What's New in 2772 (2019 A. D.)
Kalendis Ianuariis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, January 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Halfway done with usemap for image at the top of the home page of the Dictionary.
♦ Switched to January journal file. Need to do December "What's New" ASAP, including correcting errors from my old
calendar JavaScript program.
♦ Finished ANŤORÂŃ-. put it on web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Corrected Roman dates in the 2017.html What's New file.
♦ Corrected Roman dates in the 2018.html What's New file. Uploaded corrected 2017 and 2018 files to web site.
♦ Changed copyright date for site from "2000-2018" to "2000-2019" throughout site. Uploaded corrected HTML pages to
web site. Also corrected bad date in the story "A Journal Entry" and uploaded that. Removed the jubilation under
the title of "A Meeting at Κtûn", as well. That's so last week! Don't see any need to announce this housekeeping on
♦ Editing a copy of December journal file to remove non-story stuff.
♦ Saved the story dream I had on 12/5/2018 as "Speaker to Mountains".
♦ Got as far as 12/7/2018 entry by 2400.
a.d. 4 Nonas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, January 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Saved a dream I had on 12/25 as "Two Steps Ahead". Possible Imperial Guard story?
♦ Edited material for "What's New" through 12/25.
♦ Finished "What's New" file and uploaded it to the web site.
♦ Did ANÛK-, added words to ANGAR- and ŤOR-, uploaded it all to web site, announced it all on FB.
♦ Began typing "Test to Destruction!" from 2013 handwritten script in one of my writing notebooks. Changed title to
"Maiden Flight." Read script until 1822.
♦ Sent message to Sensible Shoes asking her to change my DaKoWriMo goal to "Do the items on my 2019 list".
♦ Finished writing 2019 Agenda for posting to Write On! tomorrow.
a.d. 3 Nonas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, January 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did KAŤ-, added drop-down box to K page, put id tags in every file in K folder so it would work, updated
stories.html. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it all on FB.
♦ Participated in Write On! on Daily Kos.
♦ Typed more "Maiden Flight" from writing notebook to computer.
pridie Nonas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, January 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed copyright notice in footer.txt so that whenever a new page of the Dictionary is generated, e.g. when an
entry is changed or added, the new page will say 2019, not 2018.
♦ Did LÂJ-. Made all Dictionary pages new (with makeall macro) so they'd have the right year in their
copyright notices. Updated Stories page. Uploaded entire Dictionary. Announced it on FB.
♦ Typed pages 9-11 of notebook into "Maiden Flight" file.
Nonis Ianuariis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, January 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did LAM-, added drop-down box to l18.txt and tags to root files, uploaded everything to web site, announced it on
♦ Finished typing page 12 of notebook into "Maiden Flight".
♦ Worked on Dictionary home page; copyright, picture at top, image map for that, etc.
a.d. 8 Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, January 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Uploaded Dictionary home page.
♦ Finished image map, links to number entries, tool tips for mood and pause characters, etc., uploaded them all to
web page, proclaimed it on FB.
♦ Typed page 13-15 of notebook, reviewed "Maiden Flight" to date, made revisions, fixed it up as part one of
"Eoverai", posted story and stories.html to the web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Did MIS-, added drop-down box to m14 page, uploaded it all to the web site, announced it on FB.
a.d. 7 Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, January 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did D́UR-, fixed D́EIT-, added drop-down widget to page, uploaded it, announced it on FB.
♦ Created new logo for home page of web page, uploaded it, announced it on FB.
♦ Typed pages 16-19 of red notebook into "Maiden Flight", making some revisions as I went.
a.d. 6 Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, January 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished typing page 20-22, part of 23 into "Maiden Flight" and making revisions.
♦ Did DAN-. added drop-down list to d03.txt, put it all on web site, announced it on FB.
a.d. 5 Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, January 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished typing page 23 and top of page 24 into "Maiden Flight" and making revisions.
♦ Read ahead in the notebook to find the next bit of Mara's story.
♦ Did ĎVAM-, fixed up ĎEH-, added drop-down box to d09.txt, made d09.html, uploaded everything to web
site, announced it on FB.
a.d. 4 Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, January 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished calculations for Mara's flight, finished writing page 31.
♦ Did EO- and ELA-, added drop-down control to e25.txt and id tags to all txt files in folder, uploaded them all,
announced them on FB.
♦ Participated in Write On!, did challenge, filed challenge as part of "Little Girl Lost".
♦ Finished typing page 32 of "Maiden."
a.d. 3 Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, January 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed a typo in e36/ehnyr.txt, added id tags to both entries, added drop-down control to e36.txt, then commented
it out because it's pointless with only two short entries on the page.
♦ Did e25 folder, including id tags and drop down box. Did KEMT- root. Uploaded everything to web site, announced
root to FB.
♦ Typed top of page 33, bottom of page 38, page 39 of red notebook into "Maiden Flight."
pridie Idus Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, January 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did FAR-, added drop-down index to F08 page, uploaded various TXT and HTML files, announced it on FB.
♦ Wrote pages 40-41 of red notebook into "Maiden Flight".
Idibus Ianuariis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, January 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did VIH-, added drop-down and id tags to text files in v08 folder, uploaded everything, announced it on FB.
♦ Finished "Maiden Flight", uploaded it to web site, announced it on FB.
a.d. 19 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, January 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did GIT-, added index (i.e., drop-down) controls to G and H pages, uploaded everything, announced it on FB.
a.d. 18 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, January 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did ĴOR-, added drop-down control and id tags to text files in the j06 folder, uploaded everything,
announced it on FB.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, January 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Created a "Writing" view profile on Konqueror and saved it.
♦ Re-read "Nessen", and fixed 6 or 7 typos. Re-read strawbale's editorial advice. Now I need to think about the
story and the advice.
♦ Wrote response to strawbale's critique of "Nessen", and sent it to her on Daily Kos.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, January 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did PET-, added index control and id tags to all P files, uploaded everything, announced it on FB.
♦ Added index controls and id tags to remaining nasal-consonant folders, uploaded everything.
♦ Participated in Write On!, gave recs, shared it on FB.
♦ Added tags and index controls to more Dictionary pages.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, January 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished adding tags and controls to all TED pages. Uploaded all changed files to web site.
♦ Worked on RET- and formal letter names.
♦ Finished RET-, corrected error on L page and renamed 027.txt to o27.txt. Uploaded everything to web site,
announced it on FB.
♦ Made a list of what needs to be added to "Nessen", and started writing it.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, January 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did RORET- and *RIRET-, uploaded them, announced them on FB.
♦ Got Pedro and Peter to take some pictures of me. Downloaded the pictures from my cell phone. Cropped best one
with GIMP for 2019 picture for web site, FB, and DKos.
♦ Added new photo of myself to main page of web site, and announced it on FB.
♦ Recropped cell-phone picture to make it square, resized it to 320x320 with ImageMagick, uploaded it to FB as
new profile picture.
♦ Changed avatar picture on DK to new photo on FB.
♦ Wrote more "Nessen" and reviewed it.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, January 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished revising "Nessen", changed stories.html, uploaded both, announced it on FB.
♦ Did ARET- and ÂRET-, uploaded them to web page, put notice on FB.
♦ Did What's New File for January through 1/19, uploaded everything, announced it on FB.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, January 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added entry for yesterday to "What's New" file. Did AIRET-. Uploaded both to
web page, announced on FB.
♦ Set up a file for typing "Rush to Battle" into, started typing. Wrote "Previously" recap for "Maiden Flight,"
typed material for this issue from pages 24-28.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, January 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added "What's New" entry for yesterday. Did ÂIRET- and AORET-. Updated all that on web site, announced on
♦ Typed bottom of page 28 of notebook into "Rush to Battle", with revisions.
♦ Reviewed "Rush to Battle" so far, corrected quite a few typos.
♦ Typed pages 29, 30, and top of 31, with revisions, from notebook to "Rush to Battle" file.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, January 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did ĒRET-, EIRET-, HARET-, IURET-, and OIRET-. Uploaded them and the "What's New" for yesterday. Announced
it all on FB.
♦ Redesigned Kaitempē ranks. Pages 150-151 of notebook.
♦ Began writing Kaitempē ranks for "Rush to Battle".
a.d. 9 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, January 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did ØRET-, "What's New" entry for yesterday, uploaded them, announced them on FB.
♦ Wrote more in "Rush to Battle".
a.d. 7 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, January 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did QIRET-, uploaded it, announced on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday and day before, uploaded them.
♦ Created Agenda file for February.
♦ Worked on Kaitempē ranks.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, January 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did BORET-, What's New for yesterday, uploaded both, announced on FB.
♦ Unhappy with Proconsul rank badges. Doodled some ideas.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, January 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did What's New for yesterday, CIRET-, posted them to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Finished typing Kaitempē ranks into "Rush to Battle".
a.d. 4 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, January 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did What's New for yesterday, DDERET-, uploaded both, announced on FB.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, January 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Uploaded What's New for yesterday, root DORET-, announced on FB.
♦ Typed bottom of page 43, top of page 44, page 47, and page 48 from notebook into "Rush to Battle" file, making
revisions as I did so.
♦ Got "The Wall over the World" from strawbale for comments. Read story, sent comments.
pridie Kalendas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, January 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did What's New for yesterday, and DHERET-. Uploaded both and announced them on FB.
♦ Added more of page 49, and pages 50-51, from notebook to "Rush to Battle" file, with revisions.
♦ Participating in Write On! and reading Daily Kos until 1700-2400.
Kalendis Februariis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, February 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did What's New and FHERET-, uploaded them, announced them on FB.
a.d. 4 Nonas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, February 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did What's New for 2/1, root FORET-, uploaded and announced both.
♦ Typed page 52 of notebook into "Rush to Battle", read through notebook page 60. Reviewed typed story so far.
Typed page 33.
♦ Got a reply from Sensible Shoes that she would rather I didn't share Write On! to FB every Thursday. So I
♦ Typed page 34 of notebook into "Rush".
♦ Added captions to "Rush", inspired by the captions in "Aztec Ace".
a.d. 3 Nonas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, February 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did 2/2/2019 entry and GORET-, uploaded them and announced them on FB.
♦ Typed pages 35-37 of notebook into "Rush to Battle".
♦ Final read of "Rush", made small revisions, fixed a couple of typos, uploaded it and announced it on FB.
♦ Set up file for next Eoverai story, "Going Long".
♦ File for "Time Line of the First History" set up.
pridie Nonas Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, February 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Had dreams about being in the Kaitempē and serving all over the Verē Empire.
♦ Did 2/3/2019 entry and GHERET-, uploaded them and announced them on FB.
♦ Did new logo for non-home pages, uploaded it.
Nonis Februariis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, February 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 2/4, JHERET- root, revised new logo, fixed typos in A24, B01, and C06 folders of Dictionary.
Uploaded it all and announced it on FB.
♦ Created new FB cover photo, with new GSP logo. Uploaded it to FB and made it my cover photo there.
♦ Wrote the "Previously in Eoverai" intro to "Going Long".
♦ Typed everything I could remember into Time Line of the First History.
a.d. 8 Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, February 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Woke at 0430 from a long vampire dream that tried to drag in Martin Mackie and the Oldest Man, but I don't think
the timing works.
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, KARET-.
♦ Found 9 letters with wrong letter names, e.g., ko instead of ka. Fixed one when I did KARET-, above. Fixed f07
and FERET-, f08 and FORET-. Fixed l20, p01, s11, t02, t03, and t09.
♦ Uploaded all the above and announced it on FB.
♦ Experimented with various ways to count roots, stems, and words in Dictionary text files, using GREP to write
search terms into a text file, opening the file with kwrite, using F11 to number the lines, and seeing how many lines
are in the file. Doing this for "<h3" yields 241 roots, which is correct. Searching for "<em" or
"(space)(space)<em", and dividing by 2, gives 2181 and 1837, instead of correct 2778. Searching for
gives 960 stems, and searching for 'class="word"' gives 972 words; most files don't have "root", "stem", and
"word" tags yet.
♦ Hours of good work done setting up and laying out the file for the "Description of T́uliǹgrai" that
will replace the Alphabet and Grammar appendices, and include a link to the Dictionary.
a.d. 7 Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, February 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote some more in T́uliǹgrai description.
♦ Did "What's New" entry for yesterday. Also added "Latest entry" link to navigation bars; clicking on that will
take you to the latest entry, i.e., the end of the file. Did PARET-. Uploaded all that to web site, announced it on
♦ Participated in Write On!
♦ Got some more writing done on Description.
a.d. 6 Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, February 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry. Did 6 roots: SARET-, ŠIRET-, T́IRET-, TARET-, ŤIRET-,
and V́ERET-. Uploaded all of that and announced it on FB.
