix).

telkirnē — A person who does the above, as a scientist or engineer (animate noun, ētelkirnai).

telko — Precise, accurate; measured; standard (adjective, telkol).

telky — As above, but an adverb; precisely, accurately; in a measured manner; in a standard way (adverb, telkyr).

Telkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Telka (proper noun, Telkai).

telkei — The act of making something precise, or more precise, as by measuring it more carefully, or with a better instrument; the act of gauging or assessing the precision or accuracy of something, as by comparing it with a standard (event noun, eitelkai).

telkē — A person or other living thing always precise in movement or action; also, an engineer or scientist concerned with the establishment or maintenance of standards of precision (animate noun, ētelkai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Terranna, city of the Alterrans (noun)

teřańa — To send or dispatch someone to Teřańa (transitive verb, zateřańax).

teřańakristei — A dream of Teřańa (event noun, eiteřańakristai).

teřańakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiteřańakristestai).

teřańakore — A piece of jewelry depicting something native to Teřańa, or a place or thing recognizable of Teřańa, as a building or natural feature (count noun, eteřańakorai).

teřańakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eteřańakorestai).

teřańarnē — A person who sends or dispatches another to Teřańa (animate noun, ēteřańarnai).

teřańe — A thing distinct to Teřańa, or a token or souvenir of the city (count noun, eteřańai).

teřańeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eteřańestai).

teřańê — Teřańa-ness, Teřańity; the feeling of being at home in Teřańa the city; the culture of Teřańa; a mass or substance from Teřańa, as wine or cheese (mass noun, êteřańai).

teřańi — To visit Teřańa, or dwell there (intransitive verb, zateřańix).

teřańirnē — A person who does the above; a visitor or tourist in Teřańa, or a person who moves there to live (animate noun, ēteřańirnai).

teřańo — Like or pertaining to Teřańa; Teřańan (adjective, teřańol).

teřańy — As above, but an adverb; in a Teřańan manner, according to Teřańan customs (adverb, teřańyr).

Teřańai — (1) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Teřańu. (2) The city of Teřańai, on the great island of Heki in the Inland Sea, on the continent of Loraon, transcribed in fiction on this site as Teřańa.

In the First History, Teřańa was built as the capital of the province of Heki, at the time of assimilation of Heki into the Alteřań Empire. After the Empire withdrew from Loraon, Teřańa became much less important; the Kings of Heki ruled from Lores-Tara. When the Verē were exiled to Heki, they restored Teřańa, and made it their capital until they were betrayed and enslaved. After they freed themselves, Teřańa was restored again, and was the capital of the Verē Empire.

In the Second History, Teřańa was built and named by Êstâz, a fervent admirer of Alteřań culture, though there was no Alteřań Empire in this History. After he and his people were betrayed, conquered, and enslaved, the Krahos sacked Teřańa and razed it. After the extermination of the Krahos, Teřańa was rebuilt, eventually becoming the capital of the Winter People (proper noun, Teřańai).

teřańei — The act of sending or dispatching someone to Teřańa; visiting Teřańa; or moving to Teřańa to live (event noun, eiteřańai).

teřańē — A person or other living thing native to Teřańa (animate noun, ēteřańai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tekkaii, a skeptic (noun)

têka — To suspect, question, distrust, or mistrust something; to doubt the truth of something; to call something into question (transitive verb, zatêkax).

têkakristei — A dream of skepticism (event noun, eitêkakristai).

têkakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitêkakristestai).

têkakore — A piece of jewelry depicting doubt or skepticism of something (count noun, etêkakorai).

têkakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etêkakorestai).

têkarnē — A person who suspects, questions, distrusts, or mistrusts something; doubts the truth of something; to calls something into question; a skeptic, doubter, questioner (animate noun, ētêkarnai).

têke — A sign or token of skepticism, doubt, questioning; a thing to be doubted or called into question (count noun, etêkai).

têkeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etêkestai).

têkê — A skeptical frame of mind, a questioning attitude (mass noun, êtêkai).

têki — To become skeptical, to learn to suspect, question, doubt, distrust, or mistrust things (intransitive verb, zatêkix).

têkirnē — A person who does the above; a budding skeptic (animate noun, ētêkirnai).

têko — Like or pertaining to skepticism; skeptical, questioning, doubtful, distrustful, mistrustful, calling into question; questionable. dubious (adjective, têkol).

têky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, têkyr).

Têkai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Têku (proper noun, Têkai).

têkei — The act of suspecting, questioning, distrusting, or mistrusting something; doubting the truth of something, or calling something into question; skepticism. Also, the act or process or learning to be skeptical of things in general, of maintaining a skeptical frame of mind (event noun, eitêkai).

têkē — A sensible person, of any species, who accepts nothing "on faith" or "on authority" (animate noun, ētêkai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tand, no, not (particle)

— No, not. Placed in front of a verb complex to make its meaning negative, for example, Tlazukâsad, I understand, but Tê tlazukâsad, I don't understand (adverbial particle, ).

têha — To say no to someone or something (transitive verb, zatêhax).

têhakristei — A dream of saying no; also, a dream of a person named Tehu (event noun, eitêhakristai).

têhakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitêhakristestai).

têhakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the word , or the symbol for not in logic or math, or an upraised hand, palm towards the viewer, and fingers spread apart (count noun, etêhakorai).

têhakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etêhakorestai).

têharnē — A person who says no to someone or something (animate noun, ētêharnai).

têhe — A sign, symbol, emblem, token, or souvenir of saying no (count noun, etêhai).

têheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etêhestai).

têhê — Not-ness, negativity (mass noun, êtêhai).

têhi — To learn to say no, to learn to assert oneself in the face of authority or social pressure (intransitive verb, zatêhix).

têhirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētêhirnai).

têho — Like or pertaining to saying no (adjective, têhol).

têhy — As above, but an adverb; not at all, minime, de nada, you're welcome (adverb, têhyr).

