What's New in 2770 (2017 A. D.)

October — November — December


Began working on the Aeneid—
Previous version, on the old web site, had the line numbers wrong, and no illustrations.

a.d. 7 Idus Octobres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 9, 2017 A.D.)

Downloaded the books of the Aeneid from www.thelatinlibrary.com. Combined them into a single HTML/CSS file. Added standard header and footer. Added book headers. Began adding images from "Fourth Year Latin," which I originally scanned and edited back in September 2012!

a.d. 6 Idus Octobres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 10, 2017 A.D.)

Continued putting pictures by Gordon Laite into my HTML file for the Aeneid, and making other changes and fixes as needed.

a.d. 4 Idus Octobres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 12, 2017 A.D.)

Trimmed a bunch of Laite illustrations.

Idus Octobribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 15, 2017 A.D.)

Finishing translating descriptions from list of illustrations into Latin, copying them to image title tags, making sure each line of list points to the correct image, and that each illustration points to the list.

a.d. 17 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 16, 2017 A.D.)

Only eight more captions left to go on the Aeneid, then making the PDF, EPUB, and MOBI files.

a.d. 16 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 17, 2017 A.D.)

Finished the Aeneid. Not happy with the PDF, EPUB, and MOBI files, but they'll have to do for now.

Began working on "The Reborn Princess Caper"—
My first completed novel. Previous edition, on the old web site, was divided into multiple files, lacked a lot of scene details and characterization, especially in the first chapter, skipped hurriedly over the First History, and had too many awkward bits of writing.

a.d. 12 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, October 21, 2017 A.D.)

Started rewriting the third edition of "Reborn". Stopped partway through the first chapter to read all the way through the previous edition.

a.d. 11 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 22, 2017 A.D.)

Did a lot of editing and rewriting on "Reborn".

a.d. 10 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 23, 2017 A.D.)

Finished Chapter 1 of "Reborn". Began working on a copy of Chapter 2 of the previous edition. Removed header and footer, removed the non-breaking spaces after periods, changed i tags to em and b tags to strong, etc. Inserted result at end of working file. Found a good image of Goya's "El Sueno del Razon Produce Monstros" and downloaded it. Added a single table of contents at the beginning of the file. Put a photo by Katey at the top of Chapter 2 to stand for Sam, and finished editing the chapter. Added Afterword/About section at the end of the file. Considered chapter titles and altered some in the TOC, inserted TOC titles and chapter stubs for chapters 3-19, made sure the numbers and titles were right for each one. Inserted "Dramatis Personae" section and corrected it for named characters whom I added to Chapter 1.

a.d. 9 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 24, 2017 A.D.)

Edited the poster of the two goddesses I got at the Saturday market, and put a reduced image of it at the top of Chapter 15 of "Reborn". Chose pictures and introductory quotations for the chapters through Chapter 10.

a.d. 8 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, October 25, 2017 A.D.)

Got a picture from Maddy of one of her old friends to serve as a picture of Silhouette at the top of Chapter 3 of "Reborn". Started rewriting the chapter. Added Time Line. Added place-markers for list of illustrations and glossary. Finished editing and rewriting Chapter 3. Backed up working file and deleted separate files for chapter 3 and time line. Did search-and-replace operations on text of Chapter 4, then inserted it into working file. Edited and revised the first part of Chapter 4. Backed it up and deleted the old text.

a.d. 7 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, October 26, 2017 A.D.)

Didn't get anything done on "Reborn" today because of letters to Status Leonis mailing list, but declared myself to the National November Writing Month group on Daily Kos. We'll see if I can get 50,000 words written in a month.

a.d. 6 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, October 27, 2017 A.D.)

Finished Chapter 4 of "Reborn"! Replied to "mettle fatigue" replying to my post about joining NaNo WriMo.

a.d. 5 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, October 28, 2017 A.D.)

Took a copy of the old Chapter 5 of "Reborn", trimmed the header and footer away, removed Glossary links, and updated HTML tags. Inserted it into the working file, and decided to use a picture of Jedai (that I don't have yet) at the top of the chapter. Took a nap for a few hours. Spent the whole time either dreaming about being at a library book sale, or dreaming about editing "Reborn". Nag, nag, nag.

a.d. 4 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, October 29, 2017 A.D.)