♦ Wrote section on letter names in Description.
a.d. 5 Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, February 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry, and VORET-, XIRET-, ZERET-, and
ŽERET-. Uploaded them and announced them on FB.
♦ Worked on accent section of Description.
a.d. 4 Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, February 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry. Did ERET- and ÊRET-. Corrected a typo in ALTEŘ entry. Uploaded
them and announced them on FB.
♦ Finished accent section of Description.
♦ Copied alphabet.html into description.html. Rewrote and expanded section on design of the alphabet.
♦ Worked on transcription section of description.
a.d. 3 Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, February 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry. Did IRET- and ÎRET-. Added index control to I page, added id tags to
the words in the I folder, changed name of Κtûn text file so it would show up in the right order on
the page. Uploaded all that, and announced it on FB.
pridie Idus Februarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, February 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry, JORET- and *JIRET-, uploaded and announced them.
Idibus Februariis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, February 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry, LORET- and *LIRET-, uploaded and announced them.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, February 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry, ĹERET- and *ĹIRET-, uploaded and announced them.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, February 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New" entry, MORET- and *MIRET-, uploaded and announced them.
♦ Worked on Description.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, February 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ No electricity at house. No writing done.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, February 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ No electricity at house. No writing done.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, February 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Electricity restored.
♦ Did "What's New" for 2/15-2/17, ŃERET- and *ŃIRET-, uploaded them and announced them.
♦ Worked on Description.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, February 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New", NORET- and *NIRET-, uploaded them to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Worked more on Description.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, February 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New", ǸERET- and *ǸIRET-, uploaded them to web site and announced them on
♦ Backed up all GSP to external 1-Tb HD (20 Gb total).
♦ Added more new text to Description, confirmed all TOC links, fixed at least 3 typos.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, February 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New", ORET- and ÔRET-. Converted ODAŃ- to current entry format. Added index
control to o27 page. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 on.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, February 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote entries for ŘERET- and *ŘIRET-. Redid ŘAŘ- and ŘOB- to current format and
added more words to them. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, February 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Worked on Agenda.
♦ Did yesterday's "What's Up" entry, new roots URET- and ÛRET-, brought ÛK- up to snuff and added index
control to U page. Uploaded all that to web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Made a COUNTWORDS macro that creates a WORDS file listing all the words tagged as such. Earlier entries where
roots, stems, and words aren't tagged don't show up yet, of course. For roots, I can just count H2 tags, which are only
used for root entries, but there aren't any unique tags for stems or words, yet.
♦ Did YRET- and ŶRET, added index control to Y page.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, February 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, WORET- and *WIRET- roots. Released those, and Y roots from late last night, to
web site. Announced them on FB, along with a list of things I want to do with the language. Saved list in Languages
folder as "Projects list.txt".
a.d. 5 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, February 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New", root HUV-, uploaded to web site, announced on FB.
♦ Started rearranging my office for better lighting and in preparation to work on the computer, monitor, and
a.d. 4 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, February 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did yesterday's "What's New", BOǸ- root, uploaded and announced them.
♦ Worked on computer. Removed hardware no longer used. Confirmed that all hard disks are good! One SATA
port and/or one SATA cable, however, is bad.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, February 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, root CEB-, uploaded them and announced them.
♦ Got all the hard disks up and running again, plus an additional 2-Tb partition. Need to install new version of
PCLOS, install more software (such as geeqie and kate), and reconfigure folders and desktop. Still have to upgrade
monitor, and get my scanner working again.
pridie Kalendas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, February 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 2/27, and root DA. Uploaded to web site. Couldn't announce it, because FB's gone blank on
Kalendis Martiis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, March 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 2/28. Closed February journal file. Started March journal file. Closed February agenda
and started March agenda.
♦ Did root DE. Uploaded stuff to web site. Still can't announce anything on FB until they fix whatever they
♦ Typed stuff from 5/28/2013 (pages 52-54 of notebook) into "Going Long", and revised it as I went. Read pages
54-58 by midnight.
a.d. 6 Nonas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, March 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday. Did DI root. Uploaded to web site. FB page still screwed up.
♦ Typed rest of page 54 and all of page 55 into "Going Long", with revisions.
a.d. 5 Nonas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, March 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", DO, uploaded them to web site. FB still screwed up.
♦ Typed pages 56-60 of Notebook 3 into "Going Long", revising as I went.
a.d. 4 Nonas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, March 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", DU, uploaded them to web site. FB still screwed up.
♦ Put time and location flags into "Going Long." Read pages 60-73 of notebook. End of story?
a.d. 3 Nonas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, March 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Read pages 73-86 of writing notebook 3.
♦ Did "What's New", DY, uploaded. FB still screwed up.
♦ Began restoring top-level links for Desktop folders.
pridie Nonas Martias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, March 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", DAIR-, upgraded DÂK-, uploaded to web site. FB still broken.
♦ Finished restoring top-level links to /data15, copying them all to /home/leo, and arranging them on the
♦ Updated "Writing" view profile for new links.
♦ Created "Eoverai" file for Eoverai stories, as one or more books.
Nonis Martiis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, March 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed title for Eoverai #4 from "Death of a Praetor" to "A Sun for a Pyre".
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 on.
♦ Finished "What's New", did DAM-, redid DEN-, uploaded them. FB still MIA.
a.d. 8 Idus Martias
(Friday, March 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, did DAP-, redid DOL-. D03 folder up to current! Uploaded everything to web site.
FB still screwed up.
♦ Deleted Windows partitions from 4.4-TB external hard disk, created, formatted, and mounted new ext4
partitions. Began backing up Books folder.
♦ Finished backing up Books (192 GB). Started backing up Comics.
a.d. 7 Idus Martias
(Saturday, March 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, did DAS-, redid CAL-. Uploaded everything to web site. FB still unusable.
♦ Recovered old Boxes folder from backup. Broke backup by dropping it. Started backing up Comics/b. /BAK3 may not
be reliable; can't get it to mount today.
♦ Backed up Comics B through K folders. Started copying L folder.
♦ Typed pages 60-63 from 2013 notebook into "Going Long", with revisions.
a.d. 6 Idus Martias
(Sunday, March 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Backed up Comics/L-W folders on external hard disks.
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday and root DEHB-. Redid CAS-. Uploaded everything to web site. FB still
♦ Typed pages 66-70 of notebook into "Going Long", with revisions.
a.d. 5 Idus Martias
(Monday, March 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, redid CER-, did DEM-, updated web site. FB still crap.
♦ Typed pages 71-73, 64-66 of 2013 notebook into "Going Long", with revisions.
♦ Finished backing up Comics folder to external hard disk BAK4. Backed up Documents, Green Sky Press, ISO, and
Magazines/0-A folders.
♦ Backed up Magazines/C-Linux Format 2014 to BAK5.
♦ Backed up remainder of Magazines folder, and Movies-TV/0-D, to BAK6.
a.d. 4 Idus Martias
(Tuesday, March 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished backing up Movies-TV/E-F. All external backup hard disks are full.
♦ Changed Agenda for the month: removed an item about making a new KKD logo for March and April, which I wasn't
doing, and added a resolution to fix one existing root entry every day, which I was.
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, redid CIB-, did DIR-, updated web site. FB still crap. Suzanne L. suggested
that it might be a browser issue. Suzanne B. says that her FB pages went blank when using Firefox, but she has no
problems using Google. So FB has a problem with Firefox, and hasn't fixed it?!! Stupid!
♦ Read through "Going Long." Fixed some typos, made lots of small revisions. Story is done! Uploaded it to the
web site.
a.d. 3 Idus Martias
(Wednesday, March 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid COM-, did DIŽ-, uploaded all to web site.
♦ Working to catch up on upgrading existing root entries in the Dictionary. Redid CUL-, CUND-, and CUŠ-.
Still three behind, but C06 page done. Fixed a bug in AIS- and added a word. Confirmed A-AO pages done.
pridie Idus Martias
(Thursday, March 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", corrected AIS-, did DOP-, uploaded everything to web site.
♦ Dug out laptops, set up newer one with spare keyboard, mouse, mouse pad on side table. Hooked up laptop to
router, downloaded PCLOS ISO. Hooked up external DVD-RW drive, burned a live disk. Booted from live disk, checked it
out, installed it! On to configuring everything. FB works again! (Apparently my Firefox was just too old.)
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards.
Idibus Martiis
(Friday, March 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Worked on configuring my user and desktop.
♦ Posted to PCLOS forum about Konqueror right before nap. Answered five replies right after I got up.
♦ One last pass through yesterday's Write On!, did recs and made some comments.
♦ Did "What's New", redid BAH- and BAL-, did BET-, uploaded all to web site, announced it on FB!
a.d. 17 Kalendas Apriles
(Saturday, March 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Had a story dream, "A Game of Statues", most of the night.
♦ Added photo credit for Pedro Bautista to the GSP photo on the web site home page.
♦ Did "What's New", redid BAR- and BEIT-, did BRUT-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Replied to comments on my PCLOS post.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Apriles
(Sunday, March 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Had a Carol Danvers dream and a home-invasion dream.
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday.
♦ Created two searchword macros, one for current dictionary, one for previous one, with sw alias
for each. These
let me see whether I've already invented a word for something. Need to make at least three
improvements in each:
(1) error message if I forget to specify what to search for,
(2) explicit message if nothing found, and
(3) exclude HTML and CSS words from results, e.g., don't return all the black borders if I search
for "black".
♦ Redid BER- and BIS- entries, did new BIM- entry, uploaded everything to web site and announced
it on FB.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Apriles
(Monday, March 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for Sunday, redid BOC-, fixed typo in LANT-, changed file name so
SÂM shows up on page in correct order. Did SAN-, updated and announced everything.
♦ 27" monitor hooked up and working. Rearranged computer components. Rearranged lights
for best illumination without glare. Put away previous monitor(s) as backups.
♦ Combined Eoverai TOC, three stories written so far, and a header for the fourth one, as
Eoverai TPB or novel.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Apriles
(Tuesday, March 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid BOGH-, did JUKS-, uploaded everything and announced on FB.
♦ Big monitor switched to 640 x 480 and I couldn't figure out how to switch it back. Returned to 24-inch monitor.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Apriles
(Wednesday, March 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, redid BOR-, did STAHZ-, uploaded everything and announced on FB.
♦ Reinstalled PCLOS from scratch and configured it quickly using lists from previous times. Got it right this time.
Returned to
previous lighting arrangement, too much glare in new one.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Apriles
(Thursday, March 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid BUK-, did HELM-. Noticed that Unicode combining circumflexes and combining carons were
suddenly showing up to
the right of, instead of on top of, the letters that used them, when font used by page is Times New Roman or generic
serif. Problem goes away
if sans-serif generic font is used. Changed "serif" to "sans-serif" in header.txt, rebuilt all Dictionary pages with
MAKEALL, uploaded
whole Dictionary to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Participated in "WriteOn!" from 1700 onwards.
♦ Asked Kurt Wilcken if he'd take a commission to do cover for "Maiden Flight".
a.d. 11 Kalendas Apriles
(Friday, March 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Kurt Wilcken said he'd be glad to do the cover for "Maiden Flight"!
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday and changed all the files in that folder to sans-serif. Redid existing Dictionary
entry ZHAN- and added ZDIST-.
Changed stories.html to sans-serif. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Searched through comics looking for reference poses for Kurt.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Apriles
(Saturday, March 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Went through Stories folder and changed "font-family:serif" to "font-family:sans-serif" in everything except
(already done) and Aeneid (sans-serif font not appropriate).
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, redid ZHOL- (which finishes ZH page), added ZAM-, uploaded everything to web page, put
announcement on FB. Some Christian scam artist posted spam as a comment on the FB notice, so I copied the notice,
deleted it,
and pasted a new one. It worked!
♦ Sent Kurt four comic-book pages for poses and setting of commission.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Apriles
(Sunday, March 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid ZAZ-, did ZAT-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Created folder for "Werewolves Are Bunk And Other Stories". Copied the 12 stories to it. Decided what the order of
stories should be. Created file for the collection and put the last five stories into it, with forewords, one at a
a.d. 8 Kalendas Apriles
(Monday, March 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Put together "What's New" for yesterday, redid ZET- entry, added ZRAM-, uploaded stuff to web site, announced it on
♦ Added rest of stories to anthology, made new Stories page, wrote preface for anthology. Uploaded everything to web
site. Announced changes on FB.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Apriles
(Tuesday, March 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed Stories page to put all the finished books together at top left, in order by completion.
♦ Did "What's New", redid ZÎV-, did ZUS-, released all the files to web site, announced on FB.
♦ Went through combined "Eoverai" file, formatting it, adding tentative titles for later stories, fixing
a few typos, etc.
♦ Took another look at 27-inch monitor. Stuck at VGA (640x480) setting.