Têhai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Têhu (proper noun, Têhai).

têhei — The act of saying no to someone or something; also, the act of learning to say no, or learning to assert oneself against authority or social pressure (event noun, eitêhai).

têhē — A person or other living thing that can say no (animate noun, ētêhai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tis, tag, label (noun)

tisa — To tag or label something, to attach a tag or label to something (transitive verb, zatisax).

tisakristei — A dream of tags or labels (event noun, eitisakristai).

tisakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitisakristestai).

tisakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a tag or label (count noun, etisakorai).

tisakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etisakorestai).

tisarnē — A person who tags or labels something, or who attaches a tag or label to something; a tagger, a labeler (animate noun, ētisarnai).

tise — A tag or label. In the Second History, the mental "tag", or data record, which Anûk provides for every Iǹgrē, giving quick access to name, life cycle, plus any other information the person permits (count noun, etisai).

tiseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etisestai).

tisê — The error of confusing or mistaking the label for the thing labeled (mass noun, êtisai).

tisi — To learn the properties of a thing, in order to label it correctly; to study such a science, as taxonomy (intransitive verb, zatisix).

tisirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētisirnai).

tiso — Like or pertaining to tagging or labeling (adjective, tisol).

tisy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tisyr).

Tisai — A personal name, of any gender (proper noun, Tisai).

tisei — The act of tagging or labeling something; also the act of learning to do so (event noun, eitisai).

tisē — A person or other living thing tagged or labeled in some manner (animate noun, ētisai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ti, a sentry or watchman (noun)

tiha — To watch over or stand guard over something or someone, as a building or a prisoner; to watch out for or look out for something, as fire or crime (transitive verb, zatihax).

tihakristei — A dream of standing watch or doing patrols as a watchman (event noun, eitihakristai).

tihakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitihakristestai).

tihakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a badge, or some other piece of a watchman's equipment (count noun, etihakorai).

tihakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etihakorestai).

tiharnē — A sentinel, sentry, or watchman (animate noun, ētiharnai).

tihe — A badge indicating status as a sentinel, sentry, or watchman; equipment used by one, as a nightstick, hand cuffs, flashlight, or communications device (count noun, etihai).

tiheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etihestai).

tihê — The duties and responsibilities of a sentinel, sentry, or watchman (mass noun, êtihai).

tihi — To learn the duties, responsibilities, and expected behavior of a sentinel, sentry, or watchman; to train to be one (intransitive verb, zatihix).

tihirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētihirnai).

tiho — Like or pertaining to a sentinel, sentry, or watchman (adjective, tihol).

tihy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tihyr).

Tihai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tiho (proper noun, Tihai).

tihei — The act of watching over or standing guard over something or someone, as a building or a prisoner; of watching out for or looking out for something, as fire or crime. Also, the act of learning the duties, responsibilities, and expected behavior of a sentinel, sentry, or watchman; of training to be one (event noun, eitihai).

tihē — A living thing standing watch for the rest of its herd or flock, so it can sound the alarm when a predator approaches; part of the social activity of many animals that live in groups or schools (animate noun, ētihai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai Ihekith Tiha, Sentinel Islands (place name)

tihahekesta — To send someone or make someone go to the Sentinel Islands (transitive verb, zatihahekestax).

tihahekestakristei — A dream of the Sentinel Islands (event noun, eitihahekestakristai).

tihahekestakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitihahekestakristestai).

tihahekestakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the Sentinel Islands, or something from there (count noun, etihahekestakorai).

tihahekestakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etihahekestakorestai).

tihahekestarnē — A person who sends someone, or makes someone go, to the Sentinel Islands (animate noun, ētihahekestarnai).

tihahekeste — A token or souvenir of the Sentinel Islands (count noun, etihahekestai).

tihahekesteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etihahekestestai).

tihahekestê — The ambience of the Sentinel Islands, the culture of them, or a mass or substance from there or characteristic of them (mass noun, êtihahekestai).

tihahekesti — To visit the Sentinel Islands, or to move there (intransitive verb, zatihahekestix).

tihahekestirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētihahekestirnai).

tihahekesto — Like or pertaining to the Sentinel Islands (adjective, tihahekestol).

tihahekesty — As above, but an adverb; according to the customs of the Sentinel Islands (adverb, tihahekestyr).

Tihahekestai — (1) A group of islands outside the mouth of the Inland Sea of Loraon, usually referred to in fiction on this site as the Sentinel Islands. (2) A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tihahekesto (proper noun, Tihahekestai).

tihahekestei — The act of sending someone, or making someone go, to the Sentinel Islands; the act of visiting there, or moving there to live (event noun, eitihahekestai).

tihahekestē — A person or other living thing from or native to the Sentinel Islands (animate noun, ētihahekestai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tima, informative, informational (adjective)

tima — To inform someone about something, to give someone information about something (transitive verb, zatimax).

timapile — An information point; in cosmology, an element of the data structure which underlies the physical universe (count noun, etimapilai).

timakristei — A dream of information, especially a dream about organizing it (event noun, eitimakristai).

timakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitimakristestai).

timakore — A piece of jewelry depicting the passing of information or the sharing of data (count noun, etimakorai).

timakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etimakorestai).

timarnē — A person who informs another or gives another information about something (animate noun, ētimarnai).

time — A datum, a bit of information (count noun, etimai).

timeste — A group or set or collection of the above; a data set (count noun, etimestai).

timê — Information; also, a mass of related data that needs to be organized, compiled, or correlated; raw data (mass noun, êtimai).

timi — To learn or study information theory (intransitive verb, zatimix).

timirnē — A person who does the above; a student of information theory (animate noun, ētimirnai).

timo — Like or pertaining to information; informative, informational (adjective, timol).

timy — As above, but an adverb; informatively, informationally (adverb, timyr).