Finished editing and rewriting chapter 5 of "Reborn". Changed chapter title. Went through early music books looking for appropriate lyrics for tops of chapters. Also took another look at "Belle Qui Tiens." Non-copyrighted lyrics about dreams are harder to find than non-copyrighted lyrics about love. Write something myself? Had the inspiration to search the 'net for quotations about dreams. Score! Replaced Kim Wilde song at the beginning of Chapter 19 with "Belle Qui Tiens," and used sheet-music arrangement of the song for four recorders as the chapter illustration. Stripped header and footer from old Chapter 6, removed Glossary links, made other global changes, and added resulting text to working file. Added quotations to beginning of Chapters 16, 17, and 18. Got a lot of editing and rewriting done on Chapter 6 by midnight.

a.d. 3 Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, October 30, 2017 A.D.)

Inserted a few more chapter verse headings. KWrite word wrap was set to 150 characters, and turned off. Reset it to 120 characters, and turned it back on. Settled the quotations at the start of all the chapters. Got a lot of writing done on Chapter 6! Backed up working file again just before midnight.

pridie Kalendas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, October 31, 2017 A.D.)

Removed the HTML/CSS headers and footers from old chapters 7-19. Concatenated them. Deleted the glossary links (2621 of them!) and made other global changes to Chapter 7 part of concatenated text. Inserted text of Chapters 7-11 into working file. Did S&R on text of Chapter 12 and 13 and inserted them, too. Did S&R on Chapter 14 text, also replaced all the scene changes with a standard one. Inserted chapter into working file. Went through Chapters 15 and 16 text, as above, and inserted them as well.


Kalendis Novembribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 1, 2017 A.D.)

Did search-and-replace on old Chapter 17, added it to working "Reborn" file. Backed up remaining concatenated text, and working file. Choosing the illustration for each chapter, writing its caption under the picture and in the list of illos, arranging so clicking on the caption in the list takes you to the picture, and clicking on the picture takes you to its entry in the list. Got that done for chapters 1-13 before midnight.

a.d. 4 Nonas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 2, 2017 A.D.)

Did illustrations, captions, and descriptions in illustration list for chapters 14 and 15. Backed up HTML file. Finished deciding on illustrations for "Reborn", and fixing the stubs at the beginning of the chapters and the entries in the list of illos. Now all I have to do is draw them, or maybe get someone to draw them for me.

a.d. 3 Nonas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 3, 2017 A.D.)

Posted to NaNo WriMo (National November Writing Month) section of Daily Kos, and read everyone else's posts. Looked at old appendices for alphabet and glossary. Finalized the verse choices at the top of Chapters 19 and 6 of "Reborn". Finished the Mižinai poem at the beginning of Chapter 6, at long, long last! For years I've had only the first line. Finished editing and rewriting Chapter 6 around 2330.

pridie Nonas Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 4, 2017 A.D.)

Someone had said nice things about my posting the table of contents for "Reborn" on Daily Kos, so I'd replied with the Mižinai poem I just finished. He responded to that saying he liked the poem, so I punished him by talking about the language. When will they learn? Or maybe, "That'll larn 'im!" Finished part of Chapter 7 and backed up the file.

Nonis Novembribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 5, 2017 A.D.)

Got lots of writing done on Chapter 7 before midnight. Backed up the file. Posted byte totals for 11/1 through 11/5 on Daily Kos NaNo WriMo.

a.d. 8 Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 6, 2017 A.D.)

Lots more writing done on Chapter 7.

a.d. 7 Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 7, 2017 A.D.)

Realized on waking that the solution to how long chapter 7's gotten is to split it into two chapters! That'll give me 20 chapters instead of 19 (24 instead of 23 in base 8), a much nicer number. Splitting Chapter 7 in two, renumbering later chapters, changing table of contents, etc. Realized I should break up the internal time of the chapters so that Marisa and Sam don't have to get all of human history dumped on them in one evening. Would make it easier on the readers, too!

a.d. 6 Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 8, 2017 A.D.)

