The Iron Crown

Diamond is the High Tlâń crown,
Unworkable by lesser folk,
Shaped by forces they sole command,
Set with jewels unnatural.

Gold is the crown the Cundai King
Wears above a mask of blood,
Drinking the life of his enemies:
Gold from the plate of looted cities!

Silver's the crown the Tlâń lords bear,
Cool and sweet to elven eyes,
Set with opals and bright emeralds,
Emblems of hardiness and strength.

Iron's the crown that Êstâz wears,
The anvil for a nation's shaping.
Like iron too the will he brings
To the work he vowed from death to death.

For diamond is a wizard's work,
Gold delights a savage eye,
And silver pleases a noble brow—
But iron is the crown of Man!

—San Diego
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