Timai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Timi (proper noun, Timai).

timei — The act of informing or giving someone data about something; the act of learning or studying information theory (event noun, eitimai).

timē — A person or other living thing capable of grasping data, separate from the physical objects it represents; or grasping abstract data, which doesn't represent any phyiscal thing, as pure mathematics (animate noun, ētimai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai atin, electrum (noun)

tina — To make something from electrum (transitive verb, zatinax).

tinakristei — A dream of electrum (event noun, eitinakristai).

tinakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitinakristestai).

tinakore — A piece of jewelry made of electrum (count noun, etinakorai).

tinakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etinakorestai).

tinarnē — A person who fashions something from electrum (animate noun, ētinarnai).

tine — A chunk of electrum ore, or an item made from electrum (count noun, etinai).

tineste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etinestai).

tinê — Electrum, a mixture of gold and silver. It can occur naturally, or it can be made by mixing the two metals (mass noun, êtinai).

tini — To learn to fabricate things from electrum (intransitive verb, zatinix).

tinirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētinirnai).

tino — Like or pertaining to electrum (adjective, tinol).

tiny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tinyr).

Tinai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tina (proper noun, Tinai).

tinei — The act of making something from electrum; also, the act of learning to do so (event noun, eitinai).

tinē — A person or other living thing whose hair, fur, feathers, etc. shine like electrum (animate noun, ētinai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tuoga, strangle, choke (verb)

toga — To choke, suffocate, smother, strangle, or throttle someone; to constrict or squeeze something shut (transitive verb, zatogax).

togakristei — A dream of choking, suffocating, smothering, strangling, or throttling (event noun, eitogakristai).

togakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitogakristestai).

togakore — A piece of jewelry depicting choking or smothering (count noun, etogakorai).

togakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etogakorestai).

togarnē — A person who chokes or smothers someone else, or who throttles something else (animate noun, ētogarnai).

toge — A relic of choking, as bruises around a neck, or an item used to strangle or smother, as a strangling cord or a pillow, or a control used to cut off air or fuel to an engine (count noun, etogai).

togeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etogestai).

togê — Lack of air, or a sensation of choking or smothering (mass noun, êtogai).

togi — To smother, suffocate, choke, or strangle (intransitive verb, zatogix).

togirnē — A person who does the above; a victim of strangulation or choking (animate noun, ētogirnai).

togo — Like or pertaining to choking, strangling, suffocation, or smothering (adjective, togol).

togy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, togyr).

Togai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Togi (proper noun, Togai).

togei — The act of choking, suffocating, smothering, strangling, or throttling someone; of constricting or squeezing something shut. Also, the act of choking, suffocating, smothering, strangling, or throttling (event noun, eitogai).

togē — A living thing that kills its prey by strangling it; a constrictor (animate noun, ētogai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tossa, house-slipper (noun)

tosa — To put a slipper on a lady's or child's foot (transitive verb, zatosax).

tosakristei — A dream of slippers (event noun, eitosakristai).

tosakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitosakristestai).

tosakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a slipper, or a pair of slippers (count noun, etosakorai).

tosakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etosakorestai).

tosarnē — A person who puts a slipper on someone's foot, as a parent, husband, or servant (animate noun, ētosarnai).

tose — A slipper, as worn indoors by a Traditional woman (count noun, etosai).

toseste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etosestai).

tosê — The ease and comfort of wearing slippers, rather than shoes or boots (mass noun, êtosai).

tosi — To wear slippers, to put a slipper, or pair of slippers, on one's own feet (intransitive verb, zatosix).

tosirnē — A person who does the above; an independent woman, as in the expression, "She puts on her own slippers." (animate noun, ētosirnai).

toso — Like or pertaining to slippers (adjective, tosol).

tosy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tosyr).

Tosai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tosi (proper noun, Tosai).

tosei — The act of putting slippers on someone else's feet; the act of wearing slippers; the act of putting on one's own slippers (event noun, eitosai).

tosē — A living thing whose feet resemble slippers, as a horse's hooves, or a cat with foot fur a different color than that of the legs (animate noun, ētosai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai etuol, chair or seat (noun)

tola — To seat someone, as a person upon a chair, or something, as a jewel within a setting (transitive verb, zatolax).

tolakristei — A dream of sitting, setting, or seating (event noun, eitolakristai).

tolakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitolakristestai).

tolakore — A piece of jewelry which is only a setting for a precious stone (count noun, etolakorai).

tolakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etolakorestai).

tolarnē — A person who sets or seats something or someone (animate noun, ētolarnai).

tole — A thing to sit upon, as a chair, a seat; or a setting, as for a precious stone (count noun, etolai).

toleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etolestai).

tolê — Sedentariness; the quality of being seated (mass noun, êtolai).

toli — To sit, to sit down, to seat oneself (intransitive verb, zatolix).

tolirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētolirnai).

tolo — Like or pertaining to sitting; sedentary, sessile (adjective, tolol).

toly — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tolyr).