♦ Typed bottom half of page 73 from notebook into "Eoverai" file.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Apriles
(Wednesday, March 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Had a dream about a girl from an artistic family whose brother was murdered. Could be used for Sonic's origin.
♦ Did "What's New, redid XA*L-, added XYLASS-, moved "Eoverai" stories down below other stories, in order by issue.
Released everything and announced it on FB.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Apriles
(Thursday, March 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New, redid XEP-, added XID-, posted everything to web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Participated in Write On!
a.d. 4 Kalendas Apriles
(Friday, March 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid XEG-, added XUM-, uploaded it all, announced it on FB.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Apriles
(Saturday, March 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid XYŘ-, added XOS-, uploaded it all, announced it on FB.
pridie Kalendas Apriles
(Sunday, March 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid WAC-, added WIS-, uploaded it all, announced it on FB.
♦ Wrote Agenda for April.
Kalendis Aprilibus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, April 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Closed March journal file and started one for April. Closed March agenda and started using April agenda.
♦ Did "What's New", redid WEH-, added WOKT-, uploaded and announced everything.
a.d. 4 Nonas Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, April 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid WEK-, added WUL-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Began upgrading Eagle Computer essay from old site to put on new one.
a.d. 3 Nonas Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, April 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid VAK-, added VRÊN-, uploaded it all and announced it.
♦ Copied all the parts of the old Eagle article into a single file for to editing and revision.
pridie Nonas Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, April 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", redid V́WYRD́-, added VAD, uploaded and announced all.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards, including asking Kurt for two color changes to commission.
Nonis Aprilibus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, April 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Kurt finished commission. Added it to "Maiden Flight" and "Eoverai", uploaded changes and announced on FB.
♦ Did "What's New", redid VAL-, added VES-, uploaded and announced all.
a.d. 8 Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, April 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VAR-, added VIUS-, uploaded and announced everything.
a.d. 7 Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, April 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VER-, added VOŘ-, uploaded and announced everything.
a.d. 6 Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, April 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VIR-, added VOL-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Created title illustration for "Eoverai", placed it at top of file. Corrected erroroneous description of
Mara's original uniform, and a couple of typos.
♦ Typed page 74 of red notebook into "Eoverai".
a.d. 5 Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, April 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VÎD́-, added VAST-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Typed pages 75, 79-80 of red notebook into "Eoverai".
a.d. 4 Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, April 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VÎS-, added VEL-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Typed pages 76-78, and the rest of page 79, from red notebook into "Eoverai".
a.d. 3 Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, April 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VOIM-, added VARJ-, uploaded and announced everything.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards.
♦ Typed the rest of page 80, with revisions, from red notebook into "Eoverai". Re-read new writing from the
last two days, and corrected many typos.
Pridie Idus Apriles, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, April 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Read all the way through yesterday's Write On! again, giving recs and making a few comments. Kurt says he got
the check for the commission.
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VOR-, added VAŤ-, uploaded and announced everything.
Idibus Aprilibus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, April 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded VYRĎ-, added VAIŠ-, uploaded and announced everything.
a.d. 18 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, April 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded ŤUR-, added ŤIR-, uploaded it to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, April 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded TAITL-, added TRÂNIS-, uploaded it to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, April 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded TAOL-, added TUNT-, uploaded it to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, April 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded TÊ-, added TOR-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Wrote some in "Eoverai".
a.d. 14 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, April 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded TELK-, added TIH-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, April 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded TTAK-, added TTEB-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, April 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded TTUL-, added TTOM-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, April 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SHAF-, added SHUM-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, April 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SHI-, added SHOT-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, April 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished typing page 81 from red notebook into "Eoverai" file. Typed page 82.
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SAIH-, added SRIG-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, April 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SAK-, added SYORK-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, April 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SAL-, added SYNT-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Typed pages 83-87 of red writing notebook into "Eoverai."
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, April 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SAM-, added SYD-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, April 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New", upgraded SYV-, added SUS-, uploaded everything to the web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Wrote a new poem, "Dreams Are Not the Same".
a.d. 4 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, April 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Revised "Dreams Are Not the Same" on paper.
♦ Typed "Dreams" into file, altered poems page to include it, made lots more changes, uploaded it all to web site and
announced it on FB.
♦ Fixed a phrase in "Dreams", and a typo.
♦ Did "What's New" for 4/27, upgraded SUK-, added SVASR-, uploaded everything to the web site (including last change
to "Dreams") and announced it on FB.
♦ Had an idea for a series of stories or books, filed notes under "Colonia Corea".
a.d. 3 Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, April 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Set up "The Imperial Guard" as a separate story, the better to measure how far along it is. Reading through it, fixed
a typo.
♦ Napped 1600-1730. Verē story dreams, yay!
♦ Finished reading "Guard" so far, fixed a bunch of typos.
♦ Reading through notebook, looking for pages of next scenes.
♦ More writing in "The Imperial Guard."
pridie Kalendas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, April 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Slept from 0330 to 0500. Woke with a lot of new material for "The Imperial Guard".
Resumed writing the story.
♦ Added "Guard" to stories page and made some other changes to the format of the page.
♦ Revised the scene between Kemto and Mara to pluperfect tense, revised pages 89-90 into shorter scene of Mara
and Kaθa, wrote description of Ekirvai Place.
♦ Typed pages 98-102, and partway through 103, from notebook into "Guard" file.
Kalendis Mēs, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, May 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished the first draft of "The Imperial Guard" at 0010.
♦ Read partway through "Guard", looking for typos.
♦ Re-read "Guard", corrected typos and made revisions.
♦ Did "What's New" for 4/28, 4/29, and 4/30. Uploaded "What's New" file, story page, and
"The Imperial Guard" to my web site, and announced it on FB.
♦ Put away April Journal and agenda files. Set up May agenda and journal files.
♦ Slept from 1350-2050. Had a story dream. Saved notes as "Old Magic, New Magic".
♦ Upgraded SUJ-, corrected a typo in SAN-, added SAX- to Dictionary. Uploaded everything to web site
and announced it on FB.
a.d. 6 Nonas Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, May 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/1.
♦ Upgraded SAR-, added STHER-, didn't upload or announce because of computer problems.
Nonis Mēs, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, May 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Started writing in Eoverai #5.
♦ Napped 1930-2100, had First-History dreams.
a.d. 5 Idus Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, May 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Inserted sections in "Secret Origins I" for contents.
a.d. 4 Idus Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, May 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Typed pages 131-136 from writing notebook into "Eoverai" issue 5.
a.d. 3 Idus Maias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, May 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Typed pages 127-128 into "Secret Origins 1", with heavy revisions.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, May 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Installed FileZilla. It works! Uploaded entire Dictionary to web site, and deleted previous one.
♦ Updated Stories page, uploaded it to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Napped 1500-1630, had Verē dreams.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, May 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Had a story dream, ended by alarm clock. Typed notes for it, saved them as "The Agency".
♦ Fixed journal file for May.
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/2-5/16.
♦ Added SAT- and SAIB- to Dictionary, updated Stories page. Can't upload, web site is down. Sent Messenger note
to Marcos.
♦ Typed pages 124-127 from notebook into Eoverai 5, with revisions.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, May 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Web site is back up, Marcos says it was an IP routing problem.
♦ Uploaded Dictionary stuff from yesterday to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, added SEP- for 5/3 and STET- for 5/4, uploaded everything and announced it on
♦ Typed page 118 of writing notebook into Eoverai 5, with revisions. Read the rest of the section. Typed page
a.d. 14 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, May 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, added SOS- for 5/5 and STAJ- for 5/6, uploaded everything and announced it on
♦ Napped 1500-1800. Had a story dream I'll probably never write, posted description to FB.
♦ Typed pages 120-122 from writing notebook into "Secret Origins 1", revising as I went. Fixed some typos, too.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, May 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for yesterday, added SOP- for 5/7 and SOR- for 5/8, uploaded everything and announced it on
♦ Typed pages 123-124 of notebook into "Eoverai" 5 file. Reviewed and made some revisions to "Lost in space"
♦ Read pages 115-118, then typed them into file.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, May 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/20, added SIM- for 5/9 and SUM- for 5/10, uploaded everything and announced it on FB.
♦ Made changes to Eoverai #5, read pages 136-160 of writing notebook, thought about contents of issue 6.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, May 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/21, upgraded entries for SÂM- and SEID-. added SIS1- for 5/11 and SIS2- for 5/12,
uploaded everything to the web page, and announced it on FB.
♦ Reviewed order of sections in Eoverai 5, inserted date for each section. Read pages 103-111.
♦ Typed pages 103-104 of 2013 notebook into Eoverai 5.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, May 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Typed pages 105-106 of writing notebook into Eoverai 5.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 on.
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/22, upgraded entries for SINERV- and SOG-. added SITH- for 5/13 and SUX- for
5/14, uploaded everything to the web page, and announced it on FB.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, May 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed the title of Eoverai 5 slightly, put in an idea for a cover, and wrote a "Previously" section listing what
happened last issue.
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/23, added SIT- for 5/15 and SVAS- for 5/16, upgraded entries for SOK- and SŤEN-.
uploaded everything to the web page, and announced it on FB.
♦ Typed pages 107-110 into Eoverai 5.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, May 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Typed top of page 111 into Eoverai 5, "New Friends". Re-read, revise, decide if the story's done.
♦ Made some corrections to story.
♦ Shortened "Previously" section of story.
♦ Shortened "Previously" some more, and made it consistently past tense.
♦ Took a short nap. Didn't actually dream, sort of dozed and worked out details about Cruiser, a member of the
Guard, and some interactions in "Honor among Thieves", that comes even later.
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/24, added SITAŠ- for 5/17 and SIV- for 5/18, uploaded everything to the web page,
and announced it on FB.
♦ Finished reading and revising "New Friends." Release tomorrow?
a.d. 7 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, May 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/25; added SUL- for 5/19, SARJ- for 5/20, and SAS- for 5/21; upgraded SEM-, SIK-, and SILM-,
which finishes the upgrading of the whole S page; uploaded everything to the web page, and announced it on FB.
♦ Made an Eoverai TOC, made sure clicking on each title worked with all 5 stories so far, changed Stories page to
include new story, made sure clicking on each title worked for each story, made sure clicking on Eoverai title leads to
a.d. 6 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, May 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Read through "Maiden Flight", found and fixed many typos.
♦ Finished revising "Maiden Flight", including the bit about her uniform. Messed around with Stories page until I
was happy with the listing for the TOC. Did "What's New" for 5/26. Uploaded all of Eoverai folder, "What's New" file,
and Stories file to web site. Announced it all on FB.
♦ Added roots RON- for 5/22 and *RIS- for 5/23 to Dictionary, upgraded *RÂK-, uploaded changes to
the web page, and announced them on FB.
♦ Reviewed "Rush to Battle", fixed mistakes and typos. Same for "Going Long".
a.d. 5 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, May 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished reviewing "The Imperial Guard", fixing mistakes and typos.
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/27, uploaded it and entire contents of Eoverai folder to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Finished reviewing "New Friends". Only found one typo. It may be too soon for my eyes to register more.
♦ Added roots RUP- for 5/24 and RAP- for 5/25 to Dictionary, upgraded RAM-. Uploaded Dictionary changes and
corrected "New Friends" to the web page, and announced everything on FB.
♦ Added roots RUF- for 5/26, ROS- for 5/27, and ROK- for 5/28 to Dictionary! Upgraded RAOT- and RIM-. Realized
RET- needs upgrading too, added it to list. Realized ROM- is another pair of duplicate roots like SIS-, added them to
the list. Uploaded Dictionary changes to the web page, and announced everything on FB.
a.d. 4 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, May 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/28, added RÊG- to Dictionary, replaced existing ROM- with ROM1- and ROM2-. Uploaded
it all to the web page, and announced it on FB.
♦ Reviewed "The Outside Calendars" and fixed typos.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, May 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/29, added RAIT- to Dictionary, upgraded- RET- and RUH-. Uploaded it all to the web page,
plus Calendar page with typos fixed. Announced it on FB.
♦ Produced new Agenda and journal files for June.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 on.
pridie Kalendas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, May 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/30, added RAR- to Dictionary, upgraded- RUK- and RUSK. R page up to date! Uploaded it all
to the web page, and announced it on FB.
♦ Set up file for "New Experiences". Wrote "Previously" section.
Kalendis Iuniis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, June 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 5/31, root POJ-, fixed PÂT-, uploaded everything, announced on FB.
♦ Blocked in sections for June issue.
♦ Worked on First-History timeline.
a.d. 4 Nonas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, June 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Worked on Time Line of the First History.
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/1, added PAM-, fixed PAISK-, uploaded everything, announced on FB.
a.d. 3 Nonas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, June 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/2, added PÊŠT-, fixed PEIS-, uploaded everything to web site and announced it
on FB.
pridie Nonas Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, June 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/3, added PER-, fixed PERS-. Fixed all 3 existing Q entries, Q page up to date. Uploaded
everything to web site and announced it on FB.