Wrote a bunch on chapters 7 and 8 and glossary.

a.d. 5 Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 9, 2017 A.D.)

Worked on glossary, did section "A" by hand, added navigation bars for each section. Some of the keys on my keyboard aren't working. Tried all my spare keyboards, something wrong with every one of them! Extracted key words from old glossary and put some of them in the right sections. Posted total word count to date, plus the dream I had this morning (high-school reunion tourist trip), to Daily Kos NaNo WriMo, exchanged some comments with others there.

a.d. 4 Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 10, 2017 A.D.)

Finished inserting rest of glossary keys. Started re-reading book, adding glossary keys to terms not in the older glossary. Went down to First Cash. No keyboards. Proceeded to CompuSmart. Limited selection of keyboards, got one for 300 pesos I thought might work. I was wrong. After trying various things, put old EZ Key keyboard back on computer. All the keys don't work, but at least I can see what I'm doing! Ordered a new one from eBay. Finished B section of glossary. Got some more re-reading and touching up done.

a.d. 3 Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 11, 2017 A.D.)

Three hours of good work on the ending of Chapter 7, along with a near-catastrophe where I almost replaced the entire text of the file with endless repetitions of "Shtanduppenfartenfeller"! Hoo boy! Fixed that, then went to bed for three hours. Finished Chapter 7 with a comedy routine. Almost finished Chapter 8, but not quite!

pridie Idus Novembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 12, 2017 A.D.)

Still not quite done with Chapter 8, but added a couple of great scenes. Just have to destroy the universe, then on to Chapter 9.

Idibus Novembribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 13, 2017 A.D.)

Beware the Ides of November! Went to bed at 0100, after backing up "Reborn" and posting a word count to Daily Kos NaNo WriMo.

Yesterday I added a column to the stats.txt file I've been keeping, converting the bytes of each daily backup file to words. This morning I went to finish that, five spaces or so left to do. Suddenly realized that I was doing a spread sheet by hand! If I'd set this up as a spread sheet, instead of a table in a text file, I could just enter the size of the file in bytes, and all the other columns could be calculated for me "automagically"! Now THAT'S the classic definition of a "sudden rush of brains to the head"!!!

Finished Chapter 8 and section B of the glossary of "Reborn" by 2346. Posted today's progress to Daily Kos.

a.d. 18 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 14, 2017 A.D.)

Finished revising Chapters 9, 10, and 11 of "Reborn", and section C of the glossary. No major additions to make, so total word count didn't increase much. The glossary will probably account for more wordage increase than the actual chapters from here on.

a.d. 17 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 15, 2017 A.D.)

Had a reply from RiveroftheWest, whose name turns out to be Paula Kuttner. Asked her if she were related to Henry. Put the blazons of all the Veraii Great Houses at the tops of Chapter 8 and 12. Revised all of Chapter 12. Net gain only 847 words. Still, only 8 chapters to go, plus glossary, and 15 days to do it.

a.d. 16 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 16, 2017 A.D.)

Worked on Chapter 13. Posted progress and this morning's dream (halloween story) to DKos NaNoWriMo. Exchanged notes with Paula Kuttner. Finished Chapter 13 and created illo for Chapter 14 using Gimp.

a.d. 15 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 17, 2017 A.D.)

Finished Chapter 14 of "Reborn" just minutes before midnight. Odd result of removing all the unneeded <em> and </em> tags and making other minor edits: working file has almost the same byte count as yesterday's, net change only 3 bytes more!

a.d. 14 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 18, 2017 A.D.)

Worked on Chapter 15. Got in details of the kite, Kristu's household name and arms and colors, some other good stuff. Got as far as Jedai persuading Jhuha to kill Hala before midnight. With all the removal of extra <em> and </em> tags, only ended up with 614 more words for today (3073 bytes).

a.d. 13 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 19, 2017 A.D.)

Worked on Chapter 15. Took a short nap, but all I dreamed about was working on the book, so I got up again before the 1700 alarm went off. Finished Chapter 15, started and finished Chapter 16. Got partway through Chapter 17 before midnight.

a.d. 12 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, November 20, 2017 A.D.)