Tolai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tola (proper noun, Tolai).

tolei — The act of sitting, seating, or setting someone or something; the act of sitting down, or seating oneself (event noun, eitolai).

tolē — A person who spends a lot of time sitting, a sedentary person; a other living thing which isn't mobile, but sessile, as an abalone, lurker, or tree (animate noun, ētolai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tora, fresh, unspoiled (adjective)

tora — To make something fresh, to freshen, as to remove salt or other contaminants from water (transitive verb, zatorax).

torakristei — A dream of freshness, purity, innocence (event noun, eitorakristai).

torakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitorakristestai).

torakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something fresh, as a new blossom, or a shiny piece of fruit (count noun, etorakorai).

torakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etorakorestai).

torarnē — A person who freshens something (animate noun, ētorarnai).

tore — A discrete thing which is considered fresh, as a blossom which has just unfolded from the bud; some thing unspoiled or pure (count noun, etorai).

toreste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etorestai).

torê — Freshness, purity, innocence (mass noun, êtorai).

tori — To become fresh or pure, as a river which flows through a bed of gravel and comes out pure on the other side (intransitive verb, zatorix).

torirnē — A person who becomes fresh, as someone who removes poisonous doctrines from ys mind (animate noun, ētorirnai).

toro — Fresh, pure, innocent (adjective, torol).

tory — As above, but an adverb; freshly, purely, innocently (adverb, toryr).

Torai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tori (proper noun, Torai).

torei — The act of making something fresh; or of becoming fresh or pure again (event noun, eitorai).

torē — A person or other living thing considered fresh, pure, or innocent, as an infant (animate noun, ētorai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tuk, examine (verb)

tuka — To examine, check, check out, find out, discover, ascertain, or investigate something or someone (transitive verb, zatukax).

tukakristei — A dream of checking out or investigating (event noun, eitukakristai).

tukakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitukakristestai).

tukakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a question mark, or a tool for investigation, such as a magnifying glass (count noun, etukakorai).

tukakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etukakorestai).

tukarnē — A person who examines, checks, checks out, finds out, discovers, ascertains, or investigates something or someone; an examiner, checker, finder, discoverer, ascertainer, or investigator (animate noun, ētukarnai).

tuke — A discrete thing to be found out, investigated, discovered, or checked; or a tool for doing so (count noun, etukai).

tukeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etukestai).

tukê — An abstraction connected with checking or checking out something, as a rule, process, or procedure; also, a substance thus connected, as fingerprint powder, or a medium for duplicating DNA found at a crime scene (mass noun, êtukai).

tuki — To train or learn to examine, check, check out, find out, discover, ascertain, or investigate (intransitive verb, zatukix).

tukirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētukirnai).

tuko — Like or pertaining to examining, examination, checking, checking out, finding out, discovering, discovery, ascertaining, investigating or investigation; as rules, technique, process (adjective, tukol).

tuky — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tukyr).

Tukai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tuko (proper noun, Tukai).

tukei — The act or process of examining, checking, checking out, finding out, discovering, ascertaining, or investigating something or someone; examination, discovery, investigation. Also, training or schooling in this. (event noun, eitukai).

tukē — A person or other living thing which is, or appears to be, insatiably curious; which is always digging into things, prying up loose things, or turning over rocks to see what's underneath them (animate noun, ētukai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tum, to change shape (verb)

tuma — To change the shape or alter the form of something or someone; to cause something or someone to mutate (transitive verb, zatumax).

tumakristei — A dream of changing one's shape (event noun, eitumakristai).

tumakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitumakristestai).

tumakore — A piece of jewelry depicting something changed or changing, as half one thing, half another (count noun, etumakorai).

tumakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etumakorestai).

tumarnē — A person who causes someone or something else to change shape, change form, or mutate (animate noun, ētumarnai).

tume — A relic, token, or souvenir of a change of shape, change of form, or mutation (count noun, etumai).

tumeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etumestai).

tumê — The ability to change one's shape or form; also, a substance or mass without a fixed shape or form, as unfired clay (mass noun, êtumai).

tumi — To change one's shape, change one's form, or mutate at will (intransitive verb, zatumix).

tumirnē — A person who does the above; a shape-changer (animate noun, ētumirnai).

tumo — Like or pertaining to changing shape or form (adjective, tumol).

tumy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tumyr).

Tumai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tuma (proper noun, Tumai).

tumei — The act of altering the shape or form of someone or something, or mutating someone or something; the act of causing someone or something to change its own shape or form, or mutate; the act of changing one's own shape or form at will (event noun, eitumai).

tumē — A person or other living thing without a fixed shape or form, as an amoeba or slime mold (animate noun, ētumai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tun, knot (verb)

tuna — To knot something, to tie a knot in something, to tie something into a knot (transitive verb, zatunax).

tunakristei — A dream of knots, or knotwork (event noun, eitunakristai).

tunakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitunakristestai).

tunakore — A piece of jewelry made of knots, or decorated with knots (count noun, etunakorai).

tunakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etunakorestai).

tunarnē — A person who ties knots, a knotter (animate noun, ētunarnai).

tune — A knot (count noun, etunai).

tuneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etunestai).

tunê — Skill with knots, mastery of the art of knotwork (mass noun, êtunai).

tuni — To learn knots, to learn or practice the art of knotwork (intransitive verb, zatunix).

tunirnē — A person who does the above, a practicioner of the art of knotwork (animate noun, ētunirnai).

tuno — Like or pertaining to knots; knotty (adjective, tunol).

tuny — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tunyr).