Nonis Iuniis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, June 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/4, added PIK-, fixed PITK-. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 8 Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, June 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/5, added PUR-, fixed PET-. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1900 on.
♦ Wrote new text in "New Experiences".
a.d. 7 Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, June 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote more in June issue, "New Experiences".
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/6, added POIST-, fixed POL-. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 6 Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, June 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/7, added PIR-, fixed PUK-. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 5 Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, June 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/8, added PAŠ-, fixed PUL-. Uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 4 Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, June 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/9, added PIV-, fixed PUN-. P page updated. Uploaded everything to web site and announced
it on FB.
a.d. 3 Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, June 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/10, added NAL-, fixed NÂH-, uploaded everything to web site, and announced it on
pridie Idus Iunias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, June 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/11, added *NUL-, fixed NEG-, uploaded everything to web site, and announced it on
Idibus Iuniis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, June 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/12, added NIT-, fixed NIH-. N page up to date! Uploaded everything to web site and
announced it on FB.
♦ Got some more writing done in June story.
♦ Participating in "Write On!" from 1700 on.
a.d. 18 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, June 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/13, added NAM-, fixed NGOK-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Typed page 111 of writing notebook into June story.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, June 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/14, added NOM-, fixed NGUN-. Ǹ page up to date. Uploaded changes to web site and
announced them on FB.
♦ Typed pages 112-114 of writing notebook into June story.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, June 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/15, added NOV-, fixed ŃUJ-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on
a.d. 15 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, June 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/16, added NUM-, fixed ŃUL-. Ń page up to date. Uploaded changes to web site
and announced them on FB.
♦ Typed page 115 from writing notebook into June story, did some other writing.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, June 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/17, added MAT-, fixed MÂT-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, June 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/18, added MAK-, fixed MAR-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, June 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/19, added MEN-, fixed MUST-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Wrote more in June story.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, June 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/20, added MON-, fixed MER-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, June 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/21, added MYV-, fixed MID-. Can't upload changes to web site or announce them on FB;
internet connection is down.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, June 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/22, added MIC-, fixed MIV-. Internet connection is still down.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, June 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/23, added MOT-, fixed MOR-. Internet connection still down.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, June 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Determined that network problem isn't due to ISP or router, but video-card problem on computer. Came up with
a temporary workaround.
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/24, added MAIR-, fixed MRAD-. Uploaded changes for 6/21-6/25 to web site, and announced
them on FB.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, June 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/25, added MAL-, fixed MUH-. M page now up to date. Uploaded changes to web site, and
announced them on FB.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, June 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700 onward.
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/26, added ĹON-, fixed ĹOG-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced
them on FB.
a.d. 4 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, June 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished another part of June story. No more Dictionary work until story finished!
a.d. 3 Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, June 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Got some more writing done.
♦ Typed pages 91-98 from notebook into story ("The spider man"), and revised it extensively.
♦ Finished "Escort Duty" part of story.
♦ Reviewed story and made corrections. Three sections left to write.
pridie Kalendas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, June 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Rearranged sections of June story into final order, made a couple of revisions.
♦ Finished "Monster on the Loose" section.
♦ Finished "Beauty and the Beast" section.
♦ Finished Borai Lapo section.
Kalendis Iuliis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, July 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished June story, "New Experiences", including final read through, minor revisions, putting dates and places in
each section, checking comments for when each bit of text was written.
♦ Did "What's New" for 6/28 through 6/30, updated Eoverai TOC and Stories page, made sure both pointed correctly to
new story.
♦ Copied changed files and new story to web site, announced everything on FB.
♦ Closed and put away June journal. Started July journal and brought it up to date. Same for June and July Agenda
♦ Set up blank file for July story, "New Players".
♦ Fixed ĹAOL-. Added ĹAOLAŤ-. Fixed ĹOS-.
a.d. 6 Nonas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, July 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Took a nap after a busy, exhausting morning doing mundane stuff. Worked on July story in my head.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/1, did ĹUKIL-, double-checked files for 6/28 and 6/29, uploaded them to web site,
announced them on FB.
♦ Added story notes to "New Players".
a.d. 5 Nonas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, July 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote "Previously" section for July story.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/2, added LAĴ- and fixed LÂJ- for 6/30, added LEV- and fixed LAM- for 7/1. Uploaded
files to web site and announced them on FB.
a.d. 4 Nonas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, July 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added a bunch of blank sections to the July story, labeled them with tentative captions. Began writing Camouflage
and beast section of story.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/3, added LIK- and fixed LAŃ- for 7/2, added LUM- and fixed LANT- for 7/3. Fixed
typos in LAJH.TXT and LOH.TXT. Uploaded files to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700-0215.
a.d. 3 Nonas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, July 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Counted "coincidates" in a year. 26 every year, leap year or not. Posted answer on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/4, added LOS- and fixed LAP- for 7/4, added LYM- and fixed LAR- for 7/5. All caught
up on Dictionary stuff. Changed LU*N.TXT to LUZHN.TXT. Fixed typo in Eoverai #6, and corrected "Camoflage" to
Camouflage in #6 and #7. Uploaded files to web site and announced them on FB.
pridie Nonas Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, July 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/5, added LEIV- and fixed LAV-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Wrote "Coincidates" from my FB text, improved and corrected it. 29 per year, not 26! Changed background color,
title size, font color, changed title from index5.html to kalendarium.html. Will release tomorrow with tomorrow's
Dictionary work.
Nonis Iuliis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, July 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/6, added LIUK- and fixed LÊS-. Uploaded those changes and changes to Kalendarium
folder to web site, and announced them all on FB.
a.d. 8 Idus Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, July 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Reviewed section of story written 7/4, made revisions, fixed typos. Finished Camouflage section.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/7, added LORAON- and fixed LEIK-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced them all on
a.d. 7 Idus Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, July 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed some typos in writing from yesterday.
♦ Started writing "New phones" section of story.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/8, added LØR- and fixed LÔL-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced
them on FB.
a.d. 6 Idus Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, July 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Eye trouble and bad headches.
♦ Wrote more in story.
♦ Wrote more of first Borai Lapo section.
♦ Finished first Borai Lapo section, and fixed typos.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/9, added LOH-.
a.d. 5 Idus Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, July 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ More eye trouble and bad headches.
♦ Wrote more in July story.
♦ Participated in "Write On!"
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/9, added LORESTAR- to Dictionary.
a.d. 4 Idus Iulias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, July 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Managed to get a few hours of sleep despite eye and head. Had Dictionary dreams.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/10 and 7/11.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, July 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added LUT- and LÛN-. Fixed LYR- and LU*N-. Double-checked all links on L page. L page completely
reformatted. Uploaded all changes since 7/9 to web site, and announced them all on FB.
♦ Ordered 5 sets of keyboard stickers, app. $18 including shipping.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, July 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/16, added KÂSK- and fixed KAŠ- for 7/13, added KRAH- and fixed KAĎ for
7/14, added KAF and fixed KAŤ for 7/15. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Worked on July story.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, July 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/17, added KEIN- and fixed KAL- for 7/16, added KERR- and fixed KAPE- for 7/17. Uploaded
changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards. Worked on July story.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, July 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/18, added KÂS- and fixed K'AP- for 7/18, added KUK- and fixed KARK- for 7/19.
Uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, July 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/19, added KODR- and fixed KARŤ-. Fixed typo in KUK-.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, July 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/20, added KAIK'LIR- and fixed KEIJ-. Uploaded changes from yesterday and today to web
site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Outlined Borai Lapo segments of July and August story.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, July 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/21, added KOŃ-, and fixed KEMT-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on
♦ Worked on July story.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, July 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/22, added KRIK-, and fixed KETT-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on
♦ Sent email message to Chimpbox about Gorillabox with 3 8-Tb drives, room enough and cost.
♦ Worked on story.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, July 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/23, added KAT-, fixed KYS-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on
♦ Wrote "Mara and the King" section of July story.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, July 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/24, added KAIT-, fixed KIRJ-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Worked on "My Secret Identity" section of July story.
♦ Took part in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, July 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/25, added KAM-, fixed KIRV-. Replaced JavaScript drop-down list of roots on K page with
4-column list of HTML links to click on. Uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Worked on "My Secret Identity" section of July story.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, July 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/26, added KSET-, fixed KIŠ-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on
a.d. 5 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, July 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/27, added KAIS-, fixed KOK-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Thought about displaying finished books, with covers, at top of Stories page.
♦ Skimmed "Werewolves Are Bunk," while thinking about a cover for the anthology. Found and fixed two minor
a.d. 4 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, July 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote more in story. Up to 50,000+ bytes.
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/28, added KAR-, fixed KOR-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Realized I'd left the etymology data out of the KAR- entry. Put it in. Will release it tomorrow.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, July 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/29, added KRAN-, fixed KORV-. Uploaded changes to web site, including fixed KAR- entry,
and announced everything on FB.
pridie Kalendas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, July 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 7/30, added KAKS-, fixed KOTK-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced everything on
♦ Looked at computer boxes at local computer stores.
♦ Finished Phoenix section of story.
Kalendis Augustis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, August 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished July journal file, started one for August. Finished July agenda file, started one for August.
♦ Worked on July story, including adding idea for cover.
♦ Did "What's New" file for 7/31, fixed KRIST-, added KIL-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on
♦ Committed to do "Write On!" diary for 8/15.
♦ Overall review and sort of sections of July story.
a.d. 4 Nonas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, August 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/1.
♦ Reviewing and revising July story.
♦ Announced on FB, Dictionary stuff on hold until July story finished.
a.d. 3 Nonas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, August 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/2.
♦ Reviewing and revising July story. Fixed typos.
♦ Finished Trickster section of story.
♦ Assigned dates to story sections.
♦ Revised and finished second Borai Lapo section at 2330. Uploaded story to web site and announced on FB right at
pridie Nonas Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, August 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Skimmed through July story again, found and fixed two typos.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/3, fixed KUV-, added KIUL-, uploaded changes to web site (including story with typos
fixed), announced everything on FB.
♦ Created initial file for August story.
♦ Fixed KYK- entry in Dictionary, added KEH-. Not released or announced yet.
Nonis Augustis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, August 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/4, fixed KYĹ-, added KANTOS-.
♦ Spotted a typo in "The Reborn Princess Caper", fixed it.
♦ Checked order of all K entries, double-checked all links on K page. K page complete for now and formatted by
current standards.
♦ Created new J23.txt, checked all links, changed entry names to make entries alphabetize properly on the J
♦ Jotted down notes for "Write On!" diary while doing all the above.
♦ Fixed JÂRV-, added JOŘ-, uploaded all the changes to the web site, and announced them on
a.d. 8 Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, August 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/5, fixed JAN-, added JOD-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Started writing "Write On!" diary for 8/15.
a.d. 7 Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, August 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/6, fixed JAO-, added JURR-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
a.d. 6 Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, August 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Worked on WO! for next Thursday.
♦ Took part in WO! a little, mostly skipped it for above.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/7, fixed JAZ-, added JUH-. Will upload changes to web site and announce them on FB
a.d. 5 Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, August 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Re-read and revised diary for 8/15.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/8, fixed JED-, added JIH-. Uploaded changes for today and yesterday to web site, and
announced them on FB.
a.d. 4 Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, August 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/9, fixed JEN-, added JAT-. J page of Dictionary revised to current standards. Uploaded
changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Working on "Write On!"diary until power went out.
a.d. 3 Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, August 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/10, redid JH page header, fixed ĴAN-, added ĴEIK-. Uploaded changes
to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Finished "Write On!" diary for Thursday.
pridie Idus Augustas, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, August 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Uploaded "Write On!" diary to Daily Kos, reformatted and revised it, sent message to mettle fatigue.
♦ Queued diary, per mettle fatigue's instructions; sent her a message.
♦ Talked to Peter about him being a "seeing-eye computer guy" for me, and doing the computer-hardware stuff my eyes
no longer permit me to do. He was agreeable to doing so.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/11, fixed ĴIM-, added ĴET-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced them
on FB.
♦ Diary ready to launch on Thursday.
Idibus Augustis, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, August 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/12, fixed ĴOR-, added ĴAFS-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced them
on FB.
♦ Went through Thursday diary, did a major rewrite and revision. Much better now!
a.d. 19 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, August 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/13, fixed ĴUH-, added ĴUV-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on
a.d. 18 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, August 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed IU32.TXT and page. Did "What's New" for 8/14. Fixed I26.TXT, fixed IM-, added IRIEL-, uploaded changes
to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Moderated "Write On!" 1700-0100.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, August 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/15, fixed ΊTÛN-, added IǸGR-. I page done. Uploaded changes
to web site, and announced them on FB.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, August 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/16, fixed HAR-, added HAŤ-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on
a.d. 15 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, August 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote a bit in "Psychestar".