Finished Chapter 17 of "Reborn". Three chapters, glossary, and illustrations left to do! Did chapters 18 and 19!

a.d. 11 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, November 21, 2017 A.D.)

Finished Chapter 20! Went through Chapters 1-5, making lines max length and fixing some inconsistencies.

a.d. 10 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 22, 2017 A.D.)

Finished fixing up text of Chapter 6; line lengths OK after that. Began working on glossary. Did sections Q, R, and maybe half of S.

a.d. 9 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 23, 2017 A.D.) Thanksgiving in the U.S.

Did some research on the electromagnetic spectrum and nailed down the wavelengths for puno, huovo, and sinervo. More work on the glossary. Posted word count to NaNo WriMo.

a.d. 8 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, November 24, 2017 A.D.)

More work on glossary.

a.d. 7 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, November 25, 2017 A.D.)

Finished section S of the glossary. Removed unwanted entries from Section T of the Glossary, made sure rest had a blank entry each, and added text from entries in old glossary. Then did the same for sections U-W.

a.d. 6 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, November 26, 2017 A.D.)

Worked some more on glossary.

a.d. 3 Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, November 29, 2017 A.D.)

Email message said my new keyboard had been delivered to my mail box.

pridie Kalendas Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, November 30, 2017 A.D.)

Made a flying trip to my mailbox place and picked up my new keyboard. Works great!


Began working on the new web site.

Kalendis Decembribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 1, 2017 A.D.)

Was using new keyboard inside a plastic bag to protect it from crumbs, etc. Took the bag off, because the reflections and shiny patches made it too hard to see the keys. Ordered a backup keyboard from eBay, $23.08. Worked on file about the T́uliǹgrai alphabet.

Nonis Decembribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 5, 2017 A.D.)

Made a trip to my mailbox place, found the backup keyboard had arrived already!

a.d. 8 Idus Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 6, 2017 A.D.)

Plugged new keyboard into rear USB port instead of front one, put backup keyboard away. Worked on web site main page, stories-and-novels page, and poems-and-songs page. Sent email to Marcos asking him to send me an invoice for 2018 and to reset my password, because I've forgotten the old one.

a.d. 7 Idus Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 7, 2017 A.D.)

Read the notes for all my unwritten stories and novels. Checked out various web hosting companies, got domain name greenskypress.org and privacy protection from LinuxHosting.Services. Finished index.html for site, stories.html, and poems.html in GSP 2.0 folder. Copied 15 poems to Poems.

a.d. 6 Idus Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 8, 2017 A.D.)

Woke from a nap Friday afternoon and my internet connection was down. At first I thought it was just the connection to LinuxHosting.Services, but a support person there helped me discover I couldn't connect to anything else on the web, either. Thanked him and told him I'd call back when I figured out what was wrong. Checked all the connections, saw that there was a blinking red light on the modem. Tried to reboot the computer and the modem, but that didn't do any good.

a.d. 5 Idus Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 9, 2017 A.D.)

Tried to read the labels on the lights and connections on the modem. Needed to use my flashlight to read them, and the box was mounted so they were upside down, anyway. Mostly the labels were plain; the one that's blinking is "LOS", which I take to mean "Loss of signal". In other words, the modem itself isn't getting a signal, so the problem isn't on my computer, or the connection between the modem and my computer. Went to the market and got the service number for Totalplay from a lady at the booth there, and got money out of the ATM nearest the market for paying the service guys.

In the afternoon Alex knocked on my door, said he couldn't get the internet on his computer. Told him that his Wi-Fi and my wired connection both come from the same modem, and it's not working right. Then he showed me where the Totalplay fiber-optic cable was cut in two places! Added Ana's phone number to the service number on the Totalplay paper and took it to Tony, asked him to call Totalplay and get them out here to fix the cable. He couldn't get through; I might have left it until too late on Saturday.

a.d. 4 Idus Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 10, 2017 A.D.)

Sunday morning Tony said he was going to open up the furniture store and try to call Totalplay, and tell me how it went this evening. As usual, that was the last I heard from him. Tomorrow I'll get answers! Meanwhile, despite still having a sore throat and sleeping a lot, I got five more poems ready to upload to web site.

a.d. 3 Idus Decembres, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 11, 2017 A.D.)