Tunai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tuna (proper noun, Tunai).

tunei — The act of knotting something, of tying something into a knot; the act of learning knots, or learning and practicing the art of knotwork (event noun, eitunai).

tunē — A living thing which can tie itself into knots. or decorated with patterns that look like knots (animate noun, ētunai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tunt, know, be acquainted with (verb)

tunta — To know, to be acquainted with someone (transitive verb, zatuntax).

tuntakristei — A dream of acquaintances (event noun, eituntakristai).

tuntakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eituntakristestai).

tuntakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a hand raised in a casual gesture of greeting (count noun, etuntakorai).

tuntakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etuntakorestai).

tuntarnē — A person whom one knows, an acquaintance (animate noun, ētuntarnai).

tunte — A thing with which one is acquainted, or which one knows, without being an expert upon it, or very attached to it (count noun, etuntai).

tunteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etuntestai).

tuntê — Acquaintance, casual knowledge (mass noun, êtuntai).

tunti — To be widely known, well acquainted (intransitive verb, zatuntix).

tuntirnē — A person who is widely known, who has lots of acquaintances (animate noun, ētuntirnai).

tunto — Known to, acquainted with (adjective, tuntol).

tunty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tuntyr).

Tuntai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tunti (proper noun, Tuntai).

tuntâi — To know each other, to be acquainted with each other (mutual verb, zatuntâix).

tuntâirnē — One of a pair of people who are acquainted with each other (animate noun, ētuntâirnai).

tuntâirnestē — One or more of a bunch or group of people who all know or are acquainted with each other (animate noun, ētuntâirnestai).

tuntei — The act of knowing or being acquainted with someone or something; the act of being widely acquainted, to have lots of casual friends (event noun, eituntai).

tuntē — A living thing that accepts or tolerates one's presence without fear or aggression, as a masterless domestic animal in a city (animate noun, ētuntai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tungaii, intruder (noun)

tuǹga — To enter someone's home without permission, to intrude on someone's privacy (transitive verb, zatuǹgax).

tuǹgakristei — A dream of an intruder or an intrusion (event noun, eituǹgakristai).

tuǹgakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eituǹgakristestai).

tuǹgakore — A piece of jewelry depicting an intruder or an intrusion (count noun, etuǹgakorai).

tuǹgakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etuǹgakorestai).

tuǹgarnē — A person who intrudes, an intruder (animate noun, ētuǹgarnai).

tuǹge — A tool used for intrusion, damage done by an intruder, any relic or sign of intrusion (count noun, etuǹgai).

tuǹgeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etuǹgestai).

tuǹgê — Intrusiveness; also, any mass, substance, or non-discrete sign or evidence of intrusion (mass noun, êtuǹgai).

tuǹgi — To intrude in such a way as to leave no sign one was ever there (intransitive verb, zatuǹgix).

tuǹgirnē — A person who does the above, as a cat-burglar (animate noun, ētuǹgirnai).

tuǹgo — Like or pertaining to an intruder, or an intrusion; intrusive (adjective, tuǹgol).

tuǹgy — As above, but an adverb; intrusively (adverb, tuǹgyr).

Tuǹgai — An uncommon personal name, usually male, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tuǹgu (proper noun, Tuǹgai).

tuǹgei — The act of intruding; an intrusion (event noun, eituǹgai).

tuǹgē — A living thing dwelling in a person's home, especially if unwanted, as insects; a pest; collectively, vermin (animate noun, ētuǹgai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai utur, a horn (noun)

tura — To blow a horn, to play music on a wind instrument (transitive verb, zaturax).

turakristei — A dream of a horn, especially of playing one for an audience (event noun, eiturakristai).

turakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiturakristestai).

turakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a horn or wind instrument (count noun, eturakorai).

turakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eturakorestai).

turarnē — A person who plays a horn or wind instrument; a horn player, a horn blower (animate noun, ēturarnai).

ture — A horn; any kind of wind instrument (count noun, eturai).

tureste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eturestai).

turê — The art of playing music on a horn; skill at playing a wind instrument (mass noun, êturai).

turi — To study horn, to learn to play a wind instrument (intransitive verb, zaturix).

turirnē — A person who does the above; a horn student (animate noun, ēturirnai).

turo — Like or pertaining to a horn or wind instrument (adjective, turol).

tury — As above, but an adverb (adverb, turyr).

Turai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tura (proper noun, Turai).

turei — The act of playing music on a horn or any wind instrument, especially for an audience; the act or process of learning to do the same, of studying horn (event noun, eiturai).

turē — (1) A living thing with horns suitable for making into wind instruments, or with a voice that sounds like someone playing a horn, or with markings like a horn. (2) An inferior kind of herald, who needs to blow a horn to get attention, (3) In the Second History, in the army of the Tlâń Kingdom, a "tribune" who commands a "regiment" of four "banners" with their personnel, a "guardian", and a staff of four "legates" (animate noun, ēturai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai dix, stare (verb), replaced by Hekai tuya, stare (verb)

tuja — To stare at, gaze at, or gaze upon something, or to stare at, gaze at, or ogle someone (transitive verb, zatujax).

tujakristei — A dream of staring at or gazing at a natural wonder, or of being stared at or ogled (event noun, eitujakristai).

tujakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitujakristestai).

tujakore — A piece of jewelry depicting staring, gazing, or ogling, or something or someone worth staring at, gazing upon, or ogling (count noun, etujakorai).

tujakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etujakorestai).

tujarnē — A person who stares at, gazes at, or gazes upon something, or who stares at, gazes at, or ogles someone (animate noun, ētujarnai).

tuje — A thing worth staring at or gazing upon, as a majestic mountain, a grand canyon, or a big sky (count noun, etujai).

tujeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etujestai).

tujê — A quality that makes something or someone worth staring at or gazing upon, as majesty, grandness, or beauty (mass noun, êtujai).

tuji — To gaze at nothing, to stare blankly (intransitive verb, zatujix).

tujirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētujirnai).

tujo — Like or pertaining to staring or gazing; stare-worthy, gaze-worthy (adjective, tujol).

tujy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, tujyr).