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/17, fixed HABÊK-, added HAĎ-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced
them on FB.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, August 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/18, fixed HARM-, added HED́-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on
a.d. 13 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, August 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Made various improvements to appearance of Stories and Novels page.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/19, fixed HAV-, added HAST-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on
a.d. 12 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, August 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed Stories and Novels page back to serif font, and tweaked its appearance some more.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/20, fixed HEK-, added HAK-. Uploaded all of today's changes to web site, and announced
them on FB.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, August 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/21, fixed HER-, added HÔV-. Uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700.
♦ Worked on major change to Stories page, to emphasize completed books.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, August 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished new Stories page, including creating covers for "Meeting" and "Werewolves", new covers for LMQ and
♦ Made more changes to Stories page, uploaded new page to web site, announced change on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/22, fixed HIK- added HAL-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Converted "Werewolves" back to serif, added cover image, adjusted font size, book title, TOC, and some other
a.d. 9 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, August 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Renamed cover of "Werewolves" to orig-cover.jpg, generated new 450x600 cover.jpg with ImageMagic. Made external
about-dry.html and about-ble.html files, read "Dry Spell" and "Blerchies" and corrected some typos.
♦ Had idea of replacing "omniscient narrator" with Mara first-person viewpoint, making "issues 1-8" into "Mara's
events of 10,040 as told to someone else, much later. Sat and thought about the idea for a while.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/23, fixed HOD- added HON-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, August 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Created about-gov.html, read "The Last Governor of Eden" through and looked for typos.
♦ Likewise about-gos.html and "The Gostak Distims the Doshes".
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/24, fixed HUOV- added HAN-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Laid out Dictionary work to be done through 8/29.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, August 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Created external "about" files for the rest of the stories in "Werewolves".
♦ Went through anthology, making sure links to "about" files worked. Discovered and fixed lots of typos.
♦ Tried to change "Werewolves" cover to show aura. Not enough of an artist to pull it off.
♦ Improved cover for "A Meeting at Κtûn", and altered story file to display it.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/25, fixed HUS- added HORIEL-, uploaded all changes to web site, announced them on
a.d. 6 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, August 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/26, fixed HUV- added HÊT-. H page done upgrading!
♦ Fixed "Κtûn" cover and how it's displayed in book. Uploaded all changes to web site,
announced them on FB.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, August 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Had a dream about a member of the Imperial Guard.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/27. Fixed ĜOL- added ĜUR-. Done upgrading Ĝ page. Uploaded changes to
web site, announced them on FB.
a.d. 4 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, August 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/28, fixed GAIK- added GIR-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, August 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/29, fixed GAL- added GRON-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Re-examined font problem. Looks like I can have a consistent transcription that's easy to remember, and the
poor legibility and ugliness of a sans-serif font; or a serif font, and an inconsistent transcription of special
characters, with two different hard-to-remember codes for each letter, majuscule and minuscule. Guess I'll put up with
♦ Solved font problem during a nap! Either (1) cut/paste from HTML page letter codes, or (2) use
existing easy-to-remember transcriptions, run LETTER-CONVERT macro to replace them with hard-to-remember codes that
work in serif font. Maybe (1) while writing new stuff, (2) for stuff that's already written and after a new thing is
finished, even!
♦ In stories.html: Special-character codes replaced by actual pasted special characters, book-cover margins
increased from 2px to 4px, sitebg.jpg removed and background-color changed to #004000.
pridie Kalendas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, August 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed a glitch in "Werewolves". Replaced mdash and copyright codes with actual symbols, cut and pasted from the
browser display.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/30, fixed GAM- added GAR-, uploaded all changes to web site, announced them on
Kalendis Septembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, September 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished August journal file and agenda file, started new ones for September.
♦ Did "What's New" for 8/31, fixed GER- added GARR-, uploaded all changes to web site, announced them on
a.d. 4 Nonas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, September 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/1, fixed GIT- added GAOR-. G page up to date! Uploaded changes to web site, announced
them on FB.
♦ 470 roots x 16 words/root = 7520 words. Accumulated word count = 7316. Difference = 204 words. 4 "missing"
words for each formal name x 64 formal names = 256 words. BEST GUESS total words: 64 roots x 12 wpr = 768 words.
406 roots (470 - 64) x 16 wpr = 6496. 768 + 6496 = 7264. 7316 - 7264 = 52 extra words, i.e. House names, ordinal
adjectives and adverbs, etc. Actual number of extra words unknown.
♦ Getting low on memo cards! Ripped some used paper from the paper drawer into 102 new cards, added them to the
bottom of the stack to be used last.
♦ Started HTML file showing codes for special characters, and how they display in sans-serif and serif fonts.
Actual characters are embedded in the file (a no-no in XHTML 1.0 Strict).
a.d. 3 Nonas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, September 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished CHARCODES.HTML, listing HTML/Unicode to represent all the special characters I use in writing. This set
works in both serif and sans-serif fonts. Actual characters are copied from browser display and pasted into text of
file. This reduces the size of the file and makes it possible to copy from either browser, or text.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/2, fixed FAR- added FUS-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
pridie Nonas Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, September 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished 2019.html file for today = 99889 bytes. After replacing every ◊ code with the actual character,
98706 bytes!
♦ Fixed FOK- added FU*R-.
Nonibus Septembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, September 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/4, fixed FREK-, added FÂR-. F page complete! Uploaded everything from today and
yesterday to web site, announced it all on FB.
♦ Embedded special characters in file names are OK! Embedded special characters in ID tags are OK too!
♦ Took part in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards.
♦ Replaced font-size parameter in body tag of "Werewolves."
♦ Began replacing special-character codes with embedded special characters in "Reborn".
a.d. 8 Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, September 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Continued and finished replacing special-character codes with embedded special characters in "Reborn".
a.d. 7 Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, September 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Replaced codes for em dash, e circumflex, and long e in 000-db.txt with embedded characters. Ran UPDB macro to
duplicate changes throughout old-entry folders.
♦ Had a dream about a medic squad ambushing a Crystal Lord and a Crystal Lady during the end of the Nascian
Crystallization, just before the Crystal Empire. Dialogue and short-term behaviors OK, not sure the actions of the
medics isn't suicidal in the long run.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/5, fixed F́YŠ-, added F́UK-. F́ page complete! Uploaded everything
from today and yesterday to web site. Announced changes to Stories folder on FB.
a.d. 6 Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, September 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/6, fixed EI page. No new root added.
♦ Replaced lozenge character in 2019.html with diamond suit.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/7, fixed Ê page. No new root added.
♦ Uploaded changes above, announced them on FB.
♦ Added ellipsis to special-characters list.
a.d. 5 Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, September 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Converted "Eretai" to "Eretiǹgrai" at the top of all the blank entries files.
♦ Changed "Eretai" to "Eretiǹgrai" in every root page in E folder.
♦ Checked all E entries to make sure links at top of page are correct.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/8, fixed EA and EHIU, added EHI and ERETIǸG-. Uploaded them and changed charcodes.txt.
Announced changes on FB.
♦ Started checking "Last-Minute Queen" for typos, and special-character codes to be replaced with the actual characters.
Changed font-size in body to 22 points, font family to serif, 336 em dashes to the actual characters (shortens text by
2016 bytes), replaced copyright coding with copyright symbol, macrons in Latin text. Replaced 160 ellipses codes with
the symbol itself (1126 bytes saved). Changed cover, rearranged TOC and Dedication.
a.d. 4 Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, September 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Mapped out which roots to fix and add from today through Saturday, to get 5 new roots and 8 old roots done by then,
and E page finished.
♦ Replaced coding for 121 em dashes, 0 ellipses, and 1 copyright symbol in 2019.html with actual symbols.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/9, fixed EIO and EJAO, added EODÂK-.
a.d. 3 Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, September 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Uploaded yesterday's TED changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/10, fixed EJYR and ELA-, added ELARÂŃ-. Uploaded changes to web site and announced
them on FB.
pridie Idus Septembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, September 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/11, fixed ENYR and E*NYR, added ELI*R-. Added Eisaxai to SAX-. Uploaded changes to web site
and announced them on FB.
♦ Took part in "What's New" 1700 onward. Revised beginning of "Psychestar" and posted it there.
Idibus Septembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, September 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Realized that I never made a "What's New" entry for 9/10; not in my 2019.html file, not in web site copy, either.
Double-checked that 9/9 and 9/11 entries were correct, then did one for 9/10.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/12, fixed EO-, added EOKANTOS-.
♦ Changed all other files in "LMQ" to 22pt and serif font, and replaced all the HTML coding for special symbols with
the actual symbols.
♦ Uploaded Dictionary and LMQ changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Set up folder for "Psychestar", created HTML file for it, copied fragments into it, revised stuff I posted on "Write
On!" yesterday.
♦ Downloaded fragment of "Psychestar" I wrote for "Write On!" on 9/5 (last week), added it to psychestar.html and
formatted it.
♦ Went through "Meeting", made font 22-pt serif, changed div.copy border-top to 3 px, replaced 2,805 character codes
with the actual characters. Fixed two typos where I left out the ";" at the end of a character code. Total effect is
to reduce the file size by about 16,830 bytes!
a.d. 18 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, September 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/13, fixed ÊN, added EOVER-. E page finished! Noticed and fixed more typos in "Meeting".
Uploaded changes to Dictionary and "Meeting", announced them on FB.
♦ Changed footer.txt, header.txt, and nav.txt so that Dictionary pages from now on will be 22-pt. serif, and have
embedded characters.
♦ Changed file names in z11 page to use ž instead of zh.
♦ Checked gold dictionary. Found four possible ž roots not replaced in later Dictionary. For 3 of those, the Finnish
isn't suitable. Wrote notes in appropriate folders.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, September 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed z11.txt with links, special characters. Fixed ŽAN-, ŽERET-, ŽOL- with special characters in file names and
entries. Added missing words to ŽERET-. Added ŽEL- and ŽIV-. Ran COUNTROOTS and COUNTWORDS macros.
♦ Created COUNTSTEMS macro and ran that as a check on the words count.
♦ Ran CR, CS, and CW on Z11 page, got 5, 82, and 81 respectively. Tracked down missing word tag and inserted it, fixed
other errors in ŽOL- as well.
♦ Replaced all coding for en dash with actual character in files in Z11 folder. Added en dash to charcodes.html.
♦ Updated Stories page with correct numbers per macros.
♦ Started checking roots, stems, and words, comparing stems to words, and both to formal word name roots * 12 plus other
roots * 16. For V through Z, stems=words and words counted ≥ results predicted.
♦ Uploaded all changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Converted "Bedtime Story" and "A Journal Entry" to 22-pt serif and embedded special characters. Started "Nessen", but
somehow deleted all the ellipses. Download from web site or backup, and start over!
a.d. 16 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, September 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/15. Figured out why nav bar on Ž page is still showing as sans-serif, and fixed it. Adjusted
padding on nav-bar buttons to make them look better.
♦ Spent some time thinking about Dictionary in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order, rather than pseudo-English.
♦ IDEA: It occurs to me it would be very quick and easy to extract a list of Eretiǹgrai words from the TED, edit it
(mostly with search-and-replace commands), write a foreword on Eretiǹgrai grammar, and have a short Grammar and Word
List (400+ words) of that language!
♦ Added ŽAĎ-, ŽASK-, and ŽUM- to Dictionary. Ž folder and page done for now! Uploaded these changes, and new
"Bedtime Story" and "A Journal Entry", to web site. Downloaded "Nessen" to fix. Announced everything on
a.d. 15 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, September 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Began converting root entries in Z folder to 22-pt serif and embedded characters by hand, while looking online for
ways to do it programmatically in Perl.
♦ Finished converting txt files in Z folder.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/16. Added ZUK- and ZLODAŃOR–. Uploaded Z folder, etc. to web site and announced changes on
♦ Finished converting "Nessen" and "The Remains".
a.d. 14 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, September 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/17, added ZOL-. Z page done. Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Converted "Akbash", "Battle of the Kings", and "Just before the End" to 22-pt serif font, and embedded characters.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, September 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/18, converted Y folder and page, added YLI- and YLILIM-. Uploaded that, and partial books
converted yesterday, and announced them on FB.
♦ Wrote the next part of "Psychestar" and posted it on "Write On!", replied to comments, etc.
♦ Converted unfinished novels "The T́ulańē" and "The Zeta People" to serif and embedded characters.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, September 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Converted whatsnew.html and 2019.html to serif and embedded characters, and some other tweaks.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/19, converted x12 file names and id tags, added XOD-. Converted entry files for XA*L-, XEG-,
XEP-, and XIRET-. (Will do the rest tomorrow). Uploaded changes to web site and announced them on FB.