Josue (Tony's boss) called Totalplay for me. They promised to come tomorrow between 0900 and 1600 to fix the cable. I added the Aeneid to the Stories folder, attached a copyright line to it. Put link to it on Stories page. Fixed an HTML typo on all three pages, <div> where it should've been </div>. 30 poems ready for web site. 58 left to do.

Tony knocked on my door around 1700. Totalplay called him and they'd fix my cable tonight, and they did. By 1830 the new cable was hooked up and I had my internet connection back! Cost was about $20. Sent message to Marcos with CC to Suzanne about recent cable outage, said if he'd written to me to do it again now that I'm back online.

Idibus Decembribus, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 13, 2017 A.D.)

42 poems on Poems page now. Converted Poems page into a table of three columns. Finished populating table with titles of poems and songs. Continuing to convert poems and songs to present standards. 51 poems/songs done out of 88.

a.d. 19 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 14, 2017 A.D.)

Fixed up two poems in "The Reborn Princess Caper". Added them to Poems page. Note: 90 poems is too many to maintain by hand. Write a Perl program to rewrite the page, from the poems in the folder itself, whenever a new poem gets written and added to the folder. Perhaps once by title and once by date? Edited more poems, 57 out of 90 done. Posted to Thursday Write On! page.

a.d. 18 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 15, 2017 A.D.)

Worked on more poems.

a.d. 17 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 16, 2017 A.D.)

Fixed up a few more poems.

a.d. 16 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 17, 2017 A.D.)

Realized that I hadn't included "Cranes" on the Poems page. Also realized that the poem called "Elvira", which won the grand prize of the contest for the position of poet to the prince of Caid, wasn't the same as the poem of that name which had been on my old site. Decided to call the older poem "Dulcita" to avoid confusion with the other poem which had already been published as "Elvira". Scanned the prize scroll to illustrate the poem.

a.d. 15 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 18, 2017 A.D.)

Made a page for "Dulcita", typed the poem onto it, added the image of the prize scroll. Started moving entries by hand, since I still haven't taken time out to write that Perl program to update the page automatically.

a.d. 14 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 19, 2017 A.D.)

Finished Poems and Songs page. All 90 items on page, including "Cranes" and "Dulcita". Successfully logged onto greenskypress.com and used FileZilla to upload home page, stories page with Aeneid, and poems page with all the poems. Only poems missing now are "Ákarha" and "Pugna Regnorum", as far as I recall.

a.d. 13 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 20, 2017 A.D.)

Called LinuxHosting.Services and found out that I still had another thing I had to do. I'd already paid $19.50 for a domain name and privacy protection, then found out I still didn't have web hosting and paid $33 for that. Also had to "add the domain" to the File Manager. Did that, following instructions from support person, uploaded home page while he was on the phone, to see if I could FINALLY upload pages. It worked. Thanked him and got off the phone. Created Stories folder and HTML page on greenskypress.org site, Aeneid folder and HTML file, images folder and all Gordon Laite pictures in that. Looked for a way to upload a folder and everything in it, including subfolders and files within subfolders. Couldn't find a way to do that. Called support again. Got a person who called himself "Mike". (Didn't sound like a "Mike", sounded more like a "Gupta" or a "Damodar".) "Mike" wouldn't answer my question specifically, he just kept repeating a list of four ways to do it, instead of giving me details. Then he hung up on me! So I left a support ticket telling the company about his behavior, and that I wanted my money back. They replied right away that they're refunding the $33 for the web hosting, under the terms of their 30-day money-back deal. I sent a reply thanking them for that, and told them I wanted the other $19.50, too.

a.d. 12 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 21, 2017 A.D.)

My refund from LinuxHosting.Services isn't in my checking account yet. Full amount was paid from my checking account on 12/11. Exchanged email messages with them. It got ugly. A person named "Teo" told me, very unprofessionally, that I could never use their services again. Didn't bother to reply, "Why the heck would I ever want to?" But I was definitely thinking it.