Tujai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tuja (proper noun, Tujai).

tujei — The act of staring at, gazing at, or gazing upon something, or staring at, gazing at, or ogling someone; the act of gazing or staring at nothing, or staring blankly (event noun, eitujai).

tujē — A person or other living thing which stares, as a cat staring at nothing, or a fish which stares blankly (animate noun, ētujai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai antyp, nitrogen (noun)

typa — To furnish or supply nitrogen, as to fertilize soil (transitive verb, zatypax).

typakristei — A dream of nitrogen (event noun, eitypakristai).

typakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitypakristestai).

typakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the letter T, the symbol for nitrogen, or otherwise symbolizing the element (count noun, etypakorai).

typakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etypakorestai).

typarnē — A person who provides or supplies nitrogen (animate noun, ētyparnai).

type — A nitrogen atom or molecule (count noun, etypai).

typeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etypestai).

typê — Nitrogen, a chemical element, symbol T, atomic number 7 (mass noun, êtypai).

typi — To study nitrogen, to learn its properties and its uses (intransitive verb, zatypix).

typirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētypirnai).

typo — Like or pertaining to nitrogen; nitric, nitrous (adjective, typol).

typy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, typyr).

Typai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Typi (proper noun, Typai).

typei — The act of providing or supplying nitrogen; the act of studying it, of learning about its properties and uses (event noun, eitypai).

typē — A person or other living thing that lives in an atomosphere mostly comprised of nitrogen (animate noun, ētypai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tai, to fight (verb)

taitla — To fight, battle, or duel someone, or with someone (transitive verb, zataitlax).

taitlakristei — A dream of fighting or struggling (event noun, eitaitlakristai).

taitlakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitaitlakristestai).

taitlakore — A piece of jewelry depicting two people fighting (count noun, etaitlakorai).

taitlakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etaitlakorestai).

taitlarnē — A person who fights, battles, or duels (with) someone; a fighter, battler, or dueler (animate noun, ētaitlarnai).

taitlarnestē — A group of the above, a club which practices a particular form of fighting as a sport (animate noun, ētaitlarnestai).

taitle — A memento of a fight, as a wound or scar or battle trophy; also, a weapon or piece of equipment used for fighting (count noun, etaitlai).

taitleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etaitlestai).

taitlê — Skill in fighting, battling, dueling; fitness for participating in such; rules of such (mass noun, êtaitlai).

taitli — To struggle, to fight against life, or things in general, to have problems with everything (intransitive verb, zataitlix).

taitlirnē — A person who lives in the above manner (animate noun, ētaitlirnai).

taitlo — Like or pertaining to fighting, battling, dueling, or struggling; martial, combative (adjective, taitlol).

taitly — As above, but an adverb; combatively, in a martial manner (adverb, taitlyr).

Taitlai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Taitli (proper noun, Taitlai).

taitlei — The act of fighting, battling, or duelling (with) someone; the act of struggling, fighting against life, or things in general, of having problems with everything. Also, a fight, battle, duel, or struggle; a formal event at which a fighting sport is practiced, as a tournament (event noun, eitaitlai).

taitlē — A member of a species for which battle or struggle against other members is needed for survival, as the males must fight with other males to win mates (animate noun, ētaitlai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai tao, surrender (verb)

taota — To surrender someone, as a prisoner; to give up something, as a fight; to yield something, as land (transitive verb, zataotax).

taotakristei — A dream of surrender, giving up, or yielding (event noun, eitaotakristai).

taotakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitaotakristestai).

taotakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a gesture of surrender (count noun, etaotakorai).

taotakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etaotakorestai).

taotarnē — A person who surrenders, gives up, or yields someone or something (animate noun, ētaotarnai).

taote — A token of surrender, as a weapon given up, a treaty of surrender, or passing under a yoke (count noun, etaotai).

taoteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etaotestai).

taotê — The feeling that it's time to surrender, that further struggle is pointless (mass noun, êtaotai).

taoti — To surrender, give up, give in, yield (intransitive verb, zataotix).

taotirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētaotirnai).

taoto — Like or pertaining to surrender (adjective, taotol).

taoty — As above, but an adverb (adverb, taotyr).