♦ Checked gold dictionary under X. Words listed for four roots. One of them's already in the current dictionary.
Reassigned one to Finnish root. Left two as is, Finnish words not suitable.
♦ Started converting "Maiden Flight".
a.d. 11 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, September 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Converted 2018.html to serif and embedded characters.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/20, converted XYLASS- and XYŘ-, added XÔŽ-. Uploaded 2018.html and Dictionary changes to web
site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Finished converting "Maiden Flight."
♦ Converted "Rush to Battle", and fixed a few typos.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, September 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Noticed and fixed a bug in XYLASS-.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/21, converted XID-, XOS-, and XUM-, added XOL-. X page done! Uploaded Dictionary changes, and
two stories converted yesterday. Announced it all on FB.
♦ Checking out W in Dictionary. 8 entries, no remaining entries to add from previous dictionary. No W words in
Finnish; W is an older spelling of V.
♦ Got out gold dictionary. Found words under W for 7 roots. WAH- already in Dictionary as WEH-. WOM-, deep, already
in Dictionary as ĹOG-. Leaves 5 potential roots.
♦ Checked out WES-, example or model. Finnish words are malli, esikuva (nouns); muovata, to model something;
mallikeiponen, esimerkki. Stick with WES- and add it tomorrow. 4 more possible roots.
♦ Converted "Going Long".
♦ Napped 1930-2100. Dreamed about working on the Dictionary.
♦ Converted "The Imperial Guard".
♦ Checked Dictionary. No word for "stun" in it. Changed gold-dictionary root WIH- to WIM-, to provide a root for
Turtle Woman's name, Wimai. 3 more possible roots.
♦ No word for "sane", "reasonable", or "sensible" in Dictionary. Changed gold-dictionary word WEO to root JÂRK-, from
Finnish, and recorded it in J folder for future addition. 2 more possible roots.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, September 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Picked roots for "cobalt" and "helium", which aren't in existing Dictionary. (The Finnish words for those elements
are almost the same as English.)
♦ Used WC, changed COUNTROOTS to print, e.g., "496 roots" and COUNTWORDS to print, e.g., "7422 words". Created
COUNTBOTH macro, and CB link, to print "496 roots / and / 7422 words" with blank lines before and after. Just for
completeness' sake, modified COUNTSTEMS also.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/22, added WES-, converted WAC- and WEH-, uploaded Dictionary changes, stories converted
yesterday, and new macros to web site, then announced them on FB.
♦ Gold dictionary WÊL- rerooted to KIP-, note put under K for future. WAI- changed to WAIM-. Dictionary work mapped
out through Friday 9/27, when W page will be finished.
♦ Converted "New Friends" to serif font and embedded special characters.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, September 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/23. Added WIM-, converted WEK- and WIS-. Uploaded Dictionary changes, "New Friends".
Announced them on FB.
♦ Converted "New Experiences".
♦ Started converting "New Players".
a.d. 7 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, September 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished converting "New Players".
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/24. Added WAIM-, converted WOKT- and WUL-. Uploaded Dictionary changes, "New Experiences".
Announced them on FB.
♦ Wrote and revised next section of "Psychestar", #3.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, September 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/25, added WOM-, converted WORET-. Uploaded Dictionary changes and "Psychestar" to web site,
and announced them on FB.
♦ Reformatted part 3 of "Psychestar" for "Write On!", made some more revisions.
♦ Dug some words out of the Finnish dictionary to add to TED when I get to the V page.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700 on.
♦ Looked through site. Pages other than the Story page were never changed to sans-serif, because they had few or no
special characters on them, and don't have to be changed back to serif, or have special characters embedded.
♦ Mapped out work on V page, 9/28 through 10/9.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, September 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/26, added *WAN-, converted *WIRET-. W page is done.
♦ Noticed that some TED entries had "Etymology: Etymology:" in them. Fixed them all with SED. Made all new pages with
MAKEALL. Re-uploaded all root-entry txt files and pages, since I last did that in May. Announced changes on FB.
♦ Started converting and revising Dictionary home page.
a.d. 4 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, September 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/27.
♦ Created new v08.txt file with table of links for roots, root text files renamed with special characters.
♦ Converted "Coincidates", fixed a typo, revised the writing a bit.
♦ Added VAĹ–, converted VAD-, uploaded TED and "Coincidates" changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, September 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/28. Added VALT-.
♦ Renamed text files for V roots so that they automatically alphabetize correctly in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order,
except that shorter identical words still come after longer words, e.g., VOR- after VORET-, unless I rename VOR- to
VOR0- manually. Making the text files list in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order means that roots on page are also in that
order. Nav bars and link table remain in quasi-English order.
♦ Added a second bar to nav.txt, so pages are listed in both T́uliǹgrai order and quasi-English order.
♦ Changed 000-db-blank.txt so that stems for each root are listed in T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order.
♦ Redid VAĹ– and VAD- to put stems in right order.
pridie Kalendas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, September 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/29.
♦ Added "000" to end of numeric portion of all V root files that didn't already have them. "Zero-terminating" numeric
portion of every file name should prevent longer file names from ever alphabetizing before shorter file names.
♦ Ran MAKEALL to create all new pages with both nav bars.
♦ Uploaded all of today's and yesterday's changes to web site, and announced them on Facebook.
♦ Redid VALT-, converted VAIŠ–, and converted VAK-.
♦ Added future root, under D of old entries, for guava/guayaba. Multiple roots for different fruits all called
guava, but not related?
♦ Done with V page up to yesterday. Rather than go nuts trying to catch up, and maybe introduce unnecessary
mistakes through haste, rescheduled remaining work on this page. Will be done, now, 10 October.
♦ Converted "The North American Union", "The Outside Calendars", and "Timeline of a Typical Skyburst Earth" to 22-pt
serif font and embedded special characters.
♦ Started writing "She Is Beauty".
Kalendis Octobribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote some more of "She Is Beauty".
♦ Finished September journal file and agenda file, started new ones for October.
♦ Did "What's New" for 9/30. Added VAŃ-. VAL- already fixed; probably confused it with VAĹ- yesterday or the day
before. Fixed VAĹ- and VAR-. Uploaded everything from today and yesterday to web site, announced them on
a.d. 6 Nonas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, October 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/1, Added VAŘ-, fixed VARJ- and VAST-, uploaded them to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Outlined "Psychestar" through episode 10, to be posted 11/21.
a.d. 5 Nonas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/1, 081-000.txt. Added VET-, found a problem with names.
♦ Wrote "Psychestar" episode 4 between 1330 and 1700. Uploaded it to DKos, formatted it, and posted it on "Write On!"
Took part in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards.
♦ Wrote "O Donny Boy", posted it to DKos and Facebook.
♦ Examined different ways to keep names from showing up in italics when a word class is contained in a stem class.
Simplest way is just to move the actual name so that it's only contained in the stem class.
a.d. 4 Nonas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, October 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Checked FB and DKos for reactions to "O Donny Boy".
♦ Copied modified "pstar4" back from DKos, reformatted it, corrected typos, revised word choices.
♦ Formatted whole "Psychestar", including adding chapter headings.
♦ Fixed name problem in all the blank template files.
♦ Fixed name problem in roots files already converted. Others will be fixed automatically when the whole file is redone
with new blank template file.
♦ Fixed names in root files already done. Checked them against page and fixed some of them again, because I made
another error.
♦ Fixed VAŤ- and VEL- from yesterday. Added VIRT-, fixed VIH- and VIR- for today.
a.d. 3 Nonas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, October 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Uploaded Dictionary changes from Thursday and Friday to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Fixed id tags in all V words that still needed them, so table of links would work for them whether I've gotten to them
yet or not!
♦ Replaced all occurrences of "Eretai" with "Eretiǹgrai" in every V file I haven't got to yet, then double-checked with
GREP to make sure I'd gotten them all.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/4, added VIS-, fixed VIUS- and VÎD́-, uploaded V08 whole folder and other changes to web site,
announced on FB. Up to date!
♦ Removed cards for V words from gold dictionary. Sorted out words into 18 roots, put cards back in dictionary.
♦ 4 words already in Dictionary, complete duplicates, 2 minor islands that are just names on a map. Leaves 12
♦ Eliminated 5 roots where the root itself is OK, but the meaning already exists. Leaves 7 roots.
♦ Started looking up meanings of roots in Finnish dictionary, to see what the Finnish words were.
pridie Nonas Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed VYK- to KOSTE- and filed it in future K additions to Dictionary, leaves 6.
♦ One old root exists in new Dictionary, and its meaning belongs to another root. That leaves 5.
♦ No word in TED for "eastern", Finnish "ita" is unsuitable. Added VOLDUN- to future roots as VOLD-. That leaves 4.
Already had words for north and south. Adapted Finnish word for "western". All four cardinal directions covered
♦ Renamed the remaining four roots to roots from golden dictionary whose meanings were already in current Dictionary.
Put changed roots into the folder of roots to be added.
♦ Redid schedule for finishing the V page. Last work will be on the Ides, 10/15!
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/5, added VITS-, fixed VÎS-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Began writing "Psychestar" for Thursday.
Nonis Octobribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished writing "Psychestar" post for Thursday.
♦ Changed my mind about a root. Changed VOLD- to TAH-, from Er. "ita, the east". Alt. Volduning, the lands east of
Ereting, in turn from Vol + dun + -ing, "the kingdom of the dawn", "the sunrise kingdom".
♦ Had the germ of a scene for later in "Psychestar". Wrote it into the file.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/6, added VAS-, fixed VOIM-. Uploaded TED changes and "Psychestar" for Thursday, and announced
them on FB.
♦ Reformatted "Psychestar" episode for Thursday in my Draft folder there, all ready to go.
a.d. 8 Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/7, added VEG-, fixed VOL-. Uploaded TED changes to web site, and backed up "Psychestar" on
the laptop. Announced changes on FB.
♦ Spotted typo in VOL-, fixed it for uploading tomorrow.
♦ Wrote some more in Chapter 5 of "Psychestar".
a.d. 7 Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, October 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/8, changed links table on V page to T́uliǹgrai alphabetical order. Added VIK-,
fixed VOR-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Revised "Psychestar", wrote more too.
a.d. 6 Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/9, added VOD-, fixed VORET-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Posted Chapter 5, section 1 of "Psychestar" to "Write On!", and took part there from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 5 Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, October 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/10, added VOIK-, fixed VOŘ-, uploaded changes to web site, and announced them on FB.
♦ Renamed root files in F folder with numeric coding and embedded special characters. No F roots from previous online
dictionary waiting to be added.
♦ Took cards for F words out of golden dictionary. Sorted words into 9 roots. One is just the name of an unimportant
island, discarded it. That leaves 8 roots. Put cards back in dictionary.
♦ No duplicates between F root names in golden dictionary and TED, so still 8 roots.
♦ No native words in Finnish beginning with F, so no possible conflicts there, either.
♦ Three F roots have meanings already in TED; that leaves 5 roots.
♦ Fixed id for fâr.txt so the link on the V/F page will work even before I redo the file.
♦ Changed all occurrences of "Eretai" in F root files to "Er."
♦ Wrote up 5 "new" F roots to be added to TED.
♦ Mapped out work to do on F section of Dictionary.
a.d. 4 Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, October 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added FAS- to list of future F roots.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/11, added VOIX-, fixed VRÊN-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
a.d. 3 Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ No new root for today, since I changed VOLD- to TAH-. Picked VEK- out of Finnish dictionary: verkko, net.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/12, added VEK-, fixed VYRĎ-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Found a great potential cover for "Psychestar", and sent the photographer, Jack Newton, email requesting permission to
use his picture of the Sun in H-alpha light for the purpose.
pridie Idus Octobres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/13, added VON-, fixed VER-, uploaded changes to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Added VRUG-, fixed VES- for tomorrow.
♦ Copied VRUG- and VES- to 08vf folder. Copied existing F entries too.
♦ Made 080-000.txt file for combined V/F folder.
♦ Changed nav.txt. Bar in quasi-English order is gone, and single button for "V F" folder.
Idibus Octobribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/14. Uploaded today's stuff to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Used SED to replace "Eretai" with "Er." on all pages. Used MAKEALL to get rid of nav bars in quasi-English
alphabetical order, and replace two buttons for V and F with a single button.
♦ Renamed and merged contents of ALL entry folders, e.g., b01 and p01 became 01bp with all the contents of both.
♦ Renamed all B and P root files with numeric coding and special characters.
♦ Combined b01.txt and p01.txt into 010-000.txt file.
♦ Renamed all D́ and T́ root files with numeric coding and special characters.
♦ Combined d02.txt and t02.txt into 020-000.txt file.
♦ Renamed all D and T root files with numeric coding and special characters.
a.d. 17 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, October 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Made sure links work for all F roots, even ones not fixed yet. Added line breaks to all F roots for proper spacing
between root entries, made sure all V and F entries are double-spaced apart.