Added "Photo Albums" page with a "Paper money" subpage pointing to currency from Korea, Malawi, Turkey, and Yugoslavia. Uploaded all that, as well as the revised other pages that point to it. Logged onto Write On! page and announced it, and did the challenge, too. Exchanged messages with other posters.

a.d. 11 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 22, 2017 A.D.)

Added Latin calendar to Stories page and uploaded new page and new folder to web site. Exchanging notes on DKos about books with mettlefatigue led me to look up "The Children's Hour" on eBay. Found a complete set of the right edition, and ordered it on the spot. It's expected to arrive on January 3rd. Hopefully my checking account won't go negative, especially if the LinuxHosting.Services return my money soon. Gathering data for What's New pages for October-December.

a.d. 10 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 23, 2017 A.D.)

I'd told the Write On! people that I'd be trying to write "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (and other stories) in January. Upon consideration, however, while "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and "Odin" are finished, none of the other stories is even begun. So I'm going to do a collection of stories and poems about contacts between humans and non-humans called "Earthmen and Other Aliens". It has the advantage that "Dry Spell", "Werewolves Are Bunk", and "The Last Governor of Eden" have already been written, and all the other stories have a beginning in my writing notebooks. Also, all of the poems are already written, except for "Ákarha" and "To Be Written". So I'm a lot more likely to get it done in one month. For now, I composed a sketon file, with Table of Contents, to insert stuff into when January gets here.

a.d. 9 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Sunday, December 24, 2017 A.D.)

Woke up with lost poem "Ákařa" from 1966 screaming "Write me!" in my head. I know from experience that if I don't answer that call, I'll lose my chance, probably forever. So I sat right down and went to work on it. The result is much better than the lost original version, I think. Imagine, I write better poems now than I did 51 years ago! Who'da thunk it?

a.d. 8 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Monday, December 25, 2017 A.D.)

Added "What's New" page to GSP folder, added link to it on all the other pages, and vice versa, and made sure they all worked. Created "2017" subfolder and HTML file. Copied October journal to HTML file, deleted irrelevant events, formatted and edited October section of "What's New" file. Did the same for November.

The $33 refund from LinuxHosting.Services (for hosting) has been returned as of 12/24, but the $19.50 I paid them the day before that, for the domain greenskypress.org and privacy protection, has not. Sent email asking when I'll get that back.

a.d. 7 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Tuesday, December 26, 2017 A.D.)

Got a lot done in my sleep! Wrote half of the poem "To Be Written", figured out some stuff about iriel and horiel alphabets. Got up, made quick notes before I lost anything. Remembered where I put my old T́uliǹgrai dictionary box, and moved it to my desk hutch for easy reference. Did December section of "What's New". Sent another email message to Marcos asking for 2018 invoice and instructions on how to change the password he made up for me. Uploaded "What's New" folder and its contents to web site, also other pages that link to it.

a.d. 6 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Wednesday, December 27, 2017 A.D.)

Typed Ákařa into a file, changing general words for more specific ones as I did. Typed English translation of "To Be Written" into a file, too. Still need to write the Mižinai original.

a.d. 5 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Thursday, December 28, 2017 A.D.)

Wrote Mižinai original of "To Be Written" (Kusiokirjoitanuo) by hand, went back to bed. Got up later and typed it, fixing mistakes. Posted my January plans to DaKo WriMo page, short story/poem collection called "Earthmen and Other Aliens". Added the poems to the working file for the collection. Added "Dry Spell", sat and read through it. Only need to make a few small changes to it.

a.d. 4 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Friday, December 29, 2017 A.D.)

Worked on "Dry Spell" and "Copyrights and Publishing History" sections of "Earthmen and Other Aliens".

a.d. 3 Kalendas Ianuarias, 2770 A.U.C.
(Saturday, December 30, 2017 A.D.)

Found beginning of "Fast As Thought" and inserted it into "Earthmen" file. Worked on copyright page of "Earthmen".

Sue Grafton died 12/29, age 77, after two-year battle with cancer. "Y Is for Yesterday" is the last Kinsey Milhone book.
Copyright © 2017 by Green Sky Press.  All rights reserved.