Green Sky Press — Stories and Novels

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Completed novels and anthologies

The Reborn Princess Caper

A book about many Earths,
and rebirth in the Second History

The Last-Minute Queen

A romance of the Current Middle Ages
of a "Sleep of Reason" Earth

The Aeneid
by P. Vergilius Maro,
(ill.) Gordon Laite,
(ed.) Leo D. Orionis

A Latin classic, in the original Latin

A Meeting at Κtûn

A novel of the First and Second Histories

Werewolves Are Bunk
and Other Stories

A collection of 12 stories


Eight stories of the First History

Completed stories,
not collected yet

The Agency
A dream within a dream

Bedtime Story
A story of the Common History

A Journal Entry
On dreaming and writing

A story about Fantasy

One Life, with Boomerangs
A story of an AC Earth

A story of an Eolessea/Skyburst Earth

The Remains
A story of a Fallen Earth

Six out of Five
Pilot for a TV series

A Town Called Fight
A story of a Fallen Earth

not finished yet

Akbash and the Golden Empire
Chapters 1–9 only

Battle of the Kings
Chapter 1 only

Just before the End
Chapters 1–7 only


Ongoing — 7 chapters
as of 3/29/2020

The T́ulańē
Chapter 1 only

The Zeta People
Chapters 1–7 only



The Latin Calendar

The North American Union

The Outside Calendars

Time Line of a Typical Skyburst Earth

Time Line of a Typical "Sleep of Reason" Earth

The T́uliǹgrai Alphabet
Improved replacement being written.

T́uliǹgrai Grammar
Improved replacement being written.

T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary (T́ED)

More vocabulary added every day:
683 roots and 10,576 words
as of 7/27/2020.

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