♦ Figured out how to make links show margin space ABOVE beginning of root entry.
♦ Changed every text file in V/F folder, and template text files, to make this happen from now on. Double-checked by
clicking on every link in the table. Found three typos I just made, fixed them.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/15, added FAV-, fixed FREK-, uploaded them, ALL the pages to the web site (so they'd all
point to the new 08vf folder, show a single button for it, and drop the quasi-English nav bars), and all the files in
the 08vf folder. Uploaded "Psychestar" so far (1-4) with Stories page pointing to it. Uploaded episode for
tomorrow, to be formatted for Daily Kos. Announced it all on FB.
♦ Made 050-000.txt for 05q folder.
♦ Renamed all Q root files with numeric coding and special characters.
a.d. 16 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Reformatted "Psychestar" for today, plus revisions.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/16. added FAŽ–, fixed FAR-, uploaded changes to web site, announced on FB.
♦ Renamed all Ĵ and C root files with numeric coding and special characters. Made 060-000.txt for 06ĵc folder.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1730 on, overslept.
♦ Found and fixed a typo, "good" instead of "food", in "Just before the End". Will upload it tomorrow.
♦ Renamed all V́ and F́ root files with numeric coding and special characters. Made 070-000.txt for 07v́f́
a.d. 15 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, October 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Received permission from Jack and Alice Newton, by email, to use his photo as a cover for "Psychestar". Sent them a
thank-you note the same way.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/17, added FEM-, fixed FARET-. Uploaded TED changes, and "Just before the End" with the fixed
typo, to the web site. Announced it all on FB.
♦ Added Jack Newton's photo to the Psychestar folder, and the permission letter. Changed stories.html to include photo
as cover for the book. Worked on the book.
a.d. 14 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, October 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added last Thursday's installment of "Psychestar" to the file, revised the whole thing into two chapters, made it
ready to upload to the web site, and revised the Stories page as well.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/18, added FIŤ-, fixed FÂR. Uploaded Dictionary changes and updated "Psychestar" to web site,
announced them on FB.
a.d. 13 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed link on "Psychestar" cover so it goes nowhere, instead of showing an error. Then commented out empty link, at
least for now.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/19, added FOR-.
a.d. 12 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed FOK-. Uploaded Dictionary changes and updated "Psychestar" to web site, announced them on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/20, added FAS-.
a.d. 11 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Fixed FUS- and FU*R-. Uploaded all to web site and announced on FB. 08vf folder done for now!
♦ Changed nav bar to point to 01bp folder instead of b01 and p01.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/21.
♦ Generated new 01bp.html and 08vf.html that both point to both folders.
a.d. 10 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, October 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/22.
♦ Wrote "Psychestar" episode for tomorrow; introduction of Amina Berav, to go into middle
of episode from last week.
♦ Fixed typo in FARET-, rebuilt 08vf page. Uploaded 01np and 08bf pages, folders, "What's New" for 10/22.
psychestar episode for tomorrow, and psychestar.html.
a.d. 9 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Edited "Psychestar" segment for today. Found a typo, corrected it in draft and on my computer.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/23. Fixed BOC-.
♦ Took part in "Write On" from 1700 on.
♦ Added double line break to the end of every file in the B/P folder, to make sure the spacing between roots is good
even before I get around to fixing a particular entry.
♦ Changed id tags to special characters where needed, to make sure jumping to every entry works even before an entry is
♦ Uploaded "What's New", stories.html, 01bp.html to web page. Tried to announce on FB, but FB refused to do its job,
claiming a problem. Saved announcement in file until FB is fixed.
a.d. 8 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, October 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Managed to get FB post from last night
posted, then changed date and time to when it should've been posted.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/24.
♦ Made the new nav.txt for all folders combined aspects and special characters.
♦ Made a new MAKEALL macro and shortcut MA, and ran them.
♦ Replaced d03.txt and t03.txt with 003-000.txt, used MP macro to make new 03dt page.
♦ Resumed working on renaming root files for G/K folder.
a.d. 7 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, October 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/25.
♦ Finished renaming all root files in 04gk folder. Prepared 040-000.txt file. Made link table for all 57 roots.
♦ Confirmed 05q folder ready to go. Still needs work, but readable. Same for 06ĵc folder. Same for 07v́f́
folder. 08vf folder done already.
♦ Renamed files in 09δθ folder. Changed ID tags in all 7 files, otherwise NONE of them would've worked
until they were fixed, way down the line. Made 090-000.txt, remade page.
a.d. 6 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/26.
♦ Renamed Z and S files with numeric codes and special characters.
♦ Made new Z/S header file, made and inserted 61 links to roots, ran MA to make new pages.
♦ ZH/SH folder renamed, header created and link table filled, ID tags corrected for SH roots.
a.d. 5 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/27.
♦ Renamed GH roots in GH/X folder, fixed their ID tags, made new page header, populated link table, made new page.
♦ Fixed H folder ready to go. 13 down, 24 to go.
♦ Renamed root files in M folder.
a.d. 4 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
♦ (Tuesday, October 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/28.
♦ M/*M folder fixed and ready to upload.
♦ Ń/*Ń folder started.
a.d. 3 Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, October 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished fixing up N/*N folder.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/29.
♦ Fixed GN/KN folder.
♦ Renamed all the files in the L folder.
pridie Kalendras Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/30.
♦ Uploaded "Psychestar" fragment to DKos draft space, formatted it, corrected some typos.
♦ Participated in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards. Said I'd bring TED to Stage 5 for NaNoWriMo,
posted "Psychestar" fragment.
Kalendis Novembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Got a non-Nvidia video card for the computer
♦ Fixed the ID tags that needed it in the L folder.
♦ Did "What's New" for 10/31.
♦ Closed October journal file, made November one and brought it up to date.
♦ Looked at video card, sorted out stuff for tomorrow.
♦ Reformatted the corrected "Psychestar" fragment from yesterday, made even more revisions and fixed at least one typo,
added it to main file as beginning of chapter 3.
a.d. 4 Nonas Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Spent the whole day taking my computer and the new video card to Peter Cuevas and having him install it,
then taking it home and trying to boot from 2018.08 live disk. No joy.
a.d. 3 Nonas Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Tried both live CDs and both DVD writers. Consistent results: 2018.06 boots fine, but no
internet. 2019.08 freezes early in the boot process. Shit!
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/1 and 11/2.
♦ Made page header for L*L folder, populated link table, fixed stupid typos. Page made and ready to go.
♦ Got folder 19r*r ready to go: renamed root files, fixed id tags, made new page header, populated link table,
made new page.
♦ Fixed up folder 20, all ready to go.
♦ Same for folder 21.
pridie Nonas Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/3.
♦ Did 22w*w folder.
♦ Started working on 23j*j folder.
Nonibus Novembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished 23j*j folder.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/4.
♦ Did the folder for A.
♦ Did E folder.
♦ Worked on "Psychestar".
♦ Did I folder.
a.d. 8 Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/5.
♦ Corrected omitted kapeol names in A, E, and I headers.
♦ Upgraded folders for O, U, Y, AI, and AO.
♦ Worked on "Psychestar" for tomorrow.
a.d. 7 Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/6.
♦ Wrote some more "Psychestar".
♦ Took part in "Write On!" from 1700 on, including reporting progress towards reaching Stage
5 on TED (my NaNoWriMo goal) and posting bit of "Psychestar" written yesterday.
a.d. 6 Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/7.
♦ Discovered 01bp folder missing from computer, probably deleted by accident.
Downloaded it from web page. All files restored, but some work needs to be redone.
♦ Replaced nav bars in Dictionary home page with new ones used by the other pages,
that point to combined and renamed letter pages.
♦ Replaced HREF and TITLE tags in the map of the Dictionary cover image. 6 of 8 rows done.
a.d. 5 Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished replacing HREF and TITLE tags in Dictionary cover image map. Double-check later
after doing something else for a while.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/8.
♦ Double-checked nav bar for secctions of the main page of the Dictionary.
♦ Fixed and double-checked nav bar for letter pages of the Dictionary, to make sure
buttons on main page actually take you to the indicated pages.
♦ Double-checking image map for cover of Dictionary main page. Fixed ID for KET́- (2)
fixed file names in 04gk folder, fixed MA macro and remade all pages with it.
♦ Fixed order of roots in G/K page link table, and remade page. May be 1 or 2 roots missing
from table and/or page.
♦ Fixed an error I introduced into MA when I fixed it before, and remade 35ei page.
♦ Fixed ID tag for CUŠ- (7) so links to it will work.
♦ Somehow TITLE tag of Ń line of TED image map ended up blank. Filled it in.
♦ Image map HREF and TITLE tags double-checked, and fixed as needed.
♦ Fixed a typo in AO header that made the letter image display with a white background
color, instead of a khaki one.
♦ Did IU folder.
♦ Did OI folder.
a.d. 4 Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/9.
♦ Did folders for 34âi, 35ei, 36ē, and 37ø. All folders now revamped for Stage 5.
♦ Ran CB. On 10/24 it reported 523 roots and 7871 words. Today it reports 522 roots
and 7846 words. That's a difference of 1 root and 25 words.
♦ Fixed the id tags in all the 04gk root files that needed it.
♦ I don't get it! Directory listing shows 59 files in 04gk folder, but only 57 root files
plus header file there. Where's it getting, or seeing, the extra file???
♦ Revised first section of the main page of the Dictionary.
a.d. 3 Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/10.
♦ Worked on main page of Dictionary all day.
pridie Idus Novembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/11.
♦ Finished writing main page of Dictionary.
♦ Fixed ID tags in B and P root files.
♦ Added PÂH– to Dictionary.
♦ Added double line breaks to the end of every root file in the 01bp folder, again,
so spacing between roots will be right. Corrected header for root Ber- to BER-, again.
♦ Brought BRUT- up to date. CB reports 523 roots, 7864 words.
Idibus Novembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/12.
♦ Copied dictionary.html and dictionary.png to external HD, 1-entries and 2-pages
folders, 2019.html.
♦ Updated stories.html, and copied it to external HD.
♦ Revised bit of "Psychestar" posted to "Write On!" last Thursday, added it to psychestar.html,
copied that to external HD.
♦ Uploaded everything to web site, announced it on FB.
♦ Added PÂIV–, fixed BAH- and BORET-, updated stories.txt. CB says 524 roots and
7884 words.
a.d. 18 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/13.
♦ Uploaded all the Dictionary stuff and a section of "Psychestar" to my web site, announced
Dictionary stuff on FB.
♦ Copied "Psychestar" bit to DKos draft, reformatted it, revised it some, corrected at least one
♦ Sorted out words for roots beginning with B in the gold dictionary: 10 not including P words,
still to be done. 3 have meanings that are already in the Dictionary, leaves 7.
♦ Changed BREV to BEV. BREV is too obviously VERBUM spelled backwards, and SANA is
already in the Dictionary. Leaves 6.
♦ Changed BRIOS-, possible BRIS-, to LAOL-, sing, similar to ĹAOL-, laugh. Leaves 5.
♦ Root BET- is already in the Dictionary with another meaning. Finnish for ask, question, etc.
suggests KYS-, but that's the root for the number 5. Made it GIS- instead. Leaves 4.
♦ Added good word BYR- to list. 3 left to sort out.
♦ Added BAIQ- to list of future entries; Finnish for agree, assent are all over the map. Leaves 2.
♦ Changed BAI-I to BAIH- and added it to new roots. 1 left.
♦ Changed BEIŽ- to BEL-. Out of 10 roots under B in old dictionary, 7 used in new one; 5 under B, 2 under
other letters.
♦ Taking part in "Write On!" from 1700 on.
♦ Recorded 7 "B" roots above as files in in B, G, and L folders to add in future.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/14. Added BEL- to Dictionary. Fixed BAL- and BAR-. Updated stories.html file.
♦ Copied corrected "Psychestar" text from yesterday back to my computer. Uploaded Dictionary stuff to web site,
announced it on FB.
♦ Did a econd set of files, intending them for tomorrow. Added BEV-, fixed BET- and BER-. Then, since it was only
about 2100, went ahead and uploaded them to web site and announced them on FB. CB 526 roots, 7918 words.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/15. Added BYR-, fixed BIS- and BIM-, uploaded everything to web
site and announced it all on Facebook.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/16. Added BAIQ-. fixed BOC- amd BOĜ–, uploaded it all to the web site,
and announced it all on Facebook.
♦ Got 6 roots from words in golden dictionary under P. Put original cards for B and P back in old
♦ Entered notes about roots as files in respective folders, for future addition to Dictionary.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/17. Added BAIH-. Fixed BOǸ– and BOR-.
Uploaded everything to web site, announced it all on Facebook.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/18, added PON-, fixed BUK– and BEIT-.