Taotai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Taoto (proper noun, Taotai).

taotei — The act of surrendering something or someone; the act of surrendering; a surrender (event noun, eitaotai).

taotē — A person or other living thing that yields readily, rather than fight against odds or numbers (animate noun, ētaotai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai taol, new (adjective)

taola — To make something new, renew something, restore something to a like-new condition, revise something so much that it's like a new thing (transitive verb, zataolax).

taolakristei — A dream of something new (event noun, eitaolakristai).

taolakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitaolakristestai).

taolakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of something new, or which celebrates something new in one's life (count noun, etaolakorai).

taolakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etaolakorestai).

taolarnē — A person who makes a new thing, an innovator; or who makes something new again or renews it, a renewer or renovator; or who changes something so much that it's like new, a revisionist, a reviser (animate noun, ētaolarnai).

taole — A new or renewed thing; a thing so heavily revised as to be a new thing (count noun, etaolai).

taoleste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etaolestai).

taolê — Newness, novelty; a sense of newness or renewal; the satisfaction of making something new again; also, a new, renewed, or like-new mass or substance (mass noun, êtaolai).

taoli — To change into a new person, to evolve into a new species (intransitive verb, zataolix).

taolirnē — Someone who changes into a new person, or a member of a population which has evolved into a new species (animate noun, ētaolirnai).

taolo — New, novel, made-new, revised (adjective, taolol).

taoly — As above, but an adverb; newly, in a novel fashion (adverb, taolyr).

Taolai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Taola (proper noun, Taolai).

taolei — The act of making something new, renewing it, or changing it so it's like a new thing; the act of changing into a new thing or a new person (event noun, eitaolai).

taolē — A new or renewed person; a species, or a member of a species, previously undescribed, or considered part of another species; a living thing, or species of living things, which has evolved so much that it must now be regarded as a new species (animate noun, ētaolai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai itoiv, a target (noun)

toiva — To aim or take aim at someone or something, to target something or someone (transitive verb, zatoivax).

toivakristei — A dream of aiming a weapon at a target (event noun, eitoivakristai).

toivakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitoivakristestai).

toivakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of a target, or a person aiming a weapon (count noun, etoivakorai).

toivakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etoivakorestai).

toivarnē — A person who aims at, takes aim at, or targets someone or something; an aimer, a marksman (animate noun, ētoivarnai).

toive — Something aimed at, a target (count noun, etoivai).

toiveste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etoivestai).

toivê — Accuracy with a weapon, skill at hitting what you aim at (mass noun, êtoivai).

toivi — To learn accuracy with a weapon, to become skilled at hitting the target (intransitive verb, zatoivix).

toivirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētoivirnai).

toivo — Like or pertaining to aiming, or a target (adjective, toivol).

toivy — As above, but an adverb (adverb, toivyr).

Toivai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Toivo (proper noun, Toivai).

toivei — The act of aiming at, taking aim at, or targeting someone or something; the act of learning to aim, or becoming skilled at hitting a target (event noun, eitoivai).

toivē — A living thing with markings like a target (animate noun, ētoivai).


Etymology: Aatuan tiyp, "hippo" (noun)

teipa — To hunt "hippos" with a heavy spear, when they come ashore to attack a live bait, as a goat; a royal and princely sport in ancient Aatu (transitive verb, zateipax).

teipakristei — A dream of "hippos" (event noun, eiteipakristai).

teipakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiteipakristestai).

teipakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of "hippos" (count noun, eteipakorai).

teipakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eteipakorestai).

teiparnē — A person who hunts "hippos", or who assists in a "hippo" hunt, as the person who supplies the bait, the backup spearmen, and so forth (animate noun, ēteiparnai).

teipe — A token or souvenir of a "hippo" hunt, as a tooth, tail, or the whole skin; also, a piece of equipment used in a "hippo" hunt (count noun, eteipai).

teipeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eteipestai).

teipê — The ferocity or wrath of a "hippo"; also, a mass of substance from a "hippo", as blood, dung, or meat (mass noun, êteipai).

teipi — To watch "hippos", as for a hobby, or study them, as for science (intransitive verb, zateipix).

teipirnē — A person who does the above; a "hippo" watcher, or a scientist who studies "hippos" (animate noun, ēteipirnai).

teipo — Like or pertaining to "hippos" (adjective, teipol).

teipy — As above, but an adverb; as fierce as a "hippo" (adverb, teipyr).

Teipai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Teipi (proper noun, Teipai).

teipei — The act of hunting "hippos" on foot, with a heavy spear; an organized "hippo" hunt; the act of watching "hippos", as for a hobby or for a scientific study (event noun, eiteipai).

teipē — Aquatic members of the rhino family, filling ecological niches similar to those occupied by hippopotami and manatees on Earth. Found only on Syorkai (animate noun, ēteipai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai ateit, summer (noun)

teita — To make something as warm or as hospitable as the tropics, or summer; to accept someone into a Summer house (transitive verb, zateitax).

teitakristei — A dream of summer, or a Summer house (event noun, eiteitakristai).

teitakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eiteitakristestai).

teitakore — A piece of jewelry depicting summer, or a tropical plant, bird, fish, or other living thing that lives in an endless summer (count noun, eteitakorai).

teitakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, eteitakorestai).

teitarnē — A person who makes something as warm or as hospitable as the tropics, or summer; or accepts someone into a Summer house (animate noun, ēteitarnai).

teite — The hot season; summer. This is a relic word from the First Universe. Eoverai/Habêkai stands upright in its orbit, and has no seasonal weather; nor is Summer one of the "seasons" of the calendar. This word occurs mostly in poetry, and in the phrase "Summer People" (count noun, eteitai).

teiteste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, eteitestai).

teitê — Hot or summery weather; summery or tropical conditions (mass noun, êteitai).

teiti — To decide to be, or remain, a Summer Person; to ask to join a Summer house (intransitive verb, zateitix).

teitirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ēteitirnai).

teito — (1) Pertaining to the hot season; summery, "summer" as an adjective (2) Pertaining to the Summer People, the Teitē (adjective, teitol).

teity — As above, but an adverb; in summer, in the way of the Summer People (adverb, teityr).