Changed all "such as" in B/P folder to "as".
Uploaded everything to web site, and announced it on Facebook.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/19, added PUH-, fixed PAŠ– and PAM-, uploaded all to web site
and announced it on FB.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote a little bit of "Psychestar", uploaded it to DKos, reformatted it for draft,
fixed some typos and made some revisions.
♦ Took part in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards, including posting bit of "Psychestar".
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/20, added PREM-, fixed PARET- and PÂT–, uploaded all to web site,
announced it on FB.
♦ Copied the corrected and revised "Psychestar" fragment back to my computer.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Searched with GREP for all instances of "such as" in TED. Found 86 of them!
Changed them all to "as" with a SED command.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/21, added PAIK-, fixed PET- and PER–, uploaded all to web site,
announced it on FB.
♦ Downloaded different versions of the Periodic Table of the Elements from the Internet to an external hard disk.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Downloaded Periodic Tables from external hard disk to Stories folder.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/22, added PØM–, fixed PERS- and PÊŠT–, uploaded all to web site,
announced it on FB.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Used SW macro to search for "element", edited elements.txt to get previously-defined chemical
symbols. Used SW again to get word for "iron", edited that. Copied elements.txt to periodic-table
♦ Worked on names and symbols of the elements.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/23, added PIH-, fixed PITK- and PIK-, uploaded all to web site and announced
it all on FB.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/24, added BAB-, fixed PIV- and PIR-, uploaded all to web site, and announced
it all on FB.
♦ Made a list of P roots still to fix. 5 P roots to add, 9 P roots to fix. Finished with
01bp folder on 11/30.
♦ Chose elements for D́ and T́, Aluminum and Cesium respectively.
♦ Found 5 roots in golden dictionary under D́. One in a geographic irrelevancy,
two others have meanings already in the Dictionary. Leaves 2 new roots. Changed them
to L and M roots suggested by Finnish.
♦ Four roots in golden dictionary under T́, all in current Dictionary already!
♦ Read stuff on Wikipedia about the Periodic Table, different arrangements showing
different chemical and physical properties, and hypotheses about the highest element
that can exist.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Entered notes for LEIN- and MOK- in L and M folders.
♦ Mapped out work on D́ and T́ letter, 12/1-12/3.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/25, added PEHU, fixed POL- and POJ-, uploaded all to web site, and announced
it all on FB.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/26, added PEN, fixed PUR- and PUN-, uploaded all to web site, and announced
it all on FB.
♦ Worked on names of the chemical elements. Also looked up words for "element" in various languages.
a.d. 4 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Worked on Periodic Table.
♦ Did "What's New' for 11/27, added PERIL-, fixed PUK- and PUL-. Uploaded everything to
web site except "What's New"; will fix that tomorrow. Announced stuff on FB.
♦ Checked out Thanksgiving Write On!, hosted by mettle fatigue. Didn't take part.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Picked JOS- as the root for a chemical element, put note in J/*J folder.
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/28, added PILV-, fixed PAISK- and POIST-, uploaded all to web site
and announced it all on FB.
pridie Kalendas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/29, added PUŃ-, fixed PEIS-. Done with B/P folder/page for
now. Uploaded everything to web site, announced it all on FB.
Kalendis Decembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 1, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 11/30. Added D́AF-, fixed D́ERET- and D́UR. Uploaded everything to web site
and announced it on FB.
♦ Filed away November journal file. Created new one for December.
♦ Made sure all 8 roots in D́/T́ folder double-spaced correctly even before being fixed.
♦ ID tags in folder weren't upgraded. Fixed them all so links on page would work.
♦ Corrected schedule for D́/T́ folder, will finish folder on 12/4.
a.d. 4 Nonas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 2, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Woke and got up at 0500. Wrote the dream I was having, until 0800.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/1, added D́AL-, fixed D́EIT- and T́AK-,
uploaded everything to web site and announced it on FB.
a.d. 3 Nonas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 3, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Changed all instances of "Orycon" to "Oriel", and all "ORYCON" to "ORIEL", in "A Town
Called Fight".
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/2, added T́AR-, fixed T́EB- and T́IRET-, uploaded everything to
web site and announced it all on FB.
pridie Nonas Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 4, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Finished writing and revising "A Town Called Fight", posted it on web site and announced it
on FB.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/3, added T́AIT-, fixed typo in T́IRET-, fixed T́OM- and T́UL-. D́ and T́ folder finished,
start D and T tomorrow. Uploaded and announced everything.
Nonis Decembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 5, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Noted and corrected two typos in "Fight".
♦ Fixed ID tags for D/T roots with special characters in names.
♦ Inserted a pair of line breaks at the end of every root, so they're double-spaced on page
even before I fix them in other ways.
♦ Participated in Write On! from 1700 onwards.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/4, added DRĒ–, fixed DAP- and DAS-. Uploaded all that, plus corrected
version of "A Town Called Fight". Announced all on FB.
a.d. 8 Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 6, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Started sorting through D and T words in golden dictionary. 13 roots extracted so far.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/5, added DUSK-.
a.d. 7 Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 7, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Last coincidate of the year!
♦ Fixed DAM-, finished Dictionary stuff for yesterday.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/7, added DAL-, fixed DAN-, uploaded everything from yesterday
and today, announced it all on FB.
a.d. 6 Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 8, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/7. Added DUM-, fixed DÂK–, uploaded to web site, announced on FB.
and today, announced it all on FB.
a.d. 5 Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 9, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/8. Added DUN-, fixed DEM–, uploaded to web site, announced on FB.
♦ Made a list of clothing words and checked whether any of them were in the Dictionary already. None
were, so I started looking them up in Finnish as inspiration for T́uliǹgrai words.
a.d. 4 Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 10, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Made a new "What's New" main page, including link to "What's New in 2020" page.
♦ Made a "What's New in 2020" page.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/9, added TYP-, fixed DEN-, uploaded to web site and announced on FB.
♦ Finished looking up clothes words in Finnish dictionary online. Chose final root form for all 12.
a.d. 3 Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 11, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Added a word for "sleeve" to list of clothing words.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/10. Fixed typos in calendar.html. Added DOM-, fixed DÊB–,
uploaded Dictionary stuff and calendar.html, 2020.html, and "What's New" main page.
Announced Dictionary stuff on FB.
♦ Chose final root forms for first 13 sets of words beginning with D in golden dictionary.
♦ Extracted D roots #14-26 from golden dictionary.
pridie Idus Decembres, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 12, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote another installment of "Psychestar".
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/11. Added TAH-, fixed DIŽ-, uploaded to web site, announced on FB.
♦ Uploaded "Psychestar" installment to DKos, reformatted text for that platform.
♦ Took part in "Write On!" on DKos, including posting "Psychestar" installment.
Idibus Decembribus, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 13, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/12, added DAT-, fixed DIR-, uploaded to web site and announced everything
on FB.
a.d. 19 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 14, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/13, added DAG-, fixed DOP-, uploaded to web site and announced everything
on FB.
♦ Went through D words 14+ from golden dictionary. Duplicates tossed, two roots changed to K and V roots.
4 roots remain D and T roots.
a.d. 18 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 15, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/14, added DAV-, fixed DOL-, uploaded to web site and announced everything
on FB.
♦ Mapped out Dictionary work for next four days.
a.d. 17 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 16, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/15, added DIŠ-, fixed DORET-, uploaded to web site and announced everything
on FB.
♦ Spent most of the day rearranging furniture. Set up computer desk directly under ceiling light in
living room. Briefly priced larger monitors in Otay mall.
a.d. 16 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 17, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/16, added DOV-, fixed DAIR-.
♦ Continued rearranging everything in the house.
♦ Unable to log in to laptop for some reason. Will upload today's Dictionary
stuff tomorrow.
a.d. 15 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 18, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Laptop's OK. Did "What's New" for 12/17, added TUJ-, fixed TRÂNIS–, uploaded everything from yesterday and
today to web site, and announced it all on FB.
a.d. 14 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 19, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Extracted last four roots from golden dictionary. None ended up as D or T roots.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/18, added TUK-, fixed TARET–, fixed typos in several other files. Uploaded everything
to web site, and announced it all on FB.
♦ Took part in "Write On!" from 1700 onwards.
a.d. 13 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 20, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Went through all the T- entries in the golden dictionary, came up with 16
possible roots for TED.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/19, added TAC-, fixed TELK-, uploaded everything to web site,
announced it on FB.
♦ Checked golden-dictionary T roots against TED pages.
a.d. 12 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 21, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/20, added TÂL–, fixed TÊH–, uploaded everything to web site,
announced on FB.
♦ Compared meanings of possible T roots from golden dictionary with meanings from previous
online dictionary.
♦ Checked above with online Finnish dictionary for suggested final root forms.
a.d. 11 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 22, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/21, added TÂS–, fixed TIH-, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
♦ Mapped out Dictionary work through end of December.
♦ Chose final forms for 7 D and T roots from golden dictionary.
♦ Preliminary final forms for 6 other T roots from same, not D and T any more.
a.d. 10 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 23, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/22, added TAK–, fixed TOR-, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
a.d. 9 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 24, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/23, added TAL–, fixed TUNT-, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
a.d. 8 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 25, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/24, added TAN–, fixed TAITL-, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
a.d. 7 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 26, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/25, added TAŃ–, fixed TAOL-, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
♦ Took part in "Write On!" 1700 onwards.
a.d. 6 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 27, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Wrote writer's resolutions for 2773.
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/26, added TAOT–, fixed DA, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
a.d. 5 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 28, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/27, added TAP–, fixed DE, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
a.d. 4 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 29, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/28, added TÂP–, fixed DI, uploaded everything to web site, announced it
on FB.
♦ Put resolutions and story list at top of 2020.html.
♦ Worked on "things I got done in 2772" list, to go at end of 2019.html. January-August done.
a.d. 3 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 30, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/29, added TAR–, fixed DI (typo) and DO. Site's down, can't upload. Sent
Messenger inquiry to Marcos.
♦ Put D and T cards back in golden dictionary, put it away for now.
♦ Went through September "What's New" entries for 2019 accomplishments list.
pridie Kalendas Ianuarias, 2772 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 31, 2019 A.D.)
♦ Did "What's New" for 12/30, added TARK–. Site's still down.
♦ Went through Oct.-Dec. "What's New" entries for 2019 accomplishments list.
♦ Message from Marcos. Web site's back up!
What I Accomplished in 2772
Stories and Novels
♦ Had thousands of dreams, remembered hundreds of them when I woke up, typed a few
of them into text files as notes for future stories.
♦ Revised "Nessen", with thanks to strawbale for her critique.
♦ Wrote first seven stories of "Eoverai" series, typed from writing notebook with revisions.
♦ Started "Time Line of the First History". (Not finished yet.)
♦ Commissioned Kurt Wilcken cover for "Maiden Flight".
♦ Compiled 12 stories into anthology, "Werewolves Are Bunk And Other Stories".
♦ Wrote "Coincidates" non-fiction piece and added it to Stories page.
♦ Started writing "Psychestar".
♦ Made major change to Stories page, putting completed books at the top with a cover
for each, then completed stories, then unfinished books, "Eoverai", and references.
♦ Got permission from Alice and Jack Newton to use his photograph
of the Sun in H-alpha light as a cover for "Psychestar".
♦ Wrote a new short story, "A Town Called Fight", and added it to the site.
♦ Fixed zillions of typos throughout site! Well, a few hundred, anyway.
Poems and Songs
♦ Wrote a new poem, "Dreams Are Not the Same".
♦ Wrote "O Donny Boy", posted it to DKos and Facebook.
T́uliǹgrai Etymological Dictionary
♦ Finished usemap for image at the top of the home page of the Dictionary.
♦ Added hundreds of roots and thousands of words to Dictionary.
♦ Added root and word tags to Dictionary, wrote macro to count both and display results.
♦ Started "Description of T́uliǹgrai" that will replace the Alphabet and Grammar appendices,
and include a link to the Dictionary. Not done yet.
♦ Extracted roots listed under letters 8 (V/F), and 1-3 of old high-school dictionary. Eliminated
words already in current dictionary, and words whose meanings are in the current
dictionary. Compared with Finnish language for inspiration. Chose final forms for the roots
remaining, and either entered them in the Dictionary, or queued them for future addition
when I get to each root's letter.
♦ Started work on "Periodic Table" letter art, and picking names for the
elements and adding them to the Dictionary.
What's New
♦ Corrected Roman dates in the 2017 and 2018 What's New files.
♦ Switched to doing "What's New" entry each day instead of each month.
Write On!
♦ Participated in Write On! on Daily Kos almost every Thursday of the year.
♦ Sent comments to strawbale for her story, "The Wall over the World".
♦ Wrote and hosted "Write On!" diary on 8/15.
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