Teitai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Teita (proper noun, Teitai).

teitei — The act of making something as warm or as hospitable as the tropics, or summer; or accepting someone into a Summer house. Deciding to be, or remain, a Summer Person; to ask to join a Summer house. The ceremony of joining or initiation into a Summer house (event noun, eiteitai).

teitē — (1) In the Second History, a Summer Person, someone raised Outside by parents and House, never submitted to the trials and experiences of lives Inside. (2) A living creature adapted to living in tropical conditions or conditions of unending summer (animate noun, ēteitai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai trska, psionics (noun)

tøska — To change the physical universe by non-physical means; to manipulate something by psionics (transitive verb, zatøskax).

tøskakristei — A dream of psionics (event noun, eitøskakristai).

tøskakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitøskakristestai).

tøskakore — A piece of jewelry in the shape of the psionics symbol (count noun, etøskakorai).

tøskakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etøskakorestai).

tøskarnē — A person who uses psionics to change or manipulate something; a psionics operator (animate noun, ētøskarnai).

tøske — A psionics tool, an amplifier or application for using psionics, as a weapon, lifting dome, or communicator (count noun, etøskai).

tøskeste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etøskestai).

tøskê — The ability to access the universe directly, rather than indirectly through physical means: Telekinesis, telepathy, telempathy, clairvoyance; action at a distance (mass noun, êtøskai).

tøski — To read or acquire information about the physical universe by non-physical means; to study psionics (intransitive verb, zatøskix).

tøskirnē — A person who does the above; a psionics scientist, a psionicist (animate noun, ētøskirnai).

tøsko — Like or pertaining to psionics; psionic (adjective, tøskol).

tøsky — As above, but an adverb; psionically (adverb, tøskyr).

Tøskai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tøsko (proper noun, Tøskai).

tøskei — The act of manipulating something by psionics; the act of getting information by psionics; the study of the science of psionics (event noun, eitøskai).

tøskē — A person or other living thing psionic abilities (animate noun, ētøskai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai trha, spiteful (adjective)

tøha — To spite someone, to do something to spite someone (transitive verb, zatøhax).

tøhakristei — A dream of spite (event noun, eitøhakristai).

tøhakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitøhakristestai).

tøhakore — A piece of jewelry depicting an act of spite (count noun, etøhakorai).

tøhakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etøhakorestai).

tøharnē — A person who spites another, who does something to spite someone (animate noun, ētøharnai).

tøhe — An object of spite, or a token of an act of spite (count noun, etøhai).

tøheste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etøhestai).

tøhê — Spite, spitefulness (mass noun, êtøhai).

tøhi — To become spiteful; to do something despite someone, or in despite of someone (intransitive verb, zatøhix).

tøhirnē — A person who does the above (animate noun, ētøhirnai).

tøho — Like or pertaining to spite; spiteful (adjective, tøhol).

tøhy — As above, but an adverb; spitefully, despite, in despite of (adverb, tøhyr).

Tøhai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tøha (proper noun, Tøhai).

tøhei — The act of spiting someone, or doing something to spite someone; the act or process of becoming spiteful; the act of doing something despite someone else, or despite someone (event noun, eitøhai).

tøhē — A person whose actions are all motivated by spite; a person who lives to get back at others for mostly imagined slights and insults (animate noun, ētøhai).


Etymology: Eretiǹgrai trne, merely, only, slightly (adverb)

tøna — To treat someone as unimportant; to slight, snub, "cut", affront someone (transitive verb, zatønax).

tønakristei — A dream of being slighted or snubbed (event noun, eitønakristai).

tønakristestei — A group or bunch of such dreams (event noun, eitønakristestai).

tønakore — A piece of jewelry a slight, or a gesture of slighting, as the back of a hand (count noun, etønakorai).

tønakoreste — A bunch, set, or collection of such jewelry; or a box to keep them in (count noun, etønakorestai).

tønarnē — A person who slights, snubs, "cuts" or affronts another; a snob (animate noun, ētønarnai).

tøne — A sign or token of social insignificance or ostracism (count noun, etønai).

tøneste — A group or set or collection of the above (count noun, etønestai).

tønê — Slightness, mereness, the humiliation of being slighted (mass noun, êtønai).

tøni — To become slight or mere; to descend in social ranking; to become insignificant (intransitive verb, zatønix).

tønirnē — A person who does the above; a loser, a social outcast (animate noun, ētønirnai).

tøno — Like or pertaining to low social status; slight, mere, only (adjective, tønol).

tøny — As above, but an adverb; slightly, merely, only (adverb, tønyr).

Tønai — A personal name, of any gender, transcribed in fiction on this site as Tøni (proper noun, Tønai).

tønei — The act of treating someone as unimportant, or of slighting, snubbing, "cutting", or affronting someone; a slighting, snubbing, "cutting", affront, denigration; to become slight or mere; to descend in social ranking; to become insignificant (event noun, eitønai).

tønē — A person or other living thing regarded as despicable, unimportant, or unworthy (animate noun, ētønai).

Pages, in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order:

Home  B  P   D́  T́   D  T   G  K    Q    Ĵ  C   V́  F́   V F   Ď Ť   Z S   Ž Š   Ĝ X    H    M *M   Ń *Ń   N *N   Ǹ *Ǹ   L *L   R *R   Ĺ *Ĺ   Ř *Ř   W *W   J *J   A Â   E Ê   I Î   O Ô   U Û   Y Ŷ    AI     AO     IU     OI     ÂI     EI     Ē     Ø